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Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) came fully into force in January 2005. All bodies must have in place a Publication Scheme (a list of classes of information available to the public).

The act also gave individuals and corporate bodies the right of access to all types of recorded information held by public sector bodies, with the exception of certain specified exemptions (for instance, personal information and commercially sensitive information). For more information about the act please visit the Information Commissioner’s website.

Before making a formal request to the Trust, please check to make sure the information you require isn’t already available.  This data will be updated on a six monthly basis and FOI requests for this information will be exempt under Section 22 – Information intended for future publication.

You can also search this site below for information disclosed by the Trust following requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 since 1 April 2015.

It is important that the public realises that the provision of recorded information from the Trust, requires busy Trust staff to spend time away from the core business of clinical, management and clerical functions that support patient care, in order to retrieve this information from complex data sources.

If the information you require is not held on our website, you can contact us either by emailing us at or writing to us at Freedom of Information Officer, Trust Headquarters, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone ME16 9QQ.

Once we have received your request, we will send you an acknowledgement letter. We are required to give you a response within 20 working days of our acknowledgement letter. We will try to respond as quickly as possible. Sometimes, some or all of the information cannot be provided. If this is the case, we will explain the reasons why.

We are able to charge fees for requests, outlined in the Freedom of Information Guide. We will generally only charge you for hard copies or copying onto media, e.g. USB drive. The charges will vary according to how information is made available. Legally, if the cost of obtaining and sending you the information is more than £450, we do not have to provide you with the information you requested. This amount is based on the DCAs (Department of Constitutional Affairs) regulations of a national cost of 18 hours work at £25 per hour.

In the first instance you should appeal to us directly, in line with our FOI appeal process. Download a copy of the appeals process document, or email us at for a copy to be sent to you. If you are still dissatisfied after the appeals process, you have the right, under section 50 of the Act, to apply to the Information Commissioner to seek resolution to the matter.

You can search our FOI database below, or alternatively you can look through our recent responses or by clicking on the right hand column.

Cyber security

We have a dedicated Cyber Security team (within our IT department) and have purchased and installed many different solutions to help protect us against cyber threats. However, we will not be publicising or sharing the details of these products, solutions or vendors because we believe that doing so poses a risk to the Trust.

We will also not be publishing details around any system such as hardware or software that is either end of life or is coming to end of life, as we believe that publishing this information also puts the Trust at risk. This would include – but is not limited to – queries such as “does the Trust have any machines running an out of date operating system or unsupported hardware?”.


Search our FOI database

Choose a category:

Agency staff

3rd Party Temporary Staffing Providers. 110222.docx

Please can you provide the following information for financial years FY2016/17, FY2017/18, FY2018/19, FY2019/20, FY2020/21, current financial year to date (FY2021/22 YTD):
1) Please provide the top 5 ON framework 3rd Party providers for nursing staff, by name, used by your trust for each of the listed financial years
2) Please provide the total annual expenditure for each of the top 5 ON framework 3rd Party providers, for nursing staff, used by your trust for each of the listed financial years
3) Please provide the top 5 OFF framework 3rd Party providers for nursing staff, by name, used by your trust for each of the listed financial years
4) Please provide the total annual expenditure for each of the top 5 OFF framework 3rd Party providers, for nursing staff, used by your trust for each of the listed financial years

3rd Party Temporary Staffing Providers. 110222.docx

A&E agency staff and cost. 141021.docx

1. The amount spent on employing agency, temporary and/or locum doctors in A&E departments in each month in 2019 and 2020.
2. The number of FTE roles in A&E departments covered by agency, temporary and/or locum doctors in each month in 2019 and 2020.
3. The total number of FTE doctors (including agency, temporary and/or locum and permanent staff) working in A&E departments in each month in 2019 and 2020.

Download response A&E agency staff and cost. 141021.docx

A&E staffing. 080519

1. The amount spent on employing agency, temporary and/or locum doctors in A&E departments in each month in 2017 and 2018
2. The number of FTE roles in A&E departments covered by agency, temporary and/or locum doctors in each month in 2017 and 2018
3. The total number of FTE doctors (including agency, temporary and/or locum and permanent staff) working in A&E departments in each month in 2017 and 2018

Download response A&E staffing. 080519

Agency and Bank Doctors. 051218

You asked:
1) The total amount you spend on Agency Locum Doctors for 2017-2018: – £
2) For the above information to be broken down by grade and specialty (example provided below)
Specialty FY1/2 ST1/2 ST3-6 Staff Grade Consultant
O & G
3) Your Bank spend on Doctors for 2017-2018 broken down as question (2): – £
4) The total number of hours filled and unfilled each month for Agency medical locums for 2017-2018.
5) The highest bank rate paid in 2017-2018, providing confirmation of the grade and speciality.
6) Your current Bank rates for each grade and speciality, including any specialities or sub specialities which have an escalated Bank rate.
7) The Trusts average rates for Agency medical locums from September, October, November and December collectively broken down by grade and specialty (example provided below).
Specialty FY1/2 ST1/2 ST3-6 Staff Grade Consultant
O & G
(8) The spend for medical locums through off-framework agencies for 2017-2018 and confirmation of the off-framework agencies used.
(9) Please confirm any contracts you have in place for medical locums and please confirm the list of suppliers used for medical locums.

Download response Agency and Bank Doctors. 051218

Agency and bank pay rates. 130421

Would you be able to provide me with the highest and lowest rates that have been paid for the below specialities please.
Could you please cover from January 2020 to present
General Nurse Band 5
ITU Nurse Band 6
Theatre Nurse Band 6
ODP Band 6
Advanced Scrub Practitioner
Radiographer Band 8
Pharmacist Band 8

Download response Agency and bank pay rates. 130421

Agency and Bank spend.070624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
In the period 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
1. Total trust spend with framework agencies for locum doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
a. Spend per grade
b. Spend per specialty
c. Spend per agency name

In the period of 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
2. Total trust spend with off-framework agencies for locums doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
a. Spend per grade
b. Spend per specialty
c. Spend per agency name

In the period of 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
3. Total trust spend with the internal trust bank or associated external provider for locum doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
a. Spend per grade
b. Spend per specialty
c. Spend per internal or associated external provider

4. Please confirm your allocated budget for agency locum doctors for the period 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024.

Agency and Bank spend.070624.docx

Agency and bank staff. 021019

Sourced Staffing Arrangements
1a. Do you have a master vendor or neutral vendor arrangement in place for sourcing agency staff? If so, please state which arrangement is in place
1b. Please state the name of the appointed supplier for the above arrangement
1c. Please state the start date of the contract with this supplier
1d. Please state the end date of the contract with this supplier
1e. Annual cost of your supplier in 18/19?

Agency Spend and Supply
2a. Please state the organisations total expenditure on agency (non-contract) staff for the financial year 18/19 (April 2018 – March 2019). Split by the following staffing groups
2b. Please state the name of the framework(s) you source your agency staff under, for each of the following staffing groups

Direct Engagement
3a. Does the organisation use a third party to provide a Direct Engagement/Outsourced Employment Solution? (This is where the NHS organisation sources agency staff via a recruitment agency but hold a direct contract between the organisation and the worker – there is often VAT savings associated to this employment model)
3b. Please state the name of the Direct Engagement/Outsourced Employment supplier (e.g. 247Time/Allocate, PlusUs, Retinue, Liaison etc.)
3c. Please state all staffing groups that are managed via your direct engagement provider; for example; Medical, Admin, Scientific staff
3d. Please state the start date of the contract with the DE supplier
3e. Please state the end date of the contract with the DE supplier
3f. What was the annual cost to the organisation for the provision of the direct engagement service in 18/19?
3g. Did the organisation procure these services via a framework? If so, please provide the full name of the framework

Internal Bank Spend
4. Please state the organisations total expenditure on internal bank staff for the financial year 18/19 (April 2018 – March 2019). Split by the following staffing groups

Medical Bank Supplier
5a. Please state the name of the technology provider used to manage the supply of your medical bank staff, inclusive of any outsourced or managed arrangements (i.e. NHSP, Patchwork, Allocate, Liaison, PlusUs, Locum’s Nest etc., please state if in-house)
5b. Please state the start date of the contract with your medical bank provider
5c. Please state the end date of the contract with your medical bank provider
5d. What was the annual cost to the organisations for the provision of bank provider services/software in 18/19
5e. Did the organisation procure these services via a framework? If so, please provide the full name of the framework

Download response Agency and bank staff. 021019

Agency and Bank staff.100223.docx

1. The total amount spent on agency temporary staff for the year 2021/22 (April ’21 to March ‘22) and between 31/10/2021 to 31/10/2022 for the following categories:
• Doctors
• Nurses
• AHP (all categories)
• Health Care Assistants
2. Bank Spend – Total amount spent on bank staff for the year 2021/22 (April ’21 to March ‘22) and between 31/10/2021 and 31/10/2022 year split into the Trusts’ staff groups (E.g. Medical, Nursing, Admin, AHP etc.) and speciality/grade (E.g. Consultants, GP, ICU Nurse, Acute Nurse, Occupational therapists, Pharmacists, Health Care Assistants, etc.) depending on how this is reported within the Trust.
3. Confirmation on whether the trust bank is currently operated by the trust themselves or by a private provider. If the latter please confirm the name of the provider.
The names and contact information of the individual divisional directors of Surgery covering the following treatment areas:
• General Surgery
• Urology
• Trauma and Orthopaedic
• Ear, Nose and Throat
• Ophthalmology
• Oral Surgery
• Neurosurgical Service
• Cardiothoracic
• Cardiology Service
• Dermatology Service
• Respiratory Medicine Service
• Gynaecology Service
• Rheumatology Service

Agency and Bank staff.100223.docx

Agency and Bank Staff. 120320

1. Please quantify Agency recruitment splits (total spending and total WTE numbers) for medical, nursing and other employees (Forecasts 2019/20 and 2018/2019, and actuals 2018/19, 2017/2018, and 2016/2017)
2. Please quantify Bank recruitment splits (total spending and total WTE numbers) for medical, nursing and other employees (Forecasts 2019/20 and 2018/2019, and actuals 2018/19, 2017/2018, and 2016/2017)

Download response Agency and Bank Staff. 120320

Agency and Bank Staff costs.290623.docx

Q1: Please can you confirm what percentage of your wage bill is spent on
(a) Agency staff?
(b) Bank staff?
Q2: What does the answer to Q1 (a) equate to in Pounds Sterling (£)?
Q3: What percentage of all your medical and clinical patient facing shifts are filled with staff that are paid above the ‘break glass’ ceiling rate (above the agency rules pay cap)?

Agency and Bank Staff costs.290623.docx

Agency and Bank staff spend.181022.docx

1)The total amount spent by the Trust on bank staff in 2021/22
2) The total amount spent by the Trust on agency staff in 2021/22
3) The total amount spent by the Trust on bank nurses in 2021/22
4) The total amount spent by the Trust on agency nurses in 2021/22
5) The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency nurse shift in 2021/22

Agency and Bank staff spend.181022.docx

Agency and Bank staffing. 240620

1. Please provide agency spend for the staff group for 2019-20
2. Please provide bank spend for the staff group for 2019-20
3. Please confirm which model you have in place for managing the staff group: Email to preferred supplier List, a Master Vendor, a Neutral Vendor, or a Software cascade to a preferred supplier list
4. If you have a master vendor or neutral vendor in place, please confirm who this contract is with and the date on which this contract expires
5. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI/E agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine)
6. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires (no this is not relevant for Nursing)
7. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement provider
8. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (e.g. NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant
9. Is your bank managed via software? If so, please confirm which software.
Is the Trust likely to undertake any procurement activity over the next 18 months related to provision or bank or agency services or software for the relevant staff group.

Download response Agency and Bank staffing. 240620

Agency and Bank staffing. 240620

1. Please provide agency spend for the staff group for 2019-20
2. Please provide bank spend for the staff group for 2019-20
3. Please confirm which model you have in place for managing the staff group: Email to preferred supplier List, a Master Vendor, a Neutral Vendor, or a Software cascade to a preferred supplier list
4. If you have a master vendor or neutral vendor in place, please confirm who this contract is with and the date on which this contract expires
5. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI/E agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine)
6. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires (no this is not relevant for Nursing)
7. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement provider
8. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (e.g. NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant
9. Is your bank managed via software? If so, please confirm which software.
Is the Trust likely to undertake any procurement activity over the next 18 months related to provision or bank or agency services or software for the relevant staff group.

Download response Agency and Bank staffing. 240620

Agency and Bank staffing and spend.150822.docx

1. Please provide agency spend for the staff group for the Financial Year 2021-22 (please specify your start and end date used) Financial Year indicating what percentage is on and off-framework (for example, “£4,650,000 – c80% framework / 20% off-framework”).
2. Please provide bank spend for the staff group for Financial Year 2021-22 (please specify your start and end date used)
3. Please confirm which model you have in place for managing agency within the staff group: Email to preferred supplier List, a Master Vendor, a Neutral Vendor, or a Software cascade to a preferred supplier list
4. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine)
5. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires (no this is not relevant for Nursing)
6. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement (DE) provider (average for last 3 months –December, January and February)
7. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (e.g., NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant
8. Is your bank managed via software? If so, please confirm which software.
9. Is the Trust likely to undertake any procurement activity over the next 18 months related to provision or bank or agency services or software for the relevant staff group?
10. If you have a managed service, master vendor or neutral vendor in place for Agency medics/Agency doctors please confirm who this contract is with and the date on which this contract expires
11. If you have a managed service, master vendor or neutral vendor in place for Agency Nurses please confirm who this contract is with and the date on which this contract expires

Agency and Bank staffing and spend.150822.docx

Agency and insourcing spend.260723.docx

1. What is the total value of spend by your NHS Trust with on-framework and off-framework recruitment agencies by staff group (see staff groups below) on a temporary basis? Please provide this information for the following years (please fill in the tables below).
Note: Please provide total spend inclusive of salaries and agency margin / fees.
Note: If cannot provide split of spend by on- vs off- framework agencies, please provide total spend.
2. Do you use insourcing providers?
Note: Insourcing definition: Insourcing of Clinical Services – NHS SBS
3. If yes to previous question (use of insourcing providers), what is the total value of spend, listed by speciality and insourcing provider used for Apr-22 to Mar-23?
Note: If an insourcing provider covers multiple specialities, please list that provider multiple times (one row for each speciality).

Agency and insourcing spend.260723.docx

Agency and Staff details.260423.docx

1.) A) Last financial year agency locum spend
B) Please break down into Specialty and Grade
2.) A) The retention rates for permanent and fixed term staff – Doctors and Nurses only
B) Please break down into Specialty and Grade
3.) A) Please provide the Names of agencies used to fill vacancies
B) how much each agency charges
4.) Please provide your trust wide budgeted establishment per specialty and grade for Doctors
– Name of Speciality / Division or Directorate
– Consultants, Locum Consultant Contract and Associate Specialists
– CT/ST3 – CT/ST7, Specialty Doctors, Senior Clinical Fellows, CESR Fellow or Middle Grade Level
– FY1-ST2, Trust Grade, Junior Clinical Fellow or SHO level
5.) Please what is your actual current establishment for Doctor
– Name of Speciality / Division or Directorate
– Consultants, Locum Consultant Contract and Associate Specialists
– CT/ST3 – CT/ST7, Specialty Doctors, Senior Clinical Fellows, CESR Fellow or Middle Grade Level
– FY1-ST2, Trust Grade, Junior Clinical Fellow or SHO level

Agency and Staff details.260423.docx

Agency costs during industrial action.030823.docx

How much have you spent on agency staff during days in which industrial action was taken by staff in your trust since 1st December 2022?

Agency costs during industrial action.030823.docx

Agency costs during industrial action.170823.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
How much have you spent on agency staff during days in which industrial action was taken by staff in your trust since 1st December 2022?

Agency costs during industrial action.170823.docx

Agency details.230623.docx

1. The Trust’s spend on agency workers (both on-framework and off-framework);
2. By role type;
3. With which provider/s and how much the Trust spends;
4. and when the current contract ends with your agency staffing provider.

Agency details.230623.docx

Agency doctor pay rates. 130421

1) Since 1st April 2020, what are the top three / most expensive hourly rates (including all cost elements i.e. pay, agency fee, NI, PAYE taxes, VAT and any associated managed service / master vendor fee) paid for agency doctors working at each of the following grades?
Please respond to question one by populating the template below as per the example.
Please clarify the Specialty for which each of the rates was paid as shown.

2) Since 1st April 2020, what are the bottom three / least expensive hourly rates (including all cost elements i.e. pay, agency fee, NI, PAYE taxes, VAT and any associated managed service / master vendor fee) paid for agency doctors working at each of the following grades?
Please respond to question one by populating the template below as per the example.
Please clarify the Specialty for which each of the rates was paid as shown.

3) For each of the “job titles” (Grade / Specialty) mention in your response to questions 1 and 2, please disclose the average hourly rate paid for agency doctors of the same Grade and Specialty since 1st April 2020.
There should be a maximum of 18 unique “job titles” in the tables above; please use the template below as per the example given at the bottom.

Download response Agency doctor pay rates. 130421

Agency locum doctor supply. 151118

You asked:
1. What percentage fill rates (doctors) were reached between January and present?
2. Does your organisation use a Direct Engagement scheme? If so, who provides it and when does their contract expire?
3. What percentage of bookings are made outside of the DE model (non-DE)?
4. Do you outsource any of the following services to external companies:
• Provision of Residential Medical Officers
• Gastroenterology/Endoscopy
• Dermatology
• Radiology
5. Do you use agencies for national and international permanent doctor and/or nursing recruitment? If so, do you employ nurses from the Philippines?

Download response Agency locum doctor supply. 151118

Agency, locum or bank staff. 181019

1. Over the last 5 years, broken down by year, the total number of hours of work provided to the trust by non-substantive doctors, either via a locum agency or a bank staffing system, and the total cost to the trust of those hours.
2. The above information broken down by staff sourced through agency and those sourced through your bank staffing arrangement.
3. The figures (hours and spend for each of locum and bank) provided in answer to 2. broken down first by specialty and then grade of doctor.
4. The standard hospital hourly rate of pay for each of the specialties and grades listed in answer to 3.
5. The hospital and NHS capped rates for each of the specialties and grades listed in 3. if different to the rate listed in 4.
6. For each category created in response to 3. (i.e bank haematology registrars), the percentage of hours worked at standard rate, above the standard rate, and above the capped rate if different from the standard rate.
7. What penalties, if any, are levied against the trust if it exceeds the ‘capped’ rate.
8. What penalties were levied against the trust for breaking the cap in each of the years for which data has been provided.
9. If the trust utilises a Bank Partner, what is the cost of said Partner and how does this cost manifest e.g. lump sum, fee per position filled etc.

Download response Agency, locum or bank staff. 181019

Agency locum spend. 010818

How much did the trust spend on agency locums last year? Broken down into SHO, Middle Grade and Consultants

If I could please have this information on the following specialities: A&E, Acute Medicine, General Medicine, Radiology and Paediatrics I would be appreciative.

Download response Agency locum spend. 010818

Agency locums and Doctors. 301120

1. Last financial year agency locum and bank spend
• Please break down into Specialty and grade
2. Names of agencies used to fill vacancies
– How much does each agency charge
3. What is your trust wide budgeted establishment per specialty and grade for doctors
– Name of Speciality / Division or Directorate:
– Consultants, Locum Consultant Contract and Associate Specialists:
– CT/ST3 – CT/ST7, Specialty Doctors, Senior Clinical Fellows, CESR Fellow or Middle Grade Level:
– FY1-ST2, Trust Grade, Junior Clinical Fellow or SHO level:
4. What is your actual current establishment for doctor
• Name of Speciality / Division or Directorate:
– Consultants, Locum Consultant Contract and Associate Specialists:
– CT/ST3 – CT/ST7, Specialty Doctors, Senior Clinical Fellows, CESR Fellow or Middle Grade Level:
– FY1-ST2, Trust Grade, Junior Clinical Fellow or SHO level:

Download response Agency locums and Doctors. 301120

Agency midwives.140923.docx

You asked: All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How much have you spent on agency midwives each of the last five years?

2. What was the most expensive agency midwife shift over the last five years?

Agency midwives.140923.docx

Agency nurse and locum doctor expenditure. 261020

1. On how many occasions in the 2019/20 financial year did you spend £1,500 or more to employ an agency nurse for a single shift? For each occasion, please state the amount paid, how many hours they were asked to work as well as the job title and department the nurse was deployed in.
2. On how many occasions in the 2019/20 financial year did you spend £3,000 or more to employ an agency doctor for a single shift? For each occasion, please state the amount paid, how many hours they were asked to work as well as the job title and department the nurse was deployed in.

Download response Agency nurse and locum doctor expenditure. 261020

Agency Nurse Rates and hours. 130421

Average Band 5 Agency Nurse Rates
Please respond to question one by populating the template below.
a) Average cost per hour (inclusive of base pay, agency margin, NI, PAYE etc. but excluding VAT) paid for Band 5 agency Nurses for Standard Day hours between 1st April 2020 and 31st January 2021
b) Average cost per hour (inclusive of base pay, agency margin, NI, PAYE etc. but excluding VAT) paid for Band 5 agency Nurses for Saturday & Evening hours between 1st April 2020 and 31st January 2021.
c) Average cost per hour (inclusive of base pay, agency margin, NI, PAYE etc. but excluding VAT) paid for Band 5 agency Nurses for Sunday & Bank Holiday hours between 1st April 2020 and 31st January 2021

Part 2 – High Rate Band 5 Nurse Hours
For the below questions, please answer number of shifts rather than number of hours if this figure is easier to obtain – please clarify which unit you’re referring to within your response. Please also indicate how many individual nurses make up the figure in response to each of the below.
a) For Band 5 Agency Nurses, regardless of rate type (i.e. Days, Nights, Bank Holidays etc.), how many hours since 1st April cost £50 per hour or more?
b) For Band 5 Agency Nurses, regardless of rate type (i.e. Days, Nights, Bank Holidays etc.), how many hours since 1st April cost £75 per hour or more?
c) For Band 5 Agency Nurses, regardless of rate type (i.e. Days, Nights, Bank Holidays etc.), how many hours since 1st April cost £100 per hour or more?

Download response Agency Nurse Rates and hours. 130421

Agency nurses. 041019

Could the trust please provide information on how much has been spent on agency nurses?

1) This financial year to date
2) 2018/19 financial year
3) 2017/18 financial year

Are these amounts higher, lower or within the budgets allocated for agency staff?

Are there any measures being implemented to lower the reliance or use of agency staff?

Download response Agency nurses. 041019

Agency nurses.250424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
(a) Who is the head of procurement that is responsible for approving Nursing agency usage?
(b) Secondly, who is the temporary / flexible staffing lead responsible for the management of this service ?
2. Please can you provide the contact number and email address in relation to both question 1 (a) and (b)
(a) Can you please confirm the names of all OFF-Framework agencies currently supplying to your trust for the following staffing groups: Registered General Nurses (RGNs) & Registered Mental-health Nurses (RMNs), Accident & Emergency (A&E)/Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) Nurses, Prison nurses and Theatre Nurses
(b) Secondly, Can you please confirm the volume of supply, by number of shifts filled and & shift type, by each OFF-Framework agency during October 1st 2023 – February 29th 2024
4. How much was your OFF-Framework agency spend for each of the following staff groups between January 2024 – April 2024
(a) RGN’s
(b) Chemotherapy Nurses
(c) RMN
(d) ITU Nurse
(e) A&E nurse
(f) Prison Nurses
(g) Theatre nurses
(h) Neonatal nurses

Agency nurses.250424.docx

Agency nurses and midwives.240523.docx

Could you provide me with a breakdown of spend on agency nurses and midwives between May 2022 and May 2023 as below
1. Number of shifts invoiced by each provider trust has used for agency nursing
2. Framework spend on agency nursing and midwifery broken down to spend per Framework provider
3. Off-framework spend on agency nursing and midwifery broken down to spend per off-framework provider

Agency nurses and midwives.240523.docx

Agency nursing. 130421

1) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020?
2) Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used in 1st October and 30th November 2020?
3) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix nursing agency for between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020?
4) Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix were used between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020.
5) Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled.

Download response Agency nursing. 130421

Agency nursing.160823.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please can you confirm how much was spent on agency nursing between the period April 1st 2023 and 31st June 2023?

Further to this, please can you confirm how much of this total was spent with Off-framework agencies?

Agency nursing.160823.docx

Agency Nursing.200723.docx

Please could you answer the following questions in relation to the trusts agency nursing usage in financial year 2022-2023
1. How much in total did the trust spend on agency nursing supply?
2. How was that total split between Community/ Acute/ Mental Health Nursing (please delete as appropriate)?
3. Of the total spend, how much of it was spent with off-framework agencies?
4. Who within the trust is responsible for reporting on off-framework usage?

Agency Nursing.200723.docx

Agency Nursing.230823.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please answer all questions with the relevant data for the month of March 2023 ( 1st to the 31st March ) for your nursing – inclusive of Adult, Mental Health, Critical, Community and District where applicable for both frameworks and off frameworks Agencies.
Information requested :
1. The total number and spend of nursing shifts sent to agencies to fill ( frameworks and off frameworks ) Please provide these totals separately
2. The total number and spend of nursing shifts filled by agencies ( frameworks and off frameworks ) Please provide these totals separately
3. The total number and spend of critical banded nursing shifts sent to agencies to fill. ( frameworks and off frameworks ) Please provide these totals separately
4. The total number and spend of critical banded nursing shifts filled by agencies. ( frameworks and off frameworks ) Please provide these totals separately
5. The total number and spend of ‘breaches’ for filling a shift with agency nurses (Registered Nurses) not within the NHSI capped charge rates.
6. Please provide a list of all frameworks agencies that are currently ‘breaching’ ‘breaches’ when filling a shift with agency nurses (Registered Nurses) not within the NHSI capped charge rates.
7. Please provide a list of all frameworks agencies which supply the trust with nursing staff.
8. Please provide a list of off framework agencies which have supplied (from 1st January 2023 to 31st March 2023) into the trust with nursing staff across all sites.
9. From 1st March 2023 to 31st March 2023, please list the wards/ departments you have requested shifts for off framework agencies.

Agency Nursing.230823.docx

Agency Nursing, Master Vendor and Neutral Vendor.160823.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
For nursing registered and unregistered please could you share the below agency data:
1. For registered Nursing
a. How many hours were used in the last year?
b. What is your spend over the corresponding period?
2. For unregistered Nursing
a. How many hours were used in the last year?
b. What is your spend over the corresponding period?
Please could you also confirm if you have a:
3. Master vendor and their contract end date?
4. Neutral vendor and their contract end date?

Agency Nursing, Master Vendor and Neutral Vendor.160823.docx

Agency nursing shifts. 130421

1) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 01 December 2020 and 10 February 2021
2) Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 01 December and 10 February 2021
3) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix or Greenstaff for between 01 December 2020 and 10 February 2021?
4) Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix, or Greenstaff were used between 01 December 2020 and 10 February 2021
5) Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 01 December 2020 and 10 February 2021above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled.
6) If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 10 February please provide the data until 31 January 2021

Download response Agency nursing shifts. 130421

Agency nursing shifts. 210222.docx

1) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st December 2021 and 10th February 2022
2) Please provide a breakdown of the number of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 1st December 2021 and 10th February 2022
3) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix, MED GEN, Greenstaff for between 1st December 2021 and 10th February 2022?
4) Please provide a breakdown of the number of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix, or Greenstaff were used between 1st December 2021 and 10th February 2022
5) Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st December 2021 and 10th February 2022
6) If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 10th February please provide the data until 31st January 2022

Agency nursing shifts. 210222.docx

Agency nursing shifts. 260919

1) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Thornbury nursing services for between 1st July 2019 and 31st July 2019?

2) How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Thornbury nursing services for between the dates of 1/8/2019 and 18/8/2019?

3) Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Thornbury were used in July 2019 and 1/8/19- 18/8/19/.

4) Please provide a breakdown for July 2019 of the amount of shifts filled at your Trust by other off contract nursing providers (ie non-framework). Please break this down in the same format (i.e. by ward or department) as question 3.

Download response Agency nursing shifts. 260919

Agency Nursing shifts. 2609192

1. Which agency filled the most nursing shifts at your Trust in the last 30 days and how many hours or shifts did they fill?
2. How many of the shifts filled by agency nurses in the last 30 days were above cap?
3. Which wards or departments and sites within your Trust utilised agency nurses in the last 30 days and how many shifts were booked on each?
4. How many nursing shifts were filled by Framework agencies above the 50% NHS Improvement increased caps in the last 30 days?
5. Please list the nursing agencies utilised in the last 30 days above the 50% increased NHS Improvement capped rates by your Trust.

Download response Agency Nursing shifts. 2609192

Agency nursing shifts. 2609193

1. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Thornbury nursing services for in the last 30 days?
2. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or Departments that Thornbury filled for agency nurses in the last 30 days.
3. What other nursing agencies do you use off contract/off framework?
4. How many nursing shifts did other off contract agencies fill in the last 30 days?
5. Are there any other services linked to your Trust that utilise TNS or any other off contract supplier re Prisons, or community based services? If so please provide a list of these services and the amount of nursing shifts filled in each over the last 30 days

Download response Agency nursing shifts. 2609193


Agency Nursing Spend.260822.docx

1. Can you confirm names of all agencies supplying into the trust directly or via the NHS Professionals platform for nursing staff specifically for both Band 2 and Band 5 requirements, including off-framework agencies.
a. With the above information, can this be broken down by
• Volume of supply (per month for the last 12 months)
• Total trust spend per agency (per month for the last 12 months)
• By AfC banding of shift request and speciality of nurse
2. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been filled by agencies supplying Band 5 Registered Nursing staff at or below NHSI agency capped rates within the last 12 month period?
3. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been filled by agencies supplying Band 5 Registered Nursing staff above NHSI agency capped rates within the last 12 month period?
4. For the same 12 month period, can you confirm the average charge rate per hour for Band 5 Nursing agency staff across:
Week Days:
Night Shift/Saturday shifts:
Sunday shift/Bank Holiday:
5. Lastly can you confirm the highest agency nurse hourly charge rate, and their speciality?

Agency Nursing Spend.260822.docx

Agency nursing usage. 250521

1. Breakdown of shifts (Numbers only) filled by individual Nursing Agencies (by name of agency) in Trust operated theatre wards for ‘Surgical First Assistants’, Operating Department Practitioners’ and ‘SCRUB Nurses’ for March 1st 2021- April 30th 2021
2. Individual Charge rates for nursing agencies for theatre staff March 1st 2021- April 30th 2021
3. Number of shifts filled by individual ‘Off Framework Agencies’ March 1st 2021-April 30th 2021
4. Total Cost for each Nursing Agency used by theatre departments financial year April 2020- April 2021

Download response Agency nursing usage. 250521

Agency Payments. 090419

1. Please provide the 10 largest individual agency payments for core hours your trust has authorised above the agency worker price caps set by NHS Improvement for each of the following medical grades for (a) 2017-18 and (b) 2018-19 (to date).
• Foundation Year 1
• Foundation Year 2
• Registrar ST1-2
• Registrar ST3
• Speciality staff/staff grade
• Associate specialist
• Consultant

Please provide the figures excluding VAT, as a rate per hour, what the cap was at that particular point in time, the month it was paid and the type of shift being filled.

2. Please provide the 10 largest individual agency payments for unsocial hours your trust has authorised above the agency worker price caps set by NHS Improvement for each of the following medical grades for (a) 2017-18 and (b) 2018-19 (to date).
• Foundation Year 1
• Foundation Year 2
• Registrar ST1-2
• Registrar ST3
• Speciality staff/staff grade
• Associate specialist
• Consultant

Download response Agency Payments. 090419

Agency Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. 240119

I would like you to send me the locum agency spend in the AHP/HSS division of the hospital for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. I would like to know the spend for 2018 with each agency- if this is not possible then I’d like to know overall spend for the year for both Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.

Download response Agency Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. 240119

Agency price caps. 100821.docx

1. Can you provide the total number of times you have exceeded the agency price cap limits for each year from 2016 -2020 broken down by each quarter right up to the most recent available data?
2. Can you provide the maximum amount paid on a per hour basis for an agency shift for each year from 2016 -2020 broken down by each quarter right up to the most recent available data?
3. I am aware that there are country wide NHSI caps but for some areas (such as medical), there are agreed Pan London ceiling rates which are higher than the NHSI caps. Could another column in the data be provided to show when those London caps are exceeded?

Download response Agency price caps. 100821.docx

Agency Recruitment. 051218

You asked:
1. How many doctors have been booked outside of IR35 since April 2017?
2. What is your yearly trust spend on agency locum doctors via framework agencies, broken down into grade and specialty?
3. What is your yearly trust spend on agency locum doctors via OFF-framework agencies, broken down into grade and specialty?
4. What is your average total charge rate for a locum consultant doctor?
5. Who is the highest paid locum Consultant, what is the hourly rate and in what specialty do they practice?
6. Please can you outline your spend per agency, broken down by grade and specialty of doctor over the past 12 months?

Download response Agency Recruitment. 051218

Agency spend.260219

Please can you outline your agency spend into each 52 weeks or 12 months for the year 2018 (I understand the year has not finished yet so up to OCTOBER 2018) would be sufficient.
1. How many agencies did your trust use in the year of 2018?
2. How much was spent on agency nurses in 2018?
3. On December 25th 2017, how many shifts went nursing shifts went unfilled?
4. What is the highest hourly rate paid to a locum agency in 2018 and what band was this nurse i.e. band 5 general.
5. Please list the names of agencies that we used in year 2018 and list the total amount of spend for each used.
6. What is the total number of different nurse locums did the trust use in 2018.
7. What was the highest hourly rate paid to an agency for a nurse in 2018 – Please state what agency this was and what band they were.
8. Of all agencies used, were any off framework? If so, what are the agencies called?
9. Who is the head of procurement at your Trust who approves agency use?
10. Who approves above-cap and/or off-framework usage?
11. Who are your tier 1 and tier 2 agencies?

Download response Agency spend.260219

Agency spend.300623.docx

Please can I have the following information under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Total Spend on Temporary Locums broken down into the following specialties and sites of the Trust – From April 2022 – April 2023
Trauma & Orthopaedics
Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Agency spend.300623.docx

Agency Spend, Agency Locums, Department Contacts.240624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Total Spend on Temporary Locums broken down into the following specialties and sites of each Trust belonging to NHS England – From April 2023 – May 2024

Surgery – Breast
Surgery – Cardiothoracic
Surgery – Colorectal
Surgery – ENT
Surgery -General Surgery
Surgery – Lower GI
Surgery – Max Fax
Surgery – Neurosurgery
Surgery – Ophthalmology
Surgery – Plastic
Surgery – Upper GI
Surgery – Vascular
Surgery – Trauma & Orthopaedics
Obstetrics & Gynaecology

2. Locum Agency providers – Please can you advise which locum agencies you use to fill the following areas.

Surgery – Breast
Surgery – Cardiothoracic
Surgery – Colorectal
Surgery – ENT
Surgery -General Surgery
Surgery – Lower GI
Surgery – Max Fax
Surgery – Neurosurgery
Surgery – Ophthalmology
Surgery – Plastic
Surgery – Upper GI
Surgery – Vascular
Surgery – Trauma & Orthopaedics
Obstetrics & Gynaecology

3. Department contact’s – Please can you provide name and email address of the following departments,

Surgery – Breast
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Cardiothoracic
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Colorectal
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – ENT
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery -General Surgery
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Lower GI
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Max Fax
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Neurosurgery
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Ophthalmology
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Plastic
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Upper GI
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Vascular
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Surgery – Trauma & Orthopaedics
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Rota Coordinator
Service Manager
Clinical Lead

Agency Spend, Agency Locums, Department Contacts.240624.docx

Agency spend for 2022-2023.210623.docx

I would like to request the following information:

The trusts total temp agency spend for the financial year 22/23 broken down by Doctors, Nursing and AHP spend.

Agency spend for 2022-2023.210623.docx

Agency spend for doctors. 240119

I would like you to send me the locum agency spend for Doctors for the hospital in acute settings as well as the community for each specialism.

I would like to know the spend from January 2018 – present, also including the amount of locums that this refers to per month, broken down on a monthly basis. In the breakdown if you could please include the agencies that provide the locums also broken down numerically.

Download response Agency spend for doctors. 240119

Agency Spend for Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. 070222.docx

The total amount spent on agency temporary staff between January 21 – December 21 for the following categories:

Agency Spend for Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. 070222.docx

Agency spend for nursing and midwifery.211122.docx

I would like to request the below information from the trust for year 2021/2022.
1. What was your agency spend for nursing and midwifery for the year April 2021- April 2022?
2. How much of the spend was above the NHSI rate caps April 2021- April 2022?
3. Have you used off-framework in the last 6 months?
4. If so, what was the total spend?
5. Which off-framework agencies have you used?
6. How many unfilled shifts have you had for:
a. A&E
b. ITU
c. General
d. Theatres
e. Mental Health
f. CPN
g. Midwifery
h. Paediatrics
i. Neonatal
j. HCA
7. If this cannot be provided via speciality, please could I have an over-all number?
8. How many vacancies do you have for band 5/6 nurses in the following areas?
a. A&E
b. ITU
c. General
d. Theatres
e. Mental Health
f. CPN
g. Midwifery
h. Paediatrics
i. Neonatal
j. HCA
9. How many incident/critical incidents have been declared as a result of staffing?
10. Who is the nurse bank/temporary staffing manager?
11. What are the contact details for the Nurse Bank / Temporary Staffing Manager?

Agency spend for nursing and midwifery.211122.docx

Agency staff. 010818

1. Since January 2018, have you allowed an Agency to fill a shift or booking above the April Cap (implemented in 2016) via the CPP Framework (otherwise known as the National Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement (Reference CPP2015/01))? For reference the term ‘shift’ can include any general nursing or critical nursing role.

2. If the answer is yes to the above question, please inform us of how many such shifts have been filled above cap via the CPP Framework.

3. What was the total value of charges paid under all of the call-off agreements identified in response to request 1 (above)?

4. Any information relating to the decision(s) of the Trust to enter into call-off agreements that include pay rates that exceed the maximum pay rates allowed under the Framework Agreement.

Download response Agency staff. 010818

Agency staff.01118

1. In relation to the value of the contracts in your previous response of 1 August 2018, the value of which was £514,072.20, please state the total costs that the Trust paid in excess of the rates allowed under the fee caps (those fee caps being the April Caps (implemented in 2016) for the National Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement (Reference CPP20 15/011) (otherwise known as CPP Framework) (the “Framework Agreement”).
2. In relation to your answer to point 1, please state how much of this sum was attributed to shifts for Nursing & Midwifery staff.
3. In the event that the anticipated costs of providing all of the information requested under points 1 and 2 above are likely to exceed the appropriate limit specified in Regulation 3 of the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004, please provide instead the total costs that the Trust paid in excess of the rates allowed under the fee caps in June 2018.
4. In the event that you provided a substantive response to point 3, please provide us with how many such shifts have been filled above cap via the Framework Agreement in June 2018.
5. In the event that the anticipated costs of providing all of the information requested under point 3 above is likely to exceed the appropriate limit specified in Regulation 3 of the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004, please provide instead the total costs that the Trust paid in excess of the rates allowed under the fee caps for the period Monday 4 June 2018 to Sunday 10 June 2018.
6. In the event that you provided a substantive response to point 5, please provide us with how many such shifts have been filled above cap via the Framework Agreement, for the period Monday 4 June 2018 to Sunday 10 June 2018.
7. In your response of 1 August 2018, you stated that 16,754 shifts were for Medical & Dental staff. Please provide a breakdown of this figure and categorise the shifts into grades of staff.

Download response Agency staff.01118

Agency staff.040923.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How much have you spent on agency staff each of the last five years?
a. What was the most expensive agency midwife shift last year?
b. How much on bank midwives each of the past five years?

Agency staff.040923.docx

Agency Staff.100822.docx

Please can you provide the following information regarding use of agency staff in your NHS Trust.
Please note there are three parts to this request.
1. Please can you provide the total spend on agency staff in your NHS Trust in the financial year ending April 2022
2. Please can you provide the total spend on agency staff in your NHS Trust in the financial year ending April 2019
3. Please can you provide the total spend on agency staff in your NHS Trust in the financial year ending April 2017

Agency Staff.100822.docx

Agency Staff.210323.docx

1. What was your trust spend on agency for the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 inclusive for the following staff groups: –
a. Registered nurse (RN)
b. Health care support workers/healthcare assistants/nursing associates?

2. What was your trust spend on agency for the period 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 inclusive for the following staff groups: –
a. Registered nurse (RN)
b. Health care support workers/healthcare assistants/nursing associates?

3. What was your trust spend on agency for the period I January 2020 to 31 December 2020 inclusive for the following staff groups: –
a. Registered nurse (RN)
b. Health care support workers/healthcare assistants/nursing associates?

Agency Staff.210323.docx

Agency Staff.210823.docx

1. Total number of hours of agency nurses used by the Trust in the month of February 2023
2. Of the total number of agency nurse hours used, the number of hours procured ‘off-framework’
3. Of the total number of agency nurse hours used, the number of hours procured at ‘break glass’ or rates above the NHSI rate caps.
4. Of the total number of agency nurse hours used, the number of hours procured at an increased AFC banding i.e. band 5 offered band 6 as an incentive
Healthcare Assistants:
1. Total number of hours of agency healthcare assistants used by the Trust in the month of February 2023
2. Of the total number of agency healthcare assistants hours used, the number of hours procured ‘off-framework’
3. Of the total number of agency healthcare assistants hours used, the number of hours procured at ‘break glass’ or rates above the NHSI rate caps.
Pharmacy Staff:
1. Total number of hours of agency pharmacy staff used by the Trust in the month of February 2023
2. Of the total number of agency pharmacy staff hours used, the number of hours procured ‘off-framework’
3. Of the total number of agency pharmacy staff hours used, the number of hours procured at ‘break glass’ or rates above the NHSI rate caps.

Agency Staff.210823.docx

Agency staff. 260919

Please could you advise the number of hours or shifts filled from 01th April 2018 – 31st March 2019 with qualified nursing staff within the Trust with agency staff?

Download response Agency staff. 260919

Agency Staff Bank.250322.docx

For Hospitals
1. Hospitals in trust
2. Names of off-framework agencies used between 2021- to date
3. Names of on-framework agencies used between 2021- to date
4. Do you have a master vendor in place?
5. If yes, please provide your account manager’s email
6. Temporary agency staff manager full name
7. Temporary agency staff manager email
8. Temporary agency staff manager telephone
9. Permanent agency staff manager full name
10. Permanent agency staff manager email
11. Permanent agency staff manager telephone
12. Off-framework agency spend between Feb 2021-date
13. Framework agency spend between Feb 2021 – date
14. Total agency shift cancelations Feb 2021-date
For Urgent Care Centres/Walk-in Clinics
1. Urgent treatment / walk-in centres
2. Names of off-framework agencies used between 2021- to date
3. Names of on-framework agencies used between 2021- to date
4. Do you have a master vendor in place?
5. If yes, please provide your account manager’s email
6. Temporary agency staff manager full name
7. Temporary agency staff manager email
8. Temporary agency staff manager telephone
9. Permanent agency staff manager full name
10. Permanent agency staff manager email
11. Permanent agency staff manager telephone
12. Off-framework agency spend between Feb 2021-date
13. Framework agency spend between Feb 2021 – date
14. Total agency shift cancelations Feb 2021-date

Agency Staff Bank.250322.docx

Agency Staff costs.101122.docx

The total amount spent on agency temporary staff for the year 2021/22 (April ’21 to March ‘22) and between 31/10/2021 to 31/10/2022 for the following categories:
• Doctors
• Nurses
• AHP (all categories)
• Health Care Assistants

Agency Staff costs.101122.docx

Agency staff in Emergency Medicine.100524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. From 1st January 2024 to 1st March 2024, within your Emergency Medicine Departments, how many locum agency doctors were employed by the trust at Middle grade level (ST3 – ST8 level)?
2. From 1st January 2024 to 1st March 2024, within your Emergency Medicine Departments, how much money was spent on agency locum doctors working in the Middle grade (ST3 – ST8 level)?
3. From 1st January 2024 to 1st March 2024, within your Emergency Medicine Departments, how much money was spent on bank doctors covering vacant shifts within the department?

Agency staff in Emergency Medicine.100524.docx

Agency staff spend.050224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
For the most recent month available please provide your usage in terms of financial spend of agency staff for the job types below. Where the information is available, indicate the percentages ‘on-framework’ and ‘off-framework’.

The job types are:
1. Nursing
2. HCAs
3. Pharmacists
4. Pharmacy Technicians

Agency staff spend.050224.docx

Agency staff spend.100524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
For the most recent month available please provide your usage in terms of financial spend of agency staff for the job types below.

Agency staff spend.100524.docx

Agency Staffing. 050718

1. Agency spend on Medical Locums/Doctors
2. Agency spend on AHP’s (Allied Health Professionals) and HSS (Health and Social Sciences)
3. Agency spend on Nursing
4. Agency spend on NMNC (Non-Medical, Non Clinical)
5. Do you use a Direct Engagement model to engage locum staff?
6. If so, please state the name of the company used
7. What is the expiry date for this contract?

Download response Agency Staffing. 050718

Agency staffing.070624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The total (£) spent by the trust on agency nurses and healthcare staff in April 2023 – April 2024?
2. Of the amount spent above, how much was the total (£) spent within Mental Health services?
3. Which agencies have the highest agency spend for temporary nurses?
4. What is the current model for dealing with agency staff, such as NHSP / temporary staffing or other such as master or neutral vendor?
5. If the Trust does have a master or neutral vendor agreement in place for the supply of qualified nursing, when does this end?
6. The total off framework agency spend on temporary nurses and healthcare assistant staff in April 2023 – April 2024.

Agency staffing.070624.docx

Agency Staffing. 260919

1. (a) Who is the head of procurement at your trust responsible for approving Nursing agency usage?
(b)Secondly, who is the temporary / flexible staffing lead responsible for the management of this service?
2. Please can you provide the contact information in relation to both question 1 (a) and (b)
3. Please can you outline your Off-Framework agency spend for each of the following staff groups between April 2019 – June 2019: (a) RGN’s (b) RCN’s (c) RN’s and (d) HealthCare Assistants (e) RMN (f) Specialist RN (ITU) (g) Medical Locums
4. Following the same breakdown of staff groups in Question 3, how many Off-framework shifts have been unfilled between April 2019 – June 2019
5. Since the start of January 2019 – present, please provide the current charge rates from your Off Framework, Nursing providers, providing a clear breakdown between the workers pay rate and agency commission
6. Based on the above information, who are your current Nursing Off-Framework agencies and how many shifts have been booked for each month from January 2019 – June 2019

Download response Agency Staffing. 260919

Agency staffing. 280621

1. Please can you confirm whether the Trust is contracted to a managed service provider for the supply of agency staff under each of the following categories
a. Medical Locums
b. Nurses
c. Allied Health Professionals or Health Scientists
2. Please confirm which company provides the managed service for each staff category and the contract expiry date
a. Medical Locums
b. Nurses
c. Allied Health Professionals or Health Scientists
3. For Medical Locums and for AHPs, please confirm whether the Trust utilises a Direct Engagement solution for VAT efficiency
a. Medical Locums
b. Nurses
c. Allied Health Professionals or Health Scientists
4. Please confirm which company provides the Direct Engagement solution and the contract expiry date

Download response Agency staffing. 280621

Agency staffing. 290621

1. What contractual relationships are in place for supplying agency Nursing and who is responsible for managing them?
2. Who is your primary point of contact for decision making regarding supply chain for Agency Nursing?
3. How many agencies are used to supply agency doctors?
4. Of these agencies, how many are off framework – please list them?
5. Over the past 6 months, how many shifts have been filled via an off framework agency?
6. Who is your highest paid agency nurse, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
7. Please outline your spend per agency, broken down by grade and speciality of nurse over the past 6 months?
8. Do you have a Master Vendor for Agency Nurses In place? If so, who are they and when are they contracted until?
9. If you have a Master Vendor in place, how many hours of work for Nursing have been booked outside of your Master Vendor arrangement in the past 6 months?
10. If you have a Master Vendor in place, what % of bookings by your Master Vendor Provider are at the NHSI capped rates in the past 6 months?
11. What is your total (£) off framework agency spend for Agency Nursing?

Download response Agency staffing. 290621

Agency staffing and vacancies. 061119

1. Please can you confirm how and how regularly you confirm you and your suppliers are IR35 compliant?
2. Please can you confirm the percentage of agency shifts in the past financial year that were NHSI cap compliant? Please could you break this down by staff group?
a. Nursing
b. Doctors
d. Other clinical
3. Please can you confirm the number of permanent vacancies you have in the following staff groups?
a. Nursing

Download response Agency staffing and vacancies. 061119

Agency Supply and Ethical Business Practices.190324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Does the Trust have a Managed Service (MSP) or MV or an external Bank supplier for the recruitment of agency staff? Please break this down into Doctors, Nursing & AHP if appropriate.
2. If yes, who is that contract with and when does it end?
3. If yes, how did the Trust review whether the supplier followed ethical business practices, what ethical insights did they gather?
4. What steps do the Trust take to ensure suppliers are paying their fair share of taxes and acting with integrity.
5. Who is responsible within the Trust, for ensuring that suppliers follow ethical business practices?

Agency Supply and Ethical Business Practices.190324.docx

Agency usage. 270521

1. For the last year (2020-2021) please supply a list of the agencies the trust uses for medical locums.
2. A breakdown of the monetary spend per agency for Medical Locums
3. Please supply the total number of days worked by locum RMO’s or junior doctors for 2020-2021 at your trust.
4. The hourly rate paid to agencies supplying casual RMO’s or junior doctors.

Download response Agency usage. 270521

Agency usage for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Radiography, Speech and Language Therapy and Sterile Services.220422.docx

1. Who is the head of procurement responsible for approving agency usage for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Radiography, Speech and Language Therapy and Sterile Services?
2. Who are the managers responsible for agency usage (on and off framework) for the following departments at all hospitals associated with the Trust:
(a) Physiotherapy
(b) Occupational Therapy
(c) Pharmacy
(d) Radiography
(e) Sterile Services
(d) Speech and Language Therapy
3. Please can you provide the contact number and email addresses for the managers listed in relation to question 1 and 2?
4. Have you used off-framework agency staff between March 2021 – March 2022 in the following departments:
(a) Physiotherapy
(b) Occupational Therapy
(c) Pharmacy
(d) Radiography
(e) Sterile Services
(d) Speech and Language Therapy
5. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for each of the following staff groups between March 2021 – March 2022?
(a) Physiotherapy
(b) Occupational Therapy
(c) Pharmacy
(d) Radiography
(e) Sterile Services
(d) Speech and Language Therapy
6. How many unfilled agency roles did you have between March 2021 – March 2022 for each of the departments outlined in question 5?

Agency usage for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Radiography, Speech and Language Therapy and Sterile Services.220422.docx

Agency usage for the Decontamination department.200723.docx

1. Who is the person in charge for approving agency usage for the Decontamination department at your trust?
2. Who is responsible for agency usage (on and off framework) in the Decontamination department at all hospitals associated with the Trust?
3. If the decontamination service is not managed by the trust, please confirm which company runs your decontamination service.
4. Please can you provide the contact number and email address for the manager(s) in question 1 and 2.
5. Have you used off-framework agency staff between March 2022 – March 2023 in Decontamination and endoscopy?
6. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for Decontamination and Endoscopy from March 2022 – March 2023?

Agency usage for the Decontamination department.200723.docx

Agency usage for the Physiotherapy department.040823.docx

1. Who is the head of procurement responsible for approving agency usage for the Physiotherapy department?
2. Who is responsible for agency usage (on and off framework) in the Physiotherapy department at all hospitals associated with the Trust for the following areas within Physiotherapy?
– Musculoskeletal
– Community
– Rehabilitation
– Neurology
– Paediatrics
– Trauma and Orthopaedics
– Acute Medical/Surgical/inpatient
– Respiratory
3. Please can you provide the contact number and email address for the manager(s) in question 1 and 2.
4. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for Physiotherapy from June 2022-June2023
5. What agencies were providing the Off-Framework services.

Agency usage for the Physiotherapy department.040823.docx

Agency usage for the Sonography and Ultrasound department.310323.docx

1. Who is the head of procurement responsible for approving agency usage for the Sonography/Ultrasound department at your trust?
2. Who is responsible for agency usage (on and off framework) in the Sonography/Ultrasound department at all hospitals associated with the Trust? 3. Please can you provide the contact number and email address for the manager(s) in question 1 and 2. 4. Have you used off-framework agency staff between March 2022 – March 2023 in Sonography/Ultrasound?
5. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for Sonography/Ultrasound from March 2022 – March 2023?

Agency usage for the Sonography and Ultrasound department.310323.docx

Agency use. 010818

1) Which Frameworks do you use for the supply of;
a) Locum Doctors
b) Locum Nurses
2) Do you operate a master vend arrangement or preferred supplier list?
3) Please list the agencies on your preferred supplier list for a and b. Please provide the supply list in tearing order or PSL if applicable.
a) Locum Doctors
b) Locum Nurses
4) Please provide contact details for the member of staff in charge of this process.

Download response Agency use. 010818

Agency Workforce Spend (January 1st -December 31st 2023).080524.docx

I am writing to request specific information regarding your trust’s agency workforce spend for the period of January 2023 to December 2023.

