1, What system(s) do you use to log & process:
a. Subject Access Requests (SARs)
b. Freedom of Information Requests (FOIs)
2, What case management software(s) do you use?
a. Subject Access Requests (SARs)
b. Freedom of Information Requests (FOIs)
3, How much was spent on the purchasing of the system/software used in questions 1 & 2?
a. Subject Access Requests (SARs)
b. Freedom of Information Requests (FOIs)
4, How many SARs have been made to the Trust within the last 6 months?
5, How many SARs have gone over the deadline (including 30, 60 & 90 day cases) within the last 6 months?
6, How many FOIs have been made to the Trust within the last 6 months?
7, How many staff do you have that log & process SARs/FOIs?
a. Subject Access Requests (SARs) –
b. Freedom of Information Requests (FOIs)
8, What software do you use for redactions (please include the software version) for SARs? –
Subject Access Requests (SARs) and Freedom of Information Requests (FOIs).210323.docx