Recite me link

As a patient and under the General Data Protection Regulation you have the right to access your healthcare record held by Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.

Is there a fee for submitting a Subject Access Request?

The Trust must provide a copy of the information free of charge. However, the Trust can charge a ‘reasonable fee’ when the request is deemed ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’ and particularly if it is repetitive (copies of the same information). Fees will be based on administrative costs of providing the information.

How long does the Trust have to disclose?

The trust must respond to your request within one month (unless advised otherwise by court order).

The timescale for responding to a SAR does not begin until we have received satisfactory identification.

If clarification is required, or you have made a number of requests or your request is complex, the Trust may need extra time to consider your request and this can take up to an extra two months to respond. If this is the case the Trust will inform you within one month and explain why the extension is necessary.

Will I always receive everything I asked for?

Not always. The amount of information you receive depends on the circumstances of the request.  You may receive only part of the information you have requested, or none at all. In such cases, the Trust will inform you within one month and explain the reason.

Will I need to provide proof of identity?
Identification checks are required by the Trust for security, this is to protect personal data from unauthorised access.

If you are requesting copies of your own healthcare record, the Trust will require two forms of identification from the table here (one from section A and B)

If you are requesting copies of healthcare records on someone’s behalf (living or deceased) you must provide proof of your identification from section A and B above (excluding solicitors), and one of the following here. 

How do I make a request for a copy of healthcare records?

Firstly, you must create an account on the SAR portal Once logged in, you can submit, manage and receive requests. For guidance see Subject Access Request Portal Guide

What application form do I need to complete?

The type of request you choose will be determined on the information you need and your intentions on how to use it, refer to the table here.

How will I receive a copy of the healthcare record?

You will receive an email notification to confirm your disclosure is completed. Login to your account to view, print and download the documents.

How long do I have to access to the copy of the healthcare record?

The documents will be available to download and save from the date of notification. The Trust advises that you download, save and store locally. Once you have accessed the copy of healthcare records you become the data controller.

Will I always receive full disclosure electronically through the portal?

Not always. The disclosure will depend on the information required on the request. You may receive the information requested via the portal, via Image Exchange Portal (IEP) and on paper (via Royal Mail). In such cases, the Subject Access Request Department will advise the means by which you will receive full disclosure.

Contact details

For further queries (including if you have difficulties in accessing the SAR Portal) please contact:

Subject Access Request Department

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

32-36 Eldon Way

Paddock Wood


TN12 6BE

Telephone:                 01892 638895


Opening hours:         Opening hours: 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday (excluding English Bank holidays)