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Pathology is the study of disease. It is the bridge between science and medicine. It underpins every aspect of patient care, from diagnostic testing and treatment advice to using cutting-edge genetic technologies and preventing disease- around 75% of clinical pathways rely on patients having access to efficient, timely and cost-effective pathology. The MTW Pathology department comprises of Biochemistry, Blood Transfusion, Haematology, Cellular Pathology, Microbiology and Point of Care Testing.

MTW Pathology teams process over 12 million tests every year within the modern laboratories on two acute hospital sites

Please see relevant discipline below for scope of UKAS accredited repertoire.

Andrology services are provided by Cellular Pathology department of the East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust (EKHUFT).

Do you know what happens to your sample?

Visit to watch short videos about a urine sample, a tissue biopsy and a blood test.

Pathology user survey results

We are committed to a continuous quality improvement programme and carry out an annual survey to understand the needs of our users, the results of which you can find below.

Pathology User Survey Report 2024

Antenatal User Survey Report 2023