1. Please provide the agency workforce spend for the specified period, broken down into the following categories:

• Medical Staff
• Nursing Staff
• Allied Health Professionals (AHP)

2. Additionally, could you provide the percentage of the total workforce is agency in each of the mentioned categories?

Agency Workforce Spend (January 1st -December 31st 2023).080524.docx

Altrix and agency spend. 240919

For the last 12 months can you provide me details on the Trusts agreement with Altrix.

The monthly spend for the last 12 months.
The number of hours covered monthly for the last 12 months.
Agreed rates for shifts covered.
Clarification on workers under this models Tax/IR35 status and if they are paid in line with the NHS Frameworks expectations.

Download response Altrix and agency spend. 240919

Bank and agency costs.070324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I. The total amount spent by the Trust on bank and agency doctors in each of the last 5 financial years (including 2023/24 so far)
II. The total amount spent by the Trust on bank and agency nurses in in each of the last 5 financial years (including 2023/24 so far)
III. The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency nurse shift in 2023/24
IV. The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency doctor’s shift in 2023/24

Bank and agency costs.070324.docx

Bank and Agency Midwife spend. 110319

How much did the Trust spend on a) agency midwives b) bank midwives in each calendar month in 2018 (calendar year)?

Download response Bank and Agency Midwife spend. 110319

Bank and Agency spend.050423.docx

Please disclose the information listed in the below table rows for each of the 4 staff groups in the table columns by return email within 20 days as per the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1. Please provide agency spend for the staff group for the year 2022.
2. Please provide bank spend for the staff group for the year 2022.
3. Please confirm which model you have in place for managing the staff group: Email to preferred supplier List, a Master Vendor, a Neutral Vendor, or a Software cascade to a preferred supplier list.
4. If you have a master vendor or neutral vendor in place, please confirm who this contract is with and the date on which this contract expires.
5. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI/E agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine).
6. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires (no this is not relevant for Nursing).
7. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement provider
8. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (eg. NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant.
9. Is your bank managed via software? If so, please confirm which software.
10. Please confirm what the percentage is on framework (for example, “£6,650,000 – 99% framework /20% off-framework”) for the year 2022.
11. Please confirm what percentage is off-framework (for example, “£6,650,000 – 99% framework /20% off-framework”) for the year 2022.
12. Please confirm the direct engagement- DE% uptake for the year 2022.
13. Please confirm the direct engagement- DE provider.
14. Please confirm the direct engagement- DE contract end date.

Bank and Agency spend.050423.docx

Bank and agency spend and usage. 260421

1) Please detail your Bank and Agency Spend in the format provided by the following NHSIE Staff Groups for the past financial year (April 2020 – March 2021)
2) Please detail your Bank and Agency usage in hours in the format provided by the following NHSIE Staff Groups for the past financial year (April 2020 – March 2021)

Download response Bank and agency spend and usage. 260421

Bank and Agency staff in Audiology. 161120

1. The number of agency staff used in the Audiology department
2. The number of hours filled by agency staff in the Audiology department.
3. The number of hours filled by bank staff in the Audiology department.
4. The Trusts total spend on agency workers in the audiology department
5. The Trusts total spend on bank workers in the audiology department
I would like the above information for the 2019 calendar year (Jan-Dec) if possible.

Download response Bank and Agency staff in Audiology. 161120

Bank and Agency Staffing. 181019

1. Please could you confirm your current bank spend (FY 18/19), broken down by the following staff groups:
a. Nursing staff
b. Medical locums (Doctors)
d. Other clinical
e. Non-clinical
2. Please confirm your current bank fill rate (FY 18/19), broken down by the following staff groups:
a. Nursing staff
b. Medical locums (Doctors)
d. Other clinical
e. Non-clinical
3. Please could you confirm your current agency spend (FY 18/19), broken down by the following staff groups:
a. Nursing staff
b. Medical locums (Doctors)
d. Other clinical
e. Non-clinical
4. Please could you confirm your current agency engagement procedure (i.e. MV, PSL etc) and which agencies you are currently working with, broken down by the following staff groups:
a. Nursing staff
b. Medical locums (Doctors)
d. Other clinical
e. Non-clinical
5. Do you have DE supplier, if so who, broken down by staff group? When is the expiry date for this contract?
6. Do you have an MV supplier, if so who, broken down by staff group? When is the expiry date for this contract?
7. Do you have an external Bank supplier, if so who, broken down by staff group? When is the expiry date for this contract?
8. Please could you confirm what your agency spend is for permanent staff in the past 24 months, broken down by the following staff groups. How much of this is international recruitment?
a. Nursing staff
b. Medical locums (Doctors)
d. Other clinical
e. Non-clinical
9. How many permanent vacancies do you have as per the below table. Do you have a current supplier for these roles?

Download response Bank and Agency Staffing. 181019

Bank and agency systems.080323.docx

1. Please confirm which model is in place for managing each staff group: preferred supplier list, master vendor or neutral vendor
Allied Health Professionals
2. If you have a master vendor or neutral vendor in place, please confirm who this contract is with
3. Please confirm the contract end date with the provider
4. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (e.g., NHS Professionals,
Bank Partners).
5. Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant
6. Is your bank managed via software? If so, please confirm which software.

Bank and agency systems.080323.docx

Bank and Rostering.170624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
For each of the staff group categories:
1 Does your Trust use an E-Rostering provider? (YES/NO)
2 What is the name of your current E-Rostering provider?
3 What is the contract start date for your e-rostering software? (dd/mm/yyyy)
4 What is the contract end date for your e-rostering software? (dd/mm/yyyy)
5 How many licenses is your contract for?
For each of the staff group categories:
1 Do you have an in- house temporary staffing team to manage your bank OR is this outsourced to a company? (In-house/Outsourced)
2 If outsourced, what is the name of this company?
3 What was the start date for the contract with this outsourced provider? (dd/mm/yyyy)
4 What is the expiry date for the contract with this outsourced provider? (dd/mm/yyyy)
For each of the staff group categories:
5 Does your organistion use digital technology/software to manage it’s staff bank? (YES/NO)
6 If the response was YES to question 1, what is the name of your digital staff bank technology (e.g. Allocate, Patchwork, Locum’s Nest)?
7 What was the contract start date for the provider you currently use for your Digital staff bank? (dd/mm/yyyy)
8 What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use for your Digital staff bank? (dd/mm/yyyy)

Bank and Rostering.170624.docx

Bank staff. 310320

1. The total internal bank spend broken down by Dr, Nurses and AHP for period Jan 19 – Dec 19
2. Is this contracted to a third party or ran by the Trust (e.g. NHSP, Bank Partners etc.)
a. If contracted to a third party the expiry date of the agreement

Download response Bank staff. 310320

Bank Staff costs.101122.docx

1. Bank Spend – Total amount spent on bank staff for the year 2021/22 (April ’21 to March ‘22) and between 31/10/2021 and 31/10/2022 year split into the Trusts’ staff groups (E.g. Medical, Nursing, Admin, AHP etc.) and speciality/grade (E.g. Consultants, GP, ICU Nurse, Acute Nurse, Occupational therapists, Pharmacists, Health Care Assistants, etc.) depending on how this is reported within the Trust.
2. Confirmation on whether the trust bank is currently operated by the trust themselves or by a private provider. If the latter please confirm the name of the provider.

Bank Staff costs.101122.docx

Bank Workforce & VMS Arrangements. 190421

1. Do you have a Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor arrangement in place?
2. If yes, who is your current Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor Provider and which disciplines do they supply?
3. What fill rates are achieved with your Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor Provider in the various disciplines?
4. Are you charged a fee for the service and if so, what is the cost?
5. What is the expiry date for your current contract/contracts?
6. Do you use any external/3rd parties to manage your bank workforce?
7. If so, please provide the name of the provider and contract start and end dates.
8. Which bank software do you use and how long are you in contract with them?

Download response Bank Workforce & VMS Arrangements. 190421

Break glass and escalated agency rates. 171218

1. Could you please provide me with a breakdown of all the healthcare staffing disciplines provided by agencies in which the trust are breaking glass / being charged escalated rates?
2. Could you please state how many agency workers, per discipline, the break glass / escalated rates applies to re question 1?
3. Could you please state how many healthcare agency workers, per discipline, the Trust are being charged the maximum capped rate as stipulated by their governed framework?

Download response Break glass and escalated agency rates. 171218

Clinical Coding staff. 060220

1. How many staff do you have in your clinical coding department?
2. How many vacancies do you currently have in your clinical coding department?
3. Do you have any 3rd party’s providing you with clinical coding service?
A. If yes, which external organisations (3rd parties or other NHS) provide you with clinical coding services?
B. When did you start these contracts, how long are they for and what procurement framework did you use?
4. How much did the Trust spend last year on bank staff for clinical coding?
5. How much did the Trust spend on consultancy relating to clinical coding last year?

Download response Clinical Coding staff. 060220

Cloud21. 120422.docx

We would like to understand how much money MTW have spent with Cloud21 Broken Down for each financial year

Cloud21. 120422.docx

Cost of strike cover.120523.docx

Please could you tell me how much money your trust spent on bank and/or agency and/or locum staff – and/or non-contractual rates to consultants or other medical staff employed by the trust – to cover junior doctors’ shifts during industrial action by the British Medical Association on:
A) March 13-15 2023
B) April 11-15 2023
Please provide as much detail as possible on the staff category (i.e. agency or bank), department of the hospital and the day(s) of employment.

Cost of strike cover.120523.docx

Diagnostic radiology staff details. 260919

1. How many permanent staff are employed by the Radiography/Imaging department (Radiographers & Sonographers, not Radiologists)?
2. How many permanent vacancies are currently open/unfilled within the Radiography/Imaging department (Radiographers & Sonographers, not Radiologists)?
3. How many agency staff/locums are currently being used across the Radiography/Imaging department (Radiographers & Sonographers, not Radiologists)?
4. For agency staff/locums, what is the split in numbers between radiographers and sonographers?
5. How many bank temps are being used across the Radiography/Imaging department?
6. During the 2017-2018 financial year, how much did the Radiography/Imaging department spend on temporary agency staff?
7. During the 2018-2019 financial year, how much did the Radiography/Imaging department spend on temporary agency staff?
8. During the 2018-2019 financial year, how much did the Radiography/Imaging department spend on temporary bank staff?
9. During the 2018-2019 financial year, how much did the Radiography/Imaging department spend on permanent finders/introduction fees through recruitment agencies?
10. Does the Radiography/Imaging department have a dedicated breast screening unit?
11. Please provide me with the following contact names within the authority:
a) The name of the senior manager (Radiology Services Manager / Imaging Services Manager) with overall responsibility for the Radiography/Imaging department.
b) The name of the head of temporary staffing.

Download response Diagnostic radiology staff details. 260919

Engagement of locum staff using third parties. 181718

1. Does your organization use a Direct Engagement scheme?
2. If so, who provides it? And when did you start using it?
3. Did you take external legal advice before entering into it and, if so, from whom did you take external legal advice?
4. What has your total locum/temporary staffing spend since you started using the scheme? If you started using the scheme before April 2017 please also state the total locum/temporary staffing spend since April 2017.
5. How does the third party direct engagement facilitator save you money on the agency spend? Please answer in short point form
6. How much has been paid to the third party direct engagement facilitator thus far?
7. Was this payment calculated as a percentage of the savings generated by employing the services of the third party direct engagement facilitator? If so, what percentage is this?

Download response Engagement of locum staff using third parties. 181718

External management, business consultants and recruitment agency fees.060224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1) Since the beginning of the calendar year 2023, how much has the trust spent on external management/business consultants, including commitments that cover the rest of the calendar year?
2) Since the beginning the calendar year 2023, how much has the trust spent fees to recruitment agencies, including commitments that cover the rest of the calendar of the calendar year?

External management, business consultants and recruitment agency fees.060224.docx

External temporary staff. 220321

1. A list of all the areas across the Trust that use external temporary staff.
2. The monthly and annual cost of having these staff supplied, averages are fine if exact data is unavailable.
3. The types of staff that are supplied.
4. Whether these staff are supplied via an approved NHS Framework, if not what is the nature of the contract or agreement in place.

Download response External temporary staff. 220321

HCA agency fees.180823.docx

Question 1 – For the timescale from the 1st April 2023 until 30th April 2023, details of the lowest, highest and average fee paid to agencies providing HCA’s for band 5, 6 and 7.

Question 2 – For the single week of the 16th July 2023 until 22nd July 2023, details only of the average fee paid to agencies providing HCA’s for band 5, 6 and 7.

HCA agency fees.180823.docx

Interim Appointments. 100120

1) How many interim appointments were made at your organisation in the (i) 2017-18 and (ii) 2018-19 financial years where the daily rate you paid to the supplier was £500-per-day or more?
Please note that by ‘interim appointment’ I’m referring to an individual on a fixed-term contract, hired to work in management.
2) For each such appointment, please provide me with (i) whether the appointment started in either the 2017-18 financial year or the 2018-19 financial year, (ii) the job title, (iii) whether the position was full or part-time, (iv) the name of the supplier, (v) the daily rate paid to the supplier, (vi) the total amount budgeted for and (vii) the length of the fixed-term contract on which they were hired.

Download response Interim Appointments. 100120

International recruitment and agency spend. 091019

1. In the last 12 months, how many visa applications did the hospital process for medical staff?
Please break down into specialties where possible (e.g. medicine, surgery, anaesthetics etc.)
2. If this information is not readily available could you tell me how many were processed for medicine only?
3. How many permanent vacancies in medicines has the trust had unfilled in the last 12 months?
4. From these vacancies how many were SHO’s? (this includes FY1, FY2, ST1, ST2, CT1, CT2, StR Lower, Clinical fellow, Trust grade, RMO)
5. From these vacancies how many were Specialty Doctors? (Staff Grade)
6. From these vacancies how many were Consultants?
7. How many permanent vacancies do you currently have in medicine?
8. In the last 12 months through which agencies have you recruited doctors across any speciality on either a permanent or fixed term contract?
9. Which agencies were successful in recruiting doctors from overseas for the trust on any type of contract?
10. Across all grades what number of medical agency locum staff did the trust employ across the dates 31/03/2018 to 31/06/2018?
11. How much did the trust spend on medical agency locum staff over the 2017/2018 financial year?
12. Does the trust utilize a medical recruitment framework for international doctors?
13. Who is the dedicated contact in your organisation who liaises with agencies for the purposes of international medical recruitment?
14. Please provide names and contact details for the following posts within the trust:
– Medical Director
– All Clinical Directors within Mental Health
– Head of HR
– Head of Medical Staffing
– Head of Procurement

Download response International recruitment and agency spend. 091019

Legal and HR consultants. 030919

A) 2017/18
B) 2018/19
1. Did your organisation use an external consultant for any of the following functions?
a. Human Resources
b. Legal Services
c. Leadership and organisational development
d. Board reviews
e. Mediation
f. Regulatory body inspection support
2. What were the names of the consultants used?
3. What was the expenditure with each consultant?

Download response Legal and HR consultants. 030919

Locum agencies.010622.docx

1) Please could you confirm the names of the top 5 locum agencies you have the most spend with within AHP/HSS there at the trust from the calendar year of 2021?
2. Please could you state the utilisation rate for each agency that has been achieved? This should amount to the total value of AHP locum spend supplied by each agency during the 2021 calendar year as a percentage of total AHP locum spend in the same period.
3) Please can you breakdown the total spend on AHP/HSS agency staff during the calendar year of 2021?
4) Please can break down the total spend on AHP/HSS agency staffing during the calendar year 2021 for the specialisms below:
Clinical Physiologists
Occupational Therapists
Speech and Language Therapists
Clinical Psychologists
Theatre Practitioners
Biomedical Scientists
Mortuary/Pathology Technicians
Pharmacy Services Staff
Orthoptists & Optometrists

Locum agencies.010622.docx

Locum agency doctors.230823.docx

1. How many agencies are used to supply Locum agency doctors?
2. Of these agencies, how many are off framework?
3. What is your highest capped commission rates for each grade?
4. When is your PSL up for renewal?
5. Which Framework does your trust use for Locum Doctors?
6. How many Locum Bookings are paid over the framework or capped rates at your trust in the last 12 months?
7. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine)
8. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires
9. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (e.g., NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant
10. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement (DE) provider
11. Please confirm % of locums working non-Direct Engagement and % outside IR35
12. What is the grade & speciality of all locums paid outside IR35?
13. Please confirm which services in the hospital are currently utilising insourcing contacts, who is supplying the insourcing service and when the contract is up for renewal.
14. Does your Trust utilise a payment portal to process Locum Doctors Pay?
15. What grade & speciality is your highest paid Locum agency doctor, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
16. What grade & speciality is your highest paid bank doctor, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
17. Please outline you spend per agency, broken down by grade and speciality of doctor over the past 12 months?
18. Please outline spend per doctors’ specialty, broken down by grade and speciality of doctor over the past 12 months from your internal Bank?
19. What grade & speciality is your highest paid Locum agency doctor, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
20. Please confirm the name, job title and email of the head of department & manager for the following services:
• General Surgery
• Urology Service
• Trauma and Orthopaedic Service
• Ear, Nose and Throat Service
• Ophthalmology Service
• Neurology Service
• Cardiology Service
• Cancer Services
• Endocrinology Service
• Respiratory Medicine
• Dermatology Service
• Gastroenterology
• Acute Medicine
• Geriatrics
• Stroke Medicine
• Palliative Care
• Radiology
• Anaesthetics
• Maxillofacial Surgery
• Pathology Services
Locum agency doctors.230823.docx

Locum agency Doctors. 270619

1. Please could you provide me a breakdown of the locum agency doctor spend for the last financial year? Please break this down in to specialty and grades
2. Please could you provide me a breakdown of the permanent doctor vacancies across the trust? Please break this down into specialty and grades
3. Please could you confirm how many agency locums are currently in post on long term agency contracts? In the last 6 months and year
4. Please could you provide how much the trust has paid to agencies for introductory fees?
5. Please provide details of any overseas recruitment campaigns that the trust has taken part in for the recruitment of doctors?

Download response Locum agency Doctors. 270619

Locum agency spend for the trust for Nurses. 081020

I would like you to send me the locum agency spend for the trust for Nurses in acute settings as well as the community, including but not limited to general, ITU, Mental Health. I would like to know the spend for from January 2020 to date, also including the amount of locums that this refers to per month, broken down on a monthly basis. In the breakdown if you could please include the agencies that provide the locums also broken down numerically.

Download response Locum agency spend for the trust for Nurses. 081020

Locum doctors and agency nurses. 210519

How much has your trust spent on locum doctors each year from 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, respectively?

How much has your trust spent on agency nurses, during the years listed above?

What was the highest amount the trust had to pay a locum doctor for a shift during the years stated above?

What was the highest amount the trust had to pay an agency nurse for a shift during the years stated above?

Download response Locum doctors and agency nurses. 210519

Locum shifts during industrial action.311023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
how much was spent on locum and agency doctors during the walkouts held by both consultants and junior doctors over the past 12 months.
Please provide answers for each timeframe and separate each one clearly in your response.
These timeframes are:
(A) Junior doctor strike – 13, 14 and 15 March 2023
(B) Junior doctor strike – 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 April
(C) Junior doctor strike – 14, 15, 16 and 17 June
(D) Junior doctor strike – 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 July
(E) Junior doctor strike – 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 August
(F) Consultant strike – 20 and 21 July
(G) Consultant strike – 24, 25 and 26 August

For each given timeframe could you please provide the following information.
1. How many staff walked out as a result of industrial action over each period and what percentage of your junior doctor/consultant staff did this equate to. IE – 150 junior doctor staff walked out during 13, 14 and 15 March dates out of 200 junior doctor staff would be 75%.
2. How much did the trust spend on locum/agency workers during each period specifically as a result of industrial action. If this specific figure is not held, please provide the locum and agency spend for the previous year for each relevant timeframe. IE 13, 14 and 15 March 2023 vs 13, 14 and 15 March 2022.
3. Did the Trust allow doctors who were taking part in industrial action to take on locum shifts at the same trust during strike periods when they were not scheduled to work?
4. If the answer to the above question was yes, (a) How many doctors did this during each period and (b) How much did the Trust spend on paying its own doctors for these shifts during each period?

Locum shifts during industrial action.311023.docx


Assaults and violence

Adverse event due to an Electronic Patient Record System issue.100624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
We seek to request that your trust shares any FOI responses where your organisation(s) indicated an adverse event due to an Electronic Patient Record System issue.

Adverse event due to an Electronic Patient Record System issue.100624.docx

Assaults on nursing staff.250624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Under the FOI Act I would like to request the amount of times nurses working for the trust were a) assaulted and b) sexually assaulted in each of the last three years (2021, 2022 and 2023).

Assaults on nursing staff.250624.docx


Cancelled operations

Acute Medical Unit, A&E waits and cancelled elective operations.250624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Please state what percentage of your total discharges from the Acute Medical Unit are discharged home/to usual place of residence without support
2. For those patients, what was the average length of stay in the Acute Medical Unit?
3. Please state what percentage of all admitted patients from A&E waited more than 12 hours from decision to admit to actual admission (12hr+ trolley waits)
4. Please state what percentage of cancelled elective operations for non-clinical reasons were due to:
a. unavailable ward beds: b. unavailable surgeon
c. unavailable anaesthetist: d. unavailable theatre staff

Acute Medical Unit, A&E waits and cancelled elective operations.250624.docx

Cancelled appointments and procedures. 091220

1. How many of the following scheduled procedures/appointments were cancelled by the Trust:
i) Elective operations
ii) Appointments made via urgent cancer referrals
iii) Mammograms
iv) Organ transplant operations
v) Optical appointments/procedures
During the following periods:
i) 2019-2020
ii) 2020-to date
NB. I do not require the reasons for the cancellations.
2. How many of the following scheduled procedures/appointments were pushed back by the Trust:
i) Elective operations
ii) Appointments made via urgent cancer referrals
iii) Mammograms
iv) Organ transplant operations
v) Optical appointments/procedures
NB. I do not require the reasons behind the delay/re-scheduling.
For the following time frames:
i) Up to one month
ii) Up to three months
iii) Up to six months
iv) Up to a year
v) Indefinitely
During the following periods:
i) 2019-2020
ii) 2020-to date

Download response Cancelled appointments and procedures. 091220

Cancelled cancer operations.061223.docx

1. How many cancer operations have been cancelled by your NHS Trust in each of the past four financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
2. Please could you provide a breakdown for the reasons these operations were cancelled e.g. lack of staff, lack of beds, or equipment issues, again broken down by the financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20

Cancelled cancer operations.061223.docx

Cancelled cancer operations. 220920

I would like to know how many cancer operations have been cancelled by your NHS Trust since March 1st 2020?

Download response Cancelled cancer operations. 220920

Cancelled Cancer operations.290224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many cancer operations have been cancelled by your NHS Trust in each of the past four financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
2. The highest number of times a patient’s operation has been cancelled at your NHS Trust since the start of 2022.
3. Please could you provide a breakdown for the reasons these operations were cancelled e.g. lack of staff, lack of beds, or equipment issues.
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20

Cancelled Cancer operations.290224.docx

Cancelled children’s operations. 131020

The total number of children’s operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, broken down by the cause of the cancellation, for example due to lack of beds, operating theatre capacity, staffing issues, and equipment failures. Please provide this information for each of the past three financial years 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20). In the total number of operations, broken down by cancellation reason, please include:

· Elective children’s operations cancelled at the last minute. For the purposes of this request, last minute means on the day the patient was due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of the operation or surgery.

· Cancelled urgent children’s operations.

For the purposes of this FOI, Children will be defined as under 18’s.

Download response Cancelled children’s operations. 131020

Cancelled children’s operations.140323.docx

You asked: All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The number of children (under 18s) who have an operation cancelled or delayed at your trust for non-clinical reasons, in each of the past five calendar years (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018).
2. For each of these years, please could you provide figures broken down by the reason behind the cancellation or delay, e.g. lack of staff, lack of bed capacity, or lack of equipment.
3. Please could you provide figures on the five longest waits for an operation currently faced by under-18s at your trust, e.g. 118 days, 116 days, 113 days. For each of these waits, please could you provide a summary of the surgical procedure in question, e.g. heart surgery.

Cancelled children’s operations.140323.docx

Cancelled elective procedures.270722.docx

Question 1
How many booked elective invasive procedures (this includes but is not limited to procedures being performed in operating theatres, interventional radiology or other radiology suites, cardiac catheter labs, endoscopy and any other site not mentioned involving an invasive procedure, whether under local anaesthetic, general anaesthetic, spinal or epidural anaesthetic, peripheral nerve block, or sedation) did your trust cancel in the calendar years:
a. 2017
b. 2018
c. 2019
d. 2020
e. 2021
Question 2
How many booked elective invasive procedures (this includes but is not limited to procedures being performed in operating theatres, interventional radiology or other radiology suites, cardiac catheter labs, endoscopy and any other site not mentioned involving an invasive procedure, whether under local anaesthetic, general anaesthetic, spinal or epidural anaesthetic, peripheral nerve block, or sedation) did your trust cancel at the date of this request in this calendar year?

Cancelled elective procedures.270722.docx

Cancelled operations. 011018

I would like to request the total number of operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, broken down by the cause of the cancellation, for example due to lack of beds, operating theatre capacity, staffing issues, and equipment failures.

Please provide this information for each of the past five financial years (i.e. years running from April to March – 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18).

In the total number of operations, broken down by cancellation reason, please include:
1. Elective operations cancelled at the last minute. For the purposes of this request, last minute means on the day the patient was due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of the operation or surgery.
2. Cancelled urgent operations.
If the data is collected by the trust, please also provide a separate total for each year for all operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, regardless of how soon before the scheduled operation time the cancellation occurred.

Download response Cancelled operations. 011018

Cancelled operations.021222.docx

a) How many elective operations were cancelled for a non-clinical reason at the Trust in 2021/22, broken down by reason for cancellation?
b) Of the total elective operations cancelled for a non-clinical reason at the Trust in 2021/22, how many were:
i. urgent surgery
ii. paediatric surgery
iii. surgical oncology

Cancelled operations.021222.docx

Cancelled operations.050624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please can you provide me with information on medical equipment at your Trust.
The number of procedures that were cancelled by your NHS Trust due to issues with defective diagnostic equipment in each of the calendar years
a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023

Cancelled operations.050624.docx

Cancelled operations. 070721

a) How many operations in total has your Trust cancelled from 1 March 2020 – 1 March 2021 and can you give a breakdown of reasons for the cancellations? How many were urgent operations?
b) How many operations in total has your Trust cancelled from 1 March 2019 – 28 February 2020 and can you give a breakdown of reasons for the cancellations? How many were urgent operations?
c) How many operations in total has your trust cancelled for Under 16s from 1 March 2020 – 1 March 2021 and can you give a breakdown of reasons for the cancellations? How many were urgent operations?
d) How many operations in total has your trust cancelled for Under 16s from 1 March 2019 – 28 February 2020 and can you give a breakdown of reasons for the cancellations? How many were urgent operations?

Download response Cancelled operations. 070721

Cancelled operations.080424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Please could you provide me with information for each of the financial years 2023/24, 2022/23
2. How many elective operations were cancelled last minute for non clinical reasons?
3. How many of those patients were not treated within 28 days of the last minute elective cancellation?
4. How many patients had their elective operation cancelled last minute on more than 5 occasions?
5. How many patients had their elective operation cancelled last minute on more than 10 occasions?
6. In the financial years above – what was the highest number of occasions that a patient had an elective operation cancelled at the last minute?

Cancelled operations.080424.docx

Cancelled operations. 131021.docx

1. Please can you tell me the number of last minute elective operations cancelled for non clinical reasons at your trust or board for each month of 2020 and 2021 to date.
2. Please can you tell me the number of urgent operations cancelled for non-medical reasons during each month.
If giving the full data requested would be likely to exceed the costs cap, please provide data for the most recent month and then as many months as possible working backwards until the limit is reached.
3. If possible, please let me know how many of the cancelled elective operations had still not been carried out 28 days later.
4. If possible, please let me know how many of the cancelled urgent operations had still not been carried out 28 days later.

Download response Cancelled operations. 131021.docx

Cancelled operations.140323.docx

1. The number of people who have had an operation cancelled or delayed at your trust for non-clinical reasons, in each of the past five calendar years (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018).
2. For each of these years, please could you provide figures broken down by the reason behind the cancellation or delay, e.g. lack of staff, lack of bed capacity, or lack of equipment.
3. Please could you provide figures on the five longest waits for an operation currently faced by under-18s at your trust, e.g. 110 days, 98 days, 200 days. For each of these waits, please could you provide a summary of the surgical procedure in question, e.g. heart surgery.

Cancelled operations.140323.docx

Cancelled operations.2. 140323.docx

1. The number of elective operations scheduled. I would like this information for January 2022 to end of December 2022 broken down by week i.e. the total number of elective operations that were planned for Week 1, January 2022, Week 2 etc.
2. The number of elective operations performed. January 2022 to end of December 2022 broken down by week i.e. the total number of elective operations that were planned for Week 1, January 2022, Week 2, etc
3. The number of elective operations cancelled at the “last minute”, as defined by the NHS when providing data on cancelled elective operations. I would like this information for January 2022 to end of December 2022 broken down by week i.e. the total number of elective operations planned for Week 1, January 2022, Week 2 etc.
4. The total number of elective operations cancelled, regardless of how long cancellations were made before scheduled operation times, if this information is also collected. I would like this information for January 2022 to the end of December 2022 broken down by week i.e. the total number of elective operations planned for Week 1, January 2022, Week 2 etc.

Cancelled operations.2. 140323.docx

Cancelled operations 2021-2022.110624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
How many elective operations were cancelled for a non-clinical reason at the Trust in 2021/22, broken down by reason for cancellation?

Cancelled operations 2021-2022.110624.docx

Cancelled operations 2022-2023.110624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
a) How many elective operations were cancelled for a non-clinical reason at the Trust in 2022/23, broken down by reason for cancellation?

Cancelled operations 2022-2023.110624.docx

Cancelled operations 2023-2024.110624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
a) How many elective operations were cancelled for a non-clinical reason at the Trust in 2023/24, broken down by reason for cancellation?

Cancelled operations 2023-2024.110624.docx

Cancelled operations.280923.docx

1. Please can you provide figures on the total number of patients who have had their operation cancelled for a second time. I would like these figures broken down by year for each of the past five years:
a. 2022,
b. 2021,
c. 2020,
d. 2019,
e. 2018.
For context, I am looking for incidents where the surgery was cancelled for non-clinical reasons (i.e. staff shortages, equipment problems, lack of theatre capacity) and also not at the request of the patient.
2. In addition, please can you provide the largest number of times that a single patient has had their operation cancelled for non-clinical reasons, over the past five years.
a. Please could you name the operation in question (e.g. hip replacement),
b. The year that the last cancellation took place (e.g. 2022).

Cancelled operations.280923.docx

Cancelled operations for non-clinical reasons. 050919

The total number of operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, broken down by the cause of the cancellation, for example due to lack of beds, operating theatre capacity, staffing issues, and equipment failures. Please provide this information for each of the past three financial years (2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19). In the total number of operations, broken down by cancellation reason, please include:
• Elective operations cancelled at the last minute. For the purposes of this request, last minute means on the day the patient was due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of the operation or surgery.
• Cancelled urgent operations.

Download response Cancelled operations for non-clinical reasons. 050919

Cancelled operations for non-clinical reasons.2 050919

I would like to request the total number of operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, broken down by the cause of the cancellation, for example due to lack of beds, operating theatre capacity, staffing issues, and equipment failures, in 2018/19 (financial year, April to March).

In the total number of operations, broken down by cancellation reason, please include:
• Elective operations cancelled at the last minute. For the purposes of this request, last minute means on the day the patient was due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of the operation or surgery.
• Cancelled urgent operations.
If the data is collected by the trust, please also provide a separate total for each year for all operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, regardless of how soon before the scheduled operation time the cancellation occurred.

Download response Cancelled operations for non-clinical reasons.2 050919

Cancelled operations March – September 2019 and 2020. 141020

a) How many adult’s operations were cancelled at your Trust from 1 March 2020 – 31 August 2020?
b) How many adult’s operations were cancelled at your Trust from 1 March 2019 – 31 August 2019?
c) How many children’s operations were cancelled at your Trust from 1 March 2020 – 31 August 2020?
d) How many children’s operations were cancelled at your Trust from 1 March 2019 – 31 August 2019?

Download response Cancelled operations March – September 2019 and 2020. 141020

Loss of income due to cancelled operations. 080119

Please could you provide me with your trust’s loss of income as a result of the cancelled elective or non-urgent surgeries this year? I understand that there are tariffs assigned for every procedure undertaken and that cancelling an operation results in the loss of that revenue.

I would like this data on a monthly basis from January 2018 to the last date for which the data is held.

If you have comparative data for Jan-Dec 2017 (on the monthly basis also), I would also like this. If there is any breakdown of this data (for example, tariffs lost, cost of surgeons not working and so on), could you provide that too?

Download response Loss of income due to cancelled operations. 080119


Cancer, Haematology & Radiotherapy

2-week urgent referral policy. 031121.docx

I have been looking on the MTW website for your “2 week urgent referral policy”. I have not been able to locate this or a leaflet. Would you please be able to email me a copy of this?

Download response 2-week urgent referral policy. 031121.docx

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).100524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please see below a Freedom of Information request made by OPEN Health. Please answer the questions with regards to NHS patients, i.e., excluding patients that received treatment as part of clinical trials or private healthcare.
1. Do you treat patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in your Trust?
If yes, please proceed to Question 3, if no, please answer Question 2
2. Where do patients diagnosed with AML in your Trust receive treatment?
3. Please complete the table below with how many newly diagnosed patients with AML have started first-line treatment with each of the following therapies during the 6-month period October 2023 to March 2024?
• Azacitidine monotherapy
• Low dose cytarabine (LoDAC) monotherapy
• Venetoclax + azacitidine
• Venetoclax + LoDAC
• Ivosidenib
• Intensive chemotherapy-based regimen
o Examples include: cytarabine and daunorubicin, idarubicin, fludarabine, mitoxantrone, etoposide (VP-16), 6-thioguanine (6-TG), methotrexate (MTX) or 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), gemtuzumab ozogamicin with daunorubicin cytarabine, or FLAG-Ida (fludarabine, cytarabine, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor and idarubicin)
• Best supportive care
• Other
o Do not include prophylactic therapies such as GCSF, anti-fungals, antihistamines, anti-nauseants

Note: this should only include patients with AML who have started first-line treatment during the 6-month window.

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).100524.docx

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL).171123.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
1. How many patients with AML, in total, have been treated with the following therapies during the last 6 months, irrespective of start date or line of therapy?
• Azacitidine monotherapy
• Low dose cytarabine (LoDAC) monotherapy
• Venetoclax + azacitidine
• Venetoclax + LoDAC
• Ivosidenib
• Intensive chemotherapy-based regimen
• Other
2. How many newly diagnosed patients with AML have started first-line treatment with the following therapies during the last 6 months?
• Azacitidine monotherapy
• Low dose cytarabine (LoDAC) monotherapy
• Venetoclax + azacitidine
• Venetoclax + LoDAC
• Ivosidenib
• Intensive chemotherapy-based regimen
• Other
3. (a) Of the patients with AML treated with venetoclax (venetoclax + azacitidine or venetoclax + LoDAC) in the last 6 months, how many are approved for treatment via Blueteq?
Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
4. How many patients with CLL have received treatment with venetoclax in the past 6 months (including venetoclax monotherapy, venetoclax + rituximab, venetoclax + obinutuzumab or venetoclax + ibrutinib)?
5. How many patients with CLL who were new to all lines of treatment received venetoclax in the past 6 months (including venetoclax monotherapy, venetoclax + rituximab, venetoclax + obinutuzumab or venetoclax + ibrutinib)?

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL).171123.docx

Adult Haematology services.190522.docx

Please note the questionnaire refers only to Adult Haematology services.
1) Does your Trust have a Clinical Haematology service for Adults?
Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If No, please return the questionnaire at this stage – there are no further questions that need to be answered.
2) If Yes, please complete the staffing table below:
3) If you have Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists, please advise on how their jobs are split, for example 1.0WTE Myeloma CNS, 0.8WTE BMT CNS etc.
4) Which of the below haematological services does your Haematology service cover?
5) In the last 3 years, how many ‘New’ patients were seen by your Clinical Haematology Team?
6) If you have a BMT service, how many patients do you treat on average per year?

Adult Haematology services.190522.docx

Advanced breast cancer.041122.docx

1) In the past 3 months, how many advanced/metastatic breast cancer patients have the status of;
a) HR+ and HER2+ [Hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor 2-positive]
b) HR- and HER2+ [Hormone receptor-negative and human epidermal growth factor 2-positive]
2) In the past 3 months, how many breast cancer patients were treated with:
a. Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + aromatase inhibitor *
b. Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Fulvestrant
c. (Faslodex) Alpelisib (Piqray) + Fulvestrant (Faslodex)
d. Atezolizumab (Tecentriq)**
e. Bevacizumab (Avastin)
f. Eribulin (Halaven)
g. Everolimus (Afinitor) + Exemestane
h. Fulvestrant (Faslodex) as a single agent
i. Gemcitabine + paclitaxel
j. Lapatinib (Tyverb)
k. Neratinib (Nerlynx)
l. Olaparib (Lynparza)
m. Palbociclib (Ibrance) + aromatase inhibitor*
n. Pertuzumab (Perjeta) + trastuzumab + docetaxel
o. Ribociclib (Kisqali) + aromatase inhibitor*
p. Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Fulvestrant (Faslodex)
q. Talazoparib (Talzenna)
r. Trastuzumab + paclitaxel Trastuzumab as a single agent
s. Trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla)
t. Trastuzumab Deruxtecan (Enhertu)
u. Tucatinib + Trastuzumab + Capecitabine (Tukysa)
v. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy ** *aromatase inhibitor e.g. Anastrozole, Exemestane or Letrozole **e.g. docetaxel, vinorelbine or capecitabine as a single agent

Advanced breast cancer.041122.docx

Advanced Breast Cancer. 221019

1a. Does your trust treat advanced breast cancer?
1b. If none, where are your patients referred?
2. In the past 3 months, how many advanced breast cancer patients [Stage IV] have the status of;
HR+ and HER2+ [Hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor 2-positive]
HR+ and HER2- [Hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor 2-negative]
HR- and HER2+ [Hormone receptor-negative and human epidermal growth factor 2-positive]
HR- and HER2- [Hormone receptor-negative and human epidermal growth factor 2-negative] – Triple negative disease
Not Known
3. In the past 3 months, how many breast cancer patients were treated with:
Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + aromatase inhibitor *
Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Fulvestrant (Faslodex)
Alpelisib (Piqray) + Fulvestrant (Faslodex)
Atezolizumab (Tecentriq)**
Bevacizumab (Avastin)
Eribulin (Halaven)
Everolimus (Afinitor) + Exemestane
Fulvestrant (Faslodex) as a single agent
Gemcitabine + paclitaxel
Lapatinib (Tyverb)
Neratinib (Nerlynx)
Olaparib (Lynparza)
Palbociclib (Ibrance) + aromatase inhibitor*
Pertuzumab (Perjeta) + trastuzumab + docetaxel
Ribociclib (Kisqali) + aromatase inhibitor*
Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Fulvestrant (Faslodex)
Talazoparib (Talzenna)
Trastuzumab + paclitaxel
Trastuzumab as a single agent
Trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla)
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy **
*aromatase inhibitor e.g. Anastrozole, Exemestane or Letrozole
**e.g. docetaxel, vinorelbine or capecitabine as a single agent

Download response Advanced Breast Cancer. 221019

Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (Stage 3b and 4).230522.docx

Q1. How many patients have been diagnosed with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (Stage 3b and 4) in the last 6 months?
Q2. How many hepatocellular carcinoma patients (any stage) have been treated in the last 6 months with the following treatments:
a. Lenvatinib
b. Sorafenib
c. Regorafenib
d. Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab
Q3. In the last 6 months, how many patients has your trust treated (for any condition) with the following treatments:
a. Avatrombopag
b. Eltrombopag
c. Fostamatinib
d. Romiplostim
Q4. In the last 6 months, how many patients has your trust treated for Immune thrombocytopenia (ICD10 code D69.3) ONLY with the following treatments:
a. Avatrombopag
b. Mycophenolate mofetil
c. Rituximab
d. Surgery (splenectomy)
Q5. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial and the number of patients taking part.

Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (Stage 3b and 4).230522.docx

AI software within radiology.110821.docx

1. Does your trust use any AI software within radiology? If so could you please specify programme and its application?
2. If you use AI software within radiology – how often do/would you update, upgrade or swap them?
3. What is the decision-making criteria of choosing which AI software to use?
4. Do you make purchasing decision on your own and if not, what are the other stakeholders involved?

Download response AI software within radiology.110821.docx

ALK-positive lung cancer.150923.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I should be grateful if you could inform me of the number of ALK-positive lung cancer patients that your Trust is currently treating. Would it be possible to separate out NHS and private patients?

ALK-positive lung cancer.150923.docx

Antiretroviral therapies. 140521

Q1. How many patients were treated (for any condition) in the latest 6-month period with the following drugs:
a. Juluca (rilpivirine/dolutegravir)
b. Dovato (lamivudine/dolutegravir)
c. Triumeq (abacavir/lamivudine/dolutegravir)
d. Tivicay (dolutegravir)
e. Isentress (raltegravir)
f. Biktarvy (TAF/emtricitabine/bictegravir)
g. Genvoya (TAF/emtricitabine/elvitegravir/cobisistat)
h. Symtuza (TAF/emtricitabine/darunavir/cobisistat)
i. Odefsey (TAF/emtricitabine/rilpivirine)
j. Descovy (TAF/emtricitabine)
k. Truvada or generic TDF/emtricitabine
Q2. How many patients received any antiretroviral (ART) therapy for HIV treatment (excluding pre-exposure prophylaxis):
a. for the latest 6-month period
b. for the 6 months from July-December 2019
Q3. How many patients were treated in the latest 6-months period with Truvada or generic TDF/emtricitabine for?
a. HIV treatment
b. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Q4. How many packs of Truvada or generic TDF/emtricitabine were dispensed in latest 6-month period for?
a. HIV treatment
b. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

Download response Antiretroviral therapies. 140521


1. The number of Autoclaves commissioned and commissioned date.
2. The departments where Autoclaves are used.


Bevacizumab. 290121

1. How many patients have been treated by your trust (for any medical condition) in the past 6 months with Bevacizumab?
2. Please provide the number of patients treated in the past 6 months with Bevacizumab for the following conditions:
a. Colorectal cancer
b. Breast cancer
c. Renal cell carcinoma
d. Non-small cell lung cancer
e. Ovarian cancer (epithelial, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal)
f. Carcinoma of the cervix

Download response Bevacizumab. 290121

Biliary Tract and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment.240424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I would be grateful if you could please provide the following information with regards to patients treated with Durvalumab (Imfinzi) and Nivolumab.

Where the specified Nov 23 – March 24 timeframe is not possible to provide, could you please provide the latest 5 months of data you have, and specify which timeframe this covers.

1. How many unique total patients were treated in the last 5 months (Nov 23 – March 24) with Durvalumab for the following indications?
A) Biliary Tract Cancer
B) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
2. How many unique total patients were treated in the last 5 months (Nov 23 – March 24) with Nivolumab for early stage (resectable) non-small cell lung cancer (Stages 1 – 3b).
3. How many unique total patients were treated last month (March 24) with Durvalumab for the following indications?
C) Biliary Tract Cancer
D) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

4. How many patients received their first treatment in the last 5 months (Nov 23 – March 24) with Durvalumab for the following indications?
E) Biliary Tract Cancer
F) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Biliary Tract and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment.240424.docx

Biliary tract cancer.281223.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. In the last 12 months, how many individual patients were treated for biliary tract cancer with the following Diagnosis Codes:
A) C22.1 Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cardinoma
B) C23 Malignant Neoplasm of Gallbladder
C) C24 Malignant Neoplasm of unspecified biliary tract (If possible, could this please be further split to C24.0 Extrahepatic bile duct, C24.8 Overlapping lesion of Biliary Tract, C24.9 Biloary Tract, Unspecified).

Could you please also provide a total unique patient number for all of the diagnosis codes above, in case they have been coded multiple times.
2. In the last 12 months, how many patients were treated for Oesophagus Oesophagogastric Junction Cancer? (C16.7)

Biliary tract cancer.281223.docx

Bisphosphonates. 160818

1. Does your Trust routinely provide bisphosphonates to postmenopausal women with primary breast cancer to reduce the risk of their cancer spreading to other parts of the body?
2. If your Trust does routinely provide bisphosphonates to reduce the risk of primary breast cancer spreading to other parts of the body, but is not providing them for all postmenopausal women, how is eligibility defined? For example, women at increased risk of recurrence.
3. If your Trust does routinely provide bisphosphonates for postmenopausal women to reduce the risk of primary breast cancer spreading to other parts of the body, which bisphosphonates do you prescribe? For example, zoledronic acid, ibandronic acid, sodium clodronate.
4. If your Trust does not routinely provide bisphosphonates for postmenopausal women to reduce the risk of primary breast cancer spreading to other parts of the body, what are your reasons for not doing so?

Download response Bisphosphonates. 160818

Bladder cancer.081223.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
In the past three months, how many patients have been treated for Bladder cancer with the below:
a) Avelumab
b) Atezolizumab
c) Carboplatin with Gemcitabine
d) Carboplatin single or in any other combination
e) Cisplatin with Gemcitabine
f) Cisplatin single or in any other combination
g) Nivolumab
h) Pembrolizumab
i) Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
j) Palliative care only

Bladder cancer.081223.docx

Blood collection tubes for liquid biopsies. 250521

1. How do you obtain blood collection tubes for liquid biopsies on cancer patients?
2. From what suppliers do you obtain these products?
3. Were these products purchased through a tender or framework? If so, which one? Please provide details including the name, reference and where this was published.
4. Are you under contract with your current supplier(s) for the above? If so, what is the start and end date of the contract?
5. Can you provide the name and contact details for the person(s) responsible for procuring these products?
6. Can you provide contact details for the department responsible for managing this service?

Download response Blood collection tubes for liquid biopsies. 250521

Blood Gas Analysers.111022.docx

Please provide details of the type (manufacturer and model), quantity, department, site where they are located and age of all Blood Gas Analysers listed on your trust’s asset register (or equivalent).

Blood Gas Analysers.111022.docx

Bone Metastases. 240919

1. Within your health trust how many metastatic breast cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated, with any therapy, surgery or palliative care.
2. Within your health trust how many breast cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated for bone metastases with the following treatments;
a. disodium pamidronate (Arcadia)
b. ibandronic acid or ibandronate (Bondronat)
c. sodium clodronate (Bonefos, Clasteon, Loron)
d. zoledronic acid or zoledronate (Zometa)
e. denosumab (Xgeva)
3. Within your health trust how many breast cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated with adjuvant therapy with the following treatments;
a. disodium pamidronate (Aredia)
b. ibandronic acid or ibandronate (Bondronat)
c. sodium clodronate (Bonefos, Clasteon, Loron)
d. zoledronic acid or zoledronate (Zometa)
4. Within your health trust how many metastatic lung cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated with any therapy, surgery or palliative care.
5. Within your health trust how many lung cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated for bone metastases with the following treatments;
a. disodium pamidronate (Aredia)
b. ibandronic acid or ibandronate (Bondronat)
c. sodium clodronate (Bonefos, Clasteon, Loron)
d. zoledronic acid or zoledronate (Zometa)
e. denosumab (Xgeva)
6. Within your health trust how many metastatic renal cell cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated with any therapy, surgery or palliative care.
7. Within your health trust how many renal cell carcinoma [RCC] patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated for bone metastases with the following treatments;
a. disodium pamidronate (Aredia)
b. ibandronic acid or ibandronate (Bondronat)
c. sodium clodronate (Bonefos, Clasteon, Loron)
d. zoledronic acid or zoledronate (Zometa)
e. denosumab (Xgeva)

Download response Bone Metastases. 240919

Brain Cancer Treatment.051022.docx

1. How many patients have been treated for glioblastoma brain cancer in the last 12 months, in your trust/ health board?
2. Which consultant is the nominated medical lead for the treatment or referral of glioblastoma brain cancer?
3.Does your trust/ health board treat all referred glioblastoma brain cancer cases, or are they referred to different centre’s? If so, which treatment centre(s) are they referred to?

Brain Cancer Treatment.051022.docx

Breast cancer.021123.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Alpelisib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
h. Everolimus + Exemestane
i. Fulvestrant as a single agent
j. Lapatinib
k. Neratinib
l. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
m. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
n. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
o. Pembrolizumab
p. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
q. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
r. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
s. Sacituzumab Govitecan
t. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
u. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
v. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
y. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Breast cancer.021123.docx

Breast Cancer.030723.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Alpelisib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
h. Everolimus + Exemestane
i. Fulvestrant as a single agent
j. Lapatinib
k. Neratinib
l. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
m. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
n. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
o. Pembrolizumab
p. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
q. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
r. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
s. Sacituzumab Govitecan
t. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
u. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
v. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
y. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q2. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for the treatment of breast cancer? If so, please provide the name of each trial and the number of patients taking part.

Breast Cancer.030723.docx

Breast cancer.090323.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Alpelisib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab + Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
h. Everolimus + Exemestane
i. Fulvestrant as a single agent
j. Lapatinib
k. Neratinib
l. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
m. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
n. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
o. Pembrolizumab
p. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
q. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
r. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
s. Sacituzumab Govitecan
t. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
u. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
v. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
y. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Q2. Of the patients treated for breast cancer with Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor in the past the 3 months, please provide the number of patients with:
a. early/locally advanced breast cancer (Stages 1 to 3B)
b. advanced/metastatic breast cancer (Stages 3C and 4)

Breast cancer.090323.docx

Breast cancer.090922.docx

1. In the past 3 months, how many Breast Cancer patients (any stage) were treated with:
a. Abemaciclib monotherapy
b. Aromatase inhibitor monotherapy (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
c. Tamoxifen monotherapy
d. Abemaciclib + Tamoxifen
e. Abemaciclib + Tamoxifen + Goserelin
f. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole) + Goserelin
g. Aromatase inhibitor + Goserelin
h. Tamoxifen+ Goserelin
2. How many patients have been treated for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
b. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
c. Pembrolizumab
d. Sacituzumab Govitecan
e. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
f. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
g. Capecitabine as a single agent
h. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
i. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
j. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
k. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Breast cancer.090922.docx

Breast Cancer.151223.docx

Q1. How many patients were treated in total, regardless of diagnosis, with the following medicines in the 3 months between the start of June 2023 and end of August 2023?
Please provide data for the latest 3-month period, if Jun to Aug is not available yet
1.1 Abemaciclib (Verzenios)
1.2 Alpelisib (Piqray)
1.3 Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
1.4 Palbociclib (Ibrance)
1.5 Ribociclib (Kisqali)
Q2. How many patients received abemaciclib (Verzenios) for early breast cancer in the 3 months between the start of June 2023 and end of August 2023?
Please provide data for the latest 3-month period, if Jun to Aug is not available yet
Q3. How many patients received abemaciclib (Verzenios) as adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer in the 3 months between the start of June 2023 and end of August 2023?
Please provide data for the latest 3-month period, if Jun to Aug is not available yet
Q4. How many patients received abemaciclib (Verzenios) with the following treatment intent in the 3 months between the start of June 2023 and end of August 2023?
Please provide data for the latest 3-month period, if Jun to Aug is not available yet
4.1 Curative
4.2 Palliative
4.3 Not known / stated
Q5. How many patients were treated with the following medicines in combination in the 3 months between the start of June 2023 and end of August 2023?
Please provide data for the latest 3-month period, if Jun to Aug is not available yet
5.1 Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
5.2 Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + an aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole, letrozole or exemestane)
5.3 Abemaciclib (Verzenois) + tamoxifen
5.4 Abemaciclib monotherapy
5.5 Alpelisib (Piqray) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
5.6 Palbociclib (Ibrance) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
5.7 Palbociclib (Ibrance) + an aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole, letrozole or exemestane)
5.8 Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
5.9 Ribociclib (Kisqali) + an aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole, letrozole or exemestane)

Breast Cancer.151223.docx

Breast cancer. 181019

1. Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of people diagnosed in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust with early breast cancer in each year from 2013 to 2018.
If confirm, please release this data.
2. Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of people diagnosed in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust with early breast cancer that were offered tumour profiling tests to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions, in each year from 2013 to 2018. If confirm, please release this data.
3. Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of people diagnosed in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust with early breast cancer that were tested with tumour profiling tests to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions, in each year from 2013 to 2018. If confirm, please release this data.
4. Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of people diagnosed in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative and lymph node (LN)-negative (including micrometastatic disease) early breast cancer in each year from 2013 to 2018. If confirm, please release this data.
5. Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the numbers of people diagnosed in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative and lymph node (LN)-negative (including micrometastatic disease) early breast cancer that were offered tumour profiling tests to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in each year from 2013 to 2018. If confirm, please release this data.
6. Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of people diagnosed in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative and lymph node (LN)-negative (including micrometastatic disease) early breast cancer that were tested with tumour profiling tests to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in each year from 2013 to 2018. If confirm, please release this data.

