All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please can you provide us with the following information for 2021-22 and 2023-23?
1. Is care recorded on paper or an IT system?
2. Pregnancy bookings?
3. Birth numbers?
4. Do you have a neonatal unit and if so is this level 1, 2 or 3?
5. What is the current uptake of screening for TR 13/18 and 21?
6. How many high chance Combined?
7. How many high chance Quads?
8. Does the screening coordinator provide all, the majority, or none of the counselling for high chance results? Who else supports this?
9. How many NIPT samples did you take?
10. Do you have a fetal medicine service?
11. How many hours/days per week? is a midwife or the screening midwife present during these consultations? If yes what is the banding?
12. How many NIPD samples did you take?
13. How many CVS did you perform?
14. How many amniocentesis did you perform?
15. How many feticide did you perform?
16. Number of termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality?
17. Do you offer surgical termination and if so to what gestation? Do you offer medical termination? Does the screening coordinator provide hours/support for this?
18. Do you provide training for midwives on a mandatory day (how many hours) or how do you give updates to midwives?
19. Staff numbers, banding and hours within the antenatal and new-born team:
Screening Coordinator
Deputy Screening Coordinator
20. Any additional cover for fetal medicine or is this included within the Screening Coordinator’s role?
21. Failsafe’s: antenatal screening new-born bloodspot and new-born infant examination – do you have a failsafe officer and if so what is the banding/hours? If not who performs the failsafe?