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A donation from a Kent fundraising group has helped patients feel at home on a ward at Tunbridge Wells Hospital. The Full Monte raised money to purchase a TV and DVD player for the dementia café / lounge area of Ward 20.

Kim Mitchell, Dementia key worker on Ward 20, identified that patients, particularly those with dementia, would benefit from taking part in activities in the company of other patients and ward volunteer Andrew Bligh approached The Full Monte for help.

Gaynor Gibbons, Matron for Specialist Medicine, said: “A huge thank you to both Kim and Andrew who have been fundamental in ensuring this purchase takes place and to the Full Monte for their generous donation. Also our thanks go to Robert Culver of UTech Solutions who donated his time to source and set up the equipment for the ward.

“Now the patients can sit back and relax in the lounge area and enjoy a film after lunch in the company of other people.”