Download response Breast cancer. 181019

Breast Cancer.181122.docx

1. In the past 3 months, how many Breast Cancer patients (at any stage) were treated with:
a. Abemaciclib monotherapy
b. Aromatase inhibitor monotherapy (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
c. Tamoxifen monotherapy
d. Abemaciclib + Tamoxifen
2. In the past 3 months, how many early/locally advanced Breast Cancer (Stages 1 to 3B) patients were treated with:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Taxane and/or Anthracycline (monotherapy or in combination)
c. Any other active systemic anti cancer therapy
3. How many patients have been treated for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti cancer therapies:
a. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
b. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
c. Pembrolizumab
d. Sacituzumab Govitecan
e. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
f. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
g. Capecitabine as a single agent
h. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
i. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
j. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
k. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Breast Cancer.181122.docx

Breast cancer. 251021.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the systemic anti-cancer therapies listed below?
a. Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole) as a single agent
b. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
c. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Carboplatin or Cisplatin as a single agent
h. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
i. Everolimus + Exemestane
j. Fluorouracil
k. Fulvestrant as a single agent
l. Goserelin
m. Lapatinib
n. Neratinib
o. Olaparib
p. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
q. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
r. Pertuzumab + Trastuzumab + Docetaxel
s. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
t. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
u. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
v. Talazoparib
w. Tamoxifen
x. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
y. Transtuzumab as a single agent
z. Trastuzumab emtansine
aa. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
bb. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Q2. In the past 3 months, how many early/locally advanced (Stages I to IIIc) breast cancer patients were treated with an Aromatase Inhibitor (anastrozole, exemestane, Letrozole) as a single agent?

Download response Breast cancer. 251021.docx

Breast Cancer.270224.docx

Breast Cancer.

You asked: All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1) In the past 3 months, how many advanced/metastatic breast cancer patients have the status of;
a) HR+ and HER2+ [Hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor 2-positive]
b) HR- and HER2+ [Hormone receptor-negative and human epidermal growth factor 2-positive]
c) The total number of Metastatic breast cancer patients of any type.

2) In the past 3 months, how many metastatic breast cancer patients were treated with:
a) Trastuzumab + Pertuzumab + paclitaxel
b) Trastuzumab + paclitaxel Trastuzumab as a single agent
c) Trastuzumab emtansine
d) Trastuzumab Deruxtecan
e) Tucatinib + Trastuzumab + Capecitabine

Breast Cancer.270224.docx

Breast cancer.280224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Alpelisib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
h. Everolimus + Exemestane
i. Fulvestrant as a single agent
j. Lapatinib
k. Neratinib
l. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
m. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
n. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
o. Pembrolizumab
p. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
q. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
r. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
s. Sacituzumab Govitecan
t. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
u. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
v. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
y. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q2. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for breast cancer? If so, please provide the name of each trial, and the number of patients taking part.

Breast cancer.280224.docx

Breast Cancer.310323.docx

Q1. How many patients were treated in total, regardless of diagnosis, with the following medicines in the latest three months for which you have data?
Name of medicine
1.1 Abemaciclib (Verzenios)
1.2 Alpelisib (Piqray)
1.3 Anastrozole (anastrozole or Arimidex)
1.4 Exemestane (exemestane or Aromasin)
1.5 Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
1.6 Letrozole (letrozole or Femara)
1.7 Palbociclib (Ibrance)
1.8 Ribociclib (Kisqali)
Q2. How many patients received abemaciclib (Verzenios) as adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer in the latest three months for which you have data?
If you do not have data on early breast cancer, please state how many patients received abemaciclib (Verzenios) as adjuvant treatment.
Q3. How many patients received abemaciclib in combination with an aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole or exemestane or letrozole) for early breast cancer and locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in the latest three months for which you have data?
3.1 Abemaciclib + aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole or exemestane or letrozole)
3.2 Abemaciclib + aromatase inhibitor (anastrozole or exemestane or letrozole)
Q4. How many patients received Olaparib (Lynparza) as adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer in the latest three months for which you have data?
If you do not have data on early breast cancer, please state how many patients received Olaparib (Lynparza) as adjuvant treatment.
Q5. How many patients were treated with the following medicines in combination in the latest three months for which you have data?
Name of combination
4.1 Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
4.2 Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Anastrozole (anastrozole or Arimidex)
4.3 Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Exemestane (exemestane or Aromasin)
4.4 Abemaciclib (Verzenios) + Letrozole (letrozole or Femara)
4.7 Alpelisib (Piqray) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
4.8 Palbociclib (Ibrance) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
4.9 Palbociclib (Ibrance) + Anastrozole (anastrozole or Arimidex)
4.10 Palbociclib (Ibrance) + Exemestane (exemestane or Aromasin)
4.11 Palbociclib (Ibrance) + Letrozole (letrozole or Femara)
4.12 Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Fulvestrant (fulvestrant or Faslodex)
4.13 Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Anastrozole (anastrozole or Arimidex)
4.14 Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Exemestane (exemestane or Aromasin)
4.15 Ribociclib (Kisqali) + Letrozole (letrozole or Femara)
Q5. How many patients were treated with Olaparib (Lynparza) as monotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in the latest three months for which you have data?
Q6. Which of these protocols does your Trust follow when issuing prescriptions for aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole or exemestane or letrozole) prescribed in combination with CDK4/6 inhibitors (abemaciclib or palbociclib or ribociclib)?
6.1 Aromatase inhibitors and CDK4/6 inhibitors are issued together To Take Out at the hospital
6.2 Aromatase inhibitors and CDK4/6 inhibitors are issued separately. The CDK4/6 inhibitors (abemaciclib or palbociclib or ribociclib) are issued To Take Out at the hospital. The aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole or exemestane or letrozole) are issued as an FP10 to the patient or a request is sent to the GP to issue in the community
6.3 Both protocols above

Breast Cancer.310323.docx

Breast cancer treatment.110722.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
d. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
e. Capecitabine as a single agent
f. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
g. Everolimus + Exemestane
h. Fulvestrant as a single agent
i. Lapatinib
j. Neratinib
k. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
l. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
m. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
n. Pembrolizumab
o. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
p. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
q. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
r. Sacituzumab Govitecan
s. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
t. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
u. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
v. Trastuzumab emtansine
w. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
x. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q2. In the past 3 months, how many early/locally advanced breast cancer (Stages 1 to 3B) patients were treated with:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Taxane and/or Anthracycline (monotherapy or in combination)
c. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Breast cancer treatment.110722.docx

Breast Cancer treatments.241219

1. Within your health trust how many patients are currently [within the past 3 months] being treated with the following for breast cancer?
Abemaciclib + aromatase inhibitor *
Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
Alpelisib + Fulvestrant
Everolimus + Exemestane
Fulvestrant as a single agent
Gemcitabine + paclitaxel
Palbociclib + aromatase inhibitor*
Pertuzumab + trastuzumab + docetaxel
Ribociclib + aromatase inhibitor*
Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
Herceptin SC
Herceptin IV
Transtuzumab biosimilar SC
Transtuzumab biosimilar IV
Trastuzumab emtansine
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy **
*aromatase inhibitor e.g. Anastrozole, Exemestane or Letrozole
**e.g. docetaxel, vinorelbine or capecitabine as a single agent

2. How many patients are being treated for
2a Neo-adjuvant breast cancer;
Transtuzumab total SC
Transtuzumab total IV
2.b Adjuvant breast cancer;
Transtuzumab total SC
Transtuzumab total IV

Download response Breast Cancer treatments.241219

Breast radiotherapy access. 170120

1. In November and December 2019 how many requests/bookings for radical radiotherapy to the breast or chestwall were received by the radiotherapy department?
2. For those patients requested/booked in November and December 2019, how many commenced treatment?
3. Of those who received treatment what was the average length of time between the request/booking being made and the patient receiving treatment?
4. What is your average length of time for all radical radiotherapy requests/bookings to starting treatment?

Download response Breast radiotherapy access. 170120

Breast Screening & Breast Clinics. 031219

Breast Screening – (Asymptomatic)
1. Does the trust have a dedicated breast screening service/unit (Asymptomatic mammograms) – This could be separate from the main x-ray department?
2. If so, what is the name of the service?
3. Is this run in a static unit or on breast screening vans (Or Both)? How many vans does the service run? How many static sites does the service run?
4. How many ladies are scanned/screened on average, per day on each van/static unit?
5. Does the service scan on a 5 day or 7 day week?
6. Who has the overall responsibility for the breast screening service?
7. Please provide an organisational chart for the team/department with overall responsibility for the breast screening service

Symptomatic Mammography & Breast Clinics
1. Which department has the responsibility for symptomatic mammograms / Symptomatic Breast Lists/Clinics? Does this come under the breast screening unit or the main radiography department of the trust?
2. How many ladies are assessed on average per day in the symptomatic breast clinic?
3. Does the service scan on a 5 day or 7 day week?
4. Who has the overall responsibility for the symptomatic breast clinics?
5. Please provide an organisational chart for the team/department with overall responsibility for the symptomatic breast clinics

Download response Breast Screening & Breast Clinics. 031219

C-Arm provision. 250220

Please can you answer the following questions regarding the Mobile C-arm medical imaging equipment used within the Trust?
Please can you provide the following information for each piece of Mobile C-arm medical imaging equipment? (Please complete the attached spreadsheet)
a. Manufacturer
b. Model
c. Type (Image Intensifier, Flat Panel Detector)
d. Generator Power
e. Location – Hospital Name
f. Location – Department
g. Method of Finance at Procurement
h. Initial cost of Equipment
i. Annual Maintenance cost
j. Acquisition Date
k. Planned Replacement Date

Download response C-Arm provision. 250220

Cancelled cancer operations.061223.docx

1. How many cancer operations have been cancelled by your NHS Trust in each of the past four financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
2. Please could you provide a breakdown for the reasons these operations were cancelled e.g. lack of staff, lack of beds, or equipment issues, again broken down by the financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20

Cancelled cancer operations.061223.docx

Cancelled cancer operations. 220920

I would like to know how many cancer operations have been cancelled by your NHS Trust since March 1st 2020?

Download response Cancelled cancer operations. 220920

Cancelled Cancer operations.290224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many cancer operations have been cancelled by your NHS Trust in each of the past four financial years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
2. The highest number of times a patient’s operation has been cancelled at your NHS Trust since the start of 2022.
3. Please could you provide a breakdown for the reasons these operations were cancelled e.g. lack of staff, lack of beds, or equipment issues.
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20

Cancelled Cancer operations.290224.docx

Cancer appointments.081223.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The number of (a) first consultant appointments after an urgent referral, (b) first definitive cancer treatments, and (c) subsequent cancer treatments, that were cancelled or rescheduled by your trust in financial year 2022/23:
(i) once
(b) twice
(c) three times or more
2. The most amount of times the date was changed on a single one of the above cancer appointments by your trust in FY 2022/23.

Cancer appointments.081223.docx

Cancer complaints. 021121.docx

1) How many PALS enquiries and official complaints your Trust has received from patients concerned about
a) the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and your Trust’s response on their or their family member’s access to cancer treatment
b) and access to cancer testing – including tests to find out whether their or their family member’s cancer has spread, returned or occurred for the first time
2) For the five most recent PALS enquiries/official complaints received, please provide me with
a) a summary of the complaint (e.g. a patient with stage 4 lung and breast cancer has contacted PALS to complain about their chemotherapy being postponed for a month)
b) the exact wording of the complaint, with redactions to remove potentially identifying information
c) what action the Trust took in response

Download response Cancer complaints. 021121.docx

Cancer complaints. 170820

Could you please tell me between 1st March 2020 and the date of this email (31st July 2020):
1) How many PALS enquiries and official complaints your Trust has received from patients concerned about
a) the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and your Trust’s response on their access to cancer treatment
b) and access to cancer testing – including tests to find out whether their cancer has spread, returned or occurred for the first time
NOTE: I suggest you search for these complaints by using the keywords ‘cancer treatment’, ‘chemotherapy’, ‘cancer testing’, ‘coronavirus’, ‘COVID-19’ and other relevant terms.
2) For the five most recent PALS enquiries/official complaints received, please provide me with
a) a summary of the complaint (e.g. a patient with stage 4 lung and breast cancer has contacted PALS to complain about their chemotherapy being indefinitely suspended)
b) the exact wording of the complaint, with redactions to remove potentially identifying information
c) what action the Trust took in response

Download response Cancer complaints. 170820

Cancer diagnosis.190424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many fatalities have been due to cancer wrong diagnosis or failure/delay diagnosis in the last three years (Between 2021-up to and including any data held for 2024)?

For example: The number of incidents where the Primary Cause is ‘Wrong Diagnosis’ or ‘Failure/Delay Diagnosis’ and where both injury codes ‘Cancer’ and ‘Fatality’ are recorded?

Cancer diagnosis.190424.docx

Cancer diagnosis via A&E.190424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
The number of patients diagnosed with cancer, broken down between 2018 and 2023, where:
o The source of referral for the cancer diagnosis was listed as ‘Following A&E Attendance’.
o Attendances at A&E where the presenting complaint indicated that the patient was already known to have cancer or was undergoing cancer treatment were excluded.

Cancer diagnosis via A&E.190424.docx

Cancer diagnostic tests.021123.docx

1. How many patients are currently on your trust’s waiting list for a cancer diagnostic test?
2. How many patients were on your trust’s waiting list for a cancer diagnostic test 12 months ago?
3. What is the longest time a patient has had to wait for a cancer diagnostic test in the last 12 months?
4. How many cancer diagnostic tests have been cancelled by your trust for non-clinical reasons in the last 12 months?
5. What is the highest number of times a cancer diagnostic test for one patient has been cancelled by your trust for non-clinical reasons in the last 12 months?

Cancer diagnostic tests.021123.docx

Cancer funding.140324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
“The total amount of your Trusts budget in pounds-sterling (£) that is allocated for all cancer funding in each of the financial years a) 2023-2024, b) 2023-2022, c) 2022-2021, d) 2021-2020, e) 2020-2019
The percentage of your Trusts total budget that is allocated for all cancer funding in each of the financial years a) 2023-2024, b) 2023-2022, c) 2022-2021, d) 2021-2020, e) 2020-2019”

Cancer funding.140324.docx

Cancer – Longest Wait.310823.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The number of people at your trust currently receiving treatment for cancer?
2. The number of people at your trust currently waiting to receive treatment for cancer?
3. How long has the person who has waited the longest been waiting?
4. The number of people waiting to start cancer treatment, as measured from the date of urgent referral, who have waited longer than:
a. 62 days,
b. 3 months,
c. 4 months
d. 6 months,
e. 12 months.
5. The single longest wait to start cancer treatment, as measured from the date of the urgent referral, for each of the last three years?

Cancer – Longest Wait.310823.docx

Cancer pathway and treatment. 270821.docx

1. How many patients on the cancer pathway started treatment within the 62 days and over 62 days, from urgent GP referral to starting treatment in each month of 2020 and 2021.
2. How many patients referred under the 2 weeks wait pathway were seen within 14 days in each month of 2020 and 2021.
3. How many patients started cancer treatment in each month of:
a. 2019
b. 2020
c. 2021

Download response Cancer pathway and treatment. 270821.docx

Cancer patients. 240920

Please send me:
1. The total number of cancer patients receiving treatment within 62 days.
2. The total number of cancer patients waiting more than 104 days for treatment.

Download response Cancer patients. 240920

Cancer referrals.280521

What percentage of cancer referrals received an appointment within 12 weeks of the original referral from a GP, for each month in 2019 and for each month in 2020.

Download response Cancer referrals.280521

Cancer Services. 110221

1) What support do you offer for the family members of patients being treated for cancer within your NHS trust? (Support can include anything that would contribute to the emotional well-being of an individual, such as support groups, counselling or advice).
2) Does your NHS Trust provide any tailored support specifically for young people (under 25s) who have family members being treated for cancer?
3) If so, please could you provide details.
4) Are services actively offered to patients’ family members, or do they have to approach the Trust themselves to request support?

Download response Cancer Services. 110221

Cancer services.180522.docx

1. Over all how many Cancer trackers are employed by your Trust (WTE)?
2. Over all how many cancer MDT co-ordinators are employed by your Trust (WTE)?
3. Please provide the split of cancer tracker WTE by each tumour site of responsibility
a. Lung
b. Breast
c. Head & Neck
d. Lower GI
e. Upper GI
f. Gynaelogical
g. Children’s
h. Acute leukaemia
i. Haematological malignancies (excluding acute leukaemia)
j. Testicular
k. Urological
4. Please provide the split of cancer MDT co-coordinators WTE by each tumour site of responsibility
a. Lung
b. Breast
c. Head & Neck
d. Lower GI
e. Upper GI
f. Gynaelogical
g. Children’s
h. Acute leukaemia
i. Haematological malignancies (excluding acute leukaemia)
j. Testicular
k. Urological
5. What cancer PAS system is used by your organisation? I.e. Somerset, Infoflex other. If other please specify.

Cancer services.180522.docx

Cancer Services and Radiotherapy policies. 090620

I wonder if you could get a complete copy including finance of the Trusts Cancer Policy.
On another issue, we are trying to get hold of copies of the two trusts Radiotherapy policy.

Download response Cancer Services and Radiotherapy policies. 090620

Cancer Treatment.101023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1) Over the last 6 months, how many patients were treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following diseases:
A) Metastatic Melanoma
B) Adjuvant Melanoma
C) BRAF mutated Lung Cancer

2) Over the last 6 months, how many patients were treated with a combination of Encorafenib (Braftovi) + Binimetnib (Mektovi) for the following diseases:
A) Metastatic Melanoma
B) Colorectal Cancer
C) Any other indications

Cancer Treatment.101023.docx

Cancer treatment. 181019

1 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Non-small cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) with the following
Carboplatin and Pemetrexed
Cisplatin and Pemetrexed
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab in combination
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
2a – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trails for the treatment of Metastatic Non Small Cell Lung cancer patients ?
2b – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?
3 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) with the following:
Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRIE or FOLOX
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy (eg 5FU, CAPIRI, CAPOX, FOLFIRI, FOLFOX, Oxaliplatin, Irinotecan, Tegafur or Uracil + 5FU)
3a – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Colorectal cancer patients ?
3b – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?
4 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Head and Neck Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) ?
4a – If your Trust is able to split these patients, how many are locally advanced and how many are recurrent and or metastatic Head and Neck Cancer patients ?
Locally advanced
Recurrent metastatic
Unable to split
4b – Of the Head and Neck cancer patients please split by their current drug treatment (if you are unable to split by locally advanced and recurrent please state the total)
Carboplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cisplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cetuximab with / without chemotherapy
Cetuximab with radiotherapy
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
Docetaxel (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Fluorouracil (5-FU)
Radiotherapy only
4c – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Head and Neck cancer patients ?
4d – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?
5 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Urothelial Carcinoma UCC) with the following:
Cisplatin single agent
Cisplatin in combination with another agent
Carboplatin single agent
Carboplatin in combination with another agent
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
5a – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma patients ?
5b – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?

Download response Cancer treatment. 181019

Cancer treatment. 181019

1 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Non-small cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) with the following
Carboplatin and Pemetrexed
Cisplatin and Pemetrexed
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab in combination
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
2a – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trails for the treatment of Metastatic Non Small Cell Lung cancer patients ?
2b – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?
3 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) with the following:
Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRIE or FOLOX
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy (e.g. 5FU, CAPIRI, CAPOX, FOLFIRI, FOLFOX, Oxaliplatin, Irinotecan, Tegafur or Uracil + 5FU)
3a – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Colorectal cancer patients ?
3b – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?
4 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Head and Neck Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) ?
4a – If your Trust is able to split these patients, how many are locally advanced and how many are recurrent and or metastatic Head and Neck Cancer patients ?
Locally advanced
Recurrent metastatic
Unable to split
4b – Of the Head and Neck cancer patients please split by their current drug treatment (if you are unable to split by locally advanced and recurrent please state the total)
Carboplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cisplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cetuximab with / without chemotherapy
Cetuximab with radiotherapy
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
Docetaxel (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Fluorouracil (5-FU)
Radiotherapy only
4c – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Head and Neck cancer patients ?
4d – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?
5 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 6 months available) being treated for Urothelial Carcinoma UCC) with the following:
Cisplatin single agent
Cisplatin in combination with another agent
Carboplatin single agent
Carboplatin in combination with another agent
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
5a – Does your Health Trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma patients ?
5b – If so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name(s) of the trials ?

Download response Cancer treatment. 181019

Cancer treatment. 291118

You asked:
1. In the past 3 months, how many mNSCLC patients were treated with?
Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma
2. In the past three months, how many patients were treated with?
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Metastatic Thyroid Cancer
3. In the past three months, how many patients were treated with?

Download response Cancer treatment. 291118

Cancer treatment using specified products.250624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1) In the past 6 months, what was the number of patients treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following conditions:
A) Metastatic Melanoma
B) Adjuvant Melanoma
C) BRAF mutated Lung Cancer
2) In the past 6 months, what was the number of patients treated with a combination of Encorafenib (Braftovi) + Binimetnib (Mektovi) for the following conditions:
A) Metastatic Melanoma
B) Colorectal Cancer

Cancer treatment using specified products.250624.docx

Cancer Treatments. 040320

1a – How many melanoma patients undergoing treatment are BRAF+?
1b – In the past 3 months, how many melanoma patients were treated with the following:
Dabrafenib AND trametinib
Encorafenib AND binimetinib
Ipilimumab AND Nivolumab
Vemurafenib AND Cobimetinib
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Palliative care
1c – In the past 3 months how many patients were seen who had stage III resectable melanoma
1d – Of all stage III patients seen, how many received a complete resection?
2 – In the past 3 months, how many Squamous Cell Non-small cell lung cancer (SqNSCLC) patients were treated with:
Atezolizumab monotherapy
Docetaxel monotherapy
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab chemo in combination
Vinorelbine and cisplatin / carboplatin
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy [please state]
Palliative care only
3 – In the past 3 months, how many Non Squamous Cell Non-small cell lung cancer (Non SqNSCLC) patients were treated with:
Atezolizumab mono
Atezolizumab + bevacizumab + carboplatin + paclitaxel
Docetaxel monotherapy
Nintedanib with docetaxel
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab chemo in combination
Pemetrexed with carboplatin
Pemetrexed with cisplatin
Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy [please state]
Palliative care only

Download response Cancer Treatments. 040320

Cancer treatments. 051121.docx

1. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
a. Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
2. For the patients treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the therapies listed in the first question, please provide:
a. Total number of head and neck cancer patients
b. Number of locally advanced head and neck cancer patients
c. Number of recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer patients
3. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for colorectal cancer [CRC]?
a. Aflibercept
b. Bevacizumab
c. Capecitabine
f. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
g. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
h. Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
i. Irinotecan only
l. Fluorouracil (5FU) only
m. Oxaliplatin only
n. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
o. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
p. Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
q. Pembrolizumab
r. Nivolumab
s. Raltitrexed
t. Ramucirumab
u. Regorafenib
v. Sorafenib
w. Other SACT

Download response Cancer treatments. 051121.docx

Cancer treatments. 210920

1. Does your trust treat adult multiple myeloma [MM] ? – if you refer your multiple myeloma patients to another centre, please state which.
2. If yes, then how many multiple myeloma patients, have been treated in the past 6 months with the following;
· Bortezomib [Velcade]
· Carfilzomib [Kyprolis]
· Ixazomib [Ninlaro]
· Lenalidomide [Revlimid]
· Daratumumab [Darzalex]
· Melphalan, prednisolone and thalidomide (known as MPT)
· Cyclophosphamide, thalidomide and dexamethasone (known as CTD)
· Pomalidomide [Imnovid]
3. Over the past 6 months [latest possible], how many chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients have you treated?
If possible, how many CLL patients treated were new to therapy in the past 3 months?
4. How many chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients, have been treated in the past 6 months with the following;
· Fludarabine (Fludara), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), and rituximab (known as FCR)
· Bendamustine and rituximab (known as BR)
· Ibrutinib [Imbruvica]
· Chlorambucil
· Venetoclax
· Obinutuzumab
· Idelalisib
· Fludarabine and rituximab (known as FR)
· High-dose prednisone and rituximab
· Pentostatin (Nipent), cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (known as PCR)
· Alemtuzumab (Campath) with rituximab

Download response Cancer treatments. 210920

Cancer treatments. 220120

1. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months for head and neck cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma)?
2. Of these patients how many are locally advanced and how many are recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer patients?
Locally advanced
Recurrent metastatic
3. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months for head and neck cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
Carboplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cisplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
Cetuximab with radiotherapy
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
Docetaxel (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Fluorouracil (5FU)
Radiotherapy only
Does your health trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer patients, if so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name/s of the trials?
4. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months with the following agent for colorectal cancer [CRC];
Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
5FU only
Tegafur Uracil + 5FU
5. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months with the following agent for Renal Cell Carcinoma :
Avelumab + Axitinib
Lenvantinib + Everolimus
Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
Pembrolizumab + Axitinib
6. Does your health trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of renal cell cancer patients, if so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name/s of the trials?

Download response Cancer treatments. 220120

Cancer treatments. 241019

1 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 3 months) being treated with the following treatments for Kidney Carcinoma (Renal Cell – RCC);
If you do not treat, where do you refer these patients?
2 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 3 months) being treated with the following treatments for Melanoma?
If you do not treat, where do you refer these patients?
2a – In the past 3 months, how many Melanoma patients were BRAF+?
3 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 3 months) being treated with the following treatments for Liver Cancer (Hepatic Cell – HCC);
If you do not treat, where do you refer these patients?
4 – Within your Health Trust how many patients are currently (within the past 3 months) being treated with the following treatments for Thyroid Cancer;
If you do not treat, where do you refer these patients?

Download response Cancer treatments. 241019

Cancer treatments. 260620

1. In the past 3 months, how many metastatic melanoma patients were treated by your Trust?
a. Dabrafenib
b. Dabrafenib + Trametinib
c. Densoumab
d. Encorafenib + Binimetinib
e. Ipilimumab
f. Ipilimumab + Nivolumab
g. Nivolumab
h. Pembrolizumab
i. Trametinib
j. Vemurafenib
k. Vemurafenib + Cobimetinib
l. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Palliative care only
2. Within your health trust how many patients are currently [within the past 3 months] being treated for metastatic Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with the following:
a. Afatinib
b. Atezolizumab monotherapy or combination
c. Brigatinib
d. Ceretinib
e. Crizotinib
f. Docetaxel monotherapy or combination
g. Erlotinib
h. Gefitinib
i. Gemcitabine
j. Nitendanib + docetaxel
k. Nivolumab
l. Osimertinib
m. Paclitaxel
n. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
o. Pembrolizumab chemo in combination
p. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
q. Pemetrexed monotherapy or combination
r. Ramucirumab
s. Vinorelbine monotherapy or combination
t. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
u. Palliative care only
3. Out of the metastatic NSCLC patients currently [within the past 3 months] being treated, are you able to provide the number of patients being treated for Squamous Cell Non-small-cell lung cancer (SqNSCLC ) with the following products?
a. Afatinib
b. Atezolizumab monotherapy or combination
c. Brigatinib
d. Ceretinib
e. Crizotinib
f. Docetaxel monotherapy or combination
g. Erlotinib
h. Gefitinib
i. Gemcitabine
j. Nitendanib + docetaxel
k. Nivolumab
l. Osimertinib
m. Paclitaxel
n. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
o. Pembrolizumab chemo in combination
p. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
q. Pemetrexed monotherapy or combination
r. Ramucirumab
s. Vinorelbine mono or combination
t. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
u. Palliative care only

Download response Cancer treatments. 260620

Cancer treatments.270224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1) in the past 6 months, how many patients were treated with a combination of both Encorafenib (Braftovi) + Binimetnib (Mektovi) for the following diseases:

A) Metastatic Melanoma
B) Colorectal Cancer
C) Any other indications

2) In the past 6 months, how many patients were treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following diseases:
A) Metastatic Melanoma
B) Adjuvant Melanoma
C) BRAF mutated Lung Cancer

Cancer treatments.270224.docx

Cancer treatments.270923.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the number of cancer treatments started at each cancer stage in each of the last five years in your trust.

Cancer treatments.270923.docx

Cancer treatments. 291020

1. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months for head and neck cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma)?
2. Of these patients how many are locally advanced, recurrent, metastatic and unresectable head and neck cancer patients?
a. Locally advanced
b. Recurrent
c. Metastatic
d. Unresectable
e. Unknown
3. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months for head and neck cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
a. Carboplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (only or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
3b. Does your health trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer patients, if so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name/s of the trials?
4. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months with the following agent for colorectal cancer [CRC];
a. Aflibercept
b. Bevacizumab
c. Capecitabine
f. Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
g. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
h. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
i. Irinotecan
l. Oxaliplatin
m. Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
n. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
o. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
p. Nivolumab
q. Raltitrexed
r. Ramucirumab
s. Regorafenib
t. Sorafenib
u. 5FU only
v. Tegafur Uracil + 5FU
w. Trifluridine–tipiracil
y. Other
5. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months with the following agent for Renal Cell Carcinoma:
a. Sunitinib
b. Avelumab + Axitinib
c. Axinitib
d. Cabozantinib
e. Everolimus
f. Lenvantinib + Everolimus
g. Nivolumab
h. Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
i. Pazopanib
j. Pembrolizumab + Axitinib
k. Sunitinib
l. Temsirolimus
m. Tivozanib
5b. Does your health trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of renal cell cancer patients, if so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name/s of the trials?

Download response Cancer treatments. 291020

Cancer two week wait referral.110822.docx

Please can you let me know what your success rate in meeting the cancer two week wait referral is? What % of patients referred are actually seen within the two weeks?

Cancer two week wait referral.110822.docx

Cancers. 050718

1. How many individuals diagnosed in the last 5 years with prostate cancer?
2. How many deaths attributable to prostate cancer in the last 5 years?
3. How many individuals diagnosed in the last 5 years with breast cancer?
4. How many deaths attributable to breast cancer in the last 5 years?
5. How many individuals diagnosed with brain cancer in the last 5 years?
6. Of those diagnosed with brain cancer how many with GBM4?
7. How many deaths attributable to brain cancer in the last 5 years?
8. Of those deaths how many due to GBM4?
9. How many children diagnosed with brain cancer in the last 5 years?
10. How many child deaths attributable to brain cancer in the last 5 years?
Download response Cancers. 050718

Cervical cancer and Endometrial cancer.171022.docx

Q1. Does your trust provide SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) treatments for the following conditions?
a. Cervical cancer
b. Endometrial cancer
In case you do not provide SACT treatments for either of the above conditions, which other trust do you refer patients to for these treatments?
Q2. How many patients were treated for cervical cancer in the past 6 months with the following treatments:
a. Paclitaxel in combination with Platinum and/or Bevacizumab
b. Pembrolizumab in combination with Platinum and/or Bevacizumab
c. Platinum standalone or in combination with Bevacizumab
d. Toptecan in combination with Platinum and/or Bevacizumab
e. Any other SACT
Q3. How many patients were treated for endometrial cancer in the past 6 months with the following treatments:
a. Dostarlimab
b. Hormone therapy (Progesterone or Letrozole)
c. Pembrolizumab in combination with Lenvatinib
d. Platinum-based chemotherapy (monotherapy or combination with taxanes, anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide)
e. Any other SACT
Q4. How many endometrial cancer patients received the following therapies as 1st Line treatment in the past 6 months:
a. Hormone therapy (Progesterone or Letrozole)
b. Platinum-based chemotherapy (monotherapy or combination with taxanes, anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide)
c. Any other SACT
Q5. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for the treatment of cervical cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial and the number of patients taking part.
Q6. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for the treatment of endometrial cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial and the number of patients taking part.

Cervical cancer and Endometrial cancer.171022.docx

Chemotherapies and anything specific to carboplatin. 170322.docx

We are seeking information for both general advice relevant to all chemotherapies and anything specific to carboplatin.
As part of this guidance and information we are seeking data including but not limited to:
1. The % and number of patients having the kidney function tests before chemo has begun and after it has begun, with associated outcomes, including mortality rates, split by chemo cycle stage undertaken.
2. The % and number of patients whose GFR tests taken prior to chemo starting, have indicated their kidneys were not functioning sufficiently to enable progression of chemotherapy.
3. It would then be helpful to understand which of those patients guided chemo cannot be progressed, did not progress and those that did (going against doctors wishes if that is possible to do?) and their outcomes.
It needs to reflect a time pre covid that is representative of more ‘normal’ time in treatment of cancers patients and also post pandemic peak when hospitals have been ramping up recovery.
We’d therefore be looking at two periods of data 1) 12 rolling months, February 2018 to Feb 2019 and then 5 months May 2021 to September 2021.
In addition to our questions below we’d like:
4. The specific data on number of patients during those periods who did not have a kidney function test prior to the first chemo cycle e.g total patients given chemo and not given chemo and the numbers of those that had gfr test before and those that did not.
5. For those patients that did not, also confirm of any subsequent kidney failure experienced and at what stage of chemo it was experienced.
6. To make a fair comparison, we’d welcome data of those who experienced kidney failure from chemo and at what stage chemo this happened – who undertook a gfr test prior and whose kidneys were deemed fit enough to withstand chemo treatment.

Chemotherapies and anything specific to carboplatin. 170322.docx

Clinical Imaging Equipment. 150322.docx

A list of the current medical imaging equipment held by the Trust across all hospital sites, providing the following information:
Q1: What is your overall spend on medical imaging products and services for the current year?
Q2: How much do you spend on each modality requested below for the current year:
a) Computed Tomography (CT)
b) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
c) Ultrasound
d) Fluoroscopy
e) Mammography
f) Nuclear
g) Mobile X-ray
h) Static X-ray
Q3: A list of the current equipment held by the Trust across all hospital sites for each of the following:
a) Supplier
b) Product
c) Contract start date
d) Contract expiry date
e) Number of devices
f) Age of product
Example Response: 3 x Siemens Acuson SC2000, Initial cost £ 29,000, Contract start date 10/02/2022 Contract end date 10/02/2026, 6 years old
Q4: Annual cost of maintenance of equipment
Q5: What percentage of your imaging equipment has an element of Artificial Intelligence?

Clinical Imaging Equipment. 150322.docx

Clinical Insourcing and Outsourcing. 111121.docx

1. Do you insource clinical services and if so, which ones?
2. Do you have any current contracts in place with a company for these insourced services, and if so which services?
3. How much have you spent on insourcing clinical services per annum for the past 3 years?
4. Do you outsource clinical services and if so, which ones?
5. Do you have any current contracts in place with a company for these outsourced services, and if so which services?
6. How much have you spent on outsourcing clinical services per annum for the past 3 years?

Download response Clinical Insourcing and Outsourcing. 111121.docx

Clinical Trials in Oncology.210324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Name of person completing out this form:
Full name of the hospital or NHS Trust (specify):
Your role at the hospital:
Your involvement in oncology clinical trials:
Is your hospital/ NHS Trust a Cancer Unit, Cancer Centre or Centre of Excellence in Cancer Care?
1.Ia What tumour groups do you treat with systemic anti-cancer therapy at your centre?
1.Ib Since 2010, for what tumour groups has your organisation had clinical trials involving systemic anti-cancer therapy? Select all that apply.
1.Ic In TOTAL, how many clinical trials (interventional Phase 0 – III) involving novel or novel combination or novel way of administering systemic anti-cancer therapies for solid cancers did you have in the Oncology department on 31 Dec in each year (provide a snapshot number) since 2010?
1.Id Of the total number of clinical trials you reported in 1.Ic, how many were solely funded by the NHS and NIHR (thus excluding trials funded by charity, government research councils like MRC, academic institutions and commercial companies)?
1.Ie Of the total number of clinical trials you reported in 1.Ic, how many were PHASE 1 trials?
1.If Of the total number of clinical trials you reported in 1.Ic, how many were PHASE 2 trials?
1.Ig Of the total number of clinical trials you reported in 1.Ic, how many were PHASE 3 trials?
1.Ih On a separate note, how many Phase IV trials did you conduct in each year at your hospital/ Trust?
1.Ii Of the total number of clinical trials you reported in 1.Ic, how many involved another procedure such as surgery or radiotherapy in combination with the trialled systemic anti-cancer therapy within the trial?
1.Ij Provide the total number of adult patients enrolled in phase I – III solid-cancer systemic anti-cancer therapy trials on 31 Dec of each year at your hospital/ Trust:
1.Ik In each year, how many new Phase I – III clinical trials did you open for recruitment?
2.I Post-BREXIT, what regulatory changes have had the greatest impact on the initiation of oncology trials at your centre?
2.II Post-BREXIT, what regulatory changes have had the greatest impact on the conduct/ continuation of oncology trials at your centre?
2.IIIa Post-BREXIT, have you observed any specific challenges related to regulatory compliance for initiating new oncology trials at your centre?
2.IIIb If yes, please specify the regulatory challenges encountered:
2.IVa Have there been any notable changes in the regulatory reporting requirements for ongoing oncology trials post-BREXIT?
2.IVb If yes, please elaborate on the changes and their impact on trial conduct:
2.Va Have there been any changes in the timeline for regulatory approvals post-BREXIT for initiating new oncology trials?
2.Vb If yes, please specify the nature of delays and their impact on trial initiation:
2.VI How has the communication and coordination with regulatory authorities changed post-BREXIT in the context of oncology trials?
2.VIa Have there been any new documentation or compliance requirements introduced post-BREXIT for ongoing oncology trials?
2.VIb If yes, please provide examples of the additional documentation or compliance measures introduced:
2.VII How has the training and education of clinical trial staff in your centre been impacted by regulatory changes post-BREXIT?
2.VIIIa Have there been any changes in the requirements for informed consent processes for oncology trials post-BREXIT?
2.VIIIb If yes, please specify the nature of changes and their impact on the informed consent process:
2.IX How has the interpretation and implementation of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines evolved post-BREXIT in your centre?
2.Xa Where staff updated or educated on regulatory changes post- BREXIT?
2.Xb If yes, explain how:
2.Xc If no, explain why not:
3.I In each year, how many Phase 0 – IV clinical trials did you have to discontinue due to a lack of funding? Comment on the funding sources affected:
3.II Name all organisations, including your own, that sponsored and/or funded solid- cancer systemic-anticancer therapy trials at your centre in each year:
3.III How has the funding landscape for oncology pharmaceutical trials at your centre changed post-BREXIT?
3.IV If there has been a change, please describe the main factors contributing to the shift in funding availability:
3.V How has the change in funding impacted the continuity of ongoing oncology pharmaceutical trials at your centre?
3.VI Are there specific types of trials more affected by funding challenges (e.g., Phase 1, investigator-initiated trials, certain types of systemic anti-cancer drugs, combination therapies, for certain tumour groups)?
3.VII How has the uncertainty surrounding BREXIT impacted the willingness of funding organisations to support oncology trials?
3.VIII Answering on behalf of your organisation, are there any specific policy changes that would enhance funding opportunities for oncology trials post-BREXIT?
3.IXa Have you explored alternative funding sources or strategies to mitigate potential funding challenges post-BREXIT?
3.IXb If yes, please share details of any successful strategies or approaches implemented:
3.X To what extent have patient advocacy groups played a role in supporting or influencing funding for oncology trials post-BREXIT in or for your organisation?
3.XIa Have there been any changes in the criteria or preferences of funding organisations when considering proposals for oncology trials post-BREXIT?
3.XIb If yes, please elaborate on the key changes in criteria or preferences:
4.I Comment on collaborative challenges that affected or caused disruptions in the initiation or running of solid-cancer systemic anti- cancer therapy drugs:
4.IIa Have there been challenges in maintaining international collaborations for oncology trials post-BREXIT?
4.IIb If yes, please identify the main collaborative challenges faced:
4.IIIa Have changes in regulatory requirements impacted international partnerships in oncology trials?
4.IIIb If yes, please elaborate on the specific regulatory aspects causing challenges:
4.IVa In your experience, have collaborative challenges affected the timeline and efficiency of oncology trials?
4.IVb If yes, please provide examples or instances where collaboration challenges led to disruptions in trial initiation or conduct:
4.Va At your current NHS hospital, have there been challenges in aligning international ethical standards and practices for oncology trials post-BREXIT?
4.Vb If yes, please elaborate on the specific ethical challenges faced and their impact on collaborative efforts:
4.VI How has the exchange of trial-related data and information with international partners been affected post-BREXIT?
4.VIIa In your organisation’s experience, have there been any challenges related to differences in patient populations across international sites in oncology trials?
4.VIIb If yes, please provide examples or instances where differences in patient populations posed challenges to collaborative efforts?
4.VIII How has the exchange of expertise and specialised resources with international collaborators been affected post-BREXIT?
4.IX From your organisation’s perspective, what strategies or initiatives could enhance international collaboration in oncology trials in the post-BREXIT era?
5.Ia Have you become aware of or experienced any challenges related to the alignment of data privacy and protection regulations in international oncology trials post-BREXIT?
5.Ib If yes, please elaborate on the specific challenges faced and any measures

Clinical Trials in Oncology.210324.docx

Colonoscopies and colorectal cancer. 160322.docx

1. The total number of colonoscopies undertaken in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust for the period
i) April 2019-March 2020
ii) April 2020-March 2021.
2. The total number of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer (or other clearly defined indications) within Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust for the period
i) April 2019-March 2020
ii) April 2020-March 2021.
3. The average adenoma detection rate (ADR) and post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer rate (PCCRC) for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust for the period
i) April 2019-March 2020
ii) April 2020-March 2021
4. The total number of cancers detected, against cancer stage (e.g. 1,2,3 or 4), against colonoscopies performed in the prior three years within Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in the period
i) April 2019-March 2020
ii) April 2020-March 2021

Colonoscopies and colorectal cancer. 160322.docx

Colorectal Cancer.041223.docx

In the past 3 months, how many patients have been treated for Colorectal Cancer [CRC] with the following regimens? If possible, please also provide the split of metastatic vs non-metastatic patients for each regimen.
a. Capecitabine
d. Cetuximab with FOLFIRI
e. Cetuximab with FOLFOX
f. Cetuximab as a single agent
g. Cetuximab with Encorafenib
h. Irinotecan as a single agent
k. Fluorouracil (5FU) as a single agent
l. Oxaliplatin as a single agent
m. Nivolumab with Ipilimumab
n. Panitumumab with FOLFIRI
o. Panitumumab with FOLFOX
p. Panitumumab as a single agent
q. Pembrolizumab
r. Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
s. Palliative care only

Colorectal Cancer.041223.docx

Colorectal Cancer. 280520

Name of organisation (NHS Trust):
Please list the acute hospital site/s within the Trust:
1. The hospital would be described as a:
District general
Teaching hospital
2. Total number of inpatient beds at this hospital:
3. Does the hospital provide colorectal cancer services
4. Is the hospital a specialist colorectal cancer care centre
5. How many dietitians are employed in the hospital (please answer in FTE units):
6. How many dietitians are commissioned to provide dietetic services in each cancer type (please answer in FTE units. Where no time is commissioned, please enter 0):
7. a. Is there any band 5, general dietetic cover for colorectal cancer care
b. If yes, how many dietitians are commissioned (please answer in FTE units):
8. If there is dietetic time commissioned for colorectal cancer care at the hospital, does this include outpatient or community follow up after discharge?
9. If dietetic time is commissioned for colorectal cancer care, where does the funding come from?

Download response Colorectal Cancer. 280520

Colorectal cancer [CRC]. 091220

1. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months for head and neck cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma)?
2. Of these patients how many are locally advanced, recurrent, metastatic and unresectable head and neck cancer patients?
Locally advanced
3. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months for head and neck cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
Carboplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cisplatin (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
Cetuximab with radiotherapy
Pembrolizumab monotherapy
Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
Docetaxel (only or in combination with 5-FU)
Fluorouracil (5FU)
Radiotherapy only
4. Does your health trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer patients, if so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name/s of the trials?
5. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months with the following agent for colorectal cancer [CRC];
Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
5FU only
Tegafur Uracil + 5FU
6. Within your health trust how many patients have been treated in the past 6 months with the following agent for Renal Cell Carcinoma :
Avelumab + Axitinib
Lenvantinib + Everolimus
Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
Pembrolizumab + Axitinib
7. Does your health trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of renal cell cancer patients, if so how many patients are currently taking part in clinical trials / what is the name/s of the trials?

Download response Colorectal cancer [CRC]. 091220

Colorectal cancer [CRC].160922.docx

Q1. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for colorectal cancer [CRC]?
a. Aflibercept
b. Bevacizumab
c. Capecitabine
f. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
g. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
h. Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
i. Irinotecan only
l. Fluorouracil (5FU) only
m. Oxaliplatin only
n. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
o. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
p. Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
q. Pembrolizumab
r. Nivolumab
s. Raltitrexed
t. Ramucirumab
u. Regorafenib
v. Sorafenib
w. Other SACT
Q2. In the last 3 months, how many patients has your trust treated (for any condition) with the following treatments
a. Avatrombopag
b. Eltrombopag
c. Fostamatinib
d. Romiplostim
Q3. In the last 3 months, how many patients has your trust treated for Immune thrombocytopenia (ICD10 code D69.3)?
Q4. In the last 3 months, how many patients has your trust treated for Immune thrombocytopenia (ICD10 code D69.3) ONLY with the following treatments:
a. Avatrombopag
b. Mycophenolate mofetil
c. Rituximab
d. Surgery (splenectomy)

Colorectal cancer [CRC].160922.docx

Colorectal Cancer [CRC].180324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
In the past 3 months, how many patients have been treated for Colorectal Cancer [CRC] with the following regimens? If possible, please also provide the split of metastatic vs non-metastatic patients for each regimen.
Cetuximab with FOLFIRI
Cetuximab with FOLFOX
Cetuximab as a single agent
Cetuximab with Encorafenib
Irinotecan as a single agent
Fluorouracil (5FU) as a single agent
Oxaliplatin as a single agent
Nivolumab with Ipilimumab
Panitumumab with FOLFIRI
Panitumumab with FOLFOX
Panitumumab as a single agent
Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
Palliative care only

Colorectal Cancer [CRC].180324.docx

Colposcopy appointments. 140421

I was wondering if you’d be able to share with me a copy of the letter and information leaflet that you send out to patients who receive a colposcopy appointment.

Download response Colposcopy appointments. 140421

Community Diagnostic Centre.080922.docx

Please could you provide me with a copy of the business case for the Trust’s Community Diagnostic Centre project, including the capital budget for the entire project.

Community Diagnostic Centre.080922.docx

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) services.101022.docx

I am writing to obtain information, under the Freedom of Information Act, about your Trust’s funding of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) services they provided.
To outline my query as clearly as possible, I am requesting:
1. How much the Trust has spent on CAM services for the following financial years:
a. 2019-20
b. 2020-21
c. 2021-22
This includes salaries for those employed to carry out these services, costs of medicine, equipment and any additional costs involved.
2. A list of all services provided under CAM.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) services.101022.docx

Consultations. 240521

1. What percentage of consultations were carried out in April 2021 via:
a. Phone
b. Video
c. Face-to-face
2. Did you carry out any patient satisfaction survey on each of the channels in April 2021:
a. Phone
b. Video
c. Face-to-Face
3. Did you introduce digital services (either as new services or expanding into new departments) as a response to the pandemic?
Yes (highlight below):
a. Telephone consultations
b. Video consultations
c. Online appointment booking/management
d. E-prescription services
4. Who are your suppliers for:
a. Telephone consultations
b. Video consultations
c. Online appointment booking/management
d. E-prescription services
5. What are the most common barriers to technology use within your trust?
a. The service requires face-to-face interactions
b. The staff member is unable to use the technology
c. The patient is unable to use the technology
d. Lack of funding
e. Other (please explain)
6. Are you collecting patient feedback following interactions with the digital services you offer?
a. Yes – feedback obtained for all services
b. Feedback obtained for some services:
c. Telephone consultations
d. Video consultations
e. Online appointment booking/management
f. E-prescription services
g. No – we are not collecting this feedback
h. If no – do you plan to introduce this feedback data collection in the next six months? yes/no
i. If yes, how do you collect feedback?
7. Did you stop your FFT during the pandemic when the requirement to submit data was paused?
a. If yes, why?
b. If no, why?
8. Will you be deploying PIFU?
9. Will you be collecting feedback on PIFU?
10. Who is your FFT supplier?
11. If the FFT contract is outsourced, when was the contract initiated?
12. When does the FFT contract with your current supplier end?
13. What is the expected value of this contract (£)?

Download response Consultations. 240521

Coronary CT angiography scans. 270918

1) How many Coronary CT angiography scans were performed in the trust in the financial year 2011-12?
2) How many Coronary CT angiography scans were performed in the trust in the financial year 2012-13?
3) How many Coronary CT angiography scans were performed in the trust in the financial year 2013-14?
4) How many Coronary CT angiography scans were performed in the trust in the financial year 2014-15?
5) How many Coronary CT angiography scans were performed in the trust in the financial year 2015-16?

Download response Coronary CT angiography scans. 270918

CT and MRI machines.310124.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I kindly request that you provide the number of CT and MRI machines, categorised based on ownership (owned or rented) for the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, along with details regarding the age of the owned machinery for the year 2023 only.

CT and MRI machines.310124.docx

CT and MRI machines.311022.docx

1) How many of each of the following machines do you have in use:
i) CT
ii) MRI
iii) X-ray
2) How many of each of the following machines are you using that are older than ten years old:
i) CT
ii) MRI
iii) X-ray
3) How old is your oldest in-use machine for each of:
i) CT
ii) MRI
iii) X-ray
4) How many of each of the following machines have you purchased in the past year:
i) CT
ii) MRI
iii) X-ray
5) How much did you spend repairing CT, MRI and X-ray machines in each of the past three years?

CT and MRI machines.311022.docx

CT, MRI and Ultrasound Scanners and X-Ray machines. 170921.docx

1) The number of CT scanners in your Trust, where relevant please provide a number for each hospital.
2) The number of MRI scanners in your Trust, where relevant please provide a number for each hospital.
3) The number of ultrasound scanners in your Trust, where relevant please provide a number for each hospital.
4) The number of x-ray machines in your Trust, where relevant please provide a number for each hospital.
5) For each of the items 1-4, please also provide the number of machines that are more than 10 years old and if available the year that the machine was purchased.

Download response CT, MRI and Ultrasound Scanners and X-Ray machines. 170921.docx

CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound clinical imaging equipment.130324.docx

Tab 1:
MES Contract
1. Supplier
2. Contract Start Date
3. Contract End Date
4. Initial Cost
5. Interest rates (%)
6. Consumables included?
7. Accessories included?
8. Maintenance included?
Tab 2:
Clinical Imaging Asset Details
1. Local Identifier
2. Modality
3. Equipment detail
4. Asset name
5. Manufacturer
6. Age
7. First in Service
8. Planned replacement date
9. Replacement schedule
10. Ownership structure
11. How is the ownership accounted for?
12. Capital purchase cost
13. Maintenance type (drop-down list)
14. Maintenance provider
15. Maintenance Service Contract Start Date
16. Maintenance Service Contract End Date
17. Maintenance Cost
Tab 3:
Clinical Imaging Accessories
1. Local Identifier
2. Modality
3. Equipment detail
4. Asset name
5. Manufacturer
6. Age
7. First in Service
8. Planned replacement date
9. Replacement schedule
10. Ownership structure
11. How is the ownership accounted for?
12. Capital purchase cost
13. Maintenance type (drop-down list)
14. Maintenance provider
15. Maintenance Service Contract Start Date
16. Maintenance Service Contract End Date
17. Maintenance Cost

CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound clinical imaging equipment.130324.docx

CTCL (cutaneous T cell lymphoma) treatment centres. 110322.docx

We are looking to produce a map of the CTCL (cutaneous T cell lymphoma) treatment centres in the UK.
To help with this, please could you provide the following:
1. Which centre/s in your NHS Trust offer treatment for CTCL, if any
2. The type of CTCL treatment these centres offer (TSEB or ECP)
3. A contact phone number for referrals for each centre

CTCL (cutaneous T cell lymphoma) treatment centres. 110322.docx

Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 270220

1. How many patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma have you treated?
2. How many adult patients with metastatic or locally advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma have you treated?
3. Of these how many are not candidates for curative surgery or curative radiation?
4. In the past 3 months, how many adult patients with metastatic or locally advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma who are not candidates for curative surgery or curative radiation have you treated with the following;
Libtayo (cemiplimab)
Non curative surgery only
Non curative surgery + chemotherapy*
Non curative surgery + radiotherapy
Non curative surgery + chemotherapy* + radiotherapy
Chemotherapy* only
Chemotherapy* + radiotherapy
Non curative radiotherapy only
No treatment
Palliative Care / Best Supportive care
Other [please state]
*chemotherapy such as cisplatin, doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), capecitabine, topotecan, or etoposide
5. Does your trust treat adult multiple myeloma [MM]? – if you refer your multiple myeloma patients to another centre, please state which.
6. If yes, then how many multiple myeloma patients, have been treated in the past 6 months with the following;
Bortezomib [Velcade]
Carfilzomib [Kyprolis]
Ixazomib [Ninlaro]
Lenalidomide [Revlimid]
Daratumumab [Darzalex]
Melphalan, prednisolone and thalidomide (known as MPT)
Cyclophosphamide, thalidomide and dexamethasone (known as CTD)
Pomalidomide [Imnovid]
7. Over the past 6 months [latest possible], how many chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients have you treated?
If possible how many CLL patients treated were new to therapy in the past 3 months?
8 How many chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients, have been treated in the past 6 months with the following;
Fludarabine (Fludara), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), and rituximab (known as FCR)
Bendamustine and rituximab (known as BR)
Ibrutinib [Imbruvica]
Fludarabine and rituximab (known as FR)
High-dose prednisone and rituximab
Pentostatin (Nipent), cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (known as PCR)
Alemtuzumab (Campath) with rituximab

Download response Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 270220

Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 271119

Question 1 – How many adult patients with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma have you seen / treated (example Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy or combinations of these) in the last 6 months?
Question 2 – How many adult patients with locally advanced (patients with Perineural invasion and local Lymphovascular or Bone involvement) or Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (patients with both local and distant Nodal involvement, as well as any other organ involvement) have you seen / treated (example Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy or combinations of these) in the last 6 months?
Question 3 – Of these how many are not candidates for Curative surgery or Curative Radiation? *
Question 4 – In the past 6 months, how many adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma have you treated with the following:
Question 5 – Are you participating in any clinical trials for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (CSCC)?
If yes, please state which?
*Example of factors to consider when deciding if locally advanced patients are suitable candidates for surgery: Disease recurrence after two or more surgical procedures and the treating clinicians expected that curative resection would be unlikely
CSCC in a anatomically challenging location where surgery would result in substantial complications or deformity or dysfunction significant local invasion that precludes complete resection
* Example of factors to consider when deciding if locally advanced patients are suitable candidates for radiation:
CSCC in a anatomically challenging location where radiation would be associated with unacceptable toxicity risk in context of the patients overall condition
Clinical judgement that tumour might not respond to RT
Factors / conditions contradicting for RT
Prior treatment with RT for CSCC, and further RT would exceed the threshold of acceptable cumulative does
** Chemotherapy such as Cisplatin, Doxorubicin, 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), Capecitabine, Topotecan, Methotrexate or Etoposide

Download response Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 271119

Da vinchi surgical robots. 100419

1. The number of da Vinci surgical robots in use throughout your trust and the number of each model (e.g. Si, X, Xi, SP)
2. The number of yearly procedures carried out using da Vinci systems with a breakdown by procedure type for the last 5 years
3. A breakdown of the cost per procedure using da Vinci systems including instrumentation, servicing, disposable accessories, sterilisation costs, depreciation and other costs incurred
4. The upfront cost of da Vinci system instruments per surgery or on a per instrument basis
5. Historical number/rate of occurrence of incidences where cross infection has resulted from improper sterilisation and the number of associated adverse events
6. The rate of surgical site infections associated with procedures where a da Vinci system has been used.

