A drive through pharmacy has been set up so cancer patients can receive vital medication without the need to enter Maidstone Hospital during the coronavirus pandemic.
The cabin, known as a Medicines Pick Up Pod – or mPUP for short, has been set up in car park B next to the Kent Oncology Centre so patients, or a relative or carer, can drive up or arrive on foot to collect their prescribed medicines which are issued by one of the two members of staff from the Trust’s Oncology Pharmacy Team who man the mPUP.
Mildred Johnson, Clinical Director of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation and Conchi Blanco, Deputy Chief Pharmacist and Head of Pharmacy Cancer and Technical Services, came up with the idea of a drive through pharmacy to help ‘shield’ cancer patients from the coronavirus as they are at high risk of contracting the virus due to having a weakened immune system.
Prior to the medication being released the patient undergoes a series of checks. First, a phone consultation is carried out by either a Doctor or a Chemotherapy Nurse to find out how the patient is feeling and if they are experiencing any side effects caused by the medication they are currently on. The prescription is then sent to the oncology pharmacy department. A pharmacist contacts the patient by phone to find out if they have any allergies and if they are taking any additional medications.
Once the necessary checks have been completed satisfactorily the patient is given a date and time to pick the medication up. If they are unable to get to the cabin, or they don’t have anyone who can collect the prescription on their behalf, it is delivered to their home address by courier.
Mildred said: “We know the spread of Covid-19 can be reduced by limiting patient contact where possible and we are fully aware of the need to protect patients who are at higher risk of getting coronavirus so those two things were the driving force behind the decision to set this up.
“Thanks to the Trust’s Estates and Facilities Department, within seven days of us coming up with the idea the cabin was on site. Eight days and it was fully operational.
“Since going live on 6 April, we see around 12 to 14 patients a day. It’s been regarded as a great success by the Cancer Service Division for the safety of our patients and has received a lot of positive feedback from those patients who have used it so far.
“We are extremely proud of what we have managed to achieve in such as short space of time.”
Cancer patient Cilla Millner, 70, from Longfield, said: “I am extremely grateful for the service. The staff have done a wonderful job at a very difficult time.”