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Our laboratory test catalogue provides a list of tests, specimens container, sample storage and turnaround times.

Test catalogue (tests and bottle types)

If you require a test that is not listed, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Pathology test catalogue – to search this document, open it,  hold down the control key and press the “F” (find) key. A dropdown box will appear in the top right corner.

Haematology minimum retesting intervals

Histology repertoire and turnaround times

Order of draw (order of taking blood samples)

  • Order of draw of blood samples. Please fill each tube to the fill line.

Requests and specimen labelling requirements

Do not attach pre-printed labels over the clear section of the container, or over the expiry date of the container.

For other sample collection techniques and guidelines, see the relevant department.

Out of hours tests available

Select tests are available out of hours (8pm-9am).

Referral laboratories

Tests sent to referral centres are often very expensive and may require special transport arrangements. Request forms should have full clinical details to justify the test. The return of results from samples sent elsewhere may vary from one week to several months, depending on the test.

Collection of specimens

When requesting a Pathology test, please ensure consideration of the following has occurred:

  • The need for the test request has been established and is in the patient’s best interest and that the patient has given consent in line with Trust policy for this to occur.
  • Please ensure that the Pathology service is able to undertake the test (if in doubt please refer to Pathology test catalogue).
  • Ensure that the patient is aware of any specific requirements that they may need to take for the test e.g. fasting (if in doubt please refer to Pathology test catalogue).
  • Order the test and if sample collection is not occurring immediately ensure that method of collections is organised and the patient is aware of any actions they may need to take e.g. booking a phlebotomy appointment.

When collecting a specimen, please ensure that the following steps are adhered to:

  • Ensure that the patient’s identify it confirmed and matches the request form (electronic or paper).
  • Confirm with the patient that they meets any applicable specific requirements for the test e.g. fasting (if in doubt please refer to Pathology test catalogue).
  • Ensure only trained or those under appropriate supervision collect the specimen from the patient.
  • Ensure appropriate quantity of specimen is obtained and placed in the appropriate container (if in doubt, please refer to Pathology test catalogue).
  • Ensure all consumables used are within expiry date.
  • Ensure containers are labelled in line with Pathology specimen acceptance criteria following the collection.
  • Ensure that all sharps are disposed of in line with Health and Safety processes.
  • Ensure the specimen is placed in the agreed method for transportation to Pathology; whilst these are awaiting transport, these must not be placed where patient confidentiality may be compromised, in direct sunlight or near heaters to ensure specimen integrity.


Please note: Certain tests have specific transport requirements e.g. on ice/ within 10 minutes of collection to remain suitable for analysis by the laboratory and this must be considered before taking specimen so that this criteria can be met (if in doubt please refer to Pathology test catalogue).