Download response Da vinchi surgical robots. 100419

Dabrafenib + Trametinib.050722.docx

Please answer these questions relating to the usage of Dabrafenib + Trametinib in cancer treatment.
A) Over the previous 6 months, how many patients for the following diseases have been treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib:
i) Metastatic Melanoma
ii) Adjuvant Melanoma
iii) BRAF mutated Lung Cancer

Dabrafenib + Trametinib.050722.docx

Dabrafenib + Trametinib.110423.docx

A) Over the previous 6 months, how many patients for the following diseases have been treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib:
i) Metastatic Melanoma
ii) Adjuvant Melanoma
iii) BRAF mutated Lung Cancer

Dabrafenib + Trametinib.110423.docx

Dental X-Ray equipment. 210519

Please can you answer the following questions regarding the Dental X-Ray equipment used within the Trust?
1. Please can you provide the following information for each piece of Dental X-Ray equipment within the Trust or associated sites? (Please complete the attached spreadsheet)
a. Manufacturer
b. Model
c. Location – Hospital Name or Site Name
d. Department equipment is primarily used in
e. Method of Finance at Procurement (Trust/Lease/MES/Charity/PFI)
f. Initial cost of Equipment
g. Annual Maintenance cost
h. Acquisition Date
i. Planned Replacement Date

2. Please can you provide the following information for each Cone Beam CT Imaging equipment within the Trust or associated sites? (Please complete the attached spreadsheet)
a. Manufacturer
b. Model
c. Location – Hospital Name or Site Name
d. Department equipment is primarily used in
e. Method of Finance at Procurement (Trust/Lease/MES/Charity/PFI)
f. Initial cost of Equipment
g. Annual Maintenance cost
h. Acquisition Date
i. Planned Replacement Date

Download response Dental X-Ray equipment. 210519

Diagnoses of cancer. 020822.docx

Please could you provide the figures for diagnoses of cancer within your hospital from January 2010 to date.
Please could you present these figures in a yearly format.

Diagnoses of cancer. 020822.docx

Diagnostic equipment spend.251023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How much has your trust spent on new diagnostic equipment in each of the past three financial years, e.g. x ray machines, CT scanners, MRIs etc?
2. How much has your trust spent on maintaining and repairing old equipment in the past three financial years?
3. How many diagnostic machines did you purchase in the last financial year?

Diagnostic equipment spend.251023.docx

Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL).270722.docx

Q1. Does your trust treat patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)? If not, then which trust do you refer DLBCL patients to?
Q2. In the last 6 months, how many patients have you treated for Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)?
Q3. In the last 6 months, how many patients have you treated for Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) with the following treatments:
a. R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride, vincristine and prednisolone)
b. R-mini-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride, vincristine and prednisolone)
c. Other immuno-chemotherapy
d. Other chemotherapy
e. Stem cell transplant or bone marrow transplant (autologous or allogeneic)
f. Pola-BR (polatuzumab vedotin with rituximab and bendamustine) – any line of treatment
g. Pola-BR (polatuzumab vedotin with rituximab and bendamustine) – third-line treatment only
h. Tisagenlecleucel
i. Axicabtegene ciloleucel
j. Lisocabtagene maraleucel
Q4. In the last 6 months, how many Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) patients have you referred to other trusts for:
a. Stem cell transplant or bone marrow transplant (autologous or allogeneic)
b. CAR-T therapy (Tisagenlecleucel, Axicabtegene ciloleucel, Lisocabtagene maraleucel)
Q5. Do you participate in any active clinical trials for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL).270722.docx

DXA Facilities Audit.020323.docx

1) Do you outsource your DXA scans? If Yes- please state the organisation providing this service and forward this FOI to your provider for completion (please continue to complete for any of the elements of the DXA pathway that are provided by your Trust/board)
2) In January 2023 how many DXA scanning machines did you have at your trust/board for clinical use?
a. n. Operational
b. n. not in use
c. n. accessible outside of Trust
3) What is the average weekly capacity for clinical scans? (N. of scans per week)
4) What was your average DNA rate over the last 3 months? (n. DNA/total n. scans booked)
5) What age range do you include in your clinical scans? Please tick all that apply
a. <20 years b. 20-40 years c. 40-60 years d. 60-75 years e. 75-80 years f. >80 years
6) What is the duration of your routine DXA appointment:
a. 15 minutes or less
b. 16-25 minutes
c. 26-30 minutes
d. >30 minutes
7) What was the average wait for clinical patients from referral to scan in January 2023?
a. <2 weeks (move to Q9) b. 2-6 weeks (move to Q9) c. 6-13 weeks d. >13 weeks
8) What are your perceived barriers to delivering DXA scans within 6 weeks from referral? Please tick all that apply
a. Scanner capacity (DXA equipment)
b. Clinical capacity (operator)
c. Other- please state
9) What was the average time from the scan to the report being available to the referrer in January 2023?
a. <3 weeks (move to Q11) b. 4-6 week c. 6-13 weeks d. >13 weeks
10) What are your perceived barriers to referrers receiving DXA scan reports within 3 weeks from scan? Please tick all that apply
a. Clerical- internal
b. Clinical- internal
c. Factors external to this service (please state)
d. Other (please state)
11) What hospital department is responsible for delivery of DXA scans:
a. Radiology
b. Medical physics
c. Nuclear medicine
d. Rheumatology
e. Other- please state
12) Which DXA examinations are included in routine protocols for the clinical service? Please tick all that apply
a. Lumbar spine
b. Proximal femur
c. Long femur (AFF assessment)
d. Total body
e. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA)
f. Peripheral/forearm
13) What access facilities do you have available? Please tick all that apply
a. Overhead hoist
b. Portable hoist
c. Wheelchair transfers
d. Bed/trolley transfers
e. Changing room
f. Assistance for transfers
g. Other- please state
i) What professional groups perform DXA scan measurements at your centre? (DXA operators)
a. Radiographer
b. DXA technician
c. Assistant practitioner
d. Clinical scientist
e. Nurse
f. Medical Dr- please state specialism
g. Other- please state
h. Unknown]
ii) Please indicate WTE for each group selected
2) What DXA-specific training (outside of professional training) have the DXA operators performing scans had?
a. In house
b. Manufacturers applications training
c. Recognized/accredited national training programme (please state the name of the training programme/provider)
d. Other- please state
e. Unknown
3) What professional groups report your DXA scans at your centre? ()
a. Radiographer – internal
b. Radiographer – external
c. DXA technician – internal
d. DXA technician – external
e. Assistant practitioner – internal
f. Assistant practitioner – external
g. Clinical scientist – internal
h. Clinical scientist – external
i. Nurse -internal
j. Nurse – external
k. Medical Dr – internal – please state specialism(s)
l. Medical Dr – external – please state specialism(s)
m. Other- please state
n. Reporting is outsourced
o. Unknown
4) What training (outside of professional training) have those reporting DXA scans had- specifically in DXA reporting?
a. In house
b. Manufacturers applications training
c. Recognized/accredited national training programme (please state the name of the training programme/provider)
d. Other- please state
e. Unknown
5) What professional group provides clinical leadership for your service?
a. Radiographer
b. DXA technician
c. Assistant practitioner
d. Clinical scientist
e. Nurse
f. Medical Dr- please state specialism(s)
g. Other- please state
h. Unknown
6) Please indicate how many (WTE) clinical vacancies in your DXA service do you have in January 2023? (Free text)
1) Is your service accredited as part of a national programme?
b. IOS
c. Other- please state
d. None
e. Unknown
2) What clinical audits do you routinely undertake? Please tick all that apply
a. DXA scan technique
b. Reporting (double reporting)
c. Reporting (clinical review)
d. Scanner QA review
e. Other- please state
f. Unknown
3) What IR(ME)R audits do you routinely undertake? Please tick all that apply
a. Patient pregnancy
b. DXA dose audit
c. Referrer entitlement
d. Scan justification
e. Other- please state
f. Unknown
4) What clinical protocols do you have in place? Please tick all that apply
a. Scan site
b. Scan mode
c. Reference data selection
d. Patient positioning
e. Scan analysis
f. Interpretation- T&Z-scores
g. Reporting
h. Other- please state
i. Unknown
5) Which of the following are routinely included in the DXA report issued to the PRIMARY CARE referrer? Please tick all that apply
A. Admin. details
i. Date of assessment
ii. Patient ID and demographics
iii. Reason for referral
iv. Reporter’s ID
B. BMD results for each measurement site
i. T score (after peak bone mass)
ii. Z score
iii. Rate of change for serial measurements
C. Comment on reliability of measurements
i. BMD results
ii. Documentation of excluded measurements eg. vertebrae
iii. Statistical significance of rate of change
iv. Clinical significance of rate of change
D. WHO diagnostic category (for adults after peak bone mass)
E. Results of additional investigations performed at DXA appointment
i. VFA
ii. X-ray or other imaging
iii. Laboratory tests
F. Summary of clinical risk factors for fracture
G. Summary of fracture history
H. Clinical interpretation to quantify absolute fracture risk
ii. FRAX + TBS
iii. FRAX+BMD plus comment on additional adjustment
iv. Statement on level of risk based on clinical judgement (eg. low/moderate/high)
I. Management advice
i. Reference to national guideline (NICE/NOGG/ROS)
ii. Reference to local management guideline
iii. Individualised advice
J. Recommendations on:
i. Need for onward referral eg. falls assessment or additional investigation
ii. Timing of future scan
6) Which of the following are routinely included in the DXA report issued to the SECONDARY CARE referrer? Please tick all that apply
A. Admin. details
i. Date of assessment
ii. Patient ID and demographics
iii. Reason for referral
iv. Reporter’s ID
B. BMD results for each measurement site
i. T score (after peak bone mass)
ii. Z score
iii. Rate of change for serial measurements
C. Comment on reliability of measurements
i. BMD results
ii. Documentation of excluded measurements eg. vertebrae
iii. Statistical significance of rate of change
iv. Clinical significance of rate of change
D. WHO diagnostic category (for adults after peak bone mass)
E. Results of additional investigations performed at DXA appointment
i. VFA
ii. X-ray or other imaging
iii. Laboratory tests
F. Summary of clinical risk factors for fracture
G. Summary of fracture history
H. Clinical interpretation to quantify absolute fracture risk
ii. FRAX + TBS
iii. FRAX+BMD plus comment on additional adjustment
iv. Statement on level of risk based on clinical judgement (eg. low/moderate/high)
I. Management advice
i. Reference to national guideline
ii. Reference to local management guideline
iii. Individualised advice
J. Recommendations on:
i. Need for onward referral eg. falls assessment or additional investigation
ii. Timing of future scan
K. The secondary care report is the same as the primary care report

DXA Facilities Audit.020323.docx

Early Melanoma.020323.docx

Q1. I am researching the usage of Pembrolizumab for the treatment of Melanoma. How many patients have you treated with Pembrolizumab in the three months from October to December 2022 for:
a. Melanoma – any stage
b. Melanoma – Stage IIb/IIc
c. Melanoma – Stage III
d. Melanoma – Metastatic
Q2. How many Stage IIb/IIc melanoma patients were on a “Watch and Wait” strategy in the three months from October to December 2022? These would be patients where a decision has been made to wait before commencing any treatment.

Early Melanoma.020323.docx

Elastomeric Infusion Devices (E.I.D) 020320

Information request in respect to Elastomeric Infusion Devices

Please could you kindly advise which departments and healthcare professionals within your Trust use elastomeric infusion devices?

Information request in respect of Elastomeric Infusion Devices

1. Please could you also advise if you purchase E.I.D and if so:
a. What brand(s) do you purchase?
b. What quantities do you purchase on an annual basis?
c. Who are the main clinicians responsible within your Trust for the prescribing and administration of elastomeric devices?
d. What medicines do you fill the devices with?
e. Do you fill elastomeric devices in your pharmacy aseptic unit if you have one?
2. Please could you also advise if you purchase pre-filled elastomeric devices from a commercial compounder and if so:
a. What drugs are provided pre-filled?
b. What quantities do you purchase on an annual basis?

Download response Elastomeric Infusion Devices (E.I.D) 020320

Elective theatres and scans.300124.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Which hospitals in your Trust open elective theatres at the weekend? (please list the name of the hospital followed by a Y/N as to whether elective theatres are open at the weekend)
2. How many of the following scans has your Trust carried out in the last year, broken down by daily activity?
a. CT Scans
b. MRI Scans
c. X Rays

Elective theatres and scans.300124.docx

Endometrial Cancer.020623.docx

1. Does your trust provide SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) treatments for endometrial cancer? If not, which other trust do you refer endometrial cancer patients to for SACT treatments?
2. How many patients were treated for endometrial cancer in the past 6 months with the following treatments:
a. Dostarlimab
b. Hormone therapy (Progesterone or Letrozole)
c. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
d. Pembrolizumab in combination with Lenvatinib
e. Platinum-based chemotherapy (monotherapy or combination with taxanes, anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide)
f. Any other SACT
3. How many endometrial cancer patients received the following therapies as 1st Line treatment in the past 6 months:
a. Hormone therapy (Progesterone or Letrozole)
b. Platinum-based chemotherapy (monotherapy or combination with taxanes, anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide)
c. Any other SACT
4. Of the patients treated for endometrial cancer in the past 6 months with any SACT regimen, how many patients had high microsatellite instability (MSI-H) or mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR)?
5. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for the treatment of endometrial cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial and the number of patients taking part.

Endometrial Cancer.020623.docx

Ensuring MHRA Compliance.190422.docx

1. Please state what software/ systems the Trust utilises for managing medical equipment/ devices in order to be compliant with MHRA Guidance (see URL below) from the list below. If not listed, please specify:
b. F2
c. RAM
d. e-Quip
e. Other – please specify
2. Please state the name and contact for the person responsible for ensuring compliance with the MHRA guidance quoted above.

Ensuring MHRA Compliance.190422.docx

Flushing and locking of intravenous catheters.010722.docx

Could you please tell me, do you have such services as ‘Flushing and locking of intravenous catheters’ in your clinic?

Flushing and locking of intravenous catheters.010722.docx

Fundus and Optical Biometer. 220421

1. Fundus Camera
a. How many devices do you have and which model?
b. When were these devices installed?
c. When are these due to be replaced?
d. Is there a replacement budget allocated?
e. Do you have a service contract? When does it expire?
2. Optical Biometer
a. How many devices do you have and which model?
b. When were these devices installed?
c. When are these due to be replaced?
d. Is there a replacement budget allocated?
e. Do you have a service contract? When does it expire?
3. Capsular Tension Ring
a. Which Brand do you use?
b. How many did you use in 2019?

Download response Fundus and Optical Biometer. 220421

Gamma camera (Nuclear Medicine imaging system). 080422.docx

1 The manufacturer & model name of each gamma camera (Nuclear Medicine imaging system) installed in your Trust
2 The hospital name where each system is installed
3 The date that the current service/maintenance contract on each gamma camera started
4 The date that the current service/maintenance contract on each gamma camera expires

Gamma camera (Nuclear Medicine imaging system). 080422.docx

Gastric Oesophageal cancer and Ovarian cancer.161123.docx

Q1. How many patients were treated in the past 3 months for gastric and gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (any stage) with:
a. CAPOX (Capecitabine with Oxaliplatin)
b. FOLFOX (Folinic acid, Fluorouracil and Oxaliplatin)
c. Lonsurf (Trifluridine – tipiracil)
d. Nivolumab in combination with Platinum (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin) and Fluoropyrimidine (5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine)
e. Pembrolizumab in combination with Platinum (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin) and Fluoropyrimidine (5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine)
f. Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
g. Palliative care only
Q2. How many patients were treated in the past 3 months for Oesophageal cancer (any stage) with:
a. Nivolumab monotherapy or combination with Ipilimumab
b. Nivolumab in combination with Platinum (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin) and Fluoropyrimidene (5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine)
c. Pembrolizumab in combination with Platinum (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin) and Fluoropyrimidene (5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine)
d. Platinum and Fluoropyrimidene based combination treatments (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin with 5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine)
e. Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
f. Palliative care only
Q3. How many patients were treated in the past 3 months for ovarian cancer (any stage) with:
a. Paclitaxel in combination with a platinum-based compound
b. Platinum-based therapy alone (cisplatin or carboplatin)
c. Bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin
d. Olaparib
e. Olaparib + Bevacizumab
f. Niraparib
g. Rucaparib
Q4. If data for HRD (homologous recombination deficiency) testing is available, please provide how many HRD positive ovarian cancer patients were treated in the last 3 months with:
a. Olaparib
b. Olaparib + Bevacizumab
c. Niraparib
d. Other treatments
Q5. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for the treatment of ovarian cancer? If so, please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part.

Gastric Oesophageal cancer and Ovarian cancer.161123.docx

General Anaesthetics. 180319

1. How many general anaesthetics were administered by your NHS Trust in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
2. How many patients died as a result of general anaesthesia in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
3. How many patients were given a general anaesthetic for the purpose of carrying out a diagnostic scan/test (MRI, CT etc.) in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
4. How many patients died as a result of being given a general anaesthetic for the purpose of carrying out a diagnostic scan/test (MRI, CT etc.) in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
5. How many patients were given a general anaesthetic for the purpose of carrying out an MRI scan in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
6. How many patients died as a result of being given a general anaesthetic for the purpose of carrying out an MRI scan in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
7. How many patients were given any other form of sedation for the purpose of carrying out a diagnostic scan/test (MRI, CT etc.) in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
8. How many patients were given any other form of sedation for the purpose of carrying out an MRI scan in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015?
9. How many diagnostic scans/tests (MRI, CT etc.) were aborted at your NHS Trust in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 as a result of patients failing to attend the appointment or the process being stopped mid-way.
10. How many MRI scans were aborted at your NHS Trust in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 as a result of patients failing to attend the appointment or the process being stopped mid-way.

Download response General Anaesthetics. 180319

Genesiscare. 270919

1. Please can you tell me if the Trust sends NHS Patients to GenesisCare for Cancer treatment?
2. Does the Trust send private patients to GenesisCare for cancer treatment?
3. How many Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust patients were treated by GenesisCare in 2018 and 2019? Please break the numbers down into NHS and private.
4. How long is the Trusts contract with GenesisCare?

Download response Genesiscare. 270919

Genetic Haemochromatosis. 190320

a. For the period 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018 (or the most recent 12 month period available), the number of patients diagnosed with genetic haemochromatosis (GH) under your care.
b. For the period 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018 (or the most recent 12 month period available), the average time in days from first referral from primary care to the patient’s first appointment within your trust.
c. A copy of the protocol and/or patient pathway applicable to the care of people with genetic haemochromatosis.
d. The date that your protocol/patient pathway for genetic haemochromatosis was last reviewed or revised.
e. A copy of your clinical protocol(s) for therapeutic venesection.
f. The date that your protocol(s) for therapeutic venesection were last reviewed or revised.

Download response Genetic Haemochromatosis. 190320


I am researching the use of certain types of drugs used in haematology. Could you please provide the number of patients treated (for any disease in the past 3 months with:
1. Aragam
2. Berinert
3. Cinryze
4. Cutaquig
5. Cuvitru
6. Firazyr
7. Flebogamma DIF
8. Gammagard
9. Gammanorm
10. Gammaplex
11. Gamunex
12. Hizentra
13. Hyqvia
14. Intratect
15. Iqymune
16. Kiovig
17. Octagam
18. Orladeyo
19. Panzyga
20. Privigen
21. Ruconest
22. Subgam
23. Takhzyro


Haemonetics. 311019

1. Please can you tell me how many of the following two devices – MCS+ 9000 Mobile Platelet Collection System and/or MCS+ 8150 Multicomponent Collection System both from a company called Haemonetics – the trust has used over the last 10 years and how many of these devices are currently in operation.

2. Please provide a figure for each device and each year over the last 10 years. If possible, please also state how many patients have had this device used on them.

Download response Haemonetics. 311019

Haemonetics plasma device. 220120

Please can you tell me how many deaths have been reviewed by the trust or reported to a coroner in the past 10 calendar years where the hospital used a Haemonetics plasma device (any model number) on the patient before they died.

Where the death was investigated please can you send me the report (redacted to remove personal details if necessary) and include the age, gender and diagnosis of the patient. If the death was reported to the coroner please include a copy of their report.

Download response Haemonetics plasma device. 220120

Head and neck and urothelial cancer.030822.docx

1. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents:
a. Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
2. For the patients treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the therapies listed in the first question, please provide:
a. Total number of head and neck cancer patients
b. Number of locally advanced head and neck cancer patients
c. Number of unresectable recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer patients
3. How many Urothelial cancer patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents:
a. Avelumab
b. Atezolizumab
c. Carboplatin with Gemcitabine
d. Carboplatin single or in any other combination
e. Cisplatin with Gemcitabine
f. Cisplatin single or in any other combination
g. Nivolumab
h. Pembrolizumab
i. Any other regimen including Paclitaxel
j. Any other chemotherapy regimen
k. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy [please state]
l. Palliative care only
4. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Head and neck and urothelial cancer.030822.docx

Head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma). 301120

1. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma)? Of these patients, how many are locally advanced, recurrent and/or metastatic?
a. Total squamous cell carcinoma
b. Locally advanced
c. Recurrent and/or metastatic
2. For the metastatic head and neck cancer patients treated in the past 3 months, could you specify (if possible) how many received first-line treatment versus second-line treatment?
3. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
a. Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
4. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for renal cell carcinoma:
a. Sunitinib
b. Avelumab + Axitinib
c. Axinitib
d. Cabozantinib
e. Everolimus
f. Lenvantinib + Everolimus
g. Nivolumab
h. Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
i. Pazopanib
j. Pembrolizumab + Axitinib
k. Sunitinib
l. Temsirolimus
m. Tivozanib
n. Other
5. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?
6. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Download response Head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma). 301120

Head and Neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) and Urothelial cancer. 140422.docx

1. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents:
a. Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
2. For the patients treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the therapies listed in the first question, please provide:
a. Total number of head and neck cancer patients
b. Number of locally advanced head and neck cancer patients
c. Number of recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer patients
3. How many Urothelial cancer patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents:
a. Atezolizumab
b. Carboplatin with Gemcitabine
c. Carboplatin single or in any other combination
d. Cisplatin with Gemcitabine
e. Cisplatin single or in any other combination
f. Nivolumab
g. Pembrolizumab
h. Any other regimen including Paclitaxel
i. Any other chemotherapy regimen
j. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy [please state]
k. Palliative care only
4. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of urothelial cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Head and Neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) and Urothelial cancer. 140422.docx

Head & neck and urothelial cancer.281122.docx

1. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents:
a. Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
2. For the patients treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the therapies listed in the first question, please provide:
a. Total number of head and neck cancer patients
b. Number of locally advanced head and neck cancer patients
c. Number of unresectable recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer patients
3. How many Urothelial cancer patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents:
a. Avelumab
b. Atezolizumab
c. Carboplatin with Gemcitabine
d. Carboplatin single or in any other combination
e. Cisplatin with Gemcitabine
f. Cisplatin single or in any other combination
g. Nivolumab
h. Pembrolizumab
i. Any other regimen including Paclitaxel
j. Any other chemotherapy regimen
k. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy [please state]
l. Palliative care only
4. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?
5. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of urothelial cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Head & neck and urothelial cancer.281122.docx

Head & Neck Cancer (H&N), Renal Cancer (RCC) and Colorectal Cancer (CRC). 050321

We are researching the incidence and treatment of Head & Neck Cancer (H&N), Renal Cancer (RCC) and Colorectal Cancer (CRC). Could you please answer the following questions for patients treated by your trust?
1. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
a. Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
b. Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
c. Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
d. Cetuximab with radiotherapy
e. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
f. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
g. Nivolumab
h. Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
i. Fluorouracil (5FU)
j. Radiotherapy only
k. Other
2. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for renal cell carcinoma :
a. Sunitinib
b. Avelumab + Axitinib
c. Axinitib
d. Cabozantinib
e. Everolimus
f. Lenvantinib + Everolimus
g. Nivolumab
h. Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
i. Pazopanib
j. Pembrolizumab + Axitinib
k. Sunitinib
l. Temsirolimus
m. Tivozanib
n. Other
3. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for colorectal cancer [CRC]?
a. Aflibercept
b. Bevacizumab
c. Cetuximab monotherapy
d. Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX or FOLFIRI
e. Panitumumab monotherapy
f. Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX or FOLFIRI
g. Nivolumab
h. Ramucirumab
i. Regorafenib
j. Sorafenib

Download response Head & Neck Cancer (H&N), Renal Cancer (RCC) and Colorectal Cancer (CRC). 050321

Helium consumption.271022.docx

1. Could you detail the quantity of helium that has been purchased each year for the last 5 years?
2. What are the main uses for helium within the Trust?
3. Could you outline the various grades/types of helium purchased?
4. What has the cost of helium been for each of those 5 years?
5. Who are your suppliers of helium and can you provide a copy of the supply contracts?
6. Can you detail your procurement process for obtaining helium and send any tender documents relating to helium?

Helium consumption.271022.docx

HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) procedure.290524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The number of patients that are currently on the waiting list for this operation at this hospital?
2. What is the average waiting time for the operation from referral to the actual date of the operation.
3. Do the hospitals arrange for NHS patients to undergo this operation at a private hospitals?

HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) procedure.290524.docx

Imaging. 041120

1. What proportion of emergency department images (x-ray, CT, MRI) were reported within the four-hour target* in December 2018 and December 2019, categorised by each examination?
2. What proportion of inpatient images (x-ray, CT, MRI) were reported within the 24-hour target**, in December 2018 and December 2019, categorised by each examination.
3. How many radiology examinations (CT, MRI, x-ray) did your organisation conduct in 2018, 2019 and the first six months of 2020. Please can you provide the total number for each examination category for each year?
4. Did you have a backlog of unreported radiology examinations (CT, MRI, x-ray) in 2018, 2019 and the first six months of 2020? Please can you provide the average number of unreported images for each examination category for each year?

Download response Imaging. 041120

Imaging. 210421

1. How many CT scanners do you have in your Trust?
2. How many of these CT scanners are over 10 years old?
3. How many MRI scanners do you have in your Trust?
4. How many of these MRI scanners are over 10 years old?
5. Is your Trust a member of an imaging or pathology network/alliance?
6. Has your Trust been working in partnership with a community health setting offering diagnostics services (i.e. a dedicated diagnostic service not part of a Trust or GP practice, such as a community diagnostic hub)?
7. What proportion of your pathology diagnostic equipment is over 10 years old?
8. What are the daily running and ongoing maintenance costs of the cardiorespiratory diagnostic facilities in your Trust?
9. What were the installation costs of the cardiorespiratory diagnostic facilities in your Trust?
10. What proportion of your genomics equipment is over 10 years old?
11. Is your Trust working in collaboration with a genomics laboratory hub?
12. If the answer to (11) was ‘Yes’, what proportion of total genomics diagnostic procedures that your Trust is responsible for are allocated to the genomics hub?

Download response Imaging. 210421 

Imaging. 270918

1. How many CDs does your department produce per annum for the distribution of patient images?*
2. How many CDs does your department produce per annum for interested 3rd parties such as insurance companies or solicitors?*
3. What is the cost of CD production for patient images, e.g. materials for your department per annum?*
4. What are the time/resource costs associated with CD production for patient images for your department per annum?*
5. What are the costs of postage/couriering of CDs of patient images for your department, per annum?*
6. Please provide a breakdown of total costs of CDs for patient images to other hospitals for your department, per annum?*
7. Please provide a breakdown of total costs of CDs to patients for your department, per annum?*
8. Please provide a breakdown of total costs of CDs to interested 3rd parties for your department such as insurance companies or solicitors, per annum?*
9. Are the CDs dispatched from your department that contain patient data consistently encrypted / password protected?*
10. Can you provide information on the number of CDs that are lost or misplaced before they reach the intended recipient?*

*If you use a centralised administration team to administer imaging for your department please include this information to the above questions.
Please provide these answers for the following departments:
• Radiology
• Cardiology
• Medical illustration
• Theatres
• Endoscopy
• Colposcopy
• Diabetic Retinopathy
• Medical Photography
• Dermatology
• Podiatary

Download response Imaging. 270918

Imaging and Cancer referrals. 240720

1. How many patients are currently awaiting an appointment for imaging studies/scans that have been requested? And how many are awaiting the results of scans that are yet to be assessed?
1a. Please can you specify how many of these are on a cancer pathway.
1b. Please also specify the date your records go up to.
1c. Please can you also provide the data for how many were waiting during the same time period last year.
2. How many two-week wait cancer referrals had to wait longer than 14 days for an appointment in May 2020, May 2019, and May 2018? Please break this down by year and specialty receiving referral.
3. How many more scanners are needed to address the shortfall in imaging capacity?

Download response Imaging and Cancer referrals. 240720

Imaging equipment. 230921.docx

1. Please can you provide the following information for each piece of MRI scanners within the Trust or associated sites? (Please complete the attached spreadsheet)
a. Manufacturer
b. Model
c. Tesla – 0.5 to 1.4, 1.5, 3.0, 3.0 +
d. Location – Hospital Name or Site Name
e. Mobile / Static
f. Department equipment is primarily used in
g. Method of Finance at Procurement – Trust/Lease/MES/Charity/PFI
h. Initial cost of Equipment
i. Annual Maintenance cost
j. Acquisition Date
k. Planned Replacement Date
2. Please can you provide the following information for each CT scanners within the Trust or associated sites? (Please complete the attached spreadsheet)
a. Manufacturer
b. Model
c. Slices – 8, 16, 64, 128, 264
d. Location – Hospital Name or Site Name
e. Mobile / Static
f. Department equipment is primarily used in
g. Method of Finance at Procurement – Trust/Lease/MES/Charity/PFI
h. Initial cost of Equipment
i. Annual Maintenance cost
j. Acquisition Date
k. Planned Replacement Date
3. Please can you provide the following information for each Ultrasound scanner within the Trust or associated sites? (Please complete the attached spreadsheet)
a. Manufacturer
b. Model
c. Location – Hospital Name or Site Name
d. Department equipment is primarily used in
e. Method of Finance at Procurement – Trust/Lease/MES/Charity/PFI
f. Initial cost of Equipment
g. Annual Maintenance cost
h. Acquisition Date
i. Planned Replacement Date

Download response Imaging equipment. 230921.docx

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).031122.docx

Q1. How many patients has your trust treated (for any disease) in the last 6 months (or the latest 6 months data you have available) with the following treatments:
a. Revolade (eltrombopag)
b. Nplate (romiplostim)
c. Doptelet (avatrombopag)
d. Tavlesse (fostamatinib)
Q2. In the last 6 months (or the latest 6 months data you have available), how many patients has your trust treated for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)?
Q3. Of the patients treated for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in the last 6 months (or the latest 6 months data you have available), how many were treated with:
a. rituximab
b. mycophenolate mofetil
c. surgery (splenectomy)
Q4. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).031122.docx

Impact of COVID-19 on prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and support. 021020

1. Did you suspend your MRI before biopsy service for patients with suspected prostate cancer as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
a. Yes
b. No
c. We did not offer MRI before biopsy before the pandemic
2. If yes, have you now resumed MRI before biopsy for patients with suspected prostate cancer?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No, but we refer patients elsewhere (Please state the referral area:)
d. N /A
3. Do you currently use a pre-MRI clinical triage for patients with suspected prostate cancer? By pre-MRI clinical triage, we mean a process, often Clinical Nurse Specialist led, that determines patient suitability for MRI before biopsy
a. Yes
b. No
4. Has your radiology department introduced any new MRI exclusion criteria for patients with suspected prostate cancer as a result of COVID-19?
a. Yes (please specify:)
b. No
c. N/A
5. If yes, do you plan to maintain any of these exclusion criteria once restrictions to limit patients’ COVID-19 risk are lifted?
a. Yes (please specify:)
b. No
c. N/A
6. Did you stop conducting biopsies for patients with suspected prostate cancer as a result of COVID-19 infection risks?
a. Yes
b. No
7. If yes, have you resumed biopsy services for patients with suspected prostate cancer?
a. Yes
b. Yes, but only for a subset of patients (please specify:)
c. No
d. No, but we refer patients elsewhere for prostate biopsy (Please state the referral area:)
8. Do you offer transperineal biopsy under local anaesthetic?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No, but we plan to in future (please specify when if possible:)
9. Following an MRI scan for suspected prostate cancer, what criteria do you use to select patients for biopsy? Please include all that apply:
a. Patients with a PI-RADSs or Likert score of 1 or greater
b. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 2 or greater
c. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 3 or greater
d. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 3 or greater, but only if PI-RADS or Likert score 3 patients have other clinical indications (such as age, ethnicity, PSA density) that make them higher risk
e. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 4 or greater
f. We do not offer MRI before biopsy
g. We do not currently biopsy patients
10. Did you delay radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer patients as a result of COVID-19?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Partially (please specify:)
d. N/A (please specify:)
11. If yes, have you cleared your backlog for prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A – We did not delay prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment
12. Did you delay radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer patients as a result of COVID-19?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Partially (please specify:)
d. N/A (please specify:)
13. If yes, have you cleared your radical prostatectomy backlog?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A – We did not delay radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer patients
14. To address your backlog did or are you using a protocol to risk stratify patients and prioritise patients with high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer for treatment within 3 months?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No, we did not have a sufficient backlog to require patient prioritisation
15. Does your protocol apply to new patients with high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer with the intention to radically treat them within 3 months of diagnosis?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A – We do not have a protocol for patient prioritisation
16. Do you have prostate cancer Personalised Stratified Follow Up (PSFU) protocols in place?
a. Yes
b. No
c. We are in the process of developing PSFU protocols
17. If Yes, do you have a digital remote monitoring system in place for follow up?
a. Yes (Please specify the name of the system used: e.g My Medical Record, Patient Knows Best)
b. No
18. If no, do you plan to implement a digital remote monitoring system for follow up?
a. Yes – (Please specify the name of the system you plan to implement: e.g My Medical Record, Patient Knows Best)
b. No
19. Which of the following criteria are part of your follow up protocols? (please mark all that apply:)
a. Patients have access to a Support Worker who acts as their key worker for the duration of their follow up care.
b. Patients have access to an online patient service that allows them to check test results, complete assessments, view patient information and message their clinical team.
c. Patients attend a 4-hour supported self-management workshop with a group of 8 to 10 men to develop knowledge, skills and confidence to self-manage their condition
d. Patients do not need to attend routine appointments unless an issue arises.

Download response Impact of COVID-19 on prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and support. 021020

Implementation of digital pathology in Histopathology. 240222.docx

1. Has your histopathology laboratory outsourced any cases for reporting in the past year?
2. If yes, approximately what percentage of your work is outsourced?
3. Does your histopathology laboratory use any form of digital pathology?
4. Can you name the supplier(s) of your digital pathology solution?
5. If the answer to question 3 is “no”, can you indicate if you are looking to procure a digital pathology solution in the next year?
6. How much funding does the Trust have to implement this?
7. What would you use digital pathology for?
a. Research
b. Training
c. Primary diagnosis
d. Second opinion
e. MDT preparation and review
(Tick all that apply)
8. What LIS does your department currently use?
9. How old is your current LIS?
10. Does your laboratory workflow incorporate a barcoded tracking system?
11. If yes, what tracking system do you use?
12. To reduce the initial capital outlay, would you favour a cost per scan pricing model?
13. Would you consider an insourcing model where the digital pathology solution is tailored to your needs with scanners placed on site and images stored and streamed to your consultant workforce for reporting on your LIS?
14. Would you use an outsourcing model where your slides are sent offsite for scanning and cases reported by an external consultant team with reports returned direct to your LIS?
15. Would you prefer to purchase your own scanners and IMS and work directly with a partner provider to handle, store, and report your own images?

Implementation of digital pathology in Histopathology. 240222.docx

IMRT Radiotherapy Machines. 121119

IMRT Radiotherapy Machines
Could you please advise whether we are using the above modern machines in the Kent and Canterbury Hospital (K&C) and Maidstone?

Download response IMRT Radiotherapy Machines. 121119

Incidence and treatment of breast cancer.110322.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole) as a single agent
b. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
c. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Carboplatin or Cisplatin as a single agent
h. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
i. Everolimus + Exemestane
j. Fulvestrant as a single agent
k. Lapatinib
l. Neratinib
m. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
n. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
o. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
p. Pembrolizumab
q. Pertuzumab + Trastuzumab + Docetaxel
r. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
s. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
t. Sacituzumab Govitecan
u. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
v. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
y. Vinorelbine as a single agent
z. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q2. In the past 3 months, how many early/locally advanced (Stages I to IIIc) breast cancer patients were treated with an Aromatase Inhibitor (anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole) as a single agent?

Incidence and treatment of breast cancer.110322.docx

Incidence and treatment of breast cancer. 110621

1. How many patients have you treated (using surgery, radiotherapy or any systemic anti-cancer therapy) in the last three months for:
a. Breast cancer (any stage)
b. Early breast cancer (both early-stage and locally advanced, inclusive of stages I-IIIC)
c. Metastatic breast cancer (stage IV)
2. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a. Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
d. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
e. Capecitabine as a single agent
f. Carboplatin or Cisplatin as a single agent
g. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
h. Everolimus + Exemestane
i. Fluorouracil
j. Fulvestrant as a single agent
k. Lapatinib
l. Neratinib
m. Olaparib
n. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
o. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
p. Pertuzumab + Trastuzumab + Docetaxel
q. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
r. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. anastrazole, exemestane, letrozole)
s. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
t. Talazoparib
u. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
v. Transtuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy

Download response Incidence and treatment of breast cancer. 110621

Incidence and treatment of breast cancer.311022.docx

Q1. How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:
a.Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
b. Abemaciclib + Fulvestrant
c. Alpelisib + Fulvestrant
d. Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
e. Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel/Paclitaxel
f. Capecitabine as a single agent
g. Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
h. Everolimus + Exemestane
i. Fulvestrant as a single agent
j. Lapatinib
k. Neratinib
l. Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib/Talazoparib)
m. Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
n. Palbociclib + Fulvestrant
o. Pembrolizumab
p. Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
q. Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor (e.g. Anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole)
r. Ribociclib + Fulvestrant
s. Sacituzumab Govitecan
t. Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
u. Taxane and/or Anthracycline in combination
v. Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
w. Trastuzumab emtansine
x. Transtuzumab deruxtecan
y. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q2. Does your trust participate in any clinical trials for breast cancer? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial and the number of patients taking part.

Incidence and treatment of breast cancer.311022.docx

Incidence and treatment of different types of cancer.220621

1. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months for head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with the following agents?
· Carboplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
· Cisplatin (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
· Cetuximab with/without chemotherapy
· Cetuximab with radiotherapy
· Pembrolizumab monotherapy
· Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
· Nivolumab
· Docetaxel (monotherapy or in combination with 5-FU)
· Fluorouracil (5FU)
· Radiotherapy only
· Other
2. Does your trust participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of head and neck cancer (squamous cell carcinoma)? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?
3. Within your health trust, how many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for colorectal cancer [CRC]?
· Aflibercept
· Bevacizumab
· Capecitabine
· Cetuximab in combination with FOLFIRI
· Cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX
· Cetuximab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
· Irinotecan only
· Fluorouracil (5FU) only
· Oxaliplatin only
· Panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI
· Panitumumab in combination with FOLFOX
· Panitumumab not in combination with FOLFIRI or FOLFOX
· Nivolumab
· Raltitrexed
· Ramucirumab
· Regorafenib
· Sorafenib
· Other SACT

Download response Incidence and treatment of different types of cancer.220621

Incidence and treatment of Lung cancer. 091020

Q1. In the past 3 months, how many non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated with:
a. Afatinib
b. Alectinib
c. Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab + Carboplatin + Paclitaxel
d. Atezolizumab monotherapy
e. Bevacizumab
f. Brigatinib
g. Ceritinib
h. Crizotinib
i. Dacomitinib
j. Docetaxel monotherapy
k. Durvalumab
l. Erlotinib
m. Gefitinib
n. Gemcitabine
o. Necitumumab
p. Nintedanib with Docetaxel
q. Nivolumab
r. Osimertinib
s. Paclitaxel
t. Pembrolizumab chemo in combination
u. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
v. Pemetrexed
w. Pemetrexed with Carboplatin
x. Pemetrexed with Cisplatin
y. Ramucirumab
z. Vinorelbine and cisplatin/carboplatin
Q2. Could you please provide the total number of patients with any treatment in the last three months for:
a. Total non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
b. Squamous non-small cell lung cancer (Sq NSCLC)
c. Non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (Non-Sq NSCLC)

Download response Incidence and treatment of Lung cancer. 091020

Incidents of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL).170622.docx

Q1. How many patients has your trust treated in the past 3 months for the following conditions:
a. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)
b. Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)
c. In case you do not treat either of the above conditions, please tell us which trust or hospital you refer patients to.
Q2. How many Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following:
a. BR (bendamustine + rituximab)
b. Calquence (acalabrutinib)
c. FCR (fludarabine + cyclophosphamide + rituximab)
d. Gazyva (obinutuzumab) + chlorambucil
e. Imbruvica (ibrutinib)
f. Venclexta (venetoclax)
g. Venclexta (venetoclax) + Gazyva (obinutuzumab)
h. Venclexta (venetoclax) + rituximab
i. Zydelig (idelalisib) + rituximab
j. Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q3. How many Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following:
a. BR (bendamustine + rituximab)
b. Imbruvica (ibrutinib)
c. Imbruvica (ibrutinib) + rituximab
d. R-BAC (rituximab, bendamustine and cytarabine)
e. R-CHOP (rituximab + cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + vincristine + prednisone)
f. Nordic Protocol (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, cytarabine & prednisolone)
g. Velcade (bortezomib) + chemotherapy
h. Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
i. Stem cell transplant
j. Tecartus (CAR-T) – Autologous anti-CD19-transduced CD3+ cells
Q4. Does your trust currently participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?
Q5. Does your trust currently participate in any ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)? If so, can you please provide the name of each trial along with the number of patients taking part?

Incidents of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL).170622.docx

Interventional Radiology.031122.docx

1. Number and type of interventional radiology (IR) procedures performed by the radiology department (only) per each year in question.
2. Number of interventional radiologists currently in the unit.
3. Number of dedicated interventional Radiology nurses
4. What is the Consultant Interventional Radiology on call rota?
5. Are there interventional Radiology trainees in your units? If yes, how many?
6. Number of Interventional Radiology angiosuites?
7. Is there a day case unit in your radiology department and if so, how many beds?
8. Number of beds in the trust.

Interventional Radiology.031122.docx

Kawasaki Disease. 300819

For your Trust, please provide, per calendar year for the period January 2006 to December 2018 inclusive, the following information for each admission of Kawasaki Disease – ICD10 diagnosis (primary or secondary) of M303 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome:
• Year of each admission
• Month of each admission
• Patient gender
• Patient ethnicity
• Age of patient at diagnosis
• First four items of patient postcode (partial postcode which is non-identifiable)

Download response Kawasaki Disease. 300819

Lead aprons. 120221

1. Name of Hospital
2. Does the hospital use Lead Aprons? (If NO, then no further information needed) please just enter the hospital name and N in column B of the attached spreadsheet.
3. What brand of Lead Apron is currently used or most recent brand purchased if several in use
4. What is the hospitals annual spend on Lead Aprons? Please provide data for the last 3 complete financial or calendar years if possible
5. How many Lead Aprons are purchased per annum? Please provide data for the last 3 complete financial or calendar years if possible
6. Who is the Key contact person in charge of ordering lead aprons for Radiology Department – Name/Job Title/E-mail/Direct Contact Number/Decision Maker Yes or No (if employee direct contact details can’t be shared please provide a general contact number and e-mail for the Radiology department.)
7. Who is the Key contact person in charge of ordering lead aprons for Cath Lab Department – Name/Job Title/E-mail/Direct Contact Number/Decision Maker Yes or No (if employee direct contact details can’t be shared please provide a general contact number and e-mail for the Cath Lab department.)
8. Who is the Key contact person in charge of ordering lead aprons for Theatre Department – Name/Job Title/E-mail/Direct Contact Number/Decision Maker Yes or No (if employee direct contact details can’t be shared please provide a general contact number and e-mail for the Theatre department.)
9. If the departmental contact is not the decision maker in the buying process please also provide the full contact details (Name/Job Title/E-mail/Direct Contact Number) for a Senior Person in charge of ordering (e.g. Head of Procurement, Service Manager, Clinical Director, Clinical Lead)

Download response Lead aprons. 120221

LINAC machines and SBRT or SABR.170322.docx

1. The year of purchase of every LINAC machine in operation at your trust?
2. How many patients received SBRT or SABR at your Trust in 2020 and until the latest available in 2021 and for what indications?
3. How many individual business cases have been raised for new or replacement linear accelerators in 2020 and 2021.

LINAC machines and SBRT or SABR.170322.docx

LINAC machines and SBRT or SABR for oligometastatic disease. 020919

1. The year of purchase of every LINAC machine in operation at your trust?

2. How many patients received lung SBRT or SABR for oligometastatic disease at your Trust in the most recent year for which data is available? How many of those had been referred from other Trusts?

3. If your Trust does not offer SABR or SBRT for lung or oligometastatic disease, how many patients were referred to another NHS Trust for SBRT or SABR in the most recent year for which data is available? How many of those patients completed their SBRT or SABR treatment at the Trust they had been referred to?

Download response LINAC machines and SBRT or SABR for oligometastatic disease. 020919

LINAC machines and SBRT or SABR for oligometastatic disease. 020919

1. The year of purchase of every LINAC machine in operation at your trust?

2. How many patients received lung SBRT or SABR for oligometastatic disease at your Trust in the most recent year for which data is available? How many of those had been referred from other Trusts?

3. If your Trust does not offer SABR or SBRT for lung or oligometastatic disease, how many patients were referred to another NHS Trust for SBRT or SABR in the most recent year for which data is available? How many of those patients completed their SBRT or SABR treatment at the Trust they had been referred to?

Download response LINAC machines and SBRT or SABR for oligometastatic disease. 020919

Local Treatment Guidelines Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.020823.docx

Question 1
Does Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust have any local treatment guidelines/pathways/protocols/algorithms for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer?
Question 2
Does Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust have protocols for the use of the following targeted drug therapies in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer?
a. Sotorasib (Lumykras)
b. Entrectinib (Rozlytrek)
c. Larotrectinib (Vitrakvi)
d. Dabrafenib (Tafinlar)
e. Trametinib (Mekinist)
f. Capmatinib (Tabrecta)
g. Tepotinib (Tepmetko)
h. Bevacizumab (Avastin)
i. Ramucirumab (Cyramza)
j. Atezolizumab (Tecentriq)
k. Durvalumab (Imfinzi)
l. Cemiplimab- (Libtayo)
m. Nivolumab (Opdivo)
n. Pembrolizumab (Keytruda)
o. Ipilimumab (Yervoy)
p. Afatinib (Giotrif)
q. Dacomitinib (Vizimpro)
r. Erlotinib (Tarceva)
s. Gefitinib (Iressa)
t. Osimertinib (Tagrisso)
u. Amivantamab (Rybrevant)
v. Mobocertinib (Exkivity)
w. trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu)
x. Alectinib (Alecensa)
y. Brigatinib (Alunbrig)
z. Ceritinib (Zykadia)
aa. Crizotinib (Xalkori)
bb. Lorlatinib (Lorviqua)
cc. Entrectinib (Rozlytrek)
dd. Pralsetinib (Gavreto)
ee. Selpercatinib (Retsevmo)
ff. Nintedanib (Vargatef®)
Question 3
If a local protocol for the use of Sotorasib (Lumykras) for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer is available please could a copy be provided?
Question 4
Does Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust have any local pathways/protocols/guidelines for the use of molecular biomarker testing in diagnosis/treatment of non-small cell lung cancer?
Question 5
Is Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust part of a Cancer alliance or network, if so which ones?

Local Treatment Guidelines Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.020823.docx

Longest cancer waits.170323.docx

1. What was the longest a patient at your Trust waited (in weeks/days) for –
a) a first consultant appointment, following a GP urgent referral on the two week wait pathway;
b) being told they have cancer, or cancer being definitively excluded, following a GP urgent referral on the two week wait pathway;
c) a first treatment for cancer, following a GP urgent referral on the two week wait pathway;
d) a diagnostic test or procedure, following a GP urgent referral on the two week wait pathway
In each of the following calendar years – 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022?

Longest cancer waits.170323.docx

Longest Cancer Waits.210324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The longest wait from an Urgent Suspected Cancer or Breast Symptomatic Referral, or Consultant Upgrade to a First Definitive Treatment for Cancer in the Trust in 2023/24 (so far)?
2. How many patients in your trust are currently waiting longer than 6 months (186 days) from an Urgent Suspected Cancer or Breast Symptomatic Referral, or Consultant Upgrade to a First Definitive Treatment for Cancer?

Longest Cancer Waits.210324.docx

Longest wait time for scans and x-rays.270923.docx

1. Your Trusts longest wait time for a non-urgent X-ray in the past 12 months
2. Your Trusts longest wait time for a CT scan in the past 12 months
3. Your Trusts longest wait time for an MRI in the past 12 months
4. Your Trusts longest wait time for a PET scan in the past 12 months
5. Your Trusts longest wait time for an Ultrasound in the past 12 months
6. Your Trusts longest wait time for an Angiography in the past 12 months
7. Your Trusts longest wait time for an Electrocardiogram scan in the past 12 months
8. Your Trusts longest wait time for an Echocardiogram in the past 12 months

Longest wait time for scans and x-rays.270923.docx

Lung cancer.230623.docx

Q1 – How many patients has your Trust treated in the past 3 months for:
a. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – any treatment
b. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – surgical treatment
c. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – radiotherapy
d. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – systemic anti-cancer treatment (SACT)
Q2 – How many Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated in the past 3 months with:
a. ALK Inhibitors (Alectinib, Brigatinib, Ceritinib, Crizotinib, Lorlatinib)
b. Amivantamab
c. Atezolizumab monotherapy
d. Atezolizumab with chemotherapy
e. Dabrafenib + Trametinib
f. Durvalumab
g. Gemcitabine
h. Nitendanib + Docetaxel
i. Nivolumab
j. Osimertinib
k. Other EGFR Inhibitors (Afatinib, Erlotinib, Gefitinib, Dacomitinib, Mobocertinib)
l. Paclitaxel
m. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
n. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
o. Pemetrexed with carboplatin/cisplatin
p. RET Inhibitors (Pralsetinib, Selpercatinib)
q. Sotorasib
r. Tepotinib
s. Vinorelbine monotherapy or combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
t. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy [please state]
u. Palliative care only
Q3 – Of the NSCLC patients treated with Nivolumab in the past 3 months, how many patients received (surgery) or are scheduled to receive surgical treatment after commencement of the treatment with Nivolumab?

