Recite me link

For people who need to stay in hospital after the birth of their baby, we have 26 en suite bedrooms. Six of these rooms are allocated to our Transitional Care ward, dedicated to caring for babies born between 34 and 37 weeks, or those born small for gestational age, requiring more input. This ward allows parents and babies to stay together whilst the babies receive more specialist care by Transitional Care Midwives and Nursery Nurses, for more information please read our Transitional Care leaflet. You can find more information on our Neonatal Unit here. The length of your stay is dependent on your and your baby’s wellbeing and is determined by yourself, your midwife and doctors collectively. If you are both fit and well, the best place for you is in your home environment.

During your hospital stay, you will receive visits from several health professionals in preparation for discharge. You will have your observations taken – this could be as frequently as every 4 hours depending on your clinical situation. A midwife will discuss your physical health with you daily and, depending on your individual circumstances, you may need to be seen by an Obstetric Doctor before you get the all clear to go home. In order to keep your baby safe, we ask that you do not walk out of your room with your baby in your arms. If you wish to go off the ward with your baby, you are welcome to do so provided you carry your baby in a car seat, pram or Kanga Wrap. We supply Kanga wraps for you to use during your stay. If you enjoy using the wrap, you may purchase one. For more information please read our Baby Security on the Maternity Unit leaflet.

The discharge process will commence soon after your baby’s birth. You will be offered a top-to-toe medical examination on your baby (NIPE) and a hearing screening test. If you go home before these are completed, they can be organised in the community or as an outpatient. Upon discharge your midwife will have sent your clinical summary to your G.P and to your community team. You will go home with your postnatal notes, red book and discharge information as well as any medication that you may require.

Please read our Early days leaflet

Once discharged from hospital, you will be under the care of your Community Midwife at home but have access to Emergency care via Maternity Triage.

Please visit our Care at home page.

Partners staying at night

You may have a partner or a companion (one person only) with you overnight to assist with care of your new baby. We have very limited resources for this so please ask your partner to bring a single blow-up/camp bed and their own bedding. Please respect the privacy and dignity of both staff and other families. Please ensure you are appropriately dressed on the ward and wear footwear when in the corridor. We provide meals for patients only.

Information for visitors

Click here for the latest visiting policy during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Taking baby home

When it is time to go home we advise that baby is carried in a car seat. It is recommended that you practice fitting your car seat system in your car before the birth to familiarise yourself with how it works. More information on car seat safety can be found using the links below.

Child car seats and safety