I am writing to request the following information on routine (i.e. not urgent two-week wait) referrals to secondary care under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please answer the questions for each of these three specialties: Cardiology, Gynaecology and Neurology.
1. How many routine GP referrals were made to the department between January and December 2019?
2. How many of these referrals between January and December 2019 were:
a) Not accepted by the department
b) Accepted but the patient was later discharged without having had an appointment (e.g., due to clinical reasons, DNAs, failed to respond – NB, no need to specify reasons)
3. How many routine GP referrals were made to the department between January and December 2021?
4. How many of these referrals between January and December 2021 were:
a) Not accepted by the department
b) Accepted but the patient was later discharged without having had an appointment (e.g., due to clinical reasons, DNAs, failed to respond – NB, no need to specify reasons)
5. How many appointments were delivered face to face in the following departments in 2021?
6. How many appointments were delivered remotely in the following departments in 2021?
Routine referrals to Cardiology, Gynaecology and Neurology.050422.docx