Lung cancer.230623.docx

Lung cancer.250624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Q1. How many non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated in the past 3 months with:
a. ALK Inhibitors (Alectinib, Brigatinib, Ceritinib, Crizotinib, Lorlatinib)
b. Amivantamab
c. Atezolizumab Monotherapy
d. Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab + Carboplatin + Paclitaxel
e. Dabrafenib + Trametinib
f. Docetaxel monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
g. Durvalumab
h. Gemcitabine
i. Nitedanib + Docetaxel
j. Nivolumab
k. Osimertinib
l. Other EGFR Inhibitors (Afatinib, Erlotinib, Gefitinib, Dacomitinib, Mobocertinib)
m. Paclitaxel
n. Pembrolizumab Monotherapy
o. Pembrolizumab + Paclitaxel + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
p. Pembrolizumab + Pemetrexed + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
q. Pemetrexed + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
r. RET Inhibitors (Pralsetinib, Selpercatinib)
s. Sotorasib
t. Tepotinib
u. Vinorelbine monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
v. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
w. Palliative care only
Q2. How many patients were treated for Squamous non-small cell lung cancer (Sq NSCLC) ONLY in the past 3 months with:
a. Atezolizumab monotherapy
b. Durvalumab
c. Gemcitabine
d. Nivolumab
e. Osimertinib
f. Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) Mono
g. Pembrolizumab + Paclitaxel + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
h. Paclitaxel
i. Vinorelbine monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
j. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT)
k. Palliative care only

Lung cancer.250624.docx

Lung cancer.270622.docx

Q1. In the past 3 months, how many non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated with:
a. Afatinib
b. Alectinib
c. Amivantamab
d. Atezolizumab monotherapy
e. Atezolizumab with chemotherapy
f. Brigatinib
g. Ceritinib
h. Crizotinib
i. Dacomitinib
j. Dabrafenib with Trametinib
k. Durvalumab
l. Erlotinib
m. Gefitinib
n. Lorlatinib
o. Mobocertinib
p. Nintedanib with Docetaxel
q. Nivolumab
r. Osimertinib
s. Pembrolizumab monotherapy
t. Pembrolizumab with chemotherapy
u. Pemetrexed with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
v. Sotorasib
w. Tepotinib
x. Vinorelbine with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
y. Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT)
z. Palliative care only
Q2. In the past 3 months, how many patients were treated for Squamous non-small cell lung cancer (Sq NSCLC) ONLY with the following drugs:
a. Atezolizumab monotherapy
b. Atezolizumab with chemotherapy
c. Durvalumab
d. Nivolumab
e. Osimertinib
f. Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) Mono
g. Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) with Chemotherapy
h. Tepotinib
i. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT)
j. Palliative care only

Lung cancer.270622.docx

Lung cancer.271023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Q1. How many Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated in the past 3 months with:
a. ALK Inhibitors (Alectinib, Brigatinib, Ceritinib, Crizotinib, Lorlatinib)
b. Amivantamab
c. Atezolizumab Monotherapy
d. Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab + Carboplatin + Paclitaxel
e. Dabrafenib + Trametinib
f. Docetaxel monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
g. Durvalumab
h. Gemcitabine
i. Nitedanib + Docetaxel
j. Nivolumab
k. Osimertinib
l. Other EGFR Inhibitors (Afatinib, Erlotinib, Gefitinib, Dacomitinib, Mobocertinib)
m. Paclitaxel
n. Pembrolizumab Monotherapy
o. Pembrolizumab + Paclitaxel + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
p. Pembrolizumab + Pemetrexed + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
q. Pemetrexed + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
r. RET Inhibitors (Pralsetinib, Selpercatinib)
s. Sotorasib
t. Tepotinib
u. Vinorelbine monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
v. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
w. Palliative care only
Q2. Of all the NSCLC patients treated with nivolumab in the past 3 months, how many patients received (surgery) or are scheduled to receive surgical treatment after commencement of the treatment with nivolumab?
Q3. Does your trust/health board participate in any clinical trials for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)? If so, could you please provide the name of each active trial and the number of patients taking part.

Lung cancer.271023.docx

Lung Cancer.280224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Q1. How many non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated in the past 3 months with:
a. ALK Inhibitors (Alectinib, Brigatinib, Ceritinib, Crizotinib, Lorlatinib)
b. Amivantamab
c. Atezolizumab Monotherapy
d. Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab + Carboplatin + Paclitaxel
e. Dabrafenib + Trametinib
f. Docetaxel monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
g. Durvalumab
h. Gemcitabine
i. Nitedanib + Docetaxel
j. Nivolumab
k. Osimertinib
l. Other EGFR Inhibitors (Afatinib, Erlotinib, Gefitinib, Dacomitinib, Mobocertinib)
m. Paclitaxel
n. Pembrolizumab Monotherapy
o. Pembrolizumab + Paclitaxel + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
p. Pembrolizumab + Pemetrexed + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
q. Pemetrexed + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
r. RET Inhibitors (Pralsetinib, Selpercatinib)
s. Sotorasib
t. Tepotinib
u. Vinorelbine monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
v. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
w. Palliative care only
Q2. How many patients were treated for Squamous non-small cell lung cancer (Sq NSCLC) ONLY in the past 3 months with:
a. Atezolizumab monotherapy
b. Durvalumab
c. Gemcitabine
d. Nivolumab
e. Osimertinib
f. Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) Mono
g. Pembrolizumab + Paclitaxel + Platinum (Carboplatin/Cisplatin)
h. Paclitaxel
i. Vinorelbine monotherapy or in combination with Carboplatin/Cisplatin
j. Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT)
k. Palliative care only

Lung Cancer.280224.docx

Lung cancer cases in Vigo. 121018

It has come to my attention that there is a disproportionately high number of patients are presenting to Maidstone Respiratory Clinic from people living in Vigo, Gravesend.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with any information you hold on the number of recorded patients you have from Vigo over the past ten years with lung cancer. That would include both incidence and prevalence figures.

Before we commenced extracting any data the Trust highlighted the following to you and asked if you were happy for us to proceed with your request with the following limitations.
• Data will only be as long as the data system has been used, (since 2009)
• Postcodes used have been identified as those listed below, as this is a not an area we can identify any other way from our system.

DA13 0RL
DA13 0SB
DA13 0RR
DA13 0UU
DA13 0SR
DA13 0UT
DA13 0TG
DA13 0ST
DA13 0TD
DA13 0SH
DA13 0TA
DA13 0SF
DA13 0TQ
DA13 0SX
DA13 0RY
DA13 0SP
DA13 0SU
DA13 0SQ
DA13 0RZ
DA13 0SJ
DA13 0TE
DA13 0SY
DA13 0SG
DA13 0SN
DA13 0SL
DA13 0SW

• We cannot give prevalence, and not even incidence really since this is new cases, rather we can give just numbers in those postcodes specified that are on our system, I.e. being treated by the Trust.
• This will be for patients under Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (MTW) with lung cancer in that postcode area each year, so if they moved in or out, they will appear or disappear (i.e. diagnosis may or may not have been made by MTW depending if they first presented with suspected cancer to us or whether they moved into the area after diagnosis was already made elsewhere).

You confirmed that you were happy to proceed with the listed limitations.

Download response Lung cancer cases in Vigo. 121018

Maintenance contract for the Trust’s surgical power tool inventory.181022.docx

1. Who provides the maintenance and/or repair of the Trust’s surgical power tool inventory? If more than one, please provide all.
2. When is the expiry date of the existing maintenance contract for the Trust’s surgical power tool inventory? If more than one, please provide all.

Maintenance contract for the Trust’s surgical power tool inventory.181022.docx

Maintenance contract on the GE Discovery 670 gamma camera systems.141122.docx

Could you please provide me with the name, telephone number & email address of whom we need to contact at the Trust to be considered for the maintenance contract on the GE Discovery 670 gamma camera systems when the current contracts expire in March 23?

Maintenance contract on the GE Discovery 670 gamma camera systems.141122.docx

Maintenance services for flexible endoscopy inventory . 211118

You asked:
• When does the existing maintenance contract(s) expire for the Trust’s flexible endoscope inventory?
• I.e. please provide the expiry date for any contract(s) that cover the maintenance and repair of the Trust’s flexible endoscope inventory.

Download response Maintenance services for flexible endoscopy inventory . 211118


Car parking

Car park management contract.140923.docx

1. What are the contractual performance KPI’s for this contract?
2. Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages
3. Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date
4. Start date & duration of framework/contract?
5. Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
6. Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?
7. Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
8. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?

Car park management contract.140923.docx

Car parking. 091220

1. Do you currently manage your car parking in-house or do you contract to a third party?
2. If you do employ a parking operator to manage your parking services, who is your current parking provider?
3. What is the exact date your current contract/s terminate?
4. Does the Trust receive the income generated from the hospital parking and notice charges or does the income go to a third party?
5. Please confirm the revenue amount generated from the third-party provider if there is one
6. What are the key challenges that the Trust face with regards to the parking provision?
7. Can you confirm the expenditure on maintenance for the car park equipment for 2019/2020?
8. Overall what was the profit generated by the trust after the cost of maintaining and staffing the car park for 2019/2020?

Download response Car parking. 091220

Car parking.110324.docx

Based on your latest available data,
1. How many fines have been handed out to members of staff at your Trust over the past five years for issues related to car parking? This could include parking in the wrong area, not having a permit etc.
2. How many staff does your Trust currently have
3. How many of these currently have a car parking permit?
4. How many are on the waiting list to receive a permit?
If possible, please provide data broken down by year by calendar year. Spreadsheet format preferred if possible.

Car parking.110324.docx

Car parking.140224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. a list of all of the measurements you record to understand parking demand and availability
2. the data for those measurements for the past 5 years.
3. a copy of the any plans you have in respect of parking improvement

Car parking.140224.docx

Car parking. 240119

Subject to the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information in the relation to the Trust and associated hospitals.
1. Do you currently manage your car parking in-house or do you contract to a third party?
2. If you do employ a parking operator to manage your parking services, who is your current parking provider?
3. What is the exact date/s your current contract/s terminate?
4. What date do you expect to go to tender?

Download response Car parking. 240119

Car parking charges. 011118

1. Do hospitals in your area charge patients/visitors to park in their own car park?
2. If so, how much do they charge?
3. Do the hospitals operate their car park under a PFI contract?

Download response Car parking charges. 011118

Car parking charges. 160519

1. How much money did the trust raise from car parking charges in each of the last two financial years – 2017/18 and 2018/19? Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
2. How much money was raised from parking fines in each of the last two financial years – 2017/18 and 2018/19? Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient fines if possible.
3. Have you increased the cost of parking in your car parks during the last financial year – between 2017/18 and 2018/19? Please give a breakdown of how much parking has increased by.
4. Do you charge for disabled parking?
5. Is your car park managed by a private firm? If so, what proportion of revenue created by a) parking income and b) parking fines does the firm take?

Download response Car parking charges. 160519

Car parking charges. 181019

1. How much money did the trust raise from car parking charges in each of the last two financial years – 2017/18 and 2018/19? Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
2. How much money was raised from parking fines in each of the last two financial years – 2017/18 and 2018/19? Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient fines if possible.
3. Have you increased the cost of parking in your car parks during the last financial year – between 2017/18 and 2018/19? Please give a breakdown of how much parking has increased by.
4. Do you charge for disabled parking?
5. Is your car park managed by a private firm? If so, what proportion of revenue created by a) parking income and b) parking fines does the firm take?

Download response Car parking charges. 181019

Car parking charges. 280918

1. How much money did the trust raise from car parking charges in each of the last two financial years – 2016/17 and 2017/18? Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.

2. How much money was raised from parking fines in each of the last two financial years – 2016/17 and 2017/18? Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient fines if possible.

3. Have you increased the cost of parking in your car parks during the last financial year – between 2016/17 and 2017/18? Please give a breakdown of how much parking has increased by.

4. Do you charge for disabled parking?

Download response Car parking charges. 280918

Car parking contract. 051021.docx

Can you please confirm if you planning to extend the current contract with APCOA or extend, if so could you please confirm for how long?

Download response Car parking contract. 051021.docx

Car parking facilities.180123.docx

1. Could you please advise me if you manage the car parking facilities on your own, or do you employ a private operator/contractor to manage the facilities for you i.e., ANPR, POFs and PCNs etc?
2. If you use a private operator/contractor, can you please advise me who they are and when their existing contract with yourselves expires?

Car parking facilities.180123.docx

Car parking income. 290620

1. How much money was generated by your hospital trust through parking charges in the hospital car parks during 2019-20?
2. How many parking fines were issued for parking infringements in your car parks during the year stated above?
3. How many parking fines were written off during the year stated above?

Download response Car parking income. 290620

Car Parking Management Services and Security Services Management. 150421

Car Parking Management Services and Security Services Management for Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust:

The details we require are:

1. Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages
2. Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date
3. Start date & duration of framework
4. Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?
5. Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
6. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?

Download response Car Parking Management Services and Security Services Management. 150421

Disabled parking for staff. 030719

1. How many staff members at the trust are declared disabled?
2. How many staff members with a disability use the staff car park?
3. Do the trust charge disabled staff for parking?
4. If yes in Q3 is this charge at a discounted rate compared to a non-disabled staff member?
5. How much is staff car parking for disabled staff and non-disabled staff?

Download response Disabled parking for staff. 030719

Financial Details and Operations of Private Parking Arrangements for NHS Staff.050624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Financial Revenue and Distribution:
How much revenue was generated from parking fees charged to NHS staff for the last financial year?
a. Of this revenue, what percentage or amount was paid to private parking management companies?
2. Private Companies Profiting:
Can you provide a list of the private parking companies that have benefited from these arrangements within the last financial year?
3. Revenue Breakdown:
Please provide a breakdown of the revenue generated from parking fees and fines, per hospital or area within your trust, for the last financial year.

Financial Details and Operations of Private Parking Arrangements for NHS Staff.050624.docx

Free NHS Staff Parking.220722.docx

1. Do you provide free parking for NHS staff and/or patients?
2. If not, how much do you charge staff to park?
3. how long does it take for staff to be issued a permit when joining your trust?

Free NHS Staff Parking.220722.docx

Hospital parking. 190719

1. Please state the current fee for parking at the trust for one hour. (If there is no specific fee for one hour, please state the lowest possible time and cost)
2. Please state the fee for parking for one hour in 2018.
3. Please tell me whether the hospital provides free parking for any of the following groups a) cancer patients b) disabled patients c) other patients who are frequent visitors to the trust d) the relatives of patients who are frequent visitors.
4. Please tell me if the hospital provides reduced parking for any of the following groups a) cancer patients b) disabled patients c) patients who are frequent visitors d) the relatives of patients who are frequent visitors 5. If yes to question 4, please provide details.
6. Please state how much the trust collected in parking charges and fines in a) 2018/19 and b) 2017/18.
7. Does the trust hire any private firms to issue parking fines or clamp vehicles?
8. If yes to question 7, please provide the names of these firms

Download response Hospital parking. 190719

Hospital parking overstaying fines.300621

1. How many fines have been issued by the hospital for overstaying at Maidstone Hospital and Tunbridge Wells Hospital in Pembury?
2. Can this be broken down year by year from 2018 to 2021 (to date)
– 2018
– 2019
– 2020
– 2021
3. Can you also confirm how much the fines cost, where the money goes to and the outcome of the fines (e.g. paid for, rescinded or other action)

Download response Hospital parking overstaying fines.300621


Children's Services

6-in-1 vaccine. 170718

a) The number of 6-in-1 vaccines offered to be given to babies in the financial years 2017/18, 2016/17, and 2015/16.

b)The number of 6-in-1 vaccines that were refused by parents or guardians of the baby in the financial year 2017/18, 2016/17, and 2015/16.

c) The number of children diagnosed with any of the following in 2017/18 alone, who had not received the 6-in-1 vaccine when they were a baby because their parent or guardian had refused it. If a child was diagnosed with more than one of the below, please provide that information: diphtheria, hepatitis B, Hib, polio, tetanus, or whooping cough

Download response 6-in-1 vaccine. 170718

Acute Trust CYP Healthcare. 050821.docx

For every month from 1 January 2019 to 31 May 2021, please answer the following questions:
1 In that month, how many children and young people (CYP) aged 18 and under did you refer to CAMH services after they arrived in your emergency department(s)?
2 In that months, of these CYP in question one, how many were referred to CAMH services for treatment of a suspected or confirmed eating disorder? If helpful, please search against the ICD Code F50.0, which may be included in the referral.
3 In that month, how many CYP were admitted to or treated by your acute hospital trust for the following:
3 a Treatment of an eating disorder, such as refeeding and medical stabilisation? If helpful, please search against the ICD Code F.50, which should cover all relevant eating disorder diagnoses.
3 b Treatment of self-inflicted injury? If helpful, please search against ICD Codes X60 to X69.
3 c Treatment of drug or other toxic substance overdose, whether accidental or intentional? If helpful, please search against ICD Codes X70 to X84.
4 In this month, how many CYP were admitted to your acute trust for compulsory treatment with use of the Mental Health Act?
5 In this month, of those CYP admitted to your acute trust for compulsory treatment with use of the Mental Health Act, how many had an eating disorder diagnosis (ICD Code in the F50 category)?

Download response Acute Trust CYP Healthcare. 050821.docx

A&E and Outpatient Paediatric attendances. 250419

1- Number of paediatric patient attended A/E in 2018, Tunbridge wells hospital
2- Number of patient attended paediatric OPD (outpatient department) in 2018, Tunbridge wells hospital

Download response A&E and Outpatient Paediatric attendances. 250419

Ankylossia (tongue-tie). 270918

1. How many babies (i.e.) below the age of 1) were diagnosed with issues of Ankylossia (tongue-tie) in each financial year since 2013/14.
2. Of the babies diagnosed with issues of Ankylossia (tongue-tie) in 2017 how many had a surgical procedure carried out by NHS surgeons to resolve these specific issues, and how long did they wait (on average, in calendar days) for the procedure following diagnosis?
3. In 2017, what was the mean age of babies with such issues when the Ankylossia (tongue-tie) procedure was performed?

Download response Ankylossia (tongue-tie). 270918

Ante natal screening or diagnostic results for Down syndrome. 100519

Please send me an example of all of the following that are in use:
a) Letter/email reporting low chance combined or quadruple screen results
b) Letter/email reporting high chance combined or quadruple screen results
c) Letter/email reporting low chance NIPT results
d) Letter/email reporting high chance NIPT results
e) Letter/email reporting ‘no result’ NIPT results
f) Letter/email reporting negative QF-PCR/FISH CVS results
g) Letter/email reporting positive QF-PCR/FISH CVS results
h) Letter/email reporting negative full karyotype CVS results
i) Letter/email reporting positive full karyotype CVS results
j) Letter/email reporting negative amniocentesis result
k) Letter/email reporting positive amniocentesis result

Download response Ante natal screening or diagnostic results for Down syndrome. 100519

ASD waiting times.230522.docx

A. How many children are currently waiting to receive a first assessment appointment?
B. What is the average wait time for these children, starting from the point of initial referral?
C. How many of these children have been waiting longer than 13 weeks?
D. What are the longest three wait times for these children?
A. How many children are currently waiting to receive a second assessment appointment?
B. What is the average wait time for these children to receive a second appointment, since their first appointment?
C. What are the longest three wait times for these children, since their first appointment?
A. How many children are currently waiting to receive a diagnosis (ie. waiting for an assessment outcome to find out whether they do or do not have ASD)?
B. What is the average wait time, since the point of initial referral?
C. What are the longest three wait times for these children, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2022, how many children with suspected autism received a first assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a first assessment appointment, since their initial referral?
C. What were the longest three wait times for these children to receive a first diagnostic appointment, since their initial referral??
A. In the year up to 31 March 2022, how many children with suspected autism received a second assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a second diagnostic appointment, since their first appointment?
C. What were the longest three wait times for these children to receive a second assessment appointment, since their first appointment?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2022, how many children with suspected autism received an ASD diagnosis?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive an ASD diagnosis, since their initial referral?
C. What were the longest three wait times for these children to receive an ASD diagnosis, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2021, how many children with suspected autism received a first assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a first assessment appointment, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2021, how many children with suspected autism received a second assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a second diagnostic appointment, since their first appointment?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2021, how many children with suspected autism received an ASD diagnosis?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive an ASD diagnosis, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2020, how many children with suspected autism received a first assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a first assessment appointment, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2020, how many children with suspected autism received a second assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a second diagnostic appointment, since their first appointment?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2019, how many children with suspected autism received an ASD diagnosis?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive an ASD diagnosis, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2020, how many children with suspected autism received an ASD diagnosis?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive an ASD diagnosis, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2019, how many children with suspected autism received a first assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a first assessment appointment, since their initial referral?
A. In the year up to 31 March 2019, how many children with suspected autism received a second assessment appointment?
B. What was the average wait time for these children to receive a second diagnostic appointment, since their first appointment?

ASD waiting times.230522.docx

Asthma treatment and care for Children. 240321

Please provide numbers spanning the last 3 years – please segment by year where possible (i.e. 2018, 2019, 2020 – to date) for the following questions:
1. How many children age 7 and under have been admitted/treated for asthmatic symptoms in your Trust in these 3 instances:
a. Have been diagnosed as displaying asthmatic symptoms
b. Have been prescribed home treatment (reliever at home)
c. Have been admitted to A&E / ER for emergency treatment
2. For what number of children aged 7 and under was their admission to A&E/ER/Emergency GP (for asthmatic symptoms) their first instance of having asthmatic symptoms diagnosed and treated (i.e. the first instance of the NHS being made aware of asthmatic symptoms)?
3. How many children age 7 or under have had to be treated due over-medication of prescribed asthma medication?
4. How many children age 7 or under have had to be treated due under-medication of prescribed asthma medication?
5. What number of children age 7 and under are referred to a paediatrician/3rd party to help manage their asthmatic symptoms?
6. Yes/No: Has your trust seen a decline in parents seeking medical help for children aged 7 and under with asthma/asthmatic symptoms since March 2020?

Download response Asthma treatment and care for Children. 240321

Babies born to drug dependent mothers. 151118

You asked:
For each year between 2009 and up-to the end of 2017, how many babies born under your trust were born to drug dependent mothers and once born, were transferred to a drug treatment programme to wean them off their addiction?

Download response Babies born to drug dependent mothers. 151118

Babies over 12lbs (5443g) at birth. 070421

1. In the 2018 calendar year were there any babies born at your hospitals where the weight of the baby was 12lbs (5443g) or more? If so please state how many and what their birthweights were.
2. In the 2019 calendar year were there any babies born at your hospitals where the weight of the baby was 12lbs (5443g) or more? If so please state how many and what their birthweights were.
3. In the 2020 calendar year were there any babies born at your hospitals where the weight of the baby was 12lbs (5443g) or more? If so please state how many and what their birthweights were.

Download response Babies over 12lbs (5443g) at birth. 070421

Births and deaths.100223.docx

For the time period 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022, if you do not have figures available for the whole period, please provide the most up-to-date figures and state the period they cover.
1. How many live births were there at your hospital Trust in the following periods?
(Please exclude home births from this number and detail them separately in brackets.)
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
2a. How many stillbirths were there at your hospital Trust in the same periods?
Stillbirth is defined as occurring when a baby is born dead after 24 completed weeks of pregnancy.
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
2b. Of these stillbirths (in answer 2a) how many were Intrapartum stillbirths?
Intrapartum stillbirth is defined as when a baby was thought to be alive at the start of labour but was born, beyond 37 weeks of gestation, with no signs of life.
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
2c. Of the Intrapartum stillbirths (in answer 2b) how many were referred to HSIB?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
2d. Of the Intrapartum stillbirths referred to HSIB (in answer 2c), how many did HSIB investigate?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
3a. In the same periods, how many Neonatal deaths were there at your hospital Trust?
Neonatal deaths are defined as a baby that dies within 28 days of birth of any cause or, for the purposes of this process, a baby who dies that has not left hospital since birth.
If a baby was born at your hospital Trust and was transferred to another hospital and died at another hospital Trust, please exclude them from these numbers and specify the number separately in brackets.
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
3b. Of these Neonatal deaths (in answer 3a) how many were ‘early Neonatal deaths’?
Early Neonatal deaths are defined as a baby that dies within the first week of life (0-6 days) of any cause.
If a baby was born at your hospital Trust and was transferred to another hospital and died at another hospital Trust, please exclude them from these numbers and specify the number separately in brackets.
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
4a. Of the Neonatal deaths (in answer 3a) at your hospital Trust, in how many cases was the medical cause identified?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
4b. Of the Early Neonatal deaths (in answer 3b) at your hospital Trust, in how many cases was the medical cause identified?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
5a. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the medical cause was identified (in answer 4a), how many were referred to the Coroner?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
5b. Of the Early Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the medical cause was identified (in answer 4b), how many were referred to the Coroner?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
6a. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, in how many cases was the medical cause not identified?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
6b. Of the Early Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, in how many cases was the medical cause not identified?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
7a. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the medical cause was not identified, how many were referred to the Coroner?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
7b. Of the Early Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the medical cause was not identified, how many were referred to the Coroner?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
8a. Of the Early Neonatal deaths (in answer 3b) at your hospital Trust, how many were referred to HSIB?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
8b Of the Early Neonatal deaths referred to HSIB (in answer 8a), how many did HSIB investigate?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
9a. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, in how many cases was the cause of death recorded as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
9b. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the cause of death was recorded as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, how many were referred to the coroner?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
9c. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the cause of death was recorded as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (in answer 9a), how many were referred to HSIB?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
9d. Of the Neonatal deaths at your hospital Trust, where the cause of death was recorded as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (in answer 9c), how many did HSIB investigate?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
Please provide a copy of your hospital Trust’s current policy in respect of referring Neonatal deaths to a coroner and advise the date it was last updated.
10a. How many maternal deaths were there at your hospital Trust in the same periods?
Maternal deaths are defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, and not from accidental or incidental causes. Excludes death by suicide.
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
10b. In how many cases of maternal death was a Neonatal death also recorded?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
10c. In how many cases of maternal death where a Neonatal death also recorded, was the death an Early Neonatal death?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?
11. Of the maternal deaths at your hospital Trust (in answer 10a), how many were referred to HSIB?
• 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020?
• 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021?
• 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022?
• 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022?

Births and deaths.100223.docx

Birthweights. 250419

In the 2018 calendar year were there any babies born at your hospitals where the weight of the baby was 12lbs (5443g) or more? If so please state how many and what their birthweights were.

Download response Birthweights. 250419

Bounty. 110219

In the 12 months to date (23.08.18) please confirm the following:
1) Whether the Trust currently is, or has been in the past 12 months, engaged in a contract or written agreement with Bounty UK Limited. If the Trust is currently engaged in a contract please attach a copy of it, making necessary redactions in order to comply with the Act. Please provide the date that the contract began and/ or ended. Please provide an overview of the terms of payment. (i.e. per mother visited / per photo pack purchased).
2) Please confirm how much money has been paid to the Trust by Bounty UK Limited in the past 12 months and how many new mothers are recorded as having been approached by Bounty representatives (if held).
3) Please provide details of the policies the Trust has in place with regards to protecting new mothers (i.e. are representatives allowed on any ward at any time, or do they have restricted access? Are mothers given the option to opt out of being visited?)
4) Please confirm the number of complaints made to the Trust by new parents. If not time prohibitive, please provide details of the complaints.

Download response Bounty. 110219

Bounty Packs. 110219

Q1) Please provide the name of your Trust
Q2) Do you have a contract with Bounty, whose representatives hand out ‘Bounty Packs’ to new mothers on maternity wards?
Q3) If you answered YES to Question 2, how much money did your trust receive from Bounty in the financial years;
Q4) Please explain how the payment from Bounty is calculated (i.e. a pre-agreed figure, or a set payment per child born in your care).
Q5) How many babies were born in your care during the financial years?

Download response Bounty Packs. 110219

Breast milk.100823.docx

Please provide the number of cases where breast milk of a new mother was given to a child who is not her own at all maternity wards in your Trust.

For clarity, I am asking you to please provide the number of instances where a child on a maternity ward was given breast milk from a person who was not their mother.

Please provide annual figures for how many times this happened at your Trust for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and so far in 2023.

Please also give the number of times disciplinary action was taken on a member of staff over these instances. Please provide a breakdown of the outcome of any disciplinary action: How many were cautioned, suspended, terminated etc as a direct result of the mistake.

Breast milk.100823.docx

CAMHS. 170818

1) How many children received treatment from your local CAMHS in the financial years:
a. 2014/15
b. 2015/16
c. 2016/17
d. 2017/18

2) Please can you breakdown the figures given in answer to Q1a-d by (i) the type of mental health issue that was being treated, and (ii) the ethnicity of the child?

Download response CAMHS. 170818

CAMHS treatment.160721.docx

For each month between (and including) January 2018 and June 2021, please could you tell me the mean average number of days to elapse between a patient being assessed by your CAMHS service and that patient having their first appointment with an appropriate specialist as part of an ongoing treatment plan under CAMHS (as opposed to an appointment with a non-specialist; or supportive care while waiting for therapist availability; or an unscheduled call, letter or other contact that does not qualify as a treatment appointment)?

For each month, please could you specify which specialist or specialists were in attendance at those first treatment appointments, expressed as percentages of the total number of first treatment appointments that month (e.g., 74% of patients had their initial appointment as part of an ongoing treatment plan with a clinical psychologist, 20% with a CBT therapist etc)

Download response CAMHS treatment.160721.docx

Cancelled children’s operations. 131020

The total number of children’s operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, broken down by the cause of the cancellation, for example due to lack of beds, operating theatre capacity, staffing issues, and equipment failures. Please provide this information for each of the past three financial years 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20). In the total number of operations, broken down by cancellation reason, please include:

· Elective children’s operations cancelled at the last minute. For the purposes of this request, last minute means on the day the patient was due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of the operation or surgery.

· Cancelled urgent children’s operations.

For the purposes of this FOI, Children will be defined as under 18’s.

Download response Cancelled children’s operations. 131020

Childhood obesity services. 160320

What is the name of your acute trust?
(1) Does your trust provide a weight management service for children living with obesity?
Yes ☐ No ☐
If No, you need not answer further.
If yes, what is the name of the service and where delivered:
Who leads this service?
It is a hospital ☐ or community-based☐ clinic
(2) What if any are the criteria for eligibility to attend (for instance BMI >98th percentile)?
None ☐
Eligible if:
(3) Through what mechanism is the service funded?
NHS England ☐
Research ☐
Charity ☐
Trust Self-Funding ☐
Other ☐
Please specify
(4) Who are the key personnel providing service? Please tick all who apply:
a. Paediatricians ☐
b. Dieticians ☐
c. Psychologists ☐
d. Trained volunteers ☐
e. Hospital or Community based Nursing staff ☐
f. Exercise specialists ☐
g. Social workers ☐
h. CAHMS ☐
i. Youth workers ☐
(5) How many new cases are seen each year?
(6) Over how many weeks is the clinic intervention delivered?
(7) What is the usual follow up period (entry to discharge?)
(8) What final outcomes are collected: Examples: change in BMI, BMI SDS, Self Esteem, Waist Circumference, recruitment, retention.
Please list all.

Download response Childhood obesity services. 160320

Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). 051021.docx

1. The number of low secure Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and medium secure CAMHS beds within your Authority or Trust and how many of those are currently available for new admissions.
2. The number of low secure CAMHS beds within your Authority or Trust and how many of those are currently available for new admissions.
3. The number of medium secure CAMHS Service beds within your Authority or Trust and how many of those are currently available for new admissions.
4. The number of welfare social care secure beds within your Authority or Trust and how many of those are currently available for new admissions.
5. The number of forensic secure beds within your Authority or Trust and how many of those are currently available for new admissions.
Further, please could you kindly provide details of:
6. The number of young people within your Authority area or Trust area who have been assessed as requiring a CAMHS Tier 4 mental health bed but have not been admitted due to a shortage in resource (we do not require personal details or reasons for the conclusion reached, just numbers).
7. The number of young people within your Authority area or Trust area who have been assessed as requiring a CAMHS low secure mental health bed but have not been admitted due to a shortage in resource.
8. The number of children accommodated within your Authority area or Trust area in unapproved, unregulated settings.

Download response Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). 051021.docx

Children attending A&E due to mental health. 120422.docx

1. Number of children attending A&E per month, since Jan 2019 due to a mental health related issue.
2. The top 10 longest stays in A&E of a child who is presenting a mental health issue over the last 12 months.

Children attending A&E due to mental health. 120422.docx

Children treated for alcohol dependency or misuse. 151118

You asked:
Please may you tell me the number of people, under the age of 18, who were treated by the trust for alcohol dependence and/or alcohol misuse in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018?

May you please tell me the youngest person you treated for this in 2016, 2017 and 2018?

Download response Children treated for alcohol dependency or misuse. 151118

Children’s Unit. 250919

1. Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 how many visits to/patients were/are seen at Riverbank Children’s unit? (Volume)
2. Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 how many individual patients were/are seen at Riverbank Children’s unit? (Reach)
3. How many of these were transferred to Pembury?
4. On a typical day / on average how many patients are transferred from Riverbank to woodlands every day?
5. What are the main reasons for these transfers?
6. On a typical day/ on average many patients transfer each day due to the Riverbank closing time?
7. How often/ on average how many times a week do the staff at Riverbank have to stay past 8.00pm to accommodate patients needs/ transfer to Pembury?
8. Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 how many visits to/patients were/are seen at Woodlands and hedgehog Children’s unit? (Volume)
9. Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 how many individual patients were are seen at Woodlands and hedgehog Children’s unit? (Reach)
10. How many of these were transferred from Riverbank?

Download response Children’s Unit. 250919

Congenital cytomegalovirus screening and treatment practices and data.300124.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
The purpose of this FOI request is to ascertain your Trust’s approach to screening for and treating congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV).

The questions have been designed so that they can be answered within the limits (on time, cost, type of information etc.) set out in the Freedom of Information Act and the Information Commissioner’s Guidelines. If it is not possible to provide the exact information requested, please supply the underlying information in narrative form or whichever format you have available.

Definitions of acronyms and terms used in the FOI request:
CMV: cytomegalovirus
cCMV: congenital cytomegalovirus
SNHL: sensorineural hearing loss
‘Practices’ refers to any standard operating procedures or clinical protocols, guidelines, practices or pathways.
‘Information’ refers to any recorded information required to be disclosed in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

If different hospitals or services within your Trust have different Practices or data availability, please provide separate Information or data for each hospital or service (indicating clearly which hospital or service the Information relates to).

Q1. Please provide copies of any Information containing or evidencing Practices used within your Trust whereby newborns who are referred to audiology following their newborn hearing screening test, or newborns/children who demonstrate abnormal hearing at a later stage, are tested for cCMV. Such Practices could include, but are not limited to, early cCMV detection pathways whereby newborns are tested at point of referral to audiology from the newborn hearing screening programme. Please include details about the intended timescales for testing, carrying out tests and returning test results, if this information is recorded.

Q2. If your Trust does employ Practices whereby newborns/children with abnormal hearing are tested for cCMV, please indicate at which stage samples are taken (you may select more than one):
❏ By the newborn hearing screener at the point of referral ❏ By the audiologist at the first appointment after babies have been referred from the newborn hearing screen ❏ By the audiologist at detection of SNHL in a baby referred from the newborn hearing screen ❏ By another healthcare professional (not an audiologist) following detection of SNHL in a baby referred from the newborn hearing screen ❏ At detection of SNHL in older babies and children (i.e. after the newborn hearing screening and testing period) ❏ Unknown ❏ Other, please provide details:

Q3. If your Trust does employ Practices whereby newborns/children with abnormal hearing are tested for cCMV, please indicate what type of sample is taken (you may select more than one):
❏ Saliva swab
❏ Urine
❏ Blood test for the infant
❏ Blood test for the mother
❏ Infant blood spot (Guthrie) card testing ❏ Unknown ❏ Other, please provide details:

Q4. Please provide copies of any Information containing or evidencing Practices used within your Trust whereby children are tested for cCMV as part of investigations of symptoms (in either the mother or child) that are unrelated to hearing. These could include:
Maternal symptoms of CMV (flu-like symptoms) Symptoms of congenital infection identified before or after birth, such as:
• Antenatal abnormalities e.g. on ultrasound scan
• Characteristic rashes caused by cCMV (petechiae or blueberry muffin rash)
• Intrauterine Growth Restriction
• Microcephaly
• Jaundice
• Hepatosplenomegaly
• Neonatal visual signs/symptoms
• Neonatal seizures
Symptoms of congenital infection in older children, such as:
• Neurodevelopmental delays
• Special educational needs and disabilities (e.g. autism, ADHD)
• Cerebral palsy
• Seizures
• Visual or sensory impairment

Q5. Please provide copies of any Information containing or evidencing Practices used within your Trust following a diagnosis of cCMV in a child. This could include, but is not limited to:
• Information about any Practices involving the prescribing of antiviral treatments
• Details of the department(s) that the child would be referred to

Questions 6-9 relate to the provision of data for a specific five-year period. If you do not hold data for this time period, please supply data for any period for which you have available data (preferably a recent five-year period) and specify the beginning and end dates. If the answer to any question is between 1 and 5 (and therefore the true figure cannot be shared in accordance with Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act), please indicate this by giving the answer “<5”. Please also indicate if the relevant hospitals or services within your Trust have changed during this period.

Q6. Between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022, how many children were diagnosed with cCMV within 28 days of birth, within your Trust? This should include children born outside of your Trust who were diagnosed by services within your Trust.

Q7. Of the children who were diagnosed with cCMV within 28 days of birth in this time period (Q6), how many:
a. Previously had a newborn hearing screening test
b. Had been referred to audiology following their newborn hearing screening test
c. Were given antiviral treatment for cCMV following diagnosis

Q8. Between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022, how many children were diagnosed with cCMV between 28 days and 18 years of age, within your Trust? This should include children born outside of your Trust who were diagnosed by services within your Trust.

Q9. Of the children who were diagnosed with cCMV between 28 days and 18 years of age in this time period (Q8), how many:
a. Previously had a newborn hearing screening test
b. Had been referred to audiology following their newborn hearing screening test
c. Were given antiviral treatment for cCMV following diagnosis

Congenital cytomegalovirus screening and treatment practices and data.300124.docx

Cooling-Therapeutic Hypothermia Protocol. 101220

We require sight of the Cooling/Therapeutic hypothermia protocol in the neonatal and/or Special Care Baby Unit at Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, that was in force in November 2015. We are merely requesting this to provide us with knowledge in accordance with the act.

Download response Cooling-Therapeutic Hypothermia Protocol. 101220

Cord blood stem cells. 300819

1) Do you allow private stem cell companies to promote their services on your sites, e.g. leaflets?
2) Do you allow representatives from stem cell companies on any of your sites to promote or collect cord blood, e.g. in delivery suites?
3) Does the Trust allow its staff to work for stem cell companies, e.g. collecting umbilical cord blood for private companies?
4) How long (how many minutes) does the Trust consider ‘optimal’ cord clamping?
5) Please supply the following information for each of the individual calendar years: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 to date:
a) The number of babies born whose umbilical cord blood was collected for banking by a private company.
b) The number of babies born whose umbilical cord blood was collected for banking by the NHS.
c) The income received from stem cell companies.

Download response Cord blood stem cells. 300819

Cord clamping. 011121.docx

Please provide under the FOI act, the figures for each of the last 5 years (please provide data for each calendar year data 2015-2020)
Please provide the following figures per calendar year:
1. How many live births occurred in your organisation (please break this down to premature and term babies)
2. How many of these live births had cord clamping as being recorded at being at or after one minute? (please break this down to premature and term babies)
3. Please provide the numbers where cord clamping occurred before one minute (please break this down to premature and term babies)
4. How many times this was not documented (please break this down to premature and term babies)
5. Please provide any audits in the last 5 years on cord clamping times.
6. Is it mandatory to record the cord clamping time on any of your systems?

Download response Cord clamping. 011121.docx

Court intervention. 141119

1. “Since 01 January 2017, please specify the number of individual cases where the Court has had to intervene in the treatment of a critically ill child, when there has been a difference of opinion between parents and doctors, over the course of treatment for that child?”

Download response Court intervention. 141119

Digital devices inside Paediatric Wards. 081121.docx


1. Is there a psychologist dedicated to paediatric wards?
2. Who is in charge to communicate about care and hospitalization practices? (multiple answers)
3. What kind of communication material do you use inside your ward in order to support and enhance the experience of the child and his/her family in hospital, providing information on his/her clinical condition, exams and treatment?
* If you choose “Paper” or “We don’t use communication material” go to PART 3


1. IF YOU USE TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES, which of the following ones are used in the ward to communicate with and support THE CHILD : (multiple answers)
2. If you use technological devices, which of the following ones are used in the ward to communicate with THE PARENTS: (multiple answers)
3. If you use technological devices, which of the following ones are used in the ward to communicate with THE SIBLINGS: (multiple answers)
4. If you use technological devices, which of the following ones are used in the ward to communicate with THE CHILDREN OF HOSPITALIZED PARENTS: (multiple answers)
5. If you use technological devices to communicate with the child and his family, what do they apply to, CONSIDERING THE CLINICAL CONDITIONS? (multiple answers)
6. If you use technological devices to communicate with the child and his family, what do they apply to, CONSIDERING THE TYPE OF INTERVENTION? (multiple answers)
7. What are the goals of the technological devices you use? (multiple answers)
8. Can you mention some examples of the technological devices you use?
9. Have you published an assessment study on the efficacy of the tool?
10. If your answer was YES, could you please give us references?
* If you use technological devices DON’T answer to PART 3


1. IF YOU DON’T USE TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES – Do you think they could be useful tools to improve the quality of communication directed to the child and his family?
2. IF YOUR ANSWER WAS YES – For which clinical conditions? (multiple answers)
3. AND – For which type of intervention? (multiple answers)
4. Which purpose should they set themselves? (up to 3 answers)
5. Why don’t you use technological devices to communicate with the children and their families? (up to 3 answers)

Download response Digital devices inside Paediatric Wards. 081121.docx

Disorders of Sex Development in Children. 150222.docx

We seek information about the evaluation and care given to those with Disorders of Sex Development. In particular, we would like to know more about the number of international referral requests received by your trust from Malta.
We have put together a list of questions, which we would be grateful if you could answer in this order:
1) Since 2015, how many children receiving diagnostic tests and/or treatment for DSDs have been referred to this trust from Malta?
2) Of these children, how many are government-sponsored patients?
a. How many pay privately?
3) Of these referrals, how many have undergone genital surgeries?
4) Which specific DSDs have been referred from Malta? (e.g. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Turners Syndrome). If possible, please list them.
5) Are there specific legal or ethical guidelines tailored for Maltese patients?

Disorders of Sex Development in Children. 150222.docx

Disorders of Sex Development in the UK. 070818

1. Who provides expert evaluation of gender assignment in newborns with Disorders of Sex Development?

2. Does the trust use a multidisciplinary team that deals with the evaluation and long-term management and needs of patients with Disorders of Sex Development?

3. If yes to question 2, can you provide contact details for the team?

4. What specialties are represented on the multidisciplinary team (e.g. paediatric subspecialists in endocrinology, surgery, and/or urology, psychology/psychiatry, gynaecology, genetics, neonatology, and, if available, social work, nursing, and medical ethics)? Please list them.

5. When dealing with Disorders of Sex Development, what guidelines, if any, do decision makers follow?

6. How many people are referred to this team per year (please give numbers for the last five years)?

Download response Disorders of Sex Development in the UK. 070818

Each Baby Counts. 140322.docx

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ran an initiative called Each Baby Counts aimed at reducing the number of intrapartum stillbirths, early neo-natal deaths and babies born with severe brain injuries. Please provide the total number of notifiable cases reported to the initiative by your organisation and the time period the data relates to, e.g. 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2019.

Each Baby Counts. 140322.docx

Eating disorders. 160119

1) How many admissions of children (under 18’s) presenting with eating disorders your trust has recorded in the past five years?
2) I would like to know how many of these children treated were male/female/transgender.
3) Please present all this information simply and clearly and break it down by year. Please provide as much detail as possible about the nature of their illness (I understand that some children may present with multiple illnesses). I would like this information broken down by type of eating disorder e.g. bulimia, anorexia etc.

Download response Eating disorders. 160119

FGM in England and Wales.300124.docx

Please provide the following for the last five years, from Jan 1 2019 until December 31 2023.
Please break each of the following down by year (i.e. January 1 2023-December 31 2023; January 1 2022- December 31 2022, etc), and only include each case once (i.e. not the number of occasions one individual attempts to access services):
1. How many cases or suspected cases of FGM have been identified?
2. How many of these cases were identified of children under 18?
3. Of the cases identified in children under 18, how many cases were referred to the police?
4. Of all the cases recorded, how many cases were referred to the police?
5. Of the cases identified, how many individuals requested reconstructive surgery via the NHS? Please include the type of reconstructive surgery.
6. How many of these individuals underwent reconstructive surgery via the NHS? Please include the type of reconstructive surgery.
7. Where this data is recorded, please provide the number of individuals who underwent reconstructive surgery out of the NHS.
8. How many of the people identified as victims of, or likely victims of, FGM were referred to psychological or mental health support services?
9. How many people were referred to specialist FGM support clinics?
Again, please provide all the above for the last 5 years (from Jan 1 2019-Dec 31 2023), broken down by each year.

FGM in England and Wales.300124.docx

Free promotional disposable nappies.260219

1. Do you distribute any free promotional disposable nappies (such as Pampers) or reusable nappies to parents at any services, including (but not exhaustive of) antenatal, maternity, midwife, post-natal and family services?
If the answer is yes to 1, please answer questions 2-7.
2. Which disposable or reusable nappy brand do you allow to distribute their promotional nappies?
3. Which services are they distributed at and how many parents use these facilities annually?
4. How frequently a year have these disposable or reusable nappy brands been able to distribute their promotional material at these services?
5. What is the process for allowing disposable or reusable nappy brands to distribute at your services and who signs it off?
6. Is there any remuneration for the NHS from these disposable or reusable nappy brands for distributing their promotional material?

Download response Free promotional disposable nappies.260219

General anaesthesia (GA) paediatric dental waiting times.140223.docx

1. Total number of children currently on your waiting lists and for each of the past five years.
2. The average waiting time from referral to treatment by year for each of the past five years.
3. The total number of children currently on the waiting list who have waited more than a) six months b) one year c) 18 months
3. The five longest waits faced by people currently on the waiting list in days.
4. The number of children (under 18s) who have a surgical procedure cancelled or delayed at your trust, in each of the past five calendar years (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018).

General anaesthesia (GA) paediatric dental waiting times.140223.docx

Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) also known as Rhesus Disease-Maternal Antibodies. 300920

I write under the Freedom of Information Act to request copies of all Clinical policies and procedures, guidelines and standards that were in use to govern the clinical decisions concerning the treatment of Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) also known as Rhesus Disease/Maternal Antibodies made in the Neo-natal units within the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust from 1998 to 2002.

These documents will include but not be limited to the management of :

Rhesus Disease
Haemolytic Disease of the newborn (HDN)
Neo natal jaundice in pre-term and term neonates
Hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn
Exchange transfusions in neonates

And any other interventions/guidelines into how to treat Haemolytic Jaundice in newborns.

These documents pre-date NICE guidelines and the parameters of 1998 – 2002 are especially important.

Download response Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) also known as Rhesus Disease-Maternal Antibodies. 300920

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). 271120

1. An anonymised list of babies born in the Trust who underwent controlled cooling as result of confirmed or suspected hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy(HIE), between 1 September 2010 and 1 September 2020;
a. the grade of HIE; and
b. the ethnic origin of mother and baby
2. An anonymised list of babies born in the Trust who died as a result of confirmed or suspected hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy(HIE), between 1 September 2010 and 1 September 2020;
a. the grade of HIE; and
b. the ethnic origin of mother and baby

Download response Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). 271120

Infant feeding.300623.docx

Request 1
Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust has a specific policy on provision of support for all forms of infant feeding, specifically breastfeeding, formula feeding, and combination feeding.
If confirm, please provide a copy of this policy.
Request 2
Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of infants breastfed, formula fed, and combination fed.
If confirm, please release this data.
Request 3
Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust provides information on all forms of infant feeding (including breastfeeding, formula feeding, and combination feeding) at the 28-week antenatal appointment as outlined in the NICE guideline NG201, post-birth before the family has been discharged and at any other times.
If confirm, please provide a copy of the information on infant feeding that is provided and confirm how as well as when it is delivered.
Request 4
Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust requires mothers to sign a consent form before any information or advice is given on formula feeding OR before an infant receives formula milk in the hospital instead of or alongside breastmilk.
If confirm, please publish a copy of the associated policy and corresponding form.
Request 5
Please confirm or deny if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust holds information on the number of infants admitted with malnutrition every year, over the last 5 years.
If confirm, please release this data and please publish the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust policy for addressing infant malnutrition.

Infant feeding.300623.docx

Infant Formula. 140319

1. Details of the brand(s) of infant formula milk provided in maternity services and the form in which it is provided (e.g. powdered, ready-made bottles, ready-made bottles with teets etc.)

2. Details of your infant formula milk provider, the amount paid and volume received in the last available financial year, and details of whether the infant formula milk is purchased from them at full price, a reduced rate (including details of the reduction if applicable) or received free of charge.

Download response Infant Formula. 140319

Infant skincare advice.031022.docx

1. What antenatal advice does the trust routinely give to mothers about infant skincare including the bathing of babies?
2. What postpartum advice does the trust routinely give to mothers about infant skincare including the bathing of babies?

Infant skincare advice.031022.docx

Insulin Patch Pumps for both Adult and Paediatric Patients.290322.docx

Please can you provide me with the following information regarding the initiation of the following Insulin Patch Pumps for both Adult and Paediatric Patients at Maidstone Hospital, Pembury Hospital, Tunbridge and Abbey Court
2019 – 2020: Number of Omnipod Patch Pump Users
Number of Medtrum TouchCare Nano Patch Pump Users
2020 – 2021: Number of Omnipod Patch Pump Users
Number of Medtrum TouchCare Nano Patch Pump Users
2021 – 2022: Number of Omnipod Patch Pump Users
Number of Medtrum TouchCare Nano Patch Pump Users

Insulin Patch Pumps for both Adult and Paediatric Patients.290322.docx

Investigations under section 47 of the Children Act 1989. 050721

1. For each of the years 2010 and 2020, how many investigations under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 involved any of these terms in the referral:
a. Fabricated or Induced Illness or FII
b. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or MSbP
c. Perplexing Presentation or PP
d. Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another or FDIoA
e. Snomed Code System Concept Code: 95637005
2. How many of those investigations led to a child protection plan, and how many resulted in no further action being taken?

Download response Investigations under section 47 of the Children Act 1989. 050721

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. 031219

I would like to understand how patients with juvenile ideopathic arthritis are being treated. So, in the last 6 months, how many patient(s) with juvenile ideopathic arthritis have been treated with:
Humira (adalimumab)
Amgevita (adalimumab)
Imraldi (adalimumab)
Hyrimoz (adalimumab)
Hulio (adalimumab)
Enbrel (etanercept)
Erelzi (etanercept)
Benepali (etanercept)
Remicade (infliximab)
Remsima (infliximab)
Inflectra (infliximab)
Flixabi (infliximab)

Download response Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. 031219

Kangawrap or Kangaroo Care and skin to skin. 270918

Could you send me your policy relating to the Kangawrap/kangaroo care and skin to skin please?

Download response Kangawrap or Kangaroo Care and skin to skin. 270918


Complaints, PALS and Legal Services

Allegations of sexual misconduct.040123.docx

1. Between 1 September 2018 and 1 September 2022, how many complaints of sexual misconduct were made by patients, visitors and Trust employees against staff members in your NHS Trust.
2. How many of the complaints were upheld?
3. What was the outcome of the upheld complaints? Outcomes can include but are not limited to verbal warning, written warning, suspension, or dismissal
If it does not push the request over the cost limit, please can you also include:
4. The nature of the allegation
5. The gender of the complainant
6. The gender of the staff member

Allegations of sexual misconduct.040123.docx

Amputation operations. 201119

1. A list of every amputation operation at your hospital over the past ten years.
2. The amount of cases of the above that have resulted in claims of medical negligence.
3. The amount of cases of the above that have resulted in your informing your insurers of a possible claim for medical negligence.
4. The details of each incident.

Download response Amputation operations. 201119

Breast augmentation claims. 010319

1. How much money has been paid out in compensation for botched breast augmentation or botched breast enlargements? Please provide information for the last three years.
2. How many people have made successful compensation claims for botched breast augmentation or botched breast enlargements? Please provide information for the last three years.
3. How many unsuccessful claims for compensation for botched breast augmentation or botched breast enlargements has there been in the last three years?
By last three years I mean 2015, 2016 and 2017. Please provide information for each calendar year.

Download response Breast augmentation claims. 010319

Cancer complaints. 170820

Could you please tell me between 1st March 2020 and the date of this email (31st July 2020):
1) How many PALS enquiries and official complaints your Trust has received from patients concerned about
a) the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and your Trust’s response on their access to cancer treatment
b) and access to cancer testing – including tests to find out whether their cancer has spread, returned or occurred for the first time
NOTE: I suggest you search for these complaints by using the keywords ‘cancer treatment’, ‘chemotherapy’, ‘cancer testing’, ‘coronavirus’, ‘COVID-19’ and other relevant terms.
2) For the five most recent PALS enquiries/official complaints received, please provide me with
a) a summary of the complaint (e.g. a patient with stage 4 lung and breast cancer has contacted PALS to complain about their chemotherapy being indefinitely suspended)
b) the exact wording of the complaint, with redactions to remove potentially identifying information
c) what action the Trust took in response

Download response Cancer complaints. 170820

Claims relating to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). 010319

1. How many hospital negligence claims have been made against the Trust relating to deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (blood clots) in the last five financial years?
2. Of the legal claims referred to in question 1, how much money has been paid to those who have brought claims against the Trust?
3. Please break down the data to questions 1 and 2 by hospital.

