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The Trust Board meets each month (apart from in August), predominantly on the last Thursday of the month, at 9.45am. Most of the Trust Board’s meetings are held virtually, using web conference facilities, although there are some face-to-face/in-person meetings held during the year.

Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Trust has a legal duty for its Board meetings to be open to the public. This duty is met by recording the meeting live and publishing the recording to our YouTube channel.

Members of the public are welcome to submit questions to the Trust Board, to be answered in a meeting but such questions should relate to one of the agenda items at the meeting, and be submitted in advance of the meeting. Any questions should be submitted to the Trust Secretary’s office at

Any questions that relate to an individual patient’s care and treatment are not appropriate for discussion at Board meetings. These should be directed to our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) at

2024 Board meetings and papers

2023 Board meetings and papers

2022 Board meetings and papers

2021 Board meetings and papers

  • Thursday 28th January, 10am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 25th February, 10am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 25th March, 10am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 29th April, 10am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 27th May, 9:45am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 24th June, 9:30am to circa 1pm – the meeting was an in-person meeting for Trust Board members, but public observers were not allowed into the meeting venue because of social distancing. The meeting was broadcast live via the Trust’s YouTube channel.
  • Thursday 8th July, 10am to circa 11am – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 29th July, 9:45am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 23rd September, 9:45am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 28th October, 9:45am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 11th November, 10am to circa 10.05am – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Thursday 25th November, 9:45am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.
  • Wednesday 22nd December, 9:45am to circa 1pm – the meeting was held virtually.

2020 Board meetings and papers

  • Thursday 30th January, 2020 – Pentecost South Rooms, Academic Centre, Maidstone Hospital
  • Thursday 27th February, 1pm  to circa 3.30pm – Lecture Rooms 1&2, Education Centre, Tunbridge Wells Hospital

2019 Board meetings and papers

2018 Board meetings and papers

2017 Board meetings and papers

Board meetings for 2017 are due to take place on:

2016 Board meetings and papers

Board meetings for 2016 are due to take place on:

2015 Board meetings and papers

Board meetings for 2015 are due to take place on:

2014 Board meetings and papers

  • Wednesday 28 May 2014
    • Board papers
  • Wednesday 29 January 2014
    • Board papers