The Pre-Operative joint replacement school is an outpatient therapy service designed for patients due to be admitted for elective hip or knee replacements.
During the joint school there are presentations from both physiotherapy and occupational therapy. These classes are designed to advise and educate you on how your surgery may impact on your daily life and mobilisation. The presentations include a demonstration of recommended exercises to aid your recovery and discussions on how to arrange your home to facilitate your independence on discharge.
Furniture heights
For patients attending the hip class, you will be sent some paperwork with your appointment letter which should include a furniture heights form. It is very important that you complete this form and bring it with you to the hip replacement class. The importance of suitable height furniture for patients undergoing hip surgery will be explained during the class.
How to refer
Referrals can be made for the above outpatient occupational therapy services via your orthopaedic consultant. You will be booked into the joint school by planned care and will need to attend in order for your surgery to go ahead.