Download response Claims relating to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). 010319

Compensation pay outs and court costs.010422.docx

1. Between January 2018 and February 2022 how much in total did the Trust spend on compensation pay outs, including court costs
2. Could you also provide the number of claims by category and the total amount of compensation for this category since 2018? e.g. ‘inadequate nursing care’ or ‘maternity

Compensation pay outs and court costs.010422.docx

Complaints. 090719

1) How many compliments did your trust receive in 2017?
2) Do you have a procedure for handling compliments?
3) Do you respond to the authors?
4) Do you pass the compliments onto to the complimentees?
5) Do management see copies of compliments?
6) Do you analyse the content of compliments?

Download response Complaints. 090719


I am seeking information about the number of complaints received by your hospital trust in the past five years for the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and vascular surgery.
Specifically, I would like to request the following information for each specialty:
1. The total number of complaints received for each specialty in each of the past five years;
2. The nature of the complaint;
3. The outcome of the complaint, including any actions taken by the hospital trust to address the issue;
I did have a quick question as to whether I could incorporate two further questions into my request. This would put any complaint data you able to provide into an appropriate context (e.g. to contextualise 10 complaints with the fact 1,000 operations were performed):
4. Number of operations performed in the past five calendar years for the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and vascular surgery;
5. Number of reportable / recordable patient safety incidents in the past five calendar years for the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and vascular surgery
a. Breakdown by incident category (if available);


All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Between 1st September 2022 and 31st August 2023 (inclusive). Specifically, I would like to know:

How many women inpatients complained that a trans woman inpatient was being cared for in the same ward as the complainant?

For the avoidance of doubt, it may be helpful for me to note that my question is in reference to written complaints (which may have been originally made orally and subsequently recorded in writing) received by the Trust.


Complaints. 280119

1. Does the Trust routinely publish the complaints data it reports to NHS Digital (KO41a) via any other public channel, i.e. on your website (please indicate YES or NO in the box below)? If YES, please provide details of where and how frequently you publish this data.
Further information on publication:
2. Does the Trust routinely publish, make public or evidence the outcomes and/or learning taken from complaints received (please indicate YES or NO in the box below)? If YES, please provide details of where and how frequently you publish this data.
Further information on publication:
3. Do you record complaints made by third parties who don’t have the expressed consent of the patient(s)? I.e. members of the public, people visiting other patients and/or external non-medical contractors who have concerns about the way patients are being treated or cared for.
4. If you record complaints made by third parties, please could you provide the numbers of complaints received by your NHS Trust for the following financial years?
5. Do you record complaints made by third parties in your official complaints figures as reported to NHS Digital (KO41a)?

Download response Complaints. 280119

Complaints about EDI Policies.160524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Have you implemented any EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) policies/initiatives on race in your trust?
2. Have you received any complaints, either from staff or the general public, about these policies/initiatives?
3. If so, please provide details of the total number of complaints you have received, reasons given for the complaint/s and any actions taken.

Complaints about EDI Policies.160524.docx

Complaints against consultants.270422.docx

I would like to know how many complaints/issues have been lodged or raised in any way about this/these consultants.

Complaints against consultants.270422.docx

Complaints and Claims.131023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many complaints has the trust received from July 2022 to July 2023?
2. How many of these complaints are related to poor or substandard care?
3. How many medical negligence claims were lodged against the trust in the same period?
4. How much compensation has the trust paid out in medical negligence claims in the past 12 months irrespective of when the claim was made?

Complaints and Claims.131023.docx

Complaints and Racism. 040121

1) Please can you tell me the name of your Trust?
2) How many patient complaints has your Trust received, for any given reason?
Please break down into the following calendar years
3) How many patient complaints has your Trust received, citing racism as one of the problems during the patient’s treatment?
Please break down into the following calendar years
4) How many complaints relate to the treatment of women who have given birth in your Trust?
Please break down into the following calendar years
5) How many of those from Q4 included racism in their complaint?
6) How many members of staff have received some form of disciplinary action due to a complaint by a patient?
Please break down into the following calendar years and please list what action was taken.
7) How many members of staff have received some form of disciplinary action, whereby racist behaviour towards the patient was included? Please break down into the following calendar years and please list what action was taken where possible.
8) How many members of staff have made a complaint regarding racism from a patient?
Please break down into the following calendar years

Download response Complaints and Racism. 040121

Complaints data for 2018-19. 151119

1. How many complaints were upheld by the Ombudsman?
2. How many complaints were partly upheld by the Ombudsman?
3. What was your complaints (3 working days) performance as a percentage?
4. What was your complaints (final response) performance target in days?
5. What was your performance as a percentage in response to this target? (e.g. 75% of complaints are answered within 25 working days or as agreed with the complainant)
6.How many days does it take on average for you to respond to a complaint?

Download response Complaints data for 2018-19. 151119

Complaints for patients admitted to A&E.241219

1. For each of the last three calendar years (2019, 2018, 2017), please provide a monthly list of the chief complaints for patients admitted to A&E, broken down by:
• The name of the chief complaint.
• The number of patients admitted to A&E for each chief complaint.
• The number of male patients admitted for each chief complaint.
• The number of female patients admitted for each chief complaint.
Please note that the Chief Complaint is the presenting symptom rather than the primary diagnosis.
2. For each of the last three calendar years (2019, 2018, 2017) please disclose the total number of patients that were admitted to A and E.
3. For each of the last three calendar years (2019, 2018, 2017) please disclose the total number of patients admitted to A and E that were not GP registered.

Download response Complaints for patients admitted to A&E.241219

Complaints made regarding communication.201222.docx

1. In your trust, in each of the last 5 calendar years, how many formal patient/family complaints were made regarding communication?
2. How many of these complaints were regarding lack of updates to Next of kin or patient families?
3. In your trust in the last 5 years, what were the top 5 categories for complaints? For example, ‘communication’ or ‘clinical care’ may be examples

Complaints made regarding communication.201222.docx

Complaints made to the End of Life Care Strategy Group. 070219

Please detail the number and type of complaints made to your End of Life Care Strategy Group in the last four years. Please break the information down into complaints per month (where possible) and whether the complaint was to do with, for example poor communication, issues to do with consent or the care itself etc. Where recorded, please also detail the outcome of the complaint.

Download response Complaints made to the End of Life Care Strategy Group. 070219

Complaints reported by members of staff (including locums, agency workers or casual staff) against other members of staff. 030322.docx

Q1.) For each of the past five years please state the number of complaints reported by members of staff (including locums, agency workers or casual staff) against other members of staff received of:
2016 2017 2018 2019 2021
a) Sexual Misconduct
b) Sexual Harassment
c) Sexual Assault
d) Rape Allegation
Q2.) By year for each of the complaints recorded above can you state the outcome following each allegation:
a) Complaint withdrawn
b) Insufficient evidence to make a finding of fact.
c) Perpetrator cautioned – or similar note made on their employment file
d) Disciplinary action
e) Sacked
Q3.) By year can you state in each category in the table how many of the complaints were referred to the police?
Q4.) By year, please state the number of settlement/compromise agreements which contain non-disclosure clauses your organisation made with current or former staff which involve or relate to sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape. For each of these, please state the number and financial value of the settlements.

Complaints reported by members of staff (including locums, agency workers or casual staff) against other members of staff. 030322.docx

Counter Fraud. 030619

1. How many people does your organisation employ?
2. What is the total annual expenditure budget of your organisation?
3. How many full-time employment staff does your organisation employ dedicated to counter fraud activities?
4. If you employ such staff, how many full-time employment staff are directly employed by your organisation?
5. If any of your counter fraud staff are supplied by another organisation, could you identify the name of the organisation(s) which supplies them?
6. Approximately how much did you spend on counter fraud activities in the last reporting year?
7. How many referrals for fraud investigation has your counter fraud team received in the last reporting year?
8. How many fraud cases has your counter fraud team successfully investigated? I.e. leading to sanction and/or recovery of monies in the last reporting year.

Download response Counter Fraud. 030619

Counter fraud provision. 230920

1. Staff headcount at your organisation?
2. Annual budget of your organisation for the financial year 2019-2020?
3. What is your organisation provider type (as recorded on your SRT submission – i.e. Acute teaching, Ambulance)?
4. Who provides your organisations counter fraud provision? (In house – NHS consortium – Private provider)
5. How many days were recorded for proactive counter fraud work (Strategic governance, Inform and Involve & Prevent & Deter) carried out at your organisation during the financial year 2019-20?
6. How many days were recorded for carrying out reactive investigation work at your organisation during the financial year 2019-20 (hold to account)?
7. How many counter fraud referrals did your organisation receive during the financial year 2019-2020?
8. What was the recorded fraud loss identified by your organisation during the financial year 2019-2020?
9. What was the amount of fraud losses recovered by your organisation during the financial year 2019-2020?
10. How many criminal sanctions relating to fraud, bribery and corruption did your organisation apply during the financial year 2019-2020?
11. How many disciplinary sanctions relating to fraud, bribery and corruption did your organisation apply during the financial year 2019-2020?
12. What was the cost of counter fraud staffing or outsourced counter fraud provision to your organisation during 2019-2020 for – Strategic Governance, Inform and Involve and Prevent and Deter?
13. What was the cost of counter fraud staffing or outsourced counter fraud provision to your organisation during 2019-20 for – Hold to Account?

Download response Counter fraud provision. 230920

Court intervention. 141119

1. “Since 01 January 2017, please specify the number of individual cases where the Court has had to intervene in the treatment of a critically ill child, when there has been a difference of opinion between parents and doctors, over the course of treatment for that child?”

Download response Court intervention. 141119

Discrimination complaints.130524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many complaints of each of the following types of discrimination were reported to your organisation in 2021, 2022 and 2023:
a) Disability discrimination
b) Race or ethnicity discrimination
c) Sexual orientation discrimination
2. How many complaints were reported to your organisation about discrimination related to a person’s HIV status in:
a) 2021
b) 2022
c) 2023
3. If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, how many of the following incidents were reported?
(a) Refusal of a service after HIV status was shared.
(b) Failure to make reasonable adjustments for a person’s HIV status.
(c) Harassment related to a person’s HIV status.
(d) Use of an organisational policy that discriminated against a person based on their HIV status.
(e) Another kind of HIV discrimination incident.
4. If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, were they reported by?
(a) Members of the public.
(b) Employees of your organisation
5. If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, how many complaints were upheld?
6. Does your organisation have a policy to deal with incidents of HIV discrimination reported to them at a strategic level? If so, could you explain what the policy is or attach a copy of said policy?

Discrimination complaints.130524.docx

Employment tribunal claims and costs.081123.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I am requesting information from the following financial years: 2018/19; 2019/20; 2020/21; 2021/22; 2022/23; and 2023/24 to the present day.
Please disclose the following:
1. How many employment tribunal (ET1) claims have been made against the organisation since 2018/19;
If possible, please break this down by type (e.g., public interest disclosure, unfair dismissal, discrimination). If this breakdown takes too long to respond to the FOI then please omit it.
2. Of those ET1 claims, how many have been defended against by the organisation since 2018/19;
Again, continue with a breakdown by type. If this exceeds the time limit then please omit it from the FOI request.
3. The outcomes from each claim (e.g., 12 were in favour of the claimant, 24 were in favour of the respondent, 53 were discontinued/settled out of court);
4. How much (£) has the organisation spent on defending claims since 2018/19; and
If possible, please provide total figures based on case outcomes (e.g., £200,000 where the tribunal favoured claimant, £120,000 where the tribunal favoured respondent).

If this takes too much time, please provide the total figure for each financial year (e.g., £500,000 in 2018/19, £250,000 in 2019/20).
5. Of the cases defended, how many led to an employment tribunal ruling the organisation must pay costs to the claimant;
If possible, please provide figures for each individual case alongside the total. If this takes too much time, please provide the total figure for each financial year (e.g., £500,000 in 2018/19, £250,000 in 2019/20).
Please also break this down by case type. However, as with above, if this takes too long then please omit it from the FOI.
If question 5 takes too long to answer alongside questions 1-4, then please omit it from the FOI request.

Employment tribunal claims and costs.081123.docx

Ethnicity or national identity of the perpetrators and the victims in cases of sexual misconduct and violence.060723.docx

In the recent BBC health news, published on 23rd May 2023, suggesting that more than 35,000 incidents of sexual misconduct and sexual violence were recorded on NHS premises between 2017 to 2023.
I seek information regarding the ethnicity or national identity of the perpetrators and the victims in cases of sexual misconduct and violence in your Trust.

Ethnicity or national identity of the perpetrators and the victims in cases of sexual misconduct and violence.060723.docx

External law firm services. 161121.docx

1. What is your spend with external law firms
2. Do you use eBilling technology to manage your law firms billing (e.g. systems such as Legal Tracker, Brightflag, Apperio, CT Tymetrix, Mitratech etc.)
3. Who is your head of legal / general counsel
4. Do you have a law firm panel / preferred supplier list / use a framework to buy your external law firm services

Download response External law firm services. 161121.docx

External Law Firms.030124.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. What is your spend with external law firms (please provide for the last 4 financial years)?
2. Do you use eBilling technology to manage your law firms billing (e.g. systems such as Legal Tracker, Brightflag, Apperio, CT Tymetrix, Mitratech etc.)?
3. Who is your head of legal / general counsel (please provide email address)?
4. Do you have a law firm panel / preferred supplier list / use a framework to buy your external law firm services? Please provide details where possible.

External Law Firms.030124.docx

Fat shaming 2021.270522.docx

1) How many official complaints and PALS concerns your Trust received from patients alleging they had been discriminated against or badly treated by a member of staff because of their being overweight or obese
2) Can you select the first five such complaints from 2021 and provide me with the following details:
a. What type of staff member was the complaint levelled against? E.g. healthcare assistant, junior doctor, consultant, cleaner, kitchen staff
b. Please quote the words allegedly used by the hospital staff or summarise the offending action
c. Please tell me what, if any, action was taken by your trust in response to these five sample complaints from the beginning of 2021

Fat shaming 2021.270522.docx

Fat shaming complaints. 020620

Could you please tell me for the calendar year 2019:
1) How many complaints through the patient advice and liaison system (PALS) your Trust received from patients alleging they had been discriminated against or badly treated by a member of staff because of their being overweight or obese
Please do this by searching for complaints containing any of the words “weight”, “fat”, “obese”, “overweight” and “bariatric” and filtering these to find those that refer to fat-shaming comments made by a member of staff.
2) Can you select the first five such complaints from 2019 and provide me with the following details:
a. What type of staff member was the complaint levelled against? E.g. healthcare assistant, junior doctor, consultant, cleaner, kitchen staff
b. Please quote the words allegedly used by the hospital staff or summarise the offending action
c. Please tell me what, if any, action was taken by your trust in response to these five sample complaints from the beginning of 2018

Download response Fat shaming complaints. 020620

Fat shaming complaints. 140521

1) How many complaints through the patient advice and liaison system (PALS) your Trust received from patients alleging they had been discriminated against or badly treated by a member of staff because of their being overweight or obese
Please do this by searching for complaints containing any of the words “weight”, “fat”, “obese”, “overweight” and “bariatric” and filtering these to find those that refer to fat-shaming comments made by a member of staff.
2) Can you select the first five such complaints from 2020 and provide me with the following details:
a. What type of staff member was the complaint levelled against? E.g. healthcare assistant, junior doctor, consultant, cleaner, kitchen staff
b. Please quote the words allegedly used by the hospital staff or summarise the offending action
c. Please tell me what, if any, action was taken by your trust in response to these five sample complaints from the beginning of 2020

Download response Fat shaming complaints. 140521

Fat-shaming complaints. 210519

Could you please tell me for each of the years 2016, 2017 and 2018

How many complaints through the patient advice and liaison system (PALS) your trust received from patients alleging they had been discriminated against or badly treated by a member of staff because of their being overweight or obese.

Please do this by searching for complaints containing any of the words “weight”, “fat”, “obese”, “overweight” and “bariatric” and filtering these to find those that refer to fat-shaming comments made by a member of staff.

Can you select the first five such complaints from 2018 and provide me with the following details:

1. What type of staff member was the complaint levelled against? E.g. healthcare assistant, junior doctor, consultant, cleaner, kitchen staff

2. Please quote the words allegedly used by the hospital staff or summarise the offending action

3. Please tell me what, if any, action was taken by your trust in response to these five sample complaints from the beginning of 2018

Download response Fat-shaming complaints. 210519

Food poisoning. 020819

1. How many inpatients developed food poisoning (relating to E.coli, listeria, campylobacter, salmonella or other) during a stay at the hospitals in your trust between the end of May 2018 and the end of May 2019?
2. How many inpatients developed food poisoning (relating to E. coli, listeria, campylobacter, salmonella or other) during a stay at the hospitals in your trust between the end of May 2013 and the end of May 2014?
3. Are meals prepared on site or off the premises by an outside provider?
4. How many complaints did you receive about hospital food between the end of May 2019 and the end of May 2018?
5. How many complaints did you receive about hospital food between the end of May 2013 and the end of May 2014?

Download response Food poisoning. 020819

Formal Grievances.080923.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The number of Formal Grievances lodged by employees at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust since the 1st January 2015.
2. The number of occasions on which the Trust employed the use of a protected conversation in their handling of a Formal Grievance by an employee in the same time period.
3. The number of those protected conversations which went on to lose their legal protection as a result of improper behaviour on behalf of the Trust’s representative. Improper conduct includes but is not limited to:
• all forms of harassment, bullying and intimidation, including through the use of offensive words or aggressive behaviour;
• physical assault or the threat of physical assault and other criminal behaviour;
• all forms of victimisation;
• discrimination because of age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, transgender, pregnancy and maternity and marriage or civil partnership; and
• putting undue pressure on a party

Formal Grievances.080923.docx

Grievances and bullying and harassment complaints.141222.docx

1. Please can you detail the number of grievances & bullying and harassment complaints that have been raised in the last 5 years.
1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019
1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020
1st April 2020 – 31st March 2021
1st April 2021 – 31st March 2022
1st April 2022 – 31st November 2022
2. How many of the above cases remain unresolved as of 31st November 2022.
3. What number of employees, who have raised a grievance or B&H complaint since 1st April 2018, remained at the Trust, in their same role, one year after their complaint was concluded?
4. What number of respondents* involved in grievance or B&H complaints since 1st April 2018, remained at the Trust, in their same role, one year after their complaint was concluded?
*respondent refers to the person who is the subject of the grievance or bullying and harassment complaint.

Grievances and bullying and harassment complaints.141222.docx

Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB). 220921.docx

I understand the HSIB have written a “letter of concern” to MTW about maternity services (particularly about Crowborough Birthing Centre).

Under the FOI, could I see a copy of their correspondence please and the Trust’s response.

Download response Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB). 220921.docx

Legal advice. 230721.docx

A) Have you instructed external lawyers for advice about how your hospital has performed since March 2020? (If possible, please restrict this advice to Covid related matters and if you are able, describe the issue that the advice was sought. for example death of patient or guidance over treatment of patients with disabilities).
B) Have you paid for an “expert independent external opinion” since March 2020? (if you are able, please say the issue that this related to, for example, care of people with disabilities during Covid19).

Download response Legal advice. 230721.docx

Legal fees. 010719

1. How much was spent on legal fees by your Trust on defending employment tribunal cases relating to (a) discrimination; (b) unfair dismissal and (c) public interest disclosure in each year since 2016?

Download response Legal fees. 010719

Ligature points. 280119

• Number of serious incidents involving ligature points, occurring within the trust grounds, in the following years; 2018-19 (to date) 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16
• Number of patient deaths involving ligature points, occurring within the trust grounds, in the following years; 2018-19 (to date) 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16
• Of the serious incidents listed above how many of the patients involved were under 18?
• Of the patient deaths listed above how many of the patients involved were under 18?
• How much has the trust spent on specific programmes to tackle ligatures points in each of the following years; 2018-19 (to date) 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16

Download response Ligature points. 280119

Listeria and hospital sandwiches. 140819

1) A copy of any correspondence sent and received by the trust about listeria from hospital sandwiches since 1 January 2016.
2) A copy of any reports prepared by the trust about listeria and hospital sandwiches from 1 January 2016.
3) The number of patients found or suspected to have contracted listeria from hospital sandwiches in each calendar year from 1 January 2016, including the current calendar year.
4) Any correspondence with The Good Food Chain about listeria since 1 January 2016.

Download response Listeria and hospital sandwiches. 140819

Lost property. 261119

I’d like to know the number of electronic items reported missing at your trust over the last three calendar years broken down by year, 2018, 2017, 2016.
• Mobile phones
• Laptops
• Tablet computers
If possible, please list the make of the devices e.g. ‘Apple’, no worries if this is not possible.

Download response Lost property. 261119

Lost, stolen or damaged property.250523.docx

1. How much did your Trust have to pay to patients to replace lost, stolen or damaged property in the period July 1st 2021 to July 1st 2022 inclusive?
2. How many reports of lost, stolen or damaged property were there in total during this period?
3. How much did your Trust have to pay to patients to replace lost, stolen or damaged property in the period July 1st 2015 to July 1st 2016 inclusive?
4. How many reports of lost, stolen or damaged property were there in total during this period July 1st 2015 to July 1st 2016 inclusive in total?

Lost, stolen or damaged property.250523.docx

Maternity claims.120623.docx

1. Please can you provide the total amount of compensation you have paid out to maternity claims in 2022/23.
a. Can you please provide the highest amount of compensation paid out to a single maternity claim in 2022/23?
b. Please could you split the 2022/23 figure on maternity claims into how much was spent on compensation and how much was spent on legal and other costs?

Maternity claims.120623.docx

Maternity complaints.210324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I would like to request data on the number of written complaints at Pembury maternity services between January 2020 and December 2023 with a breakdown of the complaints for each month and the nature of the complaint.

Maternity complaints.210324.docx

Maternity service complaints. 020721

1. How many complaints you have received from mothers who used your maternity services between 1 January 2018 and 24 April 2021.
2. A breakdown of the allegations made in each complaint.
3. What the outcome was of each complaint.

Download response Maternity service complaints. 020721


Coronavirus COVID-19

BAME staff. 131120

Background Information:
How many clinical staff do you employ and how many are BAME? (inc locum/bank/agency)?
1.How many BAME staff and how many non BAME staff have been working in ‘Covid wards’:
• In March/In April/In May so far.
2.How many redeployment requests were received from BAME and non BAME staff (inc locums/bank/agency)? And how many have been redeployed as a result?
• In March/In April/In May so far.
3.Since the NHS England guidance on Risk Assessments was issued during the Covid crisis, how many Risk Assessments have you carried out of your BAME staff?
4.How many BAME staff (inc locums/bank/agency) have been successfully redeployed since this Risk Assessments guidance was issued, as a direct result of it?
5.How many complaints or reports of discrimination by BAME and non BAME staff (inc locum/bank/agency) have been made regarding deployment since Covid hit i.e start of March?

Download response BAME staff. 131120

BAME staff risk assessments. 100620

Q1. Please state (yes or no) whether your trust has carried out a risk-assessment of staff at potentially greater risk of COVID-19, including people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. [If answer to Q1 is yes, please answer questions 2-5]
Q2. Please state when this risk assessment was carried out.
Q3. Please provide a short summary of what the risk assessment entailed.
Q4. Please provide a copy of the findings of the risk assessment.
Q5. Please list and provide brief details of any measures that your trust has subsequently put in place to offer protection to staff who are at higher risk from COVID-19.

Download response BAME staff risk assessments. 100620

Bed capacity and hospital admissions.110722.docx

“1) Bed Capacity – last 5 years: Please provide average bed capacity for the previous five years as follows:
Total Bed Capacity (all wards).
Covid-19 Bed Capacity
2) Bed Capacity for 2021: Please provide bed capacity for the current year so far. For comparative purposes please use the following period each month: The first Wednesday of every month between the hours of 12noon and 4.00pm.
Total Bed Capacity (all wards)
Covid-19 Bed Capacity
3) Hospital Admissions – last 5 years: Please provide number of Admissions (all causes) for the previous five years as follows:
All Admissions
Admissions – where the patient has received 1 or more dose of an authorised Covid-19 Vaccination
Admissions – where the patient has NOT received any Covid-19 vaccination
4) Hospital Admissions for 2021: Please provide total number of admissions (for all causes) by month for the current year so far, split by Covid-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated.
All Admissions
Admissions – where the patient has received 1 or more dose of an authorised Covid-19 Vaccination
Admissions – where the patient has NOT received any Covid-19 vaccination
5) PCR Result of Hospital Admissions: Please provide breakdown of number of patients testing positive/negative with a Covid-19 PCR Test 2019 and 2020
Number of Patients testing positive with a Covid-19 PCR Test
Number of Patients testing negative with a Covid-19 PCR Test
6) PCR Result of Hospital Admissions for 2021: Please provide breakdown of number of patients testing positive/negative with a PCR test for the current year
At the time of Admission
No of Patients testing positive
No of patients testing Negative
7) Covid-19 Specific Admissions: Please provide total number of patients admitted where the primary reason for treatment was Covid-19 in 2019 and 2020.
Total number of Admissions where the primary treatment was for Covid-19
8) Covid-19 Admissions for 2021: Please provide number of Covid-19 admissions for 2021 where the primary reason for treatment was Covid-19
Total number of patients admitted where the primary reason for treatment was Covid-19”

Bed capacity and hospital admissions.110722.docx

Completely unvaccinated Covid-19 admissions and those who have had one or more vaccinations. 170322.docx

Could I please ask for an honest breakdown of your covid admissions? A surgeon in your employment has shared the above information and I’d just like to know how many are completely unvaccinated and who have had one or more vaccinations.

Completely unvaccinated Covid-19 admissions and those who have had one or more vaccinations. 170322.docx

Coronavirus outreach working. 310320

Due to recent concerns and government changes in advice related to working (regarding the Coronavirus), we are putting together our plan for our staff that are working from outreach locations.

We are getting in touch with all outreach locations our staff work from to ask for their plans/policies in light of the Coronavirus. Are we able to get your plan also?

Download response Coronavirus outreach working. 310320

Coronavirus transmission in hospital. 071020

1. The number of patients in your hospital(s) who tested positive for Covid-19, having tested negative at their time of admission
2. The number of these patients who subsequently died from Covid-19.

Download response Coronavirus transmission in hospital. 071020

Covid-19. 020321

1. Confirmation that all reported cases of SARS-COV2 in your Trust have been diagnosed and confirmed by PCR test;
2. If not with a PCR test, provide details of what method was employed to confirm the presence of SARS-COV2;
3. Details of the laboratories performing the PCR tests producing the confirmation of SARS-COV2 on behalf of your Trust;
4. Details of the Ct thesholds currently employed in the PCR tests performed by the labs at 3.;
5. Details of the Ct thresholds used to confirm all reported cases of SARS-COV2 in your Trust between 01/01/2020 and 18/12/2020;
6. Details of the manufacturers of the PCR tests used to confirm the presence of SARS-COV2 in your Trust;
7. In the document “Understanding cycle threshold (Ct) in SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR” published on the UK government website, page 7 includes the statement “Some commercial RT-PCR techniques are closed ‘black box’ systems whereby the operator cannot observe the reaction in real-time and the result is interpreted by software into a qualitative non-interrogatable positive or negative result.”
a. Please confirm which manufacturers have been engaged that employ such a ‘black box’ method,
b. which labs have used such a manufacturer, and
c. which results confirming the presence of SARS-COV2 in the UK have been based on such techniques;
8. Where such results have been produced using the ‘black box’ method, please describe what further action was taken to confirm the results produced by the ‘black box’ method.

Download response Covid-19. 020321

Covid-19. 040221

1. The number of hospital patients who tested positive for Covid-19 after initially testing negative between November 30 2020 and 31 January 2021.
2. The number of these patients who subsequently died
3. If available, please could I have details of the date of admission, the reason for their initial hospital admission e.g. fractured bone, chest infection, the date of the positive test and the date of their death.

Download response Covid-19. 040221

Covid-19. 110621

1. How many people have dies from Covid-19 in the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust hospitals from 1st January 2020 to 1 May 2021? This is only to include patients who have had Covid-19 tests and have not died with pre-existing conditions.
2. How many patients at Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust hospitals are currently there, currently confirmed with Covid-19?

Download response Covid-19. 110621

Covid-19. 130121

1. Please can you provide a breakdown of data of actual Covid-19 cases that the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust have dealt with since the start of the pandemic? This includes the following:
Actual cases
By age group
Survival rates by age group
Death rates by age group and if they have underlying conditions (comorbidities)

2. Can you also confirm what treatments you are using to treat real cases.

Download response Covid-19. 130121

Covid-19. 150221

1. Number of beds that are currently being used for COVID-19 patients across the health authority covering Tunbridge Wells and Maidstone
2. The information for the number of beds that were being used for the same winter period last year
3. The actual number of fatalities due to COVID-19 this year for this area.
4. The number of flu cases last year that resulted in death for the same period
5. The numbers of COVID-19 cases pre lockdown and post lockdown

Download response Covid-19. 150221

Covid-19. 181220

1. How many people have died from Covid 19, without any pre-existing medical conditions?
2. How many Covid 19 patients are you currently treating at hospitals in the Trust (Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells)?
3. How many of those patients are in intensive care units?
4. What is the total number of beds available in the Trust?

Download response Covid-19. 181220

Covid-19. 220421

Since 1 March 2020 up to the present day (17th December)
1. Please can you tell me how many patients with respiratory conditions were admitted to covid-19 wards at the trust.
a. Please include the date they were admitted.
b. Please can you also tell me how many of these patients were tested for covid-19
c. please also include the date of the first test,
d. the date of the result
e. whether the result was positive or negative.
If you are unable to answer these questions,
2. Please could you tell me how many patients with respiratory conditions were admitted to covid-19 wards at the trust?
3. How many of these patients tested positive for covid-19 before they were admitted to a covid-19 ward.

Download response Covid-19. 220421

COVID-19. 220920

How many people have been admitted to the Trust’s Hospitals with Covid 19 since the 1st August 2020 and how many have survived or died as a consequence please up to today’s date of the 18th August 2020.

Download response COVID-19. 220920

Covid-19. 260321

You asked:
Please can you supply me with the following monthly data for the trust, for March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December 2020?
1. How many people were unable to have treatments for illnesses and conditions due to the Covid-19/Coronavirus crisis?
2. How many of these cases were for life threatening illnesses and conditions?
3. How many people had further health complications because of missing these treatments?
4. How many people died because of missing these treatments?
5. How many mental health admissions were due to COVID 19/coronavirus issues?
6. How many Covid 19/Coronavirus patients were in intensive care units?
7. Total number of beds in the trust at the time?
8. How many of these beds were occupied?
If applicable, could you also provide the following:
9. Community Occupancy %
10. Adult Mental Health Beds Occupancy %
11. Older Adult Mental Health Occupancy %
12. How many of the patients died FROM Coronavirus/Covid-19
13. How many of the patients died WITH Coronavirus/Covid-19

Download response Covid-19. 260321

Covid-19. 30.04.21

1) Between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 (or the most recent date for which figures are available), how many Covid-19 infections in patients were hospital acquired?
i) of these, how many were probable infections (i.e. within 8-14 days of admission to hospital)?
ii) and how many were definite infections (15 days or more after admission to hospital)?
2) Of those who acquired Covid-19 while in hospital between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 (or the most recent date for which figures are available), how many died?
3) What was the total number of Covid-19 deaths at your trust between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 (or the most recent date for which figures are available)?
4) How many members of staff contracted Covid-19 between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 (or the most recent date for which figures are available)?
5) How many members of staff were absent from work due to Covid-19 between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 (or the most recent date for which figures are available)?
6) How many members of staff died due to Covid-19 between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 (or the most recent date for which figures are available)?
7) What is the total number of Covid-19 infections a) among patients and b) among staff recorded at your trust between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021?

Download response Covid-19. 30.04.21

Covid-19. 300421

Please provide me with freedom of information on the evidence that COVID-19 has been isolated (a pure sample containing no other genetic material other than COVID-19 i.e. just COVID-19).

Download response Covid-19. 300421

Covid-19 and patients resident in care homes. 240620

1) How many covid-19 outbreaks have there been in care homes in your region between March 1st and June 16th 2020?
2) How many care homes did you provide oxygen to as a result of covid-19 outbreaks between?
a) March 1st to April 15th
b) April 15th to June 16th
3) How many hospital patients were discharged to care homes between?
a) March 1st to April 15th
b) April 15th to June 16th
4) How many hospital patients discharged to care homes were tested for covid-19? Please give totals for:
a) March 1st to April 15th
b) April 15th to June 16th
5) How many of the test results in Q4 were:
a) positive
b) negative
c) inconclusive/ void
6) How many of the hospital patients discharged to care homes who tested positive for covid-19 were asymptomatic?
7) How many covid-19 related ambulance call-out requests did you receive from care homes between?
a) March 1st to April 15th
b) April 15th to June 16th
8) How many of the call-out requests referred to in Q6 did you send an ambulance to between?
a) March 1st to April 15th
b) April 15th to June 16th
9) How many care home residents did you admit to hospital between March 1st to June 16th. Please give totals for:
a) Those with suspected or confirmed covid-19
b)Non-covid-19 related patients

Download response Covid-19 and patients resident in care homes. 240620

Covid-19 and pregnancy. 310321

1. The number of pregnant women your trust has treated for Covid-19 between 1st March 2020 and 31st January 2021?
2. The number of pregnant women your trust has treated in ICU for Covid-19 between 1st March 2020 and 31st January 2021?
3. The number of women who had recently given birth that required treatment for Covid-19 by your trust between 1st March 2020 and 31st January 2021?
4. The number of women that had recently given birth and required treatment for Covid-19 in ICU at your trust between 1st March 2020 and 31st January 2021?
5. The number of maternal deaths in your trust where Covid-19 or a Covid-19 related illness was recorded as the cause of death between 1st March 2020 and 31st January 2021?
6. The total number of maternal deaths (from all causes) in your trust for the period 1st March 2020 to 31st January 2021?
7. The total number of maternal deaths (from all causes) in your trust for the period 1st March 2019 to 31st January 2020?
8. The number of pregnant workers in your trust (employees, agency workers, self-employed or locum) that are currently in patient-facing roles?

Download response Covid-19 and pregnancy. 310321

Covid-19 and suicide deaths. 160621

I would like to know how many people died of covid-19 in this trust with no pre-existing health conditions from march 2020 until present and how many suicide deaths you have had vs the same time frame can I also have this in age breakdown please.

Download response Covid-19 and suicide deaths. 160621

Covid-19 antibody testing. 150720

Of the Covid-19 antibody tests conducted to date among staff at your trust, please provide information on:

• The proportion of staff that are antibody positive
• The proportion of BAME staff who are antibody positive

Download response Covid-19 antibody testing. 150720

Covid-19 deaths. 101220

1. The number of actual deaths within the trust (for both hospitals) due to Covid-19 for the period February 2020 to September 2020 (inclusive).
2. All Deaths from October 2020 to present.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 101220

Covid-19 deaths. 1012202

I would like to know how many deaths the hospital has recorded of Covid 19 in the months between February 1st and December 1st.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 1012202

Covid-19 deaths. 1012203

The actual number of Covid-19 deaths for the period- February 2020 to November 2020 within the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust In addition the number of Covid-19 deaths with underlining medical conditions.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 1012203

Covid-19 deaths. 130121

How many people have died in your hospitals from Covid 19 alone? As in they died only due to Covid 19. I can see the figures that you publish online, but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive Covid test, so they could have died from other causes. I just want to know the exact figure from 1st February 2020 until the 20th December of people that have died due to Covid-19 and not anything else please.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 130121

Covid-19 deaths. 151220

I would like to enquire as to the amount of Covid 19 deaths with no pre-existing health conditions.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 151220

Covid-19 deaths. 151220

I am writing to ask how many deaths you have had of covid-19 or coronavirus since March 2020.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 151220

Covid-19 deaths.200522.docx

All questions pertain to the following dates: 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021. I would like to know the following:
1.a) How many people have died in your hospitals within 28 days of testing positive for COVID-19?
1.b) Of those people, how many had underlying health conditions / co-morbidities and how many did not? Please provide absolute numbers and percentages.
1.c) Please also state the top 5 underlying health conditions / co-morbidities of those people.
1.d) Please state how many of those people were vaccinated and how many were not. Please provide absolute numbers and percentages. For vaccinated people, please break down the response in the following way: i) received one dose, ii) received two or more doses.
2.a) How many people have died in your hospitals purely and only due to COVID-19?
2.b) Of those people, how many had underlying health conditions / co-morbidities and how many did not? Please provide absolute numbers and percentages.
2.c) Please also state the top 5 underlying health conditions / co-morbidities of those people.
2.d) Please state how many of those people were vaccinated and how many were not. Please provide absolute numbers and percentages. For vaccinated people, please break down the response in the following way: i) received one dose, ii) received two or more doses.

Please keep the numbers/figures/percentages/etc. provided in response to questions 2.a-d separate from the numbers/figures/percentages/etc. provided in response to questions 1.a-d. If that is not possible, please clearly indicate which numbers are combined.

Covid-19 deaths.200522.docx

Covid-19 deaths. 221221.docx

I am requesting that within the dates of 01/03/2020 – 01/11/2021 can you supply the total number of deaths from COVID-19 alone, not within 28 days of a positive test, from all the hospitals in your trust.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 221221.docx

Covid-19 deaths. 241220

I am writing to ask how many patients admitted to the Trusts hospitals to date have died of COVID-19 (SARS COV2) I am excluding patients who died from something else and at the time tested positive for covid-19.
I am excluding cases where covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate but the patient did not test positive.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 241220

Covid-19 deaths. 311220

• How many people have died in your hospital only due to Covid 19 alone? As in they died only due to Covid 19.
I can see the figures that you publish online, but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test, so they could have died from other causes. I just want to know the exact figure from 1st February 2020 until 30th November 2020 of people that have died due to covid 19 and NOT anything else please.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 311220

Covid-19 deaths. 311220 2

Under the freedom of information act, please could you send me the exact numbers of people who have died of Covid 19 or Corona virus from February 2020 to December 31st 2020.

I would like the numbers you provide to only include people who have died without any other underlined illnesses.

Download response Covid-19 deaths. 311220 2

Covid-19 deaths and adverse vaccination effects. 020721

1. How many patients have been reported to have died from “Covid -19” as the main / primary cause of death with no major underlying health issues between March 2020 – December 2020?
2. How many patients have been reported to have died from “Covid -19” as the main / primary cause of death with no major underlying health issues between January 2021 – June 2021?
3. How many patients have been reported to have died having suffered severe adverse effects from the covid-19 “vaccinations? From January 2021 – June 2021?
4. How many patients have reported and been hospitalised following adverse effects from the Covid-19 “vaccinations? From January 2021 – June 2021?

Download response Covid-19 deaths and adverse vaccination effects. 020721

Covid-19 deaths and PCR testing. 020721

1. Please could you give me the number of deaths whereby covid is the sole cause of death listed. There were no pre-existing conditions or comorbidities noted on the death certificate covering the period March 2020 until present day. Please also provide the average age of death.

2. I would also like the number of cycles you run your PCR tests on normally as well as the number of cycles you run when you are aware the patient has been vaccinated.

If there is a difference between cycles used on patients compared to vaccinated patients please explain why.

Download response Covid-19 deaths and PCR testing. 020721

Covid-19 deaths and still births. 041021.docx

Please could you send me the figures for all hospitals covered under the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust.
1. How many pregnant ladies have died of covid with no pre-existing medical conditions in 2020 and 2021.
2. How many new born babies with no medical conditions have died of covid in 2020 and 2021.
3. How many still births you have had as a result of a pregnant mother having covid in 2020 and 2021.
4. The total number of still births for the last 5 years per year.

Download response Covid-19 deaths and still births. 041021.docx

Covid-19 deaths and suicides. 160621

1. I would like to know how many people died of cover 19 in this trust with no pre-existing health conditions from March 2020 until present.
2. How many suicide deaths you have had vs the same time frame can I also have this in age breakdown please.

Download response Covid-19 deaths and suicides. 160621

Covid-19 deaths and vaccinations. 060421

1. I would like to know how many people have died in your hospitals from COVID-19 alone. As in they died only due to COVID-19. I can see the figures that you publish online, but these are deaths within 28 days of a positive COVID test, so they could have died from other causes. I just want to know the exact figure from 1st February 2020 until 28th March 2021 of people that have died due to COVID-19 and not anything else.
2. The percentage & number of people with underlying health conditions in the overall total.
3. The percentage & number of those without underlying health conditions.
4. If someone had died outside of the 28 days of testing positive would COVID-19 still be their cause of death i.e. Covid-19 (pneumonia) or would it just be pneumonia?
5. Lastly, the vaccination is authorised for emergency use only and is still in live clinical trials until 2023, do you make patients aware of this before they are given their vaccine?

Download response Covid-19 deaths and vaccinations. 060421

Covid-19 deaths of staff members. 170321

We would like to know between the dates of Jan 1st 2020 and March 1st 2021 the number of healthcare workers employees within your trust have died due to COVID-19.

Download response Covid-19 deaths of staff members. 170321

COVID-19 discharges into care homes. 120820

1) Between 01/02/2020 to 01/07/2020, how many patients were discharged from hospitals run by your Trust into care homes? Please provide a weekly breakdown.
2) Of those patients who were discharged into care homes in the specified period, how many were tested for COVID-19 prior to leaving hospital? Please provide a weekly breakdown.
3) Finally, please tell me how many tested positive but were nonetheless discharged into care homes. Please provide a weekly breakdown.

Download response COVID-19 discharges into care homes. 120820

Covid 19 Local guidelines. 140422.docx

Could you please reply to this email attaching a copy of your hospital’s full local guidelines on the following topics?
1. Current local guidelines for the treatment and management of Covid 19.
2. Current local infection control guidelines regarding testing and quarantining/isolation of Covid positive patients

Covid 19 Local guidelines. 140422.docx

Covid-19 PCRs, treatments and deaths.130622.docx

1) Is your hospital still running the PCR tests for SARS-Cov-2 at 40-45ct cycles?
2) Is the NHS still classifying any death as a Covid death for anyone who has tested positive with a PCR test within the past 28 days, as previously stated in the March 2020 update on the NHS website about dealing with excess deaths?
3) Is the NHS aware that the PCR is a non-diagnostic test and becomes 100% unreliable after 27ct cycles?
4) How does the NHS testing system determine which variant a patient has and is this via the PCR tests?
I am aware of the online statistics site where a lot of information can be found, however i would like some more detailed information regarding specifics so my following questions are;
5.a) How many people have died in your hospital from Covid alone since February 1st 2020 to December12th 2021 without any other underlying conditions or possible causes of death?
b) How many of these patients were prescribed Midazolam?
6) What are the annual numbers of prescriptions of Midazolam for the past 10 years within your hospital?
7) What are the annual numbers of DNR’s issued in the past 10 years at your hospital?
8) Have the following viruses/strains, to your knowledge, been isolated or purified;
-Kent variant B117?
-Delta variant?
-Omicron variant?
9.a) How many patients have been admitted to your hospital for Covid and were vaccinated against it since December 5th 2020?
b) How many died while in your care?
10.a) How many patients have been admitted to your hospital for Covid and were unvaccinated against it since December 5th 2020?
b) How many of them died while in your care?
11) What are the annual numbers of patients diagnosed with myocarditis for the past 10 years within your hospital?
12) What are the annual numbers of blood clot related deaths for the past 10 years within your hospital?
13) What are the annual numbers of miscarriages for the past 10 years within your hospital?
14) What percentage of your beds are allocated for Covid patients?

Covid-19 PCRs, treatments and deaths.130622.docx

COVID-19 positive staff. 101220

1) How many of your clinical staff have tested positive for COVID-19 at your Trust?
2 How many of those staff who tested positive, worked in clinical areas designed to cater for positive / likely positive Covid Cases?
3 How many of these positive staff, work directly in areas not designated to cater for non COVID-19 patients?

Download response COVID-19 positive staff. 101220

COVID-19 recoveries. 150520

1 – The number of people who have entered MTW NHS Trust ICU’s with Covid-19 and been released back to wards alive and on the road to recovery.
2 – The number of patients who have recovered from Covid-19 and released from MTW NHS Trust hospitals.
3 – The numbers of people who have had a second infection from covid-19 and returned to a MTW NHS Trust hospital.

Download response COVID-19 recoveries. 150520

COVID-19 recoveries. 150520

1 – The number of people who have entered MTW NHS Trust ICU’s with Covid-19 and been released back to wards alive and on the road to recovery.
2 – The number of patients who have recovered from Covid-19 and released from MTW NHS Trust hospitals.
3 – The numbers of people who have had a second infection from covid-19 and returned to a MTW NHS Trust hospital.

Download response COVID-19 recoveries. 150520

Covid-19 related admissions, deaths and vaccinations. 070122.docx

1) Please provide the number of patients admitted to any hospitals within your trust between 1st January 2021 and 21st December 2021, where the reason for hospitalisation is solely COVID-19 or any complication of this and not due to any other underlying issues. Please exclude from this number any patients who have had any complications or adverse reactions following the COVID-19 vaccine.
2) Please provide a breakdown of how many of those patients, during the period between 1st January 2021 and 21st December 2021, have been admitted after receiving one dose of the COVID vaccination, 2 doses, 3 doses and how many have not been vaccinated at all.
In order that there is no room for misunderstanding here about vaccination status, please use the following definitions in your reply:
• Unvaccinated means the patient has had no COVID-19 jab/vaccine/injection
• 1st Dose solely means a patient has been injected once against COVID-19, regardless of how many days have passed since the intervention or how many subsequent doses are available. (i.e., a single dose when a second one is available does not render them unvaccinated for the purpose of this FOI request)

• 2nd Dose solely means a patient has been injected twice against COVID-19, regardless of how many days have passed since the interventions or how many subsequent doses are available. (i.e., a double dose when a third one is available does not render them unvaccinated for the purpose of this FOI request)
3) Please provide the number of patients who have died at any hospital in your trust between 1st January 2021 and 21st December 2021 that are solely as a result of COVID-19 or any complications thereof and not due to other underlying health issues. Please also exclude any patients who have died as a complication of the COVID-19 vaccine.
4) Please provide the number of patients, for the same period mentioned above, who have died as a result of reactions or complications from the COVID-19 vaccine.
5) Please provide the number of patients who have died at any hospital in your trust from complications or adverse reactions arising from the COVID-19 vaccine.
6) Please note that for all the above questions, any reference to a patient with COVID-19 is a patient that has been confirmed as someone who has tested positive to a PCR test or Lateral Flow Test.
7) When there is confirmation of a positive test, please include whether it was through PCR or LFT and the number of cycles of amplification used when processing the results.

Download response Covid-19 related admissions, deaths and vaccinations. 070122.docx

COVID-19 staff risk assessment. 020620

1. Has your organisation completed risk assessments on all Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff?
2. What precautions, if any, have you put in place to protect BAME staff once they’ve been risk assessed?”

Download response COVID-19 staff risk assessment. 020620

COVID-19 testing. 300720

1. Please can you tell me how many coronavirus tests the trust has used on patients between 1st March 2020 and today’s date (4th June 2020).
2. Please can you tell me both the number of patients that have been tested, and the number of tests carried out (i.e. if a patient has been tested more than once).
3. In each case, please can you tell me how long it took for the trust to receive the patients’ test result. If you do not have data for every patient please can you provide me with the average length of time it has taken to get test results for all patients.

Download response COVID-19 testing. 300720

Covid-19 treatments. 301220

Can you advise when it comes to Covid, are your hospitals actually treating cases and if you are not why not?

Download response Covid-19 treatments. 301220

Covid-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated deaths. 270821.docx

1. Please can you provide me with all admissions in Maidstone hospital in the past 5 Years 2016-2020 with the current year so far?
2. Of those who died of any cause this year, how many had received the Covid -19 vaccine and how many were unvaccinated?
3. Out of those admitted in 2021 how many of them had got the vaccine?

Download response Covid-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated deaths. 270821.docx

Covid-19 vaccination status of Trust staff. 220222.docx

1) What percentage of Trust all staff have had a) one dose b) two doses c) three doses of the Covid-19 vaccine
2) What percentage of each the following staff members have had two or more doses- Medical and dental, nursing and midwifery, healthcare scientists, pharmacists, admin and clerical, estates and ancillary, allied health professionals, students, additional professional scientific and technical, additional clinical services.

Covid-19 vaccination status of Trust staff. 220222.docx

Covid-19 vaccinations. 030321

Please can you tell me how many of your staff have declined to have a coronavirus vaccine. If possible, please give the reason why the vaccine was declined.

Download response Covid-19 vaccinations. 030321

Covid-19 vaccinations. 130121

Would it be possible to be provided with the following information please in relation to the hospital vaccination hubs being run by your trust?
1. Between 8 December and 8 January, how many doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine were administered at each of your hospital vaccination hubs?
2. Between 8 December and 8 January, how many doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine were destroyed/discarded/thrown away at each of your hospital vaccination hubs? Do you have a daily breakdown of these figures? If so, can I be sent these please?
3. In those instances where doses were destroyed/discarded/thrown away, what reasons were given for staff not being able to administer them to patients?

Download response Covid-19 vaccinations. 130121

Covid-19, vaccinations and Healthcare acquired infection (HCAI). 081221.docx

1. How many NHS staff currently working at your trust remain unvaccinated with a Covid19 vaccine? Including bank/agency workers.
2. What percentage of your overall staff does this equate to?
3. Since the start of the pandemic (01/03/20), with your data from staff absence due to Covid19, contact tracing and Healthcare acquired infection (HCAI), what percentage of HCAI is directly attributable to Covid19 infection in an NHS frontline worker?
4. Since the vaccination programme has started (Approx. Dec 2020), what is the breakdown of this being from
a. a covid 19 vaccinated NHS worker
b. unvaccinated NHS worker?
5. If not directly attributable, what is the rate of your patients in non Covid19 wards/area getting a HCAI and becoming infected with Covid19 within a set time frame (~10days) of an NHS worker in that ward/area testing positive for Covid 19?
6. What is the breakdown of this being
a. a Covid19 vaccinated NHS worker
b. non-vaccinated NHS worker?

Download response Covid-19, vaccinations and Healthcare acquired infection (HCAI). 081221.docx

Covid-19 vaccine uptake. 200521

1. Please tell me what percentage of front-line staff at your trust have received their first dose of the Covid vaccine?
2. If possible, please tell me what percentage of a) doctors b) nurses and midwives c) other front-line staff have received their first dose of the Covid vaccine?
3. Please also tell me the total numbers of front-line staff who have received their first dose of the Covid vaccine and the total numbers of front-line staff who have not received their first dose of the Covid vaccine
4. If possible, please tell me the total numbers of staff who have received the first dose of the vaccine and who have not yet been vaccinated broken down by a) doctors b) nurses and midwives c) other front-line staff.
5. Please tell me what percentage of front-line staff at your trust have received their second dose of the Covid vaccine?
6. Again, if possible, please break this down by a) doctors b) nurses and midwives c) other front-line staff
7. Please also tell me the total numbers of front-line staff who have received their second dose of the Covid vaccine and the total numbers of front-line staff who have not received their second dose of the Covid vaccine
8. Please provide the total numbers for staff who have received their second dose and not yet received their second dose broken down by a) doctors b) nurses and midwives c) other front-line staff

Download response Covid-19 vaccine uptake. 200521

Covid Booster Informed Consent.131022.docx

What steps you and your organisation will be taking to fulfil your ethical and legal obligations to ensure patient and staff submission to Covid vaccination is given with free, voluntary, and fully informed consent.

Covid Booster Informed Consent.131022.docx

Covid cycle testing for vaccinated and unvaccinated people.221122.docx

All questions are shown exactly as received by the Trust.
i would like all latest data on covid cycle testing for vaccinated and unvaccinated people i am aware there will be 2 separate test cycles of amplification thank you.
Your response is in correct.i asked what are the current test cycle to date for omnicrom variant you have a base number for cycle amplification that you start with .you dont get a cycle numbed AFTER the test ,you have a start point and that is the data i am asking for. The starting amplification cycle number for un vaccinated people and the cycle start number for vaccinated.thank you..this will be fact checked by my associates thank you.

Covid cycle testing for vaccinated and unvaccinated people.221122.docx

Covid-related capital bids. 091220

I would like to know how many Covid-related capital bids have been approved centrally since March 17 and was hoping you could answer a few questions.

To avoid confusion, covid-19 related capital refers to bids submitted in respect of the covid-19 capital expenditure scheme All other types of capital bids should not be included.

In addition, can you please tell me?

• The total value of your Covid-related capital bids
• The total in funding you’ve received for Covid-related capital bids.
• How many bids you have made and how many are awaiting central approval.

Download response Covid-related capital bids. 091220

Covid Swab Tests. 101220

1. Is my DATA/DNA etc. kept on file, stored and shared in any way?
2. On the swab/tube (or before being placed into the tube) have the following: “Hydrogel”. or “Quantum Dot” used and or applied?
3. Do you have a “Magnetic Testing System” which “alters” your “DNA” via these “Covid Swab Tests”?
4. Are these `one hour Covid Swab Tests` (or for all tests?) stored and shared with my DNA and other information, third party or otherwise?

Download response Covid Swab Tests. 101220

Covid, vaccination and deaths 280122.docx

1. Please confirm how many of the 1367 patients admitted from 1 January to 21 December 2021 were admitted where the sole reason for hospitalisation was COVID-19 or any complication of this, who were then confirmed by positive PCR test within 8 days. Please exclude from this figure any patients who were admitted due to other reasons who tested positive within 8 days, as well as any patients who may have been admitted due to adverse reactions following the COVID-19 vaccine.

2. According to your breakdown below, the grand total of patients who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine was 651. Since you claim 1367 patients were admitted during the stated period who tested positive within 8 days, this would render 716 patients who were unvaccinated.
2a. The 10th column on your table stated 267 patients had no vaccine. Can you please confirm this is the case and also explain why these 267 patients have a category of “no vaccine” on their own and why the other 716 patients (total admissions – grand total provided by you) have not been included in this category?
2b. Can you confirm that the 716 patients, that is, the total admissions of patients who tested positive within 8 days (1367) minus the grand total of patients on your table (651) had not received any COVID-19 injection or booster? Just to clear and avoid misunderstandings, I am asking you to use the word unvaccinated to mean somebody who has not had any vaccine injected in their body at any time and conversely, vaccinated means someone who has had a vaccine irrespective of how long it has been since they had received it or the number of vaccines they have received.

3. Your answer to my third question was “Total number of patients admitted within 8 days of a positive swab from 1 January to 21 December 2021 who died – 149”.
Similarly, to question 1, this may include patients who had died due to complications of other issues such as cancer, a road traffic accident or a heart attack who had tested positive within 8 days of admission.
3a. Please confirm how many of the 149 patients you stated died solely due to COVID-19 or any complication thereof and exclude from this number any patient who died due to other medical conditions, including complications from taking a COVID-19 vaccine.

4. Your reply to my last question was “Confirmation of Sars CoV2 is by PCR testing. Cut off for positive is 28 CT”.
4a. Can you please confirm that all 1367 patients who were admitted to hospital between 1st January 2021 and 21st December 2021 had tested positive by returning a positive PCR test result at 28 CT?
4b. Has the CT cut off benchmark varied within the period in question? If so, please provide a breakdown of any periods where the cut off benchmark has been altered.

Download response Covid, vaccination and deaths 280122.docx

Covid vaccine wastage. 110122.docx

1. Between 8 December 2020 and 31 December 2021, how many doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine were administered at each of your vaccination centres/hospital sites?
2. Between 8 December 2020 and 31 December 2021, how many doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine were destroyed/discarded/thrown away at each of your vaccination centres/hospital sites? Do you have a weekly/monthly breakdown of these figures? If so, can I be sent these please?
3. Between 4 January 2021 and 31 December 2021, how many doses of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine were administered at each of your vaccination centres/hospital sites?
4. Between 4 January 2021 and 31 December 2021, how many doses of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine were destroyed/discarded/thrown away at each of your vaccination centres/hospital sites? Do you have a weekly/monthly breakdown of these figures? If so, can I be sent these please?
5. Between 7 April 2021 and 31 December 2021, how many doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine were administered at each of your vaccination centres/hospital sites?
6. Between 7 April 2021 and 31 December 2021, how many doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine were destroyed/discarded/thrown away at each of your vaccination centres/hospital sites? Do you have a weekly/monthly breakdown of these figures? If so, can I be sent these please?
7. In those instances where doses of the Pfizer/AstraZeneca/Moderna vaccines were destroyed/discarded/thrown away, what reasons were given for staff not being able to administer them to patients?

Download response Covid vaccine wastage. 110122.docx

Covid Visiting Policies. 070122.docx

1) In the period 1 February 2020 to 31 October 2021 what is the total number of complaints that your Trust has received from the public including service users (i.e. complaints on any issue)?
2) In the period 1 February 2020 to 31 October 2021 how many complaints from the public including service users has your Trust received about (or that include mention of) restrictions to patient visiting or patient visiting policies?
3) In the period 1 February 2020 to 31 October 2021 how many incident reports (including Datix, Ulysses or other internal reporting system) have been raised by staff regarding abuse received from the public including service users that include mention of restrictions to patient visiting or patient visiting policies (i.e. where visiting restrictions may have contributed to the cause of the abuse)?
4) Does your Trust know what circumstances, or have a set of defined criteria, under which it would revert patient visiting policy back to what it was before the emergence of Covid 19?

Download response Covid Visiting Policies. 070122.docx

Ct (Cycle Threshold) being used for PCR testing of SARS Covid-19. 280621

I would like to know the Ct (Cycle Threshold) being used for PCR testing of Sars Covid at the moment and in the past.

Download response Ct (Cycle Threshold) being used for PCR testing of SARS Covid-19. 280621

Cycle threshold (Ct) PCR testing. 280621

1. The Cycle threshold (Ct) used by your organisation since 01 March 2020 for each of the Government Pillar classifications.

2. Any changes made to the Ct during this period and when any such changes were made.

Download response Cycle threshold (Ct) PCR testing. 280621

Cycle threshold in PCR tests for patients and staff. 040122.docx

which cycle threshold(ct) are you using in your hospital in PCR test for patient and staff since the declaration of the pandemic in 2020.

Download response Cycle threshold in PCR tests for patients and staff. 040122.docx

Data analytics to support in the management of the response to Covid 19. 220620

1) Is your Trust using data analytics to support in the management of its response to Covid 19?
2) If so, please could you confirm the use cases (i.e. medical resource management, monitoring patients that have tested for the virus and those that have tested positive, tracking the patient journey for those that have tested positive for the virus, ward management for patients that have test positive for the virus, identifying which healthcare workers have been exposed to the virus, etc.)?
3) If so, please could you confirm which roles in the Trust will have access to your Trust’s data analytics results regarding Covid 19 (please confirm for each of the following roles listed): Physician, Nurse, Pharmacist, Management, Accountant/Finance, HR and Recruitment, IT Office, Administrative Assistants, Data analyst/scientist (including roles such as Performance Reporting and Informatics)

Download response Data analytics to support in the management of the response to Covid 19. 220620

Date of discharge or date of death of patients with hospital acquired Covid-19 since 1st March 2020. 260321

In relation to patients who had caught the virus in hospital and their outcome e.g. the date the first positive test result came back and the date they died or were discharged. Is it possible to provide the outcome dates please?

Download response Date of discharge or date of death of patients with hospital acquired Covid-19 since 1st March 2020. 260321

Deaths associated to Covid, flu and all other causes. 020721

I am asking for the real number of covid deaths ,?how many died with covid and underlying issues ? How many died with covid with no underlying issues ?
How many off covid with underlaying issues ? How many died off covid with no underlaying issues ? How many people died of flu in between Dec 2019 and to present date ?
I would like to know all off these number is statics in between November 2019 up until present date ? How many people died in this time frame off other illnesses not related to covid ?

Download response Deaths associated to Covid, flu and all other causes. 020721

Deaths that occurred due to Covid 19. 101220

I am trying to gather information regarding actual deaths within the trust due to Covid 19 for the period 1st February 2020 to 1st October 2020.

By this I mean the deaths that occurred due to Covid 19 alone without any comorbidities.

Download response Deaths that occurred due to Covid 19. 101220

Discharge of known and possible COVID-19 patients by the trust into care homes. 271020

1) Of those 233 patients discharged to care homes as above, how many were coded as having a diagnosis of
a) COVID-19 or
b) Suspected COVID-19 but did not receive a test before being discharged to a care home?

2. NHS Providers reports that it approached all NHS trusts for information about how trusts discharged possible COVID-19 patients into care homes

Please confirm if NHS Providers approached Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust for such information

Please share the records of NHS Providers’ enquiry to the trust, and the trust’s response

3. Has Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust been advised by local Public Health services, Public Health England or care home providers of any care home COVID-19 outbreaks that have been traced back to patients discharged from a trust hospital to the care homes in question?

Specifically, is the trust aware of any transmission from any of the 24 COVID-19 positive patients, discharged by the trust to care homes, to other care home residents following discharge into those care homes?

If so, please advise of the details.

Download response Discharge of known and possible COVID-19 patients by the trust into care homes. 271020

Fit testing. 060520

1) The sex-breakdown of all those who failed fit tests for all available masks at your trust between 1st February 2020 and 30th April 2020.
2) The sex-breakdown of all those who had to use a powered air purifying respirator at your trust between 1st February 2020 and 30th April 2020.
3) The sex-breakdown of all those who failed their fit test for a FFP3 mask at your trust between 1st February 2020 and 30th April 2020.
4) The sex breakdown of all those who failed their fit test for a Disposable Healthcare Respirator, FFP3, Valved, 1873V+ at your trust between 1st February 2020 and 30th April 2020.
5) The sex breakdown of all those who failed their fit test for a Disposable Healthcare Respirator, FFP3, Type IIR, 1863+ at your trust between 1st February 2020 and 30th April 2020.
6) And finally, during the period 1st February 2020 to 30th April 2020, has your trust been doing fit tests or just fit checks?

Download response Fit testing. 060520

Fit-testing of respiratory protective equipment. 160720

1. How many medical staff were working with tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment in February 2020, March 2020, April 2020 and May 2020? Please give the numbers broken down by the months; and, if it is possible, please break it down by type of staff member (nurse, doctor, etc) and setting. If it is possible, please separate out those working in Covid-affected environments (I do not know if you hold a separate register for Covid and non-Covid).
2. How many of the medical staff working with tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment in Covid-affected environments were fit-tested for that equipment in February 2020, March 2020, April 2020 and May 2020? Please give the numbers broken down by the months; and, if it is possible, please break it down by type of staff member (nurse, doctor, etc) and setting. Again, if it is possible, please separate out those working in Covid-affected environments
If the data is sensitive enough to show where the same staff were fit-tested multiple times, please include that information.
3. Do you collect data on medical staff working with tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment being fit-tested when they change brand/type of RPE? If so, please give the figures for Feb, March, April and May 2020 as above.
4. Do you track the ethnicity of the staff member with this data? If so, please give the ethnicity breakdowns for the above data for all questions.

Download response Fit-testing of respiratory protective equipment. 160720

Healthcare associated Covid 19 infection deaths. 210421

1. The number of probable healthcare associated Covid 19 infection deaths at hospitals within the trust since the start of the pandemic. (We understand a probable test relates to a positive Covid test 8-14 days after admission.)
2. The number of definite healthcare associated Covid 19 infection deaths at hospitals in the trust since the start of the pandemic. (We understand a definite test relates to a positive Covid test 15 days after admission.)

Download response Healthcare associated Covid 19 infection deaths. 210421

Hospital acquired Covid-19. 030920

1. Have records of Covid-19 infections in patients which were hospital acquired been kept? If so:
a) How many Covid-19 infections in patients were hospital acquired?
b) Of those who acquired Covid-19 while in hospital, how many died?
c) What was the total number of Covid-19 deaths in hospital?
2. Have records been kept of members of staff who contracted Covid-19? If so:
a) How many members of staff contracted Covid-19?
b) How many members of staff were absent from work due to Covid-19?
c) How many members of staff died due to Covid-19?
3. What is the total number of Covid-19 infections recorded in hospital?
4. What is the procedure for when a patient is diagnosed with Covid-19 outside a Covid-19 ward?
a) Has this procedure remained the same throughout the time period set out above?
5. What is the procedure for when a member of staff is diagnosed with Covid-19?
a) Has this procedure remained the same throughout the time period set out above?

Download response Hospital acquired Covid-19. 030920

Hospital acquired Covid-19. 050221

Please provide me with the monthly figures for patients who have caught covid-19 while in the Trusts care for the period March 2020 to Jan 6th 2021.

Download response Hospital acquired Covid-19. 050221

Hospital-acquired Covid-19. 101220

1. Please can you tell me how many cases of hospital-acquired Covid-19 the trust has had since 1st March 2020?
2. Please state the date the case was discovered, the name of the hospital and the ward/department where the patient was, the outcome for the patient (i.e. recovered, died), and whether any staff were also affected (if so, please state how many and the area of the hospital where they work).
3. Please also include any information that was shared with Public Health England on these cases.

Download response Hospital-acquired Covid-19. 101220

Hospital acquired Covid-19.120522.docx

1. The number of people who were infected with Covid-19 inside your hospitals – so the patients who tested positive for Covid-19 after testing negative when they were first admitted. Please may I have the figures broken down for the number of hospital-acquired infections for each individual hospital.
2. The number of people who after being infected with Covid inside the hospital, then died of or with the virus, whilst in hospital, or after discharge. Please may I also have these figures broken down for the number of deaths for each individual hospital.

Hospital acquired Covid-19.120522.docx

Hospital-acquired Covid-19. 150321

1. Please can you tell me how many cases of hospital-acquired Covid-19 the trust has had since 1st March 2020?
2. Please state the date the case was discovered.

Download response Hospital-acquired Covid-19. 150321

Hospital acquired Covid-19. 270821.docx

1. Please can you tell me how many cases of hospital-acquired Covid-19 the Trust has had since 1st March 2020 to the present day. Please break this down by probable and definite nosocomial infections if this data is available.
2. Please also give me the number of deaths from hospital acquired infections (probable and definite cases).
3. If you are able, in each case, please could you state whether you have informed the patient’s relative that it was a hospital acquired infection.

Download response Hospital acquired Covid-19. 270821.docx

Hospital acquired Covid-19. 280521

1 – Please provide me with all the nosocomial infection – (Hospital Acquired Covid) figures for March 2020 to July 2020.

2 – Please provide me with the number of nosocomial deaths – caused by Hospital Acquired Covid – in all your hospitals by month for the period March 2020 to present.

Download response Hospital acquired Covid-19. 280521

Hospital acquired Covid-19 deaths.270521

Also could I check how many of the patients who probably caught Covid -19 (i.e. 8-14 days post admission) died? Your answer only relates to 15+ days so I don’t know if this is because none of the patients in the 8-14 category died or because you haven’t given me that number.

Download response Hospital acquired Covid-19 deaths.270521

Hospital-acquired Covid infections.280422.docx

For all the information below please could you provide data from between the dates 01/12/2021 to 25/03/2022, and could you please provide the figures for each individual month. An Excel form has been included for this information to be easily filed.

1) The monthly number of probable hospital-acquired Covid-19 infections (8-14 days after admission)
2) The monthly number of definite hospital-acquired Covid-19 infections (>14 days)
3) The monthly number of patients who died in hospital after acquiring a ‘probable’ hospital-acquired Covid-19 infection
4) The monthly number of patients who died in hospital after acquiring a ‘definite’ hospital-acquired Covid-19 infection

Hospital-acquired Covid infections.280422.docx

Hospital-acquired Covid infections or deaths. 050821.docx

For each month from April 2020 to March 2021:
A) The number of deaths of patients at the trust who had been diagnosed with covid-19, and where the diagnosis had been made between 15 days or more after hospital admission. Please include instances only where the patient’s death occurred while they were inpatients at the trust.
B)The number of deaths of patients of the trust who had been diagnosed with covid-19, and where the diagnosis had been made 8 days or more after hospital admission. Please include instances only where the patient’s death occurred while they were inpatients at the trust.
A) The number of deaths of patients at the trust where covid-19 was given as a cause of death, and where the patient had been diagnosed with Covid 15 days or more after hospital admission. Please include instances only where the patient’s death occurred while they were inpatients at the trust.
B) The number of deaths of patients at the trust where covid-19 was given as a cause of death, and where the patient had been diagnosed with Covid 8 days or more after hospital admission. Please include instances only where the patient’s death occurred while they were inpatients at the trust.
A) The number of patients at the trust who had been diagnosed with covid-19, and where the diagnosis had been made between 15 days or more after hospital admission.
B) The number of patients of the trust who had been diagnosed with covid-19, and where the diagnosis had been made 8 days or more after hospital admission.

Download response Hospital-acquired Covid infections or deaths. 050821.docx

Impact of COVID-19 on prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and support. 021020

1. Did you suspend your MRI before biopsy service for patients with suspected prostate cancer as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
a. Yes
b. No
c. We did not offer MRI before biopsy before the pandemic
2. If yes, have you now resumed MRI before biopsy for patients with suspected prostate cancer?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No, but we refer patients elsewhere (Please state the referral area:)
d. N /A
3. Do you currently use a pre-MRI clinical triage for patients with suspected prostate cancer? By pre-MRI clinical triage, we mean a process, often Clinical Nurse Specialist led, that determines patient suitability for MRI before biopsy
a. Yes
b. No
4. Has your radiology department introduced any new MRI exclusion criteria for patients with suspected prostate cancer as a result of COVID-19?
a. Yes (please specify:)
b. No
c. N/A
5. If yes, do you plan to maintain any of these exclusion criteria once restrictions to limit patients’ COVID-19 risk are lifted?
a. Yes (please specify:)
b. No
c. N/A
6. Did you stop conducting biopsies for patients with suspected prostate cancer as a result of COVID-19 infection risks?
a. Yes
b. No
7. If yes, have you resumed biopsy services for patients with suspected prostate cancer?
a. Yes
b. Yes, but only for a subset of patients (please specify:)
c. No
d. No, but we refer patients elsewhere for prostate biopsy (Please state the referral area:)
8. Do you offer transperineal biopsy under local anaesthetic?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No, but we plan to in future (please specify when if possible:)
9. Following an MRI scan for suspected prostate cancer, what criteria do you use to select patients for biopsy? Please include all that apply:
a. Patients with a PI-RADSs or Likert score of 1 or greater
b. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 2 or greater
c. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 3 or greater
d. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 3 or greater, but only if PI-RADS or Likert score 3 patients have other clinical indications (such as age, ethnicity, PSA density) that make them higher risk
e. Patients with a PI-RADS or Likert score of 4 or greater
f. We do not offer MRI before biopsy
g. We do not currently biopsy patients
10. Did you delay radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer patients as a result of COVID-19?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Partially (please specify:)
d. N/A (please specify:)
11. If yes, have you cleared your backlog for prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A – We did not delay prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment
12. Did you delay radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer patients as a result of COVID-19?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Partially (please specify:)
d. N/A (please specify:)
13. If yes, have you cleared your radical prostatectomy backlog?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A – We did not delay radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer patients
14. To address your backlog did or are you using a protocol to risk stratify patients and prioritise patients with high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer for treatment within 3 months?
a. Yes
b. No
c. No, we did not have a sufficient backlog to require patient prioritisation
15. Does your protocol apply to new patients with high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer with the intention to radically treat them within 3 months of diagnosis?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A – We do not have a protocol for patient prioritisation
16. Do you have prostate cancer Personalised Stratified Follow Up (PSFU) protocols in place?
a. Yes
b. No
c. We are in the process of developing PSFU protocols
17. If Yes, do you have a digital remote monitoring system in place for follow up?
a. Yes (Please specify the name of the system used: e.g My Medical Record, Patient Knows Best)
b. No
18. If no, do you plan to implement a digital remote monitoring system for follow up?
a. Yes – (Please specify the name of the system you plan to implement: e.g My Medical Record, Patient Knows Best)
b. No
19. Which of the following criteria are part of your follow up protocols? (please mark all that apply:)
a. Patients have access to a Support Worker who acts as their key worker for the duration of their follow up care.
b. Patients have access to an online patient service that allows them to check test results, complete assessments, view patient information and message their clinical team.
c. Patients attend a 4-hour supported self-management workshop with a group of 8 to 10 men to develop knowledge, skills and confidence to self-manage their condition
d. Patients do not need to attend routine appointments unless an issue arises.

Download response Impact of COVID-19 on prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and support. 021020

Isolation pods. 070420

I was in desperate need to gain information on the “Testing and Isolation Pods” and as much detail as practically possible on how to build them please!?

Download response Isolation pods. 070420

Long Covid.160622.docx

The number of staff members, if any, that have been made redundant due to ill health by Long Covid.

Long Covid.160622.docx

Long COVID.290322.docx

1. How many passwords have been generated for the Your COVID Recovery App in 2020, 2021 and 2022?
2. How many patients have been referred to the Nuffield Health long COVID recovery programme from the Trust in 2020, 2021 and 2022?

Long COVID.290322.docx

Long Covid Clinics. 080621

1. Do you have a post Covid syndrome clinic?
2. Number of people referred to the post Covid clinic?
3. Number of people who have received treatment or specialist rehabilitative services from the post Covid clinic?
4. Average (mean) time taken from referral to first contact with the clinic for the latest two week period? Please provide this in working days.
5. The longest time taken from referral to first contact with the clinic.
6. Number of patients attending the clinic that have been recorded as being able to return to work?
7. Does the clinic accept patients who were not hospitalised with acute Covid?
8. Number of people seen by clinic who have been given an alternative diagnosis, for example myocarditis.
9. How many staff do you have working in the clinic full time, broken down by job titles of (1) doctor (from F1 through to consultant) (2) nurse (3) physiotherapist (4) occupational therapist (5) clinical psychologist/psychiatrist.
10. How many staff do you have working in the clinic part time, broken down by job titles of (1) doctor (from F1 through to consultant) (2) nurse (3) physiotherapist (4) occupational therapist (5) clinical psychologist/psychiatrist.

Download response Long Covid Clinics. 080621

Long Covid clinics.110424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Do you have a specialist service for long Covid patients within your trust? Please name the clinic/service
2. How many patients in your local NHS area have been referred to the clinic/service to date? Please break down by year to date i.e. 12 months to this date in 2024 and then each of the previous 12 months back to the start of the service
3. Is the service physician-led?
4. Please provide figures for how many patients referred to the clinic/service received the following type of treatment in-house:
a. physical rehabilitation – please give details
b. Graded exercise therapy
c. CBT or other psychological intervention – please state whether this is to cope with symptoms or with a view to improving/treating them
d. Advice on pacing
e. A brain retraining or Neuro Linguistic Programming-based course such as the Lightning Process, Gupta Programme or Nuffield programme (please specify which)
f. drug treatment
g. other, please specify
5. Does the service have the ability to prescribe medications to long Covid patients for symptoms where appropriate?
6. If so, please list the 3 most common drugs prescribed for long Covid patients by the clinic, with numbers of prescriptions if possible
7. Does the service have the ability to order diagnostic tests and scans?
8. If so please list the 3 most commonly ordered tests/scans/diagnostic questionnaires for long Covid patients by the clinic
9. If not provided in-house, which of the following types of services does the clinic/service refer patients onto or recommend?
a. physical rehabilitation – please give details
b. Graded exercise therapy
c. CBT or other psychological intervention – please state whether this is to cope with symptoms or with a view to improving/treating them
d. Advice on pacing
e. A brain retraining or Neuro Linguistic Programming-based course such as the Lightning Process, Gupta Programme or Nuffield programme (please specify which)
f. drug treatment
g. other, please specify
10. How many staff do you have working in the service FTE (full time equivalent) broken down by job title of:
a. doctor
b. nurse
c. physiotherapist
d. occupational therapist
e. clinical psychologist/ CBT practitioner / psychotherapist/counsellor
f. other, please specify
11. For any doctors employed, please specify their specialism e.g. GP, cardiologist, neurologist, psychiatrist
11. Is the clinic expected to continue running after 2025?

Long Covid clinics.110424.docx

Long Covid clinics.160822.docx

1. Please state the name of your Health Trust
2. Please state how many Long COVID Clinics cover patients in your Health Trust, and please name them all.
3. How many Long COVID patients have had an initial consultation with a Long COVID Clinic in your Trust, and please break down how this was done
a) By Phone or video call
b) In person
4. How many Long COVID patients went onto have a follow up appointment with a Long COVID Clinic in your Trust, and please break down how this was done.
a) By Phone or video call
b) In person
For questions 3 & 4, If possible, please state if the initial appointment, then follow up appointment was by phone or in person and vice versa.
5. How many Long COVID patients were screened for blood clots or micro clots at a Long COVID Clinic within your Trust
6. How many Long COVID Patients have died with a blood or micro clot since being under a Long COVID clinic within your Trust
7. Of those who died were they identified as having a blood or micro clot?

Long Covid clinics.160822.docx

Maternity services restrictions on partner attendance during COVID-19. 030920

1. During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have you introduced new policies or practices to any of your services relating to maternity care (antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal) which either restrict or completely prohibit partners/parents/birth partners (referred to as ‘partners’ from now on) attending planned or unplanned care because of COVID-19? (Y/N)
If yes, please go to Q2. If no, please go to Q6.
2. If restrictions have been introduced, please provide brief details of the policy (e.g. number of partners allowed to attend, length of time partners are allowed to attend for) in the relevant section(s) of the table below.
Type of service Brief details of any restriction(s) introduced (e.g. partners banned altogether; restricted number of hours partners can attend for; or other relevant policy details).
a. Antenatal scans
b. Antenatal routine care (e.g. midwife appointments)
c. Antenatal, non-routine care (e.g. assessment for reduced foetal movements)
d. Admission for induction of labour or latent phase of labour
e. Intrapartum care – homebirth
f. Intrapartum care – freestanding midwifery led unit
g. Intrapartum care – alongside midwifery led unit
h. Intrapartum care – consultant led unit
i. Intrapartum care – delivery in theatre
j. Postnatal care – post birth and on the postnatal ward
k. Community postnatal clinics
3. Do restrictions in place, or related policies/practice, include provision for extenuating circumstances (e.g. mental health conditions, disabilities, pre-term birth, or following deliveries with complications) (Y/N). If yes please provide brief details.
4. Please indicate (Y/N) whether the restrictions detailed above were informed by:
a. Guidance issued by a professional body (please detail which body)
b. Engagement with service users
c. Other (please provide brief details)
5. Are these restrictions still in place (Y/N)? If not, please provide the date/an estimate of the date when they were removed.
6. Please provide details of any firm plans in place to introduce new restrictions on partner attendance at maternity services (e.g. in the event of a local lockdown, in the event of a major 2nd wave).

Download response Maternity services restrictions on partner attendance during COVID-19. 030920


Corporate & Trust Management

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.110520.docx

Please release all reports resulting from an “invited review” by any Academy of Medical Royal Colleges member in the last five years.

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.110520.docx

Autism training for staff. 100321

Can you please let me know what steps the hospital at Pembury has taken to help autistic people to feel more comfortable during visits and what training has been given to staff to help them to properly interact with autistic people.

Download response Autism training for staff. 100321

Black Alerts. 041121.docx

How many days were your trust hospitals under black alert for the years of 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (up to most recent records)?
If data is held, please state which hospitals were affected and how long each hospital was affected?

Download response Black Alerts. 041121.docx

Board and Senior Management meeting software. 060319

1. How does the Trust administer and manage board and other senior managed events? – What process is followed to prepare, collate and manage the board meeting documents pack, including print / e-mail and distribution?
2. Is a “manual process” used for the above or does the Trust use a dedicated Software tool?
3. If yes, what is the name of the software tool used?
4. If no, is the Trust considering acquiring such a tool or “Board Portal” at some time in the future?
5. Who is the most appropriate person, within the Trust, to contact regarding this matter?

Download response Board and Senior Management meeting software. 060319

Board assurance regarding the profitability of private patients. 081020

1. Have the authority implemented service line management, as a tool for measuring the financial performance of each clinical (and possibly other) service within the organisation?
2. Do the authority measure the profitability of private patient services provided by the authority?
3. Which of the following costs are included in measurements of net profitability of private patients?
a. Costs of staff directly involved in private patients
b. Prostheses, devices and drugs used by private patients
c. An allocation for clinical facilities and staff which are not used exclusively for private patients, including:
i. operating theatres/ theatre staff;
ii. diagnostic imaging equipment and staff
iii. Pathology laboratory equipment and staff
iv. Pharmacy equipment and staff
v. Therapy equipment and staff
vi. Critical care, intensive care, and high dependency units
d. An allocation for overhead costs and staff who provide services to private patients, including:
i. Information technology equipment and staff
ii. Human resources staff
iii. Finance staff
iv. Estates and facilities management staff
e. An allocation of costs for the space occupied by private patient services
4. Do the authority measure the net profitability of each payer group, specifically, do the authority measure the net profitability of private patients funded by the following payers:
a. International patients
b. Self-funded patients
c. BUPA insured patients
d. AXA/ PPP insured patients
e. Aviva insured patients
f. Vitality insured patients
g. Other privately insured patients
h. Any other groups (please specify)
5. Do the board of the authority recognise that an NHS organisation should never subsidise private care with public money, and that to do so would be a breach of core NHS principles?
6. Which of the following best describes how the board interpret their responsibility to ensure that private care should never be subsidised with public money:
a. Private care should overall make a gross contribution before the allocation of costs in groups 3d. and 3e. above
b. Private care should overall make a net profit after the allocation of all costs in 3. Above
c. Each payer group (as defined in 4 above) should make a net profit after the allocation of costs defined in 3 above.
d. Each patient/ procedure should make a profit after the allocation of costs (sometimes referred to as patient level information costing systems or PLICS)
e. Other – please describe
7. If they are not considered commercially confidential, please provide an analysis of the profitability of the authority’s private patient activity for the years end March 2018, March 2019 and March 2020.

Download response Board assurance regarding the profitability of private patients. 081020

Board composition of NHS organisations. 210222.docx

1. Please could you kindly send via email, pdf copies of your annual reports for each financial year from 2012/13.
2. Please could you also provide the number of Board voting members including Executive and Non-Executive Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Chairs and Lay Members for each of the categories as listed in the table below for each financial year (April – Mar) from 2012/13.
BAME, Mixed ethnicity, Other ethnicity
Has a disability/impairment

Board composition of NHS organisations. 210222.docx

Board of Directors.050424.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
• The names and positions of all individuals who have been a member of the Board of Directors at some point from January 2008 up to the present day. For executive directors, then please provide their executive position. For non-executive directors, then please simply state whether they are the Chairperson or any other non-executive director.

• The corresponding start and end date of these individuals’ period of membership of the Board.

Board of Directors.050424.docx

Brexit. 031019

1. The number of healthcare professionals from EU27 nations who have stopped working for your NHS Trust in the past year
2. Any risk assessments formulated in the last 3 months relating to a predicted increase in staffing vacancies as a result of Brexit, or particularly a no-deal Brexit.
3. Any planning documents formulated in the last 3 months which outline the expected response to increasing staffing vacancies as a result of Brexit, or particularly a no-deal Brexit.

Download response Brexit. 031019

Brexit. 130918

Any documents, reports or risk assessments produced by the Trust’s board or management executive since June 2016 relating to Brexit risk, or contingency planning in the event of Brexit.

Download response Brexit. 130918

Brexit costs. 031019

I would like to request the finance costs (both revenue and capital) incurred in complying with the EU exit operational readiness guidance issued on 21 December 2018 by the Department of Health and Social Care.

Please can this information:

1. Be provided from 22nd December 2018 to the date of this FOI 26 September 2019

2. Split the costs into a) direct financial impact and b) opportunity costs

Download response Brexit costs. 031019

Brexit Impact. 070918

Please consider this request under the FOI Act for information generated in the last 12 months on the following topics:
1. Any planning by the trust for a no-deal Brexit.
2. Any planning by the trust for other Brexit scenarios.
3. Any impact assessments carried out by the trusts of different Brexit scenarios.

Download response Brexit Impact. 070918

Brexit impact. 131218

Trust response:
Under Section 21 of the Act we are not required to provide information in response to a request if the information is already reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available from the trust website using the following links:

Download response Brexit impact. 131218

Brexit planning. 120919

Please provide the following:
The most recent risk register held by the trust in relation to the potential impact of Brexit;
The latest version of the trust’s contingency plans to deal with the impact of Brexit on any aspect of patient care and how the trust plans to address potential issues.

Download response Brexit planning. 120919

Brexit planning. 180219

1) What is the name of:
a) your trust
b) the hospitals run by your trust
2) Has your trust produced a report looking at the impact on your trust and its operations in relation to the possibility of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit (EU exit) in March? If yes, please attach the report(s).
3) Is your trust currently undertaking any preparations/arrangements in relation to a no-deal Brexit in March? If yes, please give details or attach any reports produced by the trust which looks at the impact/preparations/arrangements.
4) Has the trust undertaken any reviews or risk assessments into the following areas that could be affected by a no-deal Brexit. If yes, please give details or attach reports.
a) Supply of medicines and vaccines
b) Supply of medical devices and clinical consumables
c) Supply of non-clinical consumables, good and services
d) Workforce
e) Reciprocal healthcare
f) Research and clinical trials
5) Has your trust budgeted any additional money for contingency planning for/due to the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU in March and the potential no-deal Brexit?

Download response Brexit planning. 180219

Brexit Preparedness. 151118

You asked:
1. Please state whether your trust has established a committee or other body with explicit responsibility for planning for Brexit (please state “yes” or “no”)
2. Please list:
a. The dates that this body met between 1st April 2018 and 7th November 2018
b. The members of this body and their job titles

3. Please supply:
c. The minutes of all meetings held by this body between 1st April 2018 and 7th November 2018
d. Any extracts from minutes of Trust board meetings held between 1st April 2018 and 7th November 2018 that relate to Brexit

4. Please supply any current risk assessment for the Trust related to Brexit

5. Please supply any correspondence on Brexit between the Trust and NHS England

Download response Brexit Preparedness. 151118

CCTV emails. 110422.docx

1. Please provide me with the contents of any email messages sent or received by Mr Mark Holland (General Manager, Pathology) via his NHS/Trust email account between 01/01/19 and 31/12/19 which contains the word/phrase ‘CCTV’ either in the subject line or in the body text of the message.

2. Please provide me with the contents of any email messages sent or received by Dr Dominic Chambers (HTA designated individual) via his NHS/Trust email account between 01/01/19 and 31/12/19 which contains the word/phrase ‘CCTV’ either in the subject line or in the body text of the message.
CCTV emails. 110422.docx

Chief Executive Officers.131023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Please provide the number of Chief Executive Officers your Trust has had since 2010.
2. Please provide the shortest amount of time a Chief Executive Officer has served at your Trust since 2010 (or since you started recording this).

Chief Executive Officers.131023.docx

Chief of Staff role. 270721.docx

1. Do you have a Chief of Staff? If so, what band are they please? (you might have more than 1)
2. Do they have line management responsibilities (even just understanding if they manage a team or any individuals would be really helpful?
3. The final question is what team do they sit in / job title might help with this – are they Chief of Staff in a particular office?

Download response Chief of Staff role. 270721.docx

Chief People Officer details.290524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
The name and best contact details for your Chief People Officer:
1. Contact name
2. Email address
3. Best contact number

Chief People Officer details.290524.docx

Clinical Division Structure Charts. 270619

Please could you respond with your most up-to-date Organisation Structure Chart to show the Trust’s clinical divisions and management (clinical and non-clinical) including names, job titles and contact details where possible?

Should you not have an Organisation Structure Chart ready and available for 2019 please send a chart for 2018 instead?

Download response Clinical Division Structure Charts. 270619

Clinical Insourcing. 260220

1. Total spend on the use of clinical insourcing (not agency/locum or outsourcing) in the current 2019/20 financial year to date. Please state number of periods (i.e. 9 months).
2. Total spend on the use of clinical insourcing (not agency/locum or outsourcing) in the 2018/19 financial year.
3. Total spend on the use of clinical insourcing (not agency/locum or outsourcing) in the 2017/18 financial year.
4. Total spend on the use of clinical insourcing (not agency/locum or outsourcing) in the 2016/17 financial year.
5. Total spend on the use of clinical insourcing (not agency/locum or outsourcing) in the 2015/16 financial year.

Download response Clinical Insourcing. 260220

Clinical negligence claims in the maternity sector.041022.docx

Please provide me with an annual breakdown of the total number successful clinical negligence claims made against the trust in the maternity sector and the total value of the damages paid out in the maternity sector, broken down at a site-level.

I am specifically requesting the information at a site-level, not at the trust-level. That means the data you provide should be broken down by individual sites – e.g. separate data for a hospital the trust manages, as well as a midwife-led unit.

Please indicate if a site is a midwife-led unit i.e. freestanding from a hospital.

Please provide this data for the latest five years for which it is available.

Clinical negligence claims in the maternity sector.041022.docx

Collaboration with Chinese organisations.141122.docx

1. Please provide me with details of any placements, secondments or other work, training or study-related collaboration undertaken at your organisation in the last five years with organisations based in China.
2. Please provide the date the collaboration started and ended, the name of the organisation, which department the collaboration was related to and (if applicable) the names of any of the Chinese organisation’s staff members who worked/undertook training/took part in secondments etc at your organisation for any period of time.

Collaboration with Chinese organisations.141122.docx

Commercial clinical trials. 170322.docx

Specifically, can you tell me how many commercial clinical trials have been taking place in this hospital trust during 2021?
This could be completed trials, or trials that are ongoing. When I say “commercial trials”, I mean trials that are funded or sponsored by a commercial company such as a pharmaceutical company.

Commercial clinical trials. 170322.docx

Commercial clinical trials.170323.docx

Specifically, can you tell me how many commercial clinical trials have been taking place in this hospital trust during the calendar year of 2022?
This could be completed trials, or trials that are ongoing. When I say “commercial trials”, I mean trials that are funded or sponsored by a commercial company such as a pharmaceutical company.

Commercial clinical trials.170323.docx

Committee Meeting Minutes.171022.docx

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the latest Meeting Minutes of your 5 different committees.
Could you please provide the latest meeting minutes for;
1) Quality Committee,
2) The Drugs, Therapeutics and Medicines Management Committee,
3) Medicines Optimisation Group,
4) Medication Safety Group,
5) Non-Medical Prescribing and Patient Group Direction Group at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust?

Committee Meeting Minutes.171022.docx

Communications. 080422.docx

How many patients in total is your trust responsible for
1. What is the total number of letters you post a year
2. Which Postal carrier(s) do you use?
a. Royal Mail Yes / No
b. Whistl Yes / No
c. UKMail Yes / No
d. Other (please specify)
a. What percentage of your patient letters are sent 1st Class?
b. What percentage of your patient letters are sent 2nd Class (or equivalent)?
4. Do you still use franking machines? Yes/No
a. If Yes, who is the manufacturer of your franking machines?
b. Pitney Bowes Yes/No
c. Quadient Yes/No
d. Other (please specify)?
5. Do you use Hybrid mail to send patient letters
If Yes,
a. What percentage of your total postal volumes (question 1) are sent via hybrid mail?
b. what is the name of your hybrid mail supplier?
c. What framework did you use to procure hybrid mail?
d. When was the contract signed?
e. What is the duration (Term) of the contract?
6. Do you currently use a Patient portal or App for some or all of your patient communications?
a. If Yes, who is the supplier of your web portal or App technology?
b. When did you first implement your patient portal or App technology (Year/Month)?
c. How many patients have registered to use your patient portal or App?
d. How many letters a year are currently being sent via your web portal or App?
7. Do you currently use Email to communicate with your patients?
a. If yes, who supplies your email service?
b. How many emails do you send to patients a year?
c. What is the cost of each email communication?
8. Do you currently use SMS to communicate with your Patients?
a. If yes, who supplies your email service?
b. How many emails do you send to patients a year?
c. What is the cost of each email communication?
9. Who has responsibility for digital transformation in your organisation?
Email Address:
10. Who is responsible for your post room (i.e. who is your post room manager?
Email Address:
11. Who is the Director of IT in your organisation?
Email Address:
12. Who is the procurement manager responsible for print and post solutions in your organisation?
Email Address:

Communications. 080422.docx

Communications and Public Relations Spend.210324.docx

Please provide your total spend on communications and public relations for the last three financial year’s (20/21,21/22,22/23). For each year I would like a breakdown containing the following information:
1. Spend on communications and public relations activities.
2. Total number of communications and public relations employees.
3. Total salary cost for all communications and public relations employees

Communications and Public Relations Spend.210324.docx

Communications & Services. 101221.docx

Telephony and UC/ Collaboration
1. Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place
2. When was the installation date of your telephony equipment?
3. When is your contract renewal date?
4. Who maintains your telephony system(s)?
5. Please confirm the value of the initial project
6. Please confirm the total ongoing annual spend on telephony
7. Please confirm the annual support cost for your telephony system
8. Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools, if so which ones?

Contact Centre
1. Please confirm the manufacturer of your contact centre system(s) that are currently in place?
2. When was the installation date of your contact centre infrastructure?
3. When is your contract renewal date?
4. Who maintains your contact centre system(s)?
5. Please confirm value of the initial project?
6. Please confirm the value of annual support/maintenance services (in £)? And overall annual spend for the contact centre
7. How many contact centre agents do you have?
8. Do agents work from home? Or just your offices?
9. Do you use a CRM in the contact centre? What platform is used?
10. Do you use a knowledge base / knowledge management platform? What platform is used?

Connectivity and Network Services
1. Who provides your WAN and internet connectivity and the annual spend on each
2. Have you, or do you plan to deploy SD Wan services
3. Have you got SIP trunks, if so who from and confirm annual spend?
4. Please confirm who provides your LAN, WIFI and Security infrastructure
5. Please confirm your annual spend on each
6. Please confirm your data centre switching and security infrastructure and have you deployed cloud based security and threat management

1. How many employees do you have overall within your organisation?
2. Can you provide contact details for your procurement lead / category manager for these services?
3. Can you provide names and contact details for the following people within your organisation?
• CIO / IT Director
• Head of IT
• Head of Digital Transformation
• Head of Customer services

Download response Communications & Services. 101221.docx

Core and escalation beds. 100519

1. How many core and escalation beds did the trust have open and occupied during the 35 days following 3rd March 2019?
2. How many core and escalation beds did the trust have open and occupied during the 35 days following 4th March 2018?

Download response Core and escalation beds. 100519

Corporate Departments. 311019

1. Do you have a corporate affairs department? If so – could you please send a structure chart or, if not, details of what disciplines are included within that department e.g. Legal Services/Communications etc.
2. Do you have a corporate governance department? If so – could you please send a structure chart or, if not, details of what disciplines are included within that department e.g. Legal Services/Communications etc.

Download response Corporate Departments. 311019

Corporate Risk Register.290923.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I’m working on a health data story looking at risks in hospitals, and I wondered if you could help me out with a quick request.

I’ve been searching on your website for your trust’s risk register but can’t seem to find it – it’s supposed to be a publicly available document – it’s probably up there somewhere but it would be great if you could send me over the latest version if possible!

Corporate Risk Register.290923.docx

Corporate roles. 270619

Please could you provide the data in the attached and send back to this email address.

For each corporate directorate I am collating information about job titles, banding, WTE (staff in post and vacancy), number of direct reports of that post; for all Band 8A posts to VSM positions.

The table in the excel document outlines this in more detail. Where some roles do not align to the corporate functions stated in the first column please still include them as a separate line. It’s important all roles which are positioned in a corporate service are stated.

Download response Corporate roles. 270619

Cost Improvement Plan. 181218

I would like to request information about the trust’s saving mentioned below:
• Cost Improvement Plan % (2018-19 and 2017-18)
• Cost Improvement Plan Total (2018-19 and 2017-18)

Download response Cost Improvement Plan. 181218

Cost Improvement Programme (CIP). 031121.docx

We are trying to seek the figures for the CIPs that were delivered for 2020-21.

Download response Cost Improvement Programme (CIP). 031121.docx

Cost Improvement Programme (CIP). 221119

I would like to request some financial information under the freedom of information laws – around the trust’s cost improvement programmes over the last ten years.
We have attached a spreadsheet to fill in with the request numbers.
For the avoidance of doubt, we are requesting the Cost Improvement Programme figures under the same definition through which the trust submits data to NHS Improvement.
1. Cost improvement plan (£)
a. of which non-recurrent (£)
b. of which Income Generation (£)
2. Cost improvement plan (% of expenditure)

Download response  Cost Improvement Programme (CIP). 221119

Cost of the PFI hospital bed per day. 031019

You asked:

2. How much is the Trust paying for the PFI hospital per bed per day?

Download response Cost of the PFI hospital bed per day. 031019

Cremation Forms. 060919

1. The number of “form 4” cremation forms completed by doctors at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in the 2018/2019 financial year
2. The number of “form 5” cremation forms completed by doctors at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in the 2018/2019 financial year
3. The total fees taken by doctors at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in the 2018/2019 financial year for cremation forms?

Download response Cremation Forms. 060919

Data Protection Officer.130622.docx

1. Do you have a post at your organisation that is entitled or encompasses roles associated with a Data Protection Officer?
2. If yes, please could you provide a current job description for that role.
3. If you are an NHS organisation, please could you also provide the detailed ‘Agenda for Change’ evaluation match analysis that supports the job description.

Data Protection Officer.130622.docx

Data protection officer. 221119

1. The name of your Data Protection Officer
2. Is your DPO an employee of your organisation
3. If not an employee are they privately contracted or contracted via a comply
4. If via a company the name of the company
5. The pay band of the DPO if employed by the Trust

Download response Data protection officer. 221119

Database of trust leaders. 03.07.20

1. Confirm whether the individuals mentioned in the table are correct in their specific roles.
2. Provide details for the missing ones. In case if the position is vacant please mention so.
3. If you have a very similar role but not the exact job title, please include details of the very similar role and individual. If you don’t have this role at all, please state N/A or “Don’t have the job title”.

Download response Database of trust leaders. 03.07.20

Database of trusts’ leaders. 180122.docx

Please could you provide us with details for the below leadership roles.
1. Confirm whether the individuals mentioned in the table are correct in their specific roles.
2. Provide details for the missing ones. In case if the position is vacant please mention so.
3. If you have a very similar role but not the exact job title, please include details of the very similar role and individual. If you don’t have this role at all, please state N/A or “Don’t have the job title”.

Download response Database of trusts’ leaders. 180122.docx

Deed of trust.090922.docx

Please send to me by return a copy of the deed of trust for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.

Deed of trust.090922.docx

Deed of trust for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.230922.docx

As an artificial person, a term which defines Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in law, it must have an internal constitution. In a private limited liability company this would be its Articles of Association. As Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust I would have expected the legal document setting out what it can and cannot do in law to be described as its Deed Of Trust. You have stated in writing that Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust does not have a deed of trust. The obligation is therefore on Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust to stop playing games and to send to me by return the legal documents setting out the internal governance of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.

Deed of trust for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.230922.docx

Designated emergency and disaster management coordinator.090622.docx

With regard to a designated emergency and disaster management coordinator:

1. I am requesting any record of whether a specific staff member (such as an EPRR manager) is currently designated as having responsibility for emergency and disaster management. (Can be answered yes / no.)

2. If a specific staff member is currently designated as having responsibility for emergency and disaster management then what whole time equivalent of their time is devoted to emergency and disaster management? (Can be answered with a whole time equivalent.)

Designated emergency and disaster management coordinator.090622.docx

Directors. 200219

Under the freedom of information act please could provide with the name and email address of the person that holds the following position within your trust:
• Chief Information Officer
• IT Director
• Operations Director
• Chief Operating Officer
• Operations Service Manager
• Director of Administration
• IT Service Manager
• Medical Director

Download response Directors. 200219

Director’s portfolios. 160621

1. The name job title, and email address of the person within your Trust that holds the job title or responsibility for:
Director of Performance
2. The name job title, and email address of the person within your Trust that holds the job title or responsibility for:
Director of Quality

Download response Director’s portfolios. 160621

Emergency Department Floor Plans.310123.docx

The thesis is to generate hospital architectural floor planning with artificial intelligence, especially for emergency areas. In this context, I need the floor plans of the hospital emergency departments as data. The hospital floor plans that I want to collect as data are floor plans of emergency departments of NHS hospitals in the UK. That’s why I’m writing to you.
Could you please share with me the floor plans of the emergency area of your hospitals? It can be any jpeg, cad file or screenshot. Whichever file format you see fit. I would be pleased if you could share it.

Emergency Department Floor Plans.310123.docx

Employment tribunals and non-disclosure agreements.080823.docx

Between 2017 and 2023 (or the latest available date), please provide yearly figures for the below:
1) The number of employment tribunal claims made by members of staff against the trust each year.
2) The number of employment tribunal claims in which the trust was the losing party.
3) How much the trust has paid in compensation each year following employment tribunals.
4) The number of non-disclosure agreements (to also include terms such as settlement agreements, confidentiality agreements, etc.) between the trust and members of staff each year, including full- and part-time employees, agency, interim and contracted staff.
5) How much has been spent on non-disclosure agreements (to also include terms such as settlement agreements, confidentiality agreements, etc.) between the trust and members of staff each year, including full- and part-time employees, agency, interim and contracted staff.

Employment tribunals and non-disclosure agreements.080823.docx

EPPR contact details.220223.docx

I am writing to request a contact e-mail address for the Trust’s Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response staff in order that I can discuss seeking further information for my study from them.

EPPR contact details.220223.docx

EPRR Communication and information management.130922.docx

Communication and information management
Emergency internal and external communication
1. Any record that switchboard operators have received training in the emergency response plan(s) with regard to emergency communications. (Can be answered yes / no.)
2. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of switchboard with regard to emergency communications. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
External stakeholder directory
3. Any record of the existence of a current directory of contact information of external stakeholders and emergency support services available to any Incident Coordination Centre staff, switchboard operators and other key hospital staff in an emergency. (Can be answered yes / no.)
4. Any record of when the directory was most recently updated. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Procedures for communicating with the public and media
5. Any record of the existence of current procedure(s) for communicating with the public and media in case of an emergency or disaster. (Can be answered yes / no.)
6. Any record of whether spokespersons have received specific media training. (Can be answered yes / no.)
7. The date(s) of the most recent exercise(s) to test the above procedure(s). (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Management of patient information
8. Any record of the existence of procedures to ensure continuity of medical record-keeping, timely access to patient data, secure storage of confidential information and back up procedures in the event of an emergency. (Can be answered yes / no.)
9. Any record of whether personnel have received training in such procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
10. Any record of whether resources are in place for implementation of such procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)

EPRR Communication and information management.130922.docx

EPRR Coordination of emergency and disaster management activities.300522.docx

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request the following information. This information relates to the NHS England Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) Framework in general and section 10, “Cycle of preparedness”, section 13, “Concepts of command and control” and section 14, “NHS command and control”, in particular.

Please note that the much of the information requested is only the records of the existence of committee membership, a meeting, training and responsibilities, and activities, list(s), procedures, mechanisms, arrangements and exercises and not the contents of the membership, meeting, training, responsibilities, activities, list(s), procedures, mechanisms, arrangements and exercises themselves.

Given the potentially sensitive nature of this information, I ask you to redact any exempt information instead of refusing disclosure. This would be in accordance with guidance on best practice from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you do not hold some of this information then I ask you to confirm explicitly that you do not hold it.

Coordination of emergency and disaster management activities

Hospital Emergency / Disaster Committee
Any record of the current existence of a multi-departmental and multidisciplinary committee to coordinate EPRR measures. If such a committee exists then any record of which departments and disciplines are represented on it and the date the committee most recently met.

Committee member responsibilities and training
If such a committee above exists then any record that committee members have received training for their role on the committee and any record that committee members have been assigned specific responsibilities.

Designated emergency and disaster management coordinator
Any record of the current existence of a hospital emergency / disaster management coordinator. If such a co-ordinator exists then any record of what whole time equivalent of their time is devoted to emergency and disaster management.

Preparedness programme for strengthening emergency and disaster response and recovery

Any record that activities to strengthen EPRR have been implemented in the past 12 months.

Hospital incident management system
Any record of the current existence of list(s) of key personnel roles in a hospital incident management system for the command, control and coordination in an emergency or disaster response. If such list(s) exists then any record of the existence of corresponding key personnel role action procedure documents.

Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
Any record of the current existence of a designated Incident Coordination Centre. If such an Incident Coordination Centre exists then any record of whether it has full immediate operational capacity in an emergency.

Coordination mechanisms and cooperative arrangements with local emergency / disaster management agencies
Any record of the existence of current formal co-ordination or co-operation mechanisms or arrangements between the Trust and emergency/disaster management agencies (e.g. local authorities, police services, fire and rescue services, civil society organisations) in order to support Trust functions in time of emergency or disaster.

If such mechanisms or arrangements above exist then any record of the most recent exercise(s) to test them, including date(s) of exercise(s).

Coordination mechanisms and cooperative arrangements with the healthcare network
Any record of the existence of current formal co-ordination or co-operation mechanisms or arrangements between the Trust and other healthcare providers in order to support Trust functions in time of emergency or disaster.

If such mechanisms or arrangements above exist then any record of the most recent exercise(s) to test them, including date(s) of exercise(s).

EPRR Coordination of emergency and disaster management activities.300522.docx

EPRR Exercise dates.250624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. The date of the Trust’s own most recent communications systems exercise. I am not requesting the date of any communications systems exercise initiated by another organisation.
2. The date of the most recent table-top exercise.
3. The date of the most recent live play exercise. I am aware the NHS EPRR Framework states that if an organisation activates its plan then this replaces the need to run a live exercise “providing lessons are identified and logged and an action plan developed”. Nevertheless I request the date of the most recent live play exercise, not activation of the plan.
4. The date of the most recent command post exercise. I am aware the NHS EPRR Framework states that if an organisation activates its Incident Coordination Centre then this replaces the need to run command post exercise “providing lessons are identified and logged and an action plan developed”. Nevertheless I request the date of the most recent command post exercise, not activation of the ICC.
5. The date of the most recent Incident Coordination Centre equipment test.

EPRR Exercise dates.250624.docx

EPRR Human Resources.111122.docx

Human resources
Staff contact list
1. Any record of the existence of a current contact list of all hospital personnel which is available and is accessible to hospital administrators and staff of any Incident Coordination Centre. (Can be answered yes / no.)
2. The date(s) of the most recent update(s) of such a contact list. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Mobilization and recruitment of personnel during an emergency or disaster
3. Any record of the existence of procedure(s) for the mobilization of existing on-duty and off-duty staff to meet surge capacity needs of clinical and support services in response to emergencies or disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
4. Any record of the existence of procedure(s) for recruitment and training of extra personnel and volunteers to meet surge capacity needs of clinical and support services in response to emergencies or disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
5. Any record of the existence of emergency rosters of staff who can be mobilised to meet surge capacity needs of clinical and support services in response to emergencies or disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
Duties assigned to personnel for emergency or disaster response and recovery
6. Any record of whether all key personnel in any hospital incident management system for command, control and coordination in an emergency or disaster response have received training in incident management. (Can be answered yes / no.)
7. If such training is received then any record of whether training or an exercise has been conducted for all such key personnel at least annually. (Can be answered yes / no.)
Well-being of hospital personnel during an emergency or disaster
8. Any record of the existence of designated spaces and available measures for hospital personnel to rest, sleep, eat, drink, observe faith-based practices and meet personal needs during an emergency. (Can be answered yes / no.)
9. Any record of for how long these measures can be sustained. (Can be answered in hours or days.)

EPRR Human Resources.111122.docx

EPRR Logistics.191222.docx

Agreements with local suppliers and vendors for emergencies and disasters
1. Any record of agreements (e.g. memoranda of understanding, mutual aid agreements) with local suppliers, vendors and utility companies / agencies to ensure procurement and delivery of essential medications, equipment and supplies during times of shortage or increased demand, as in the case of emergencies and disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)

EPRR Logistics.191222.docx

EPRR Patient care and support services.050423.docx

Patient care and support services
Continuity of essential clinical support services
1. Any record of whether procedures exist to ensure operational continuity of essential clinical support or ancillary services (e.g. laboratory, radiology, pharmacy) during emergencies and disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
2. Any record of whether staff have been trained in the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
3. Any record of whether resources to implement the above procedures can be mobilized at all times. (Can be answered yes / no.)
Expansion of usable space for mass casualty incidents
4. Any record of whether procedures and resources exist to expand space and provide access to extra beds in mass casualty incidents. (Can be answered yes / no.)
5. Any record of whether staff have been trained in the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
6. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of the above procedures. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Triage for major emergencies and disasters
7. Any record of whether space has been designated and procedures exist to carry out triage during emergencies and disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
8. Any record of whether staff have been trained in the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
9. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of the above procedures. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Triage tags for mass casualty incidents
10. Any record the existence of triage tags for mass casualty incidents. (Can be answered yes / no.)
System for referral, transfer and reception of patients
11. Any record of whether procedures exist for the reception, referral and transfer of patients to and from other health facilities within and outside the geographical area where the hospital is located during emergencies and disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
12. Any record of whether staff have been trained in the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
13. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of the above procedures. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Infection surveillance, prevention and control procedures
14. Any record of whether procedures exist for infection prevention and control during emergencies and disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
15. Any record of whether staff have been trained in the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
16. Any record of whether resources are available for implementation of the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
Psychosocial services
17. Any record of whether procedures exist for provision of psychosocial support, assessment and treatment services to patients, families and staff during emergencies and disasters. (Can be answered yes / no.)
18. Any record of whether staff have been trained in the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)
19. Any record of whether resources are available for implementation of the above procedures. (Can be answered yes / no.)

EPRR Patient care and support services.050423.docx

EPRR Planning.250822.docx

Hospital emergency and disaster response and recovery planning
Hospital emergency or disaster response plan
1. Any record of how the plan(s) is to be accessed in an emergency.
2. The date(s) of the most recent review(s) or update(s) of the plan(s). (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Hospital hazard-specific subplans (for example CBRN)
3. Any record of the existence of current documented hazard-specific response subplans for the most likely external and internal emergency scenarios. (Can be answered yes / no.)
4. Any record of how the plans are to be accessed.
5. The date(s) of the most recent review(s) or update(s) of the plan(s). (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Procedures to activate and deactivate plans
6. Any record of the existence of current procedures for when, how and by whom emergency response plan(s) are activated and de-activated. (Can be answered yes / no.)
7. Any record that staff who can activate or de-activate the emergency response plan(s) have been trained in this. (Can be answered yes / no.)
8. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of the above procedures. (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Hospital emergency and disaster response plan exercises, evaluation and corrective actions
9. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of the emergency response plan(s), including date(s) of test(s). (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
10. Any record that the emergency response plan(s) have been updated because of the results of tests. (Can be answered yes / no.)
Hospital recovery plan
11. Any record of the existence of a current documented all-hazards hospital recovery plan or plans that define(s) actions to be taken to recover normal functions of the hospital after an emergency or disaster. (Can be answered yes / no.)
12. Any record of how the plan(s) is to be accessed.
13. The date of the most recent review(s) or update(s) of the plan(s). (Can be answered with a date or dates.)

EPRR Planning.250822.docx

Equality, diversity and inclusion. 061020

1. How many members of staff in your trust or group have any of the words “equality”, “diversity” or “inclusion” in their job title?
2. How many members of staff of your trust or group have received unconscious bias training in each of the last five years?

Download response Equality, diversity and inclusion. 061020

EU exit preparation. 270619

1. Have you appointed a senior responsible officer for EU Exit preparation? If so, who is it and what is their existing job title with the trust?
2. All NHS trusts and foundation trusts have been asked to undertake internal reviews/self-assessments of purchased consumables, goods and services (non-clinical) to understand any risks to operations if there is disruption in supply in the event of a no-deal EU exit. Please send your trust’s review/self-assessment.
3. All NHS trusts and foundation trusts were asked to assess whether your organisation has incurred a reduction in the number of EU nationals in your workforce before the UK leaves the EU. Please confirm if you have carried out this assessment, and if you have please send the assessment.
4. All NHS trusts and foundation trusts were told to undertake local risk assessments to identify any staff groups or services that may be vulnerable if there is a shortfall of EU nationals. Please confirm if you have carried out such assessments, and if you have please send the assessments.

Download response EU exit preparation. 270619

EU exit preparation. 270619

1. Have you appointed a senior responsible officer for EU Exit preparation? If so, who is it and what is their existing job title with the trust?
2. All NHS trusts and foundation trusts have been asked to undertake internal reviews/self-assessments of purchased consumables, goods and services (non-clinical) to understand any risks to operations if there is disruption in supply in the event of a no-deal EU exit. Please send your trust’s review/self-assessment.
3. All NHS trusts and foundation trusts were asked to assess whether your organisation has incurred a reduction in the number of EU nationals in your workforce before the UK leaves the EU. Please confirm if you have carried out this assessment, and if you have please send the assessment.
4. All NHS trusts and foundation trusts were told to undertake local risk assessments to identify any staff groups or services that may be vulnerable if there is a shortfall of EU nationals. Please confirm if you have carried out such assessments, and if you have please send the assessments.

Download response EU exit preparation. 270619 

Events organised by the staff networks.130123.docx

Please include the information for the current financial year, 2022/23 (to the present)
1. A list of the events organised by the staff networks
2. Full details of each event, including which network ran/hosted the event, the start and end time, the date, whether it was held online or in-person, the length, the topic and/or title, the number of attendees (if held) and the speaker (if possible)

Events organised by the staff networks.130123.docx

External well led review. 300720

I would like to put in in place a freedom of information request to this trust regarding your last external well led review,
1. Could you tell me when it happened (MM/YY)?
2. Who was commissioned to undertake it?
3. What was the cost of it?

Download response External well led review. 300720

Fatigue and Facilities Charter. 081119

1. Can you confirm your Trust has adopted the Fatigue and Facilities Charter?
2. And can you confirm that you have a nominated employer representative for dealing with fatigue and facilities?

Download response Fatigue and Facilities Charter. 081119

Financial interests register for 2019 and 2020. 180920

Please could you provide a copy or link to the register of financial interests register for 2019 and 2020?

Download response Financial interests register for 2019 and 2020. 180920

Finished consultant episodes.261023.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I am requesting data for the number of cases (finished consultant episodes) comprising both, inpatient admissions and day cases (including Maternity and Adult Critical Care where applicable) for each hospital in your trust. Please note this data should be supplied for each individual hospital and not amalgamated at trust level.
Please supply this data by year for the past 5 years (preferably in calendar years rather than financial years 2022, 2021,2020,2019,2018).
Please format the data as follows:
1.Hospital name and its Postcode, Year, all ICD 10 codes from A-Q inclusive (primary diagnosis codes, one primary diagnosis per finished consultant episode) each listed individually to 4 characters (letter followed by 3 numbers) with its corresponding number of cases.
2.Hospital name and its Postcode, Year, all OPCS codes (main operation and procedure codes) each listed individually to 4 characters (letter followed by 3 numbers) with its corresponding number of cases.
In case of zero cases corresponding lines for ICD 10 and OPCS codes can be omitted.
Supplied data should obey small numbers policy (cases below 5 are marked with an Asterix or ≤), be non-sensitive and anonymised.

Finished consultant episodes.261023.docx

Freshwater communications agency.211223.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I would like to request the amount paid to Freshwater (the communications agency) for work related to the David Fuller case.

Please give the dates of first and last payments, and indicate whether such payments are expected to continue.

Freshwater communications agency.211223.docx

Gifts and Hospitality. 071118

I would like a breakdown for the last two years (e.g. April 2016 to March 2018, or calendar years if appropriate to your organisation), items which have been logged on your organisation’s gifts and hospitality register by staff.
I request the following details:
– Date item was declared
– Description of item
– Reason for the gift/hospitality
– Value
– Whether the item was accepted or declined
– Role of staff member the gift was received by, e.g. nurse, Agenda for Change band 5 or above, or doctor, foundation year 1 and above.
Additionally, does your organisation have a monetary limit on gifts (i.e. gifts worth under £50 are allowed) and can cash gifts ever be permitted?

Download response Gifts and Hospitality. 071118

Gifts and hospitality.241218

1. Please provide me with your full registers covering all interests of, and gifts, hospitality, or sponsorship received by, staff members, or employees of your organisation, or your organisation, from January 1, 2014 to the present day.
2. Please provide me with a full list of all external events held on your organisation’s premises/ under your organisation’s auspices since January 1, 2014, along with the name of the external organiser of the event, and any sponsors of that event.

Download response Gifts and hospitality.241218

Gifts and hospitality. 241218

1. Please provide me with your full registers covering all interests of, and gifts, hospitality, or sponsorship received by, staff members, or employees of your organisation, or your organisation, from January 1, 2014 to the present day.
2. Please provide me with a full list of all external events held on your organisation’s premises/ under your organisation’s auspices since January 1, 2014, along with the name of the external organiser of the event, and any sponsors of that event.

Download response Gifts and hospitality. 241218

Guardian of Safe Working.080822.docx

I’m writing to request the name and contact email address of your Trust’s Guardian of Safe Working (or similar).

Guardian of Safe Working.080822.docx

Head of Mental Health and HR Exec Director.300322.docx

“A) Name and Email address of the current Head / Lead Mental Health Commissioner for the Public (this is the person who is in charge of providing mental Health Support to the public).
B) Name and Email for HR’s Executive Director ”

Head of Mental Health and HR Exec Director.300322.docx

HIV, Aids, Hepatitis and Haemophilia. 070918

I am writing to request under the freedom of information act any/all copies of administrative correspondence, letters and/or any other documentation including minutes of meetings etc. that mention or relate to:

HIV / AIDS or Hepatitis, AND, Haemophilia / Haemophiliacs during the period January 1st 1988 – December 31st 1991.

Download response HIV, Aids, Hepatitis and Haemophilia. 070918

Hospital emergency or disaster response plan.230922.docx

The questions on your original request to be reviewed are as follows:
Hospital emergency or disaster response plan
1. How the plan(s) is to be accessed in an emergency. (Can be answered with locations in general terms such as wards, departments, laboratories etc but I am not requesting any information that would prejudice security or the prevention of crime. To date over 50 NHS acute Trusts have provided locations in general terms in reply to similar requests.)
Hospital hazard-specific subplans (for example CBRN)
4. How the subplans are to be accessed in an emergency. (Can be answered with locations in general terms such as wards, departments, laboratories etc but I am not requesting any information that would prejudice security or the prevention of crime. To date over 50 NHS acute Trusts have provided locations in general terms in reply to similar requests.)
Hospital emergency and disaster response plan exercises, evaluation and corrective actions
9. The date(s) of the most recent test(s) of the emergency response plan(s). (Can be answered with a date or dates.)
Hospital recovery plan
12. How the plan(s) is to be accessed. (Can be answered with locations in general terms such as wards, departments, laboratories etc but I am not requesting any information that would prejudice security or the prevention of crime. To date over 50 NHS acute Trusts have provided locations in general terms in reply to similar requests.)

Hospital emergency or disaster response plan.230922.docx

Hospital level data.030223.docx

1. Number of Trust Staff (FTE)
Per month – 2021
Average – 2021
2. Patients / Attendances
Per quarter 2021/2022
Daily Ave 2021/2022
Monthly Ave 2021/2022
3. Bed Numbers
Per quarter 2021/2022
Ave 2021/2022

Hospital level data.030223.docx

HR outsourcing. 041120


Core HR
Workforce benefits team
HR Leadership and Business Partners
HR policy governance & development
Absence management
Employee relations
Workforce planning
Job evaluation
Personnel file management
Registration maintenance
Occupational Health & Wellbeing
Temporary Staffing
Medical Staffing
Workforce Information & Analytics
Maintenance & reporting of information from ESR
Set up and maintain all position data and associated ledger code/assignment of AfC/Medical & Dental terms and conditions.
Maintenance of workforce information databases
Processing, analysing and reporting workforce data
Needs analysis
Course catalogue development
Learning management system
Knowledge management
Course commissioning/delivery
e-learning material development
Statutory mandatory training
General training
Nurse & medical education & induction
Staff survey
Performance management
Organisational change
Equality & diversity
Leadership & team development
HR specific systems
Systems (including licences, purchase and annual support and maintenance) to deliver the HR function (e.g. remote access tools, TRAC recruitment)
Designated software support staff associated with these systems
Expenses reimbursement
Expenses processing
Expenses Software
Production of P11D forms

Download response HR outsourcing. 041120

Impact of industrial action.070823.docx

I am writing to the request, under the Freedom of Information Act, a copy of any analysis your trust has made of the impact that industrial action this year has had, or is likely to have, of the trusts ability to meets its elective recovery targets.

Impact of industrial action.070823.docx

Infection control testing. 020818

1. Do you routinely carry out point of care tests for bacterial and viral infections?
2. In what scenarios do you use point of care testing?
3. What is the average length of time taken for results of point of care tests for bacterial and viral infections to be delivered?
4. Which bacterial or viral infections do you test for specifically? a) MRSA, b) C.diff, c) E.coli, d) CPE, e) any others?

Download response Infection control testing. 020818

Infection Prevention and Control Team.170322.docx

1. Structure of acute Infection Prevention and Control Team
2. Management structure of acute Infection Prevention and Control Team.
3. Agenda for Change bandings and roles of acute Infection Prevention and Control Team
4. Operational hours, out of hours provision and on-call arrangements of the acute Infection Prevention and Control Service.
5. Daily staffing numbers e.g. sample rota to show daily staffing levels of Infection Prevention and Control Team.

Infection Prevention and Control Team.170322.docx

InPhase Oversight DPIA.220323.docx

Please provide me with a copy of the Trust’s InPhase Oversight data protection impact assessment.

Please provide this redacted as required if you believe releasing security related information may fall under an FOI exemption.

InPhase Oversight DPIA.220323.docx

Integrated Care Partnership Provider (ICP) or Provider Collaborative. 230321

1. Is your Trust working within an Integrated Care Partnership/Provider (ICP) or Provider Collaborative?
2. If YES, then please provide answers to the following additional questions:
a) What is the name of the ICP?
b) What other organisations are members of the ICP?
c) Who at your Trust sits on the ICP Board?

Download response Integrated Care Partnership Provider (ICP) or Provider Collaborative. 230321

Internal magazines at the Trust.160522.docx

This is an information request relating to internal magazines at the Trust.
Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:
1. Any expenditure on any internal magazine produced by the Trust. Please breakdown expenditure by year
2. Copies of the magazine
3. Any income received from the production of the magazine, for example through advertising

Internal magazines at the Trust.160522.docx

Intranet Information. 170122.docx

1. How many people are employed by your organisation, including full time and part time?
2. What is your current intranet solution? (Sharepoint, WordPress, Interact, Invotra, Oak etc)
3. How long have you been using this intranet solution?
4. When is your intranet contract up for renewal?
5. What is your annual intranet budget?
6. What is your procurement process? Please can you include any portals used to list tenders and/or
7. any suppliers used to procure.
8. Do you share intranet/IT services with other organisations, if so who?
9. Which team and/or individual(s) are responsible for managing your intranet internally?
10. Are you using the Office 365 suite? If so, which applications from the suite are in use?
11. Which team and/or individual(s) are responsible for your intranet’s procurement within the organisation?
12. Is your Active Directory hosted on-premise, or in the cloud?
13. Could you provide us with a link to your Digital Workplace Strategy?

Download response Intranet Information. 170122.docx

Job planning and third party suppliers. 101120

1. Please fill in the below table to report which staffing groups have job plans assigned across the organisation and the % of organisation that has it rolled out (in this instance, please include all methods of job planning, whether that be e-forms, third party solutions, or paper based/excel)
Third Party Contract Information
2. Does the organisation use an external supplier to manage job planning?
3. If so, which supplier does the organisation use?
4. What was your reason for selecting the job planning supplier? (For example, was it associated to price, functionality/quality or other NHS users?)
5. What was the annual cost to the third party in 18/19?
6. Please can you provide the contract start and end date?
7. Did the organisation procure the supplier via a framework? If so, which framework?
8. What % of the third-party job planning system has been rolled out across the trust?
9. Does the job planning system integrate with other third-party systems? (Such as revalidation/appraisal, rostering, training solutions or temporary staff management systems) If so, please list all systems
10. Has the organisation realised any quantifiable benefits from utilising the job planning system? For example, monetary savings, staff survey results etc.

Download response Job planning and third party suppliers. 101120

Joint working arrangements with private companies. 070119

By joint working I mean situations in which the NHS and private sector companies work together (for instance, by providing expertise, staff, and other resources) on the development or implementation of specific projects.

This is in line with definitions used by NHS England and the Department of Health. What distinguishes joint working other relationships (such as procurement, sponsorships, grants or donations) is that joint working describes a collaborative relationship in which the creation of responsibility for projects is shared.

A document issued by NHS England, the DH, and the ABPI provides the following definition: “Joint working describes situations where, for the benefit of patients, NHS and industry organisations pool skills, experience and/or resources for the joint development and implementation of patient centred projects and share a commitment to successful delivery.” ( p. 4).

For the sake of absolute clarity, please could you confirm or deny whether the trust had any joint working arrangements with private companies in a) 2016 and b) 2017. This concerns, for example, arrangements that might have been in place before this time and were on-going during the period in question.

Download response Joint working arrangements with private companies. 070119

Key Business Systems. 141119

1. What is the total number of employees in your organisation?
2. What is the total annual £revenue for your organisation?
3. What is the total/average number of sub-contractors (non Payroll based service providers) utilised by your organisation p.a. (if this data is available)?
4. Who is your Head of Finance, email and title?
5. Who is your Head of Procurement, email and title?
6. Who is your Head of HR, email and title?
7. Who is your Head of Payroll, email and title?
8. Which software applications (and versions) are you running for:
A. Finance/ERP?
B. Procurement?
C. HR?
D. Payroll?
E. AI – Artificial Intelligence
F. RPA – Robotic Process Automation
9. How many users of the above systems are you licensed for?
10. Are any of the above applications Cloud based? If so, which?
11. Do you have an application support partner for any of the above applications, if so who?
12. How much do you pay annually for Finance/ERP/HR/Payroll software licence support?
13. How much do you pay annually for Artificial Intelligence or RPA?
14. How much do you pay annually for application Support & Maintenance and when does it renew?
15. Do you work with off-shore partners? If so, who?
16. Do you work with Systems Integration partners, if so, who?

Download response Key Business Systems. 141119

Leadership details.021122.docx

Please could you provide us with leader’s name for the below leadership roles.
• If you have a very similar role but not the exact job title, please include details of the very similar role and individual. If you don’t have this role at all, please state N/A or “Don’t have the job title”.
• Also, please you include the names and job titles of any of the board members that are not listed below.
Trust Name
Profile Type
Organisation Code
Job title
Chief executive
Director of Finance & Information
Medical director
Director of Nursing
Chief operating officer
Director of communications and marketing
Director of HR and OD
Chief people officer
Director of strategy and planning
Chief pharmacist
Director of Corporate Governance/Company Secretary/Board Secretary
Head of legal services
Lead director for procurement (procurement director)
PA to chief executive
Chief clinical information officer
Director of infection control
Head of estates
Chief information officers/IT director
Head of hotel services
Head of private patients
Head of sterile services
Head of facilities management

Leadership details.021122.docx

Leadership details. 130619

Please could you provide us with details for the below leadership roles.
1. Confirm whether the individuals mentioned in the table are correct in their specific roles.
2. Provide details for the missing ones. In case if the position is vacant please mention so.
3. If you have a very similar role but not the exact job title, please include details of the very similar role and individual. If you don’t have this role at all, please state N/A or “Don’t have the job title”.

Download response Leadership details. 130619

Leadership role staff details.220324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please could you provide us with the leader’s name for the below leadership roles.
If you have a very similar role but not the exact job title, please include details of the very similar role and individual. If you don’t have this role at all, please state N/A or “Don’t have the job title”.
Also, please include the names and job titles of any of the board members that are not listed below.
Job title
Chief executive
Director of Finance & Information
Medical director
Director of Nursing
Chief operating officer
Director of communications and marketing
Director of HR and OD
Chief people officer
Director of strategy and planning
Chief pharmacist
Director of Corporate Governance/Company Secretary/Board Secretary
Head of legal services
Lead director for procurement (procurement director)
PA to chief executive
Chief clinical information officer
Director of infection control
Head of estates
Chief information officers/IT director
Head of hotel services
Head of private patients
Head of sterile services
Head of facilities management

Leadership role staff details.220324.docx

LGBT+ funding. 171219

1) Where did the funding for the LGBT+ Rainbow Pedestrian Crossing come from?
2) Where did the funding for the LGBT+ Rainbow Flag Poles & Rainbow Flags come from?
3) Where did the funding for the LGBT+ Rainbow Badges come from?
4) Where did the funding for the LGBT+ Rainbow Multi Agency Conference Hosting come from?

Download response LGBT+ funding. 171219

LLP, Wholly owned subsidiary and PFI.100524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Do you have a LLP / Wholly owned subsidiary / PFI?
2. If yes, what is the name of the partnership? Please detail each, if more than one
3. When was this established? Please detail for each one
4. How long is this in place for? Please detail for each one
5. Is there a website for this organisation?
6. Is it a renewable arrangement and if so, what extension terms are agreed
7. What services are provided by this contract/LLP/subsidiary?
8. If there an agreed profit return back to the NHS?
9. As an NHS Trust, do you provide services back to the LLP? If so, what are these?

LLP, Wholly owned subsidiary and PFI.100524.docx

Management structure chart. 290819

Please can you provide under the Freedom of Information Act a full management structure chart for the Trust inclusive of all ‘Heads of Service,’ ‘Assistant Directors’ and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Download response Management structure chart. 290819


Critical Care

Acute venous thromboembolism (VTE).170322.docx

Acute management of Venous thromboembolism:
1. Confirm whether the Trust routinely prescribes direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in preference to low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and warfarin for the management of standard acute venous thromboembolism (VTE)?
2. Please provide a copy of the Trusts’ management policy on management of acute venous thromboembolism (VTE).
3. Does the Trust provide all patients with an unprovoked VTE a medical opinion from a thrombosis physician?
4. Does the Trust definition of an ‘unprovoked VTE’ include women using the combined oral contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
5. Do investigations after an unprovoked VTE follow NICE guidance?
6. Per week, how many clinics are devoted to seeing patients with VTE in the Trust?
7. How many full-time equivalents are employed by the Trust to provide thromboprophylaxis and care of thrombosis patients from?
a) Nursing
b) Pharmacists
c) Medical
8. Does the Trust routinely meet the 95% VTE Risk Assessment level required by NHS England?
9. Please provide the monthly percentage (admissions numbers/VTE risk assessments carried out) for VTE risk assessments carried across the Trust between 1st October 2021 – 31 December 2022.
10. Does the Trust have dedicated funding for a team ensuring VTE prevention occurs?
11. Please provide a copy of the Trust’s thromboprophylaxis protocols used to treat in-patients with COVID- 19 pneumonia.
Psychological care
12. Do VTE patients within the Trust have access to clinical psychological support?
13. How many sessions per week are provided by the Trust for VTE clinical psychological support?
Cancer-associated VTE
14. Does the Trust have a dedicated clinical lead for cancer associated thrombosis (CAT)?
15. Does a protocol exist for managing VTE in those with cancer?
16. Please provide a copy of the Trusts’ protocol for managing VTE in those with cancer.
VTE prevention and management in the community
17. Please provide copies of VTE care pathways developed to support community clinicians with regards to:
(i) Anticoagulation medication changes
(ii) Anticoagulation dosing.
18. Does the Trust have specific VTE guidance for:
(i) System wide protocols?
(ii) E-consultation facilities?
(iii) On call clinician to discuss problems and seek advice from?
19. Please provide copies of the Trust’s protocol documents for VTE prevention and management in
(i) System wide protocols
(ii) E-consultation facilities
(iii) On call clinician to discuss problems and seek advice from

Acute venous thromboembolism (VTE).170322.docx

Adult Dying and Deceased Patient Policy and Procedure and Bereavement procedures. 230821.docx

1] My question 2 was to supply email copies of appendices to the Adult Dying and Deceased Patient Policy and Procedure. The response was aimed at those using a windows-based computer system. I use a Mac so I was unable to access any of them. Please find a way for me to access the documents requested.

Not being able to access them and requesting them in a different format so that I can access them does not, in my view, constitute a DIFFERENT or FURTHER request. It is still the original request which was not met. Millions of people use Mac computers. A pdf format would, I believe, have allowed universal access, where the assumption of Windows use, automatically cuts out a whole swathe of the population.

2] In response to my question 5, point number 1, of the response, states that:

‘ On the day death notified to Bereavement, healthcare records are removed from the ward/unit, taken to bereavement for scanning ready for scrutiny by the Medical Examiner ‘

Then on the last page it states ” Previously and before the ME service started…’

A] I would like to know when the ME service started.
B] i. Did Bereavement use the scanning process of healthcare records in April/May 2020?
B] ii. If so, what system did they scan the healthcare records onto during April/May 2020?
B] iii. If not, then when did Bereavement start scanning healthcare records?

Download response Adult Dying and Deceased Patient Policy and Procedure and Bereavement procedures. 230821.docx

Adult Level three Critical Care beds.240522.docx

1. How many Adult Level three Critical Care beds do you currently have with an invasive ventilator?
2. How many of these are currently staffed and therefore available for use (either vacant or occupied)?
3. When considering relevant guidelines concerning these beds, how many have Carbon Dioxide (CO2) monitoring available for Invasively ventilated patients?
4. Thinking about the new (January 2022) NICE Guidelines concerning inhaled sedation, how many of your Level three beds have inhaled anaesthetic gas monitoring available?

Adult Level three Critical Care beds.240522.docx

Antiseptic skin preparation prior to invasive surgery. 150721.docx

1) Please confirm if Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust follows NICE guidance 125 (Surgical Site Infections: Prevention and Treatment) when carrying out antiseptic skin preparation?
a. If yes, please provide a copy of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust s most up-to-date surgical site infection prevention protocol.
2) How does Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust communicate the category difference between antiseptic products that are medicines vs biocides and their intended use?
a. Please share any communication materials.
3) Can you please specify which antiseptic skin preparation products are used in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust s operating theatres for the purposes of prevention of surgical site infections?
4) Does Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust obtain patient consent prior to surgical procedures?
a. If yes, please provide the written material that Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust uses to obtain consent.

Download response Antiseptic skin preparation prior to invasive surgery. 150721.docx

Cardiology digital systems.241219

1) Regarding echocardiograms:
a) Which digital system is used by healthcare professionals in your trust to request echocardiograms?
b) On what digital system(s) are echocardiogram images stored?
c) On what system are echocardiograms reported?
d) On what system(s) are the reports for echocardiograms available for review?

2) Regarding coronary angiograms:
a) Which digital system is used by healthcare professionals in your trust to request coronary angiograms?
b) On what digital system(s) are images from coronary angiograms stored?
c) On what system are coronary angiograms reported?
d) On what system(s) are the reports from coronary angiograms available for review?

3) Regarding cardiac pacemakers:
a) Which digital system is used by healthcare professionals in your trust to request pacemaker insertion?
b) On what system are pacemaker procedure reports written?
c) On what system(s) are pacemaker procedure reports available for review?
d) On what system(s) are cardiac pacemaker routine outpatient checks available for review?

4) Regarding cardiology patient documentation:
a) On what system(s) are outpatient letters available for review?
b) On what system(s) are discharge letters available for review?
c) Are copies of ECGs stored electronically? If so, on what system(s) are they available?

5) Regarding CT coronary angiograms:
a) Which digital system is used by healthcare professionals in your trust to request CT coronary angiograms?
b) On what digital system(s) are images from CT coronary angiograms stored?
c) On what system are CT coronary angiograms reported?
d) On what system(s) are the reports from CT coronary angiograms available for review?

6) What RIS system does your hospital use?
7) What PACS system does your hospital use?

Download response Cardiology digital systems.241219

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Elderly and Vulnerable Patients. 260820

I am making a formal written request for a complete copy of the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust policy regarding the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Elderly and Vulnerable Patients.

Download response Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Elderly and Vulnerable Patients. 260820

Clinically Artificial Nutrition and Hydration (CANH). 170120

• In your Trust is there any formal register kept of deaths occurring as a result of withdrawal of Clinically Artificial Nutrition and Hydration (CANH) that occur under the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and BMA/RCP/GMC Guidelines 2018?
• If such a register is kept can you advise if there is any independent internal or external audit made of such deaths and the degree to which there Is compliance with the BMA/RCP/GMC Guidelines, 2018 when such deaths occur?
• Where deaths due to withdrawal of CANH are recorded and an audit is made of these, can you give an indication of the number such deaths in 2018 and in 2019 and the percentage of cases where the BMA/RCP/GMC Guideline Checklist has been used and fully completed?

Download response Clinically Artificial Nutrition and Hydration (CANH). 170120

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) machine. 070921.docx

I’m seeking potential solutions for a customer to replace their existing Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) machine.

The machine must be capable of offering both CVVH (Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration) and CVVHDF (Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration).

Also, of equal importance is for the machine to use volumetric rather than gravimetric (weights and balances) technology to ensure accurate and safe fluid loss.
This system will not be used in a hospital environment, so it cannot use weights and balances for its accuracy.

Download response Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) machine. 070921.docx

Critical care. 200718

The hospitals under your trust?
Number and types of operating theatres.
Number of beds within the critical/intensive care unit(s).
Number of endoscopy treatment rooms/theatres.
If possible I would like to know the make, model and age of the following equipment if applicable:
1.0 Ultra clean ventilation systems
2.0 General Theatres
3.0 Ceiling mounted medical service pendants
4.0 Operating lights
5.0 Theatre control panels
6.0 AHU Units
7.0 Class 1,2 & 3 Cabinets

Download response Critical care. 200718

Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) notices. 101220

1. Please can you tell me how many Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) notices were issued by the Trust between 1st March 2020 and the present date (8th December 2020)? Please include the date each DNAR was issued.
2. Please can you also tell me how many DNARs were issued for the same period last year (i.e. 1st March 2019 – 8th December 2019).
3. Please can you also tell me how many complaints you have received related to a DNAR being issued at any point between 1st March 2019-8th December 2020 and please provide as much detail as possible about the nature of the complaint.

Download response Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) notices. 101220

EVAS for AAA repairs. 220920

Has your Trust ever used the Nellix Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) System in patients to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA)?

Download response EVAS for AAA repairs. 220920

ICU medicines. 231220

1) Confirm or deny whether disruption to supply of ICU medicines is included as a risk on the Trust’s risk register
2) Confirm or deny whether disruption to supply of noradrenaline is included as a risk on the Trust’s risk register
3) With regards to the above 2 questions:
a. When were the risks put on the register b. When are they to be reviewed c. What significance status have they been given. e.g. use of a RAG-rating system
4) Provide the number of safety incidents recorded at your Trust which relate to the preparation and /or the manipulation/mixing of medicines in critical care areas between 1 January 2019 and 1 September 2020
5) Provide the number of safety incidents recorded at your Trust which relate to administration, preparation, and/or the manipulation/mixing of noradrenaline at the bedside between 1 January 2019 and 1 September 2020. Provide details of the reported cases.
6) Confirm or deny if your Trust has taken action to adhere to the guidance published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, titled Safe and Secure Handling of Medicines (December 2018), specifically with regards to appendix C and, “as outlined in the core guidance, manipulation of medicines in clinical areas is minimised and medicines are presented as prefilled syringes or other ‘ready-to-administer’ preparations wherever possible…”
7) Confirm or deny if your Trust subscribes to and follows the guidance provided on IV administration of medication by the MEDUSA injectable medicines guide.
8) Supply evidence of the process the Trust has taken to address the principles outlined in the guidance above, specifically with regards to “the manipulation of medicines in clinical areas is minimised and medicines are presented as prefilled syringes or other ‘ready-to-administer’ preparations…”
9) Confirm or deny whether your Trust is stockpiling ready-to-use or ready-to-administer noradrenaline for the likely increased demand over the next 6 months (stockpiling is defined as retaining medicines with a shelf-life of at least 12 months)

Download response ICU medicines. 231220

Intra-operative cell salvage procedures.030522.docx

Q1: Which sites within the trust perform intra-operative cell salvage procedures?
Q2: Which sites within the trust perform post-operative cell salvage procedures?
Q3: What is the name, contact details and the job title of the lead for cell salvage within either the trust or at each site within the trust if no single person has such responsibility?
Q4: How many cell salvage procedures were performed in 2021?
Q5: Which cell salvage apparatus (make, model and quantities and location) are currently used in sites performing cell salvage within the trust?
Q6: Which surgical specialties perform cell salvage (e.g. cardiac, orthopaedics etc)?

Intra-operative cell salvage procedures.030522.docx

Laparoscopic instruments. 110219

Please could you forward the following information in regards to laparoscopic monopolar scissors, laparoscopic Maryland dissector and laparoscopic graspers?
• Your current supplier?
• Annual usage in the following years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018 year to date
• Annual spend in the following years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018 year to date
• Current contract details?
• Contract manager’s name and email address?

Download response Laparoscopic instruments. 110219


Delayed transfer of care

Delayed discharge. 160119

1) How many delayed discharges from inpatient wards were recorded by your trust during the following date ranges (please break down the data into the date ranges specified below):
a. 1st November 2017 to October 31st 2018
b. 1st November 2016 to October 31st 2017
c. 1st November 2015 to October 31st 2016
2) What was the total amount of time spent by delayed discharge patients in hospital wards managed by your trust between patients being ready for transfer and the patients being fully discharged from hospital during the following date ranges (please break down the data into the date ranges specified below. Please use whichever time measurement is used by default by your trust):
a. 1st November 2017 to October 31st 2018
b. 1st November 2016 to October 31st 2017
c. 1st November 2015 to October 31st 2016
3) What is the average cost per day to your trust of a patient staying in hospital to your trust, excluding costs specific to their medical condition (i.e. the basic cost of providing a bed, food and care but excluding condition specific drugs, care or medical procedures)
4) Does your trust currently have a plan in place to reduce the delayed discharge of patients in the future?

Download response Delayed discharge. 160119

Delayed discharges.070722.docx

1) the total number of patients in hospital on 30 November whose discharge was delayed because they were awaiting residential home placement or availability, awaiting nursing home placement or availability, or awaiting a care package in their own home.
2) For each of the last 12 months (starting with November 2020 and ending with November 2021), can you please provide the number of hospital patients whose discharge was delayed because they were awaiting residential home placement or availability, awaiting nursing home placement or availability, or awaiting a care package in their own home.

Delayed discharges.070722.docx

Delayed discharges. 081020

1. Please could you provide the number of patients whose discharge has been delayed by 28 days or more in the year to March 31 2020?
2. Please including the longest number of days for which an individual patient had to wait for a discharge?
3. Would you please state on April 1 2020 how many beds were occupied in your trust by patients who were classed as a DTOC?

Download response Delayed discharges. 081020

Delayed discharges.130922.docx

Please can I get data on all of the patients discharged in August 2022, broken down by the number of days by which their discharges were delayed.

Delayed discharges.130922.docx

Delayed discharges. 300519

Are you able to let me know the number of bed days lost because medically fit patients are waiting for placements in care homes? If you have this data for the most current reporting period that would be useful.

I’m not sure if the data includes the number of patients who are medically fit but need accommodation due to dementia. Would that data include the average length of delay for dementia patients or just all patients?

Download response Delayed discharges. 300519

Delayed transfer of care. 190320

1. The number of patients stuck in hospital due to delayed transfers of care, also known as bed blocking. Please tell me the reasons for their delayed transfer and be as specific as possible.
2. The length of time these patients were stuck in hospital.
3. The number of patients stuck in hospital due to delayed transfers of care (bed blocking) because they have hoarding disorder.
4. The length of time these patients were stuck in hospital.

I request the information for the following years:

Download response Delayed transfer of care. 190320

Delayed transfers of care. 041121.docx

1. For each month in 2021 for which data is held, please state the number of ‘delayed days’ in acute care that month due to delayed transfers of care
2. Please provide any breakdown the Trust holds of the question 1 data by reason for the delay (e.g. awaiting care package in own home, patient or family choice etc)
3. For each month in 2021 for which data is held, please state the number of ‘delayed days’ in non-acute care that month due to delayed transfers of care
4. Please provide any breakdown the Trust holds of the question 3 data by reason for the delay (e.g. awaiting care package in own home, patient or family choice etc)
5. For each month in 2021 for which data is held, please state the number of ‘DTOC beds’ in acute care that month
6. For each month in 2021 for which data is held, please state the number of ‘DTOC beds’ in non-acute care that month

Download response Delayed transfers of care. 041121.docx

Delayed transfers of care.150523.docx

Under the FOI Act please provide me with the information below.
Please confirm receipt of this request as soon as possible.

The number of inpatients who are currently medically fit to leave hospital in your area, but still reside there.

Please provide this as a series of data points for the last calendar year and the year to date, broken down by day. For each day, please break the data into further categories which detail the reason behind the delayed discharge.

Delayed transfers of care.150523.docx

DTOC and missed target fines. 280119

1) What is the name of?
a) Your trust
b) The hospitals run by your trust
2) What is the longest time (in days) one patient has remained in a bed at your trust due to delays in transfer of care (DTOC) from October 2016 to October 2018?
3) What was the age of the patient (from question 2) and the reason for delay?
4) How much money has your trust been fined or had withdrawn/withheld for not meeting the percentage target for A&E waiting time (4 hours) in the following financial years: (If possible please breakdown by quarters, if not just give the whole sum for that period)
a) 2017/2018
b) so far 2018
5) How much money has your trust been fined or had withdrawn/withheld for not meeting the percentage target for referral to treatment time of 18 weeks for patients in the following financial years: (If possible please breakdown by quarters, if not just give the whole sum for that period)
a) 2017/2018
b) so far 2018
6) How much money has your trust been fined or had withdrawn/withheld for not meeting the 15 minute target of handing over a patient from an ambulance to your hospital in the following financial years: (If possible please breakdown by quarters, if not just give the whole sum for that period)
a) 2017/2018
b) so far 2018

Download response DTOC and missed target fines. 280119

DTOC patients. 300819

1. Could the authority state how they use agencies and/or software to expedite the discharge of DTOC patients?
2. How much did they spend with agencies to arrange placements with care homes or home care for DTOC patients in each of the last three financial years?
3. Do they use Capacity Tracker or any other software of services to identify care homes or home care packages? Please state which software or services are used.

Download response DTOC patients. 300819

Length of stays. 101120

Length of Stay over more than 7 days) and super-stranded patients (those with a Length of Stay over more than 21 days.

1. How many stranded patients did each of your trust’s hospitals have during each month of the past calendar year, 2019?

Please provide the information by month if possible i.e. January 2019, 200 stranded patients. However if this is not possible please provide the figures on a weekly or daily basis, if that is how they are recorded locally.

2. How many super-stranded patients did each of your trust’s hospitals have during each month of the past calendar year, 2019?

3. Has your trust met its target of reducing super-stranded patients by 25% from 2017-18 figures? If not, please state by what proportion the figure has been reduced by so far.

4. What were the five longest Length of Stays recorded by patients in your trust during calendar year 2019?

5. What specific actions has your trust taken to reduce super-stranded patients in the past year?

Download response Length of stays. 101120


Emergency and Medical Services

24 hour waits at A&E.130524.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many patients in A&E waited 24 hours or more from time of arrival until admission in each of the following calendar years: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

2. Of these patients, how many were aged a) under 18 and b) over 65. Please can you break this information down again by the following calendar years: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

24 hour waits at A&E.130524.docx

4-hour A&E target.140324.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, a copy of any communication received by your Trust from NHS England in the last 6 months, which instructs or suggests that the trust focuses its energy on patients in emergency departments who do not need to be admitted to a ward, in order to improve the Trust’s performance against the 4-hour A&E target.

4-hour A&E target.140324.docx

Acanthamoeba Keratitis (AK).241218

How many cases of acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) have been diagnosed within your trust over the past five years?

Download response Acanthamoeba Keratitis (AK).241218

Accident and emergency departments.190822.docx

You asked:
1. How many patients were triaged at your accident and emergency (ED) departments between 1st January 2016 and 30th June 2022?
2. How many patients arrived by ambulance at your accident and emergency departments between 1st January 2016 and 30th June 2022?

Accident and emergency departments.190822.docx

Accident and Emergency Diagnosis Code. 091221.docx

1. (a) With regard to the following Accident and Emergency Diagnosis Code (and/or treatment Code; whichever is applicable): ‘8582’ what is the specific name of the respective coding database/data set and the corresponding version and the applicable date range when the Trust used this code?
(b) What is the corresponding full diagnosis descriptor and/or if relevant, treatment descriptor?
(c) Please provide the corresponding word descriptor for each of the numbers within the code “8582”.
2. (a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor: ‘Other Soft Tis Inj. Neck,’ what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
3. (a) With regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor: ‘Other Soft Tis Inj. Neck, Not applicable’ what is the specific name of the respective database/data set used in 2012 and the corresponding version and applicable date range in which the above diagnosis descriptor was used by the Trust?
(b) What is the corresponding Accident and Emergency diagnosis code relevant to the above diagnosis descriptor within the same database/dataset which was used within patient records by the Trust at the time?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data in 2012?
4(a) With regard to the Accident and Emergency Investigation descriptor: ‘X-ray or Blood tests’ what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when this Investigation descriptor was used by the Trust?
(b) What is the corresponding code relevant to the above Investigation descriptor within the same database/dataset?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
5(a) With regard to the Accident and Emergency Investigation descriptor: ‘X-ray plain film’ what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the above Investigation descriptor was used by the Trust?
(b) What is the corresponding code relevant to the above Investigation descriptor within the same database/dataset?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data;
6(a) with regard to the possible Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor: ‘Other Soft Tis Inj. Shoulder,’
If this is a historically identified diagnosis descriptor, please confirm whether the Trust has ever used this and if so, what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) If applicable, what is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) If applicable, what was the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data from April 2012 onwards?
7(a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor: ‘Acute limb injury*, leg,’ *ALI what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
8(a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor: ‘Whiplash’ what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
9(a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor: ‘Acute torticollis,’ what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
Additional questions:
2. Please confirm, so that I know I have understood the Trust’s response to question 14(a) correctly, that the software system which was in use by the Trust in December 2020, in respect of onsite storage, retrieval and printing of historical patient records was ‘eNotes’.
3. In respect of the Trust’s response to question 14(b), please clarify whether the ‘eNotes’ system which the Trust response refers to, accesses historical April 2012 patient letters, and whilst processing them, modifies elements of the original document data automatically, and if so, please specify which fields and how and why these fields are modified.
4. Please indicate if a patient’s original historical letter can be modified on ‘eNotes’ in real time by an individual Trust software user and then be printed off subsequently.
5. In respect of the ‘eNotes’ system that the Trust refers to, please specify the software company who supplies the Trust.
6. With regard to the Trust’s comments relating to software (see Appendix 5), although it is stated that the Trust migrated to Sunrise in July 2021, was this software ever utilised in conjunction with historical patient records, before July 2021?
7. What specific date range did the Trust use the Symphony system provided by EMIS?
8. What specific date range did the Trust use the Symphony system provided by Footman-Walker?
9. Would patient records have been processed by Symphony EMIS or Symphony Footman-Walker at the time in April 2012?
10. Although the A & E response explains that further diagnoses were hand written in the CAS card and scanned in following attendance, it is not clear from the response whether the further diagnoses which were hand written in the CAS card were the same as those original further diagnoses which would have been included in real time (April 2012) within the A & E record ‘Diagnosis Comments’ field’ (which I referred to in my FOI question (b), copied above).
Please provide precise and direct clarification on this point
i.e. was the further diagnoses data entered into both the A & E ‘Diagnosis Comments’ field in real time in April 2012, as well as being hand written subsequently in the CAS card?

Download response Accident and Emergency Diagnosis Code. 091221.docx

Accident and Emergency Diagnosis Coding and Descriptions. 131021.docx

1. (a)With regard to the following Accident and Emergency Diagnosis Code (and/or treatment Code; whichever is applicable): ‘8582’ what is the specific name of the respective coding database/data set and the corresponding version and the applicable date range when the Trust used this code?
(b) What is the corresponding full diagnosis descriptor and/or if relevant, treatment descriptor?
(c) Please provide the corresponding word descriptor for each of the numbers within the code “8582”.
2. (a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor:
‘Other Soft Tis Inj. Neck,’
what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
3. (a) With regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor:
‘Other Soft Tis Inj. Neck, Not applicable’
what is the specific name of the respective database/data set used in 2012 and the corresponding version and applicable date range in which the above diagnosis descriptor was used by the Trust?
(b) What is the corresponding Accident and Emergency diagnosis code relevant to the above diagnosis descriptor within the same database/dataset which was used within patient records by the Trust at the time?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data in 2012?
4(a) With regard to the Accident and Emergency Investigation descriptor:
‘X-ray or Blood tests’
what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when this Investigation descriptor was used by the Trust?
(b) What is the corresponding code relevant to the above Investigation descriptor within the same database/dataset?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
5(a) With regard to the Accident and Emergency Investigation descriptor:
‘X-ray plain film’
what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the above Investigation descriptor was used by the Trust?
(b) What is the corresponding code relevant to the above Investigation descriptor within the same database/dataset?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data;
6(a) with regard to the possible Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor:
‘Other Soft Tis Inj. Shoulder,’
If this is a historically identified diagnosis descriptor, please confirm whether the Trust has ever used this and if so, what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) If applicable, what is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) If applicable, what was the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data from April 2012 onwards?
7(a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor:
‘Acute limb injury*, leg,’ *ALI what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
8(a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor:
‘Whiplash’ what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
9(a) with regard to the Accident and Emergency diagnosis descriptor:
‘Acute torticollis,’
what is the specific name of the database/data set and the corresponding version and applicable date range when the Trust used this diagnosis descriptor?
(b) What is the corresponding code used within the Trust’s patient records?
(c) What is the corresponding code used within Trust information reported to the Secondary Use Service (SUS) and the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data?
10.(a) What is the corresponding descriptor for Code 19153 (which may be a LOCAL SUB-SPECIALTY CODE within CDS Trust use only?
11. Who, within the Trust, is responsible for the following?
(a) updating accident and emergency data bases
(b) managing and accessing archived data bases/sets
12. (a) who has authorised access to* historical individual patient records stored on the Trust’s onsite systems?
*including the facility to amend historical patient personal data
13. Who within the Trust is currently responsible for:
(a) investigating alleged breaches of the data legislation?
(b) rectifying inaccurate and incomplete personal data?
14. (a) What software system was in use by the Trust in December 2020, in respect of onsite storage, retrieval and printing of historical patient records?
(b) In what data format are historical patient records, which are held onsite, accessed, processed and printed off?
15. (a) Were all Accident & Emergency recorded patient diagnoses reported as diagnostic codes to the Secondary Use Service (and when applicable, the Hospital Episode Statistics) from April 2012 onwards?
(b) Within the Trust’s Accident and Emergency computer system used in April 2012, was there only the facility to record the ‘Primary Diagnosis’ and ‘Diagnosis Comments’, and no facility within the software to record specific secondary and third diagnoses when inputting the data in real time, other than within the ‘Diagnosis Comments’ field?
16. How many historical patient letters*, when copied and sent to patients under a Subject Access Request (SAR) or FOI Request, have been reported to the Trust as containing a different or missing diagnosis descriptor, and/or a different investigation descriptor, to that contained within the corresponding original letter?
*(which were originally written pre-2017 data changes).

Download response Accident and Emergency Diagnosis Coding and Descriptions. 131021.docx

Accident and emergency (ED) departments.300822.docx

1. How many patients were triaged at your accident and emergency (ED) departments between 1st January 2016 and 30th June 2022? Could you please provide a year-on-year breakdown?
2. How many patients arrived by ambulance at your accident and emergency departments between 1st January 2016 and 30th June 2022? Again, could I have a year-on-year breakdown.

Accident and emergency (ED) departments.300822.docx

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).100124.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I am currently researching the cost of care for conditions relating to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) conditions for patients in a level-3 neuro-rehab facility who are occupying an in-patient bed. I am looking to obtain and explains the care type and funding condition for which I want to gather the information. The funding conditions are as follows:
Spot Purchase Price – In Area – This is classified as the prevailing (latest 2023) daily fee charged by you to the ICS for providing care to an individual who is from your ICS region and is occupying a bed under an immediate requirement and is not contracted for and is made ‘on the spot’.
Spot Purchase Price – Out of Area – This is classified as the prevailing (latest 2023) daily fee charged by you to the ICS for providing care to an individual who is an out-of-area patient from another ICS and is occupying a bed in your trust but is paid for by their home ICS, under an immediate requirement and is not contracted for and is made ‘on the spot’.
Block contract – This is classified as the average amount spent per individual under a contract that you agree upon as a trust with your home ICS to provide care for an individual needing an inpatient bed for an acquired brain injury treatment in a level-3 neuro-rehab facility.
If the data is unavailable in the format requested, please provide the information in the following format.
Overall Average (in £) – The overall average cost of a patient that occupies a bed in a level-3 neuro-rehab facility.

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).100124.docx

Acute Medical Unit, A&E waits and cancelled elective operations.250624.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Please state what percentage of your total discharges from the Acute Medical Unit are discharged home/to usual place of residence without support
2. For those patients, what was the average length of stay in the Acute Medical Unit?
3. Please state what percentage of all admitted patients from A&E waited more than 12 hours from decision to admit to actual admission (12hr+ trolley waits)
4. Please state what percentage of cancelled elective operations for non-clinical reasons were due to:
a. unavailable ward beds: b. unavailable surgeon
c. unavailable anaesthetist: d. unavailable theatre staff

Acute Medical Unit, A&E waits and cancelled elective operations.250624.docx

ADHD and ASD diagnosis.260224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1) Does your trust deal with any of the following: (A yes/no is sufficient)
a) Adult ADHD diagnosis
b) Child and/or Adolescent ADHD diagnosis
c) Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
d) Child and/or Adolescent Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
If Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust does deal with any of these diagnosis pathways, for all that apply, please provide:
i) average wait-time from referral to first appointment
ii) average wait-time from referral to decision on diagnosis/discharge from diagnostic service
iii) Number of individuals on the wait list as of 31 December 2023 (or nearest available date)
iv) average wait-time from first appointment to decision on diagnosis/discharge from diagnostic service

ADHD and ASD diagnosis.260224.docx

ADHD assessments.260224.docx

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How many people are currently on your waiting list for ADHD assessments?
Please break this down between children and adults.
2. How many assessments have you carried out every calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
If possible, please break this down between children and adults.
3. How many ADHD referrals did you receive each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
Please break this down between children and adults.
4. How many ADHD referrals did you accept each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
Please break this down between children and adults.
5. What is the (mean) average time patients wait between referral and an assessment for ADHD for each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
If possible, please break this down between children and adults.

ADHD assessments.260224.docx

Admissions via A&E.

1. How many patients visiting A&E each week who required admission were admitted within four hours? Please also provide the total number of patients attending A&E, for context.

2. What percentage of patients who required admission were admitted within four hours?

3. What was the average (mean) length of time between arrival and admission for patients who required admission each week?

4. How many patients who required admission were in A&E for more than 12 hours? Please note, I would like the number of patients who were in the department for more than 12 hours from the time they arrived, not those who waited more than 12 hours from decision to admit to admission.

Download response Admissions via A&E.

Admissions via A&E. 180221

1. How many patients visiting A&E each week who required admission were admitted within four hours? Please also provide the total number of patients attending A&E, for context.

2. What percentage of patients who required admission were admitted within four hours?
3. What was the average (mean) length of time between arrival and admission for patients who required admission each week?

4. How many patients who required admission were in A&E for more than 12 hours? Please note, I would like the number of patients who were in the department for more than 12 hours from the time they arrived, not those who waited more than 12 hours from decision to admit to admission.

5. Each week, what was the longest amount of time a patient spent in A&E between arrival and admission? I would like to know their age and sex.

6. I would appreciate it if you could provide the same information for the financial year 2017/18, 2019/20 and so on, back as far as records allow.

Download response Admissions via A&